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Chapter 839 The golden cicada escapes from its shell

It’s true that it’s hard to have a complete egg in a nest full of people.

If we look at the overall situation, even the collapse of the postal market was just one of the many chain reactions caused by the social situation in 1985.

The second step that followed was the bursting of the private economic bubble in Changchun.

In July 1985, almost overnight, Clivia, which had been rising for three consecutive years, fell from the altar.

In just one month, Clivia has gone from being a treasure that every household wants to have on their head, to something that is not even as good as a cabbage bag in a street trash can, and the market has plunged into freezing temperatures.

This vivid modern economics education lesson was more influential than the postal market crash, allowing people across the country to understand what an economic bubble is.

Afterwards, some people always said that Clivia's market was extinguished by public opinion.

It comes down to the fact that in June 1985, "Jilin Daily" published critical articles on the front page one after another, and Clivia, who was at the top, was guillotined.

But this statement makes no sense.

Because in fact, Changchun newspapers have been speaking out and reminding people of articles like this that point directly at people’s motivations for buying Clivia and the various issues arising from the Clivia trade.

There have always been dissatisfaction among the people.

The government has also introduced many relevant measures.

But it has never been effective.

Instead, Clivia became more and more popular and became unstoppable.

Why did it suddenly take effect at this point in time?

It doesn't make sense at all logically.

Therefore, the analysis of this problem can only go back to the essence and source.

First of all, we must recognize that this typical bubble is a huge gamble in which a few people get rich and the majority suffer losses.

It is unsustainable, both economically and socially.

In addition, we have to admit that the only thing that can determine the life cycle of this bubble is capital and confidence.

And although these two points are sometimes two different things, more often they are the same thing.

For example, Changchun is the latter. Funds represent confidence. Once the capital chain is broken, everything will be over.

When it comes to the Clivia bubble in Changchun, the only thing that might be unfair is that it fell sharply after taking a stamp.

Because perhaps if there had not been a collapse of the national postal market, Changchun might have been able to hold on for a few more days.

But once the postal market collapsed, those speculators involved in both markets would definitely have to withdraw funds from Changchun.

Coupled with the increasing intensity of "cracking down on bad guys", the general trend has left no way for those who speculate in Clivia to survive. The continuous blood loss will become an accelerated state. Is it still possible?

To put it bluntly, the consequences of the collapse of the Clivia bubble are definitely far more tragic than the collapse of the postal market.

Because this is determined by objective factors.

Don’t forget, Clivia has been hyped for too long and is concentrated in one market.

If people across the country want to participate, they have to bring money and people.

During the madness, people in the whole city went crazy, and there was probably not a single family in the local area who was not involved.

Almost no one was spared from this collapse, and every household was affected. So can the overall operation of the city not be affected?

The postal markets were scattered throughout the country, so they only lasted for a year and a half.

Even if it collapses and disperses, most people will not participate, but it will not affect the overall situation...

Think about it, can these two be the same compared to each other?

It is really tragic for the people who have suffered heavy losses because of Clivia.

At this moment, the city looks lonely. Wherever you go you can hear people crying and noisy. There is no quiet place at all.

To make matters worse, security conditions also deteriorated rapidly.

I can't think about it myself, so I won't talk about it if I find fault with him. At least he won't harm others.

The most terrifying thing is the evil people who have lost money. In this case, they become even more bloodthirsty and crazy.

How crazy is it?

Crazy enough to take advantage of others and challenge the most powerful local snake.

It is an independent building with high walls and barbed wire. It looks like a Japanese blockhouse, the Song family that no one in Changchun can afford to offend.

There are five brothers in this family, known as the Song Family Five Tigers. They are bullies that everyone in the local area fears, and they also monopolize half of the local counterfeit wine business.

But on July 20, it was still noon, and Song Laosan was kidnapped with a knife as soon as he went out.

"Brother, what is this?" Song Laosan has always had a bad temper, but he had to restrain himself at this time.

Because the voice behind him was not only extremely cold, "Don't move, you are just looking for death."

The arms are also very thick, and it feels like they are not something he can handle.

In addition, there was one on the neck and one on the back. The blades of the two knives had already damaged the skin.

Who can not be embarrassed?

"Open the door with your hand, don't move too much, and enter the hospital slowly..."

Song Laosan didn't dare to take risks. After he went in honestly, he didn't expect that the man behind him didn't cover himself up. As soon as the door was kicked shut, he called out all the family members.

"Second brother, fourth brother, come out quickly. There is trouble at my door."

On this day, there were indeed only two of the five tigers of the Song family at home, one was the second child and the other was the fourth child.

Soon they all came out of the house with knives in hand.

What they saw was that Song Laosan was naked and being held hostage.

Song Laosi had a bad temper, "Where did you come from, grandson? Let go of my brother, or I will chop you to death."

The hostage-taker replied, "Don't worry, it's useless. You can release him. There is a price. Fifty thousand yuan is not expensive to buy his life, right? Take it out for me. Now."

Song Laosi was about to be impulsive, but was caught by Song Laoer, "For this price, you have too much appetite. Besides, you are alone, right? It would be childish to restrain our brothers today. Even if we agree

You, what about tomorrow? What about the day after tomorrow? Can you bear it? "

"If I dare to touch you, I will think of other things. I am not afraid to tell you that I have no choice, so you have no choice." As he spoke, the kidnapper began to strike, thrusting the tip of the knife directly in and pulling it out violently.

Blood spurted out all at once.

"Fuck!" Song Laosan groaned.

Song Lao Er and Song Lao Si shouted together, "Don't pierce, don't pierce, we will give it."

"Hurry, take it." The kidnapper waved his knife.

Unexpectedly, the Song brothers didn't move, "Then...what...the family has no money."

This time the kidnappers cursed "Fuck", thinking that they would not die without seeing the Yellow River, so they stabbed them decisively again.

"Brother, spare your life! Spare your life! I didn't lie to you!"

With half of his body dyed red, Song Laosan couldn't bear it anymore and his voice changed.

“Do you want watches or gold goods? Do you still have some at home?”…

Then he urged his brothers, "Second brother, fourth brother, get it quickly. I'll give you as much cash as you have..."

"Mom, what's going on? I've asked about it. Your Song family earns several thousand a day from selling fake wine, and you only save money once every half a month. Even if Clivia loses money, it won't stop you from selling wine.

Ah, don’t you have this little money?”

"Brother, it's really unlucky that you're here. My eldest brother, fifth brother, and my sister-in-law just took the family money out to exchange for foreign exchange..." Song Laoer was explaining, but unexpectedly he went to the house to collect things.

Song Laosi had already ran out cursing.

"Second brother, second brother, all the valuables in the eldest brother's house are gone, not even a damn gold ring..."

Song Lao Er and Song Lao San were both shocked.

One said, "It's impossible. Didn't the eldest brother just get married?"

Another shouted, "Fourth, do you have eyes? Look carefully!"

The fourth child was extremely sad and angry, "Why didn't I look for it properly? I almost dismantled the bed."

However, there was someone even more sad and angry than him.

"Damn it! You guys are playing tricks on me! You are acting!"

"Pfft", another knife!

Blood is flying...

But to be honest, the Song brothers were really wronged because they did not tell lies.

But it’s really hard to say who is more unlucky than who.

Because at the same time, in a private room of a large restaurant, a good show called "The Golden Cicada Escapes" was being staged.

The people at the same table, whether it was Song Lao Da, Song Lao Wu or the two people who came to exchange currency with them, all slumped on their chairs and fell asleep with their mouths open.

The only sober person in the private room was Mr. Song's new wife who had just been married for two months, a beautiful woman named Lin Jinhua who claimed to be from the capital.

Methodically and without any panic, she poured more than 50,000 U.S. dollars and her own leather bag containing gold items and watches into the large travel bag containing 200,000 dollars, then zipped it up and took it away.

When I went out, I didn't forget to say hello to the manager of the restaurant, "I'm going to do something for you, Brother Song. They are discussing business. Don't let anyone come over and disturb you..."

Then he went out and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

More than half an hour later, Lin Jinhua got on the train bound for QQHE with the train ticket she had bought earlier.

When she was laughing and cracking melon seeds with her fellow travelers, she had already changed her name to Lin Dan.

Let me talk to everyone about how much blood I have lost because of the decline of Clivia.

She just said nonchalantly that her upbringing was strict and her parents were cadres who never allowed opportunism.

And for this he has won much admiration and envy.

No one knew that her real name was Lin Xiaofen. She grew up in a poor area of ​​the capital. Her father was a solderer and her mother was an illiterate housewife.

This time Clivia fell, not only did she lose the hundreds of thousands she brought to Changchun, but the Song brothers also suffered heavy losses.

And what she called a business trip was already the second time he had resorted to his old trick of having a "roll bag party".

But for her, there is indeed no risk in speculation, and life is just a game at best.

What's the saying?

Yes, if women become ruthless, men will be gone.

As long as she has no conscience, she will have money in her hands, she can play any decent role at will, and she will always live a good life.

The only trouble is that she already has Boss Song's child in her belly for almost two months.

After the journey is over, she must find a way to get rid of it as soon as possible.


This chapter has been completed!
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