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Chapter 840 Strong Winds and Waves

The wind always blows harder and harder.

By the time the effect of "cracking down on bad guys" really reaches the third ring, it will no longer be that the speculative markets of several cities have collapsed, or that one city's dream has been shattered.

On July 31, 1985, domestic newspapers published a telegram from the National News Agency targeting the car chaos.

The "car craze" that occurred on the southernmost island in our country was also pierced by sharp needles, and the island fell into a terrifying nightmare.

When the news came that the superiors had ordered the company to put the brakes on the situation, those with stakes were frightened, fearing that their business would be ruined and all their capital would be lost.

Cars rushing to leave the island were crowded on the pier, forming a mad dash.

Haikou Terminal has entered a state of continuous operation around the clock. All cargo ships that can carry cars have become hot commodities.

Either on the way to transport the car, or on the way to the ship.

In order to compete for these limited resources, everyone worked hard. Not only did they have to ask people to find connections, but they also had to spend money.

Even to get your car into the pier, you have to pay an entrance fee.

When you enter the parking lot, you have to pay tribute to the person guarding the car.

The most critical thing is the dock dispatching. If you want to get the car onto the ship, this is the most critical step, but at this level you cannot transport the car away.

There is a place in the dock that has even been turned into a lively market dedicated to gift giving and special business.

Various stalls, cigarettes, fine wines, Hong Kong fashion, electric shavers, radio and video recorders...you can choose from them.

No matter who it belongs to, an invoice can be issued under a public name for the buyer to return for reimbursement, most of which are car maintenance fees, or engine oil, water tanks, tool bags, etc.

People who want to transport cars fill their cars with cigarettes presented to the dock workers. The dock workers then drive the cars to the vendors, unload the cigarettes, and start selling them again and again.

But even so, there are some people who give gifts for free and become the unlucky ones who get nothing in return.

For example, a few people from Changde spent almost all the money they brought with them on buying cars.

They talked it over with the person in charge of the terminal and tried their best to send four "three-five"s. They agreed that the first ship would take their four cars the next afternoon.

But the next day they happily rushed to the dock but could not get on the boat because two people from the capital robbed their boat with ten cartons of cigarettes and a thousand dollars thrown at them.

People from Changde ignored me again because the person in charge of dispatching today was no longer the person in charge yesterday.

What else can they do?

There is nothing I can do to give gifts anymore, I can only squat on the ground with a face full of sorrow, looking at the boat carrying other people's cars away in confusion, and shed tears miserably...

But are they the most unlucky ones?

No! Those two people from the capital who were lucky enough to take the car and board the ship first did not fare well either.

Because just when they were about to see a large piece of land across the strait, bad news came from the ship's radio.

The informant at the original destination told them through the radio that a ship from the "Combat Office" was out to sea to "hunt".

And at least ten boats were specially designed to catch the boats transporting cars, asking them to turn around as quickly as possible and sail to other places to escape.

As a result, just when we were talking about the most important issue, the radio broke down and lost contact with the mainland...

No matter how hard the boat boss beat me, the radio was still out.

In this case, the boat owner doesn't know which direction is safer, so he can only make a choice by luck.

Subsequent facts proved that they were unlucky and not affected by God in the slightest.

Because almost at the same time that they saw the outline of the land in the distance, two chasing ships appeared in the distance, one behind the other.

"What should we do now?" The two people from Beijing who were escorting the vehicle panicked.

There are five Crowns lined up on the deck.

"What should we do? We can only push the car into the sea!" the boat boss said with sweat on his head, "If you don't want to go to jail..."

"No, no, this is nearly one million..." A man from the capital, who was willing to sacrifice his life rather than his wealth, immediately objected.

"But once you are caught, even ten million won't be able to save you!"

Another person from the capital was able to carry it out clearly, and supported the boat boss with a sullen face. "I agree. Lift it!"

Just because of these words, two people from the capital stood beside the Crown Car and started arguing excitedly, but for a long time they still couldn't reach a consensus.

The boat boss, who had been watching the wind direction, saw the shadows of the boats getting closer and closer. He was really anxious and couldn't help but urge.

"Have you discussed it yet? It's too late if you don't take action!"

The sky was starting to get dark, and the lights of the ships in the distance were on.



The two people from the capital have not yet agreed on their opinions and are still arguing.

The boss of the ship had already made a decision and gave orders to the crew.

"Hurry up! If that guy wants to stop him, tie him up! We can't bury him with him!"

After saying that, he took the lead and picked up the vise, and like crazy, he pointed it at the wire that fixed the tire, "kacha, kacha".

Another crew member swung a cold hammer and smashed open the wooden wedge stuck under the tire.

The "Crown" came loose. Under the command of the ship's boss, the crew put up two wooden boards between the deck and the side of the ship. Then they shouted the slogan in unison and worked hard together.

Finally, a "Crown Car" was pushed into the rough sea.

When it fell into the water, there was a "plop" sound and the car hit a huge ball of spray.

The two people from the capital also let out miserable screams.

But the most surprising thing was that he watched the car sink before his eyes.

But when the second car, the "Crown Car", was pushed off the ship, a miracle happened.

The first car actually surfaced again...

Everyone was stunned and stared motionless at the luxury car floating on the sea like a ship.

"Why are you so stupid! Keep lifting! It will sink in a while..."

The boss of the ship was the first to recover and shouted again.

In this way, the crew found their backbone again, and "poof", the third "car" fell into the sea...

However, what happened next did not go as predicted by the boss of the ship. The five luxurious "Crown Cars" were like five small boats, forming a group, following the ups and downs of the waves like a game, spinning around on the sea.

Even the boss of the ship didn't know what to do now. He had never experienced such a situation or seen such a scene.

To say that he was still a quick-witted person from the capital city, he was the one who supported the boat boss to lift the car. He suddenly realized and shouted at the top of his lungs...

"This is a Crown. The car is well sealed. Naturally, it won't sink for a while. We should have lowered the windows just now!"

This sentence immediately pointed out the direction to the boat boss. He asked his men to put down the sampan, picked up an ax himself, rowed the sampan to the floating car, rounded his arms and started smashing it.

Sure enough, once the windshield was smashed, seawater quickly poured into the cabin.

Just hearing a "gurgling" sound, just like the cry of life before death, the car finally disappeared from the sea...

As car owners, the two Beijing residents were silent at this time. They kept watching the scene of the car sinking.

With a sad face, it was like attending the funeral of a loved one.

However, the ship boss finally breathed a sigh of relief, walked up to the back of the Beijing man who supported him, and patted him.

"Brother, you still have a bright mind, otherwise today would be really dangerous. If you are caught, you will be in jail for at least ten years. How lucky you are."

People in the capital didn't know whether to cry or laugh, "We're lucky? Our car is gone."

Of course the boss of the ship could understand the pain in his heart and comforted him, "Don't be so sad, that's how business is. Risks are high, so Lilan is high. If you lose money today, you can make it back tomorrow. Brother, I think you are such a person."

If you are decisive in doing things, you will definitely be prosperous. Well, in order to thank you, I will return the money for this trip to you ashore, and I will introduce additional channels to you. If you can't buy a car, you can buy some color TVs to take back.

.One thousand two hundred yuan per unit, not expensive..."

"Thank you then." The people in the capital looked a little relieved. "Brother, what do you call me?"

"My people all call me Brother Ji. You can just call me Aji. What do you call me?"

"Jiang Hao." The man from Beijing said and handed over a cigarette.

The boss of the boat didn't light it, he just clamped it on his ear, "No wonder, your name has water in it. Anyone with water is a hero and stays calm in times of crisis."

He looked at him with disdain, and he didn't know if he was crying or vomiting on the other side of the deck. He had nothing good to say.

"But this friend of yours is not suitable for business. He can't handle anything. How can this be done?"

Jiang Hao looked back and smiled indifferently, "I can't help it, relative. Before coming here, he didn't go through much trouble! Now, his soul has been baptized!"

The captain of the ship stopped saying anything and looked at the sky. "It's going to be a strong wind. You'd better get into the cabin. The people who are fighting against smuggling will come over soon and we will deal with it. Just don't say anything."

Jiang Hao nodded and walked to Nian Jing's side to persuade him.

"Don't be like this, as the ancients said, you will come back after you have lost a lot of money. At worst, it will be over if you earn it back. People like us will not lack ways to make money. What's more, there is my sister to help. You may not lose if you bet.

We'll be able to make a comeback soon. Well? You'd better get up quickly and come in with me..."

Nian Jing finally burst into tears at this time, wailing into the sea.

"Five cars, just gone, are like five lives! Yes, with Jiang Hui, it is easy to borrow money, but the problem is, the more you borrow, the more you borrow, and it is difficult to pay it back."

As the waves became more and more ups and downs, Jiang Hao sighed, "Making money has never been easy, especially making big money. If you still want to make money, you have to be able to bear it. The big winds and waves are still to come!"


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