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Chapter 85 The first person

On October 7, 1980, a news article of less than a hundred words, "The city's first self-employed Yuebin Restaurant opens today," appeared on the front page of the Beijing Evening News.

The reporter described this small restaurant located in "Cuihua Hutong" with only 25 square meters of space, four round tables, and sixteen benches.

On the first day of business on September 30, customers waiting outside lined up at the entrance of the alley, and it was a lively scene receiving no less than 200 customers a day.

The next day, the Beijing Evening News published another news feature on the front page - "Try it and see" filled the room with laughter.

The reporter described the operation of Yuebin Restaurant in more detail based on his real experience.

The evening paper also published the comment "Try it and see, it's good!".

These two consecutive reports immediately caused a huge sensation in the capital.

The news of the opening of Beijing's first private restaurant is like throwing a huge stone into a pool of stagnant water, which has attracted continuous attention from Chinese and foreign reporters and the people of Beijing.

Foreigners even defined this incident as a landmark event in the reform.

This not only made Yuebin Restaurant famous, but also attracted customers from all over the world.

Many people have been inspired and touched since then, and continue to join the ranks of setting up private restaurants.

According to data from the Beijing Industrial and Commercial Department, tens of thousands of restaurants sprung up in Beijing from 1980 to 1983.

Guo Peiji and Liu Guixian, the owners of Yuebin Restaurant, not only completely solved the problem of their two sons being unable to find jobs when they returned to the city.

Fortunately, he became a model reformer who was reported by seventy-seven foreign media and was received by the mayor.

And he became one of the few people in Beijing who became rich first.

So how popular was the business of this restaurant at that time?

Many years later, the elderly restaurant owner Liu Guixian recalled this when he appeared on a TV show.

She said that she witnessed with her own eyes on the first day how the book that cost 36 yuan for four ducks turned into more than 80 yuan.

The net profit was more than 40 yuan, which almost kept her awake all night.

The next day, she went and bought seven more ducks.

Since then, the number of daily purchases has only increased a lot.

And this foreigner is also very fresh.

After her small restaurant was interviewed by foreign reporters, foreigners soon came to place orders and asked for a standard table seat that cost ten yuan per person.

But what were prices like back then?

Even if you choose all the prawns, eels, and tortoises, they still won't reach half the cost.

Especially for a small restaurant opened by a family of four in their own house, there are no labor costs or rent costs.

So whether the profit is large or small, please weigh it yourself.

This is the advantage of eating crabs first, and this is the bonus of being crowned "first".

In the same way, in addition to being smart, courageous, and daring to think and act, Ning Weimin also has sufficient business experience and advanced insights.

In such an era when society has just begun to transform and the market economy is still in its infancy.

These qualities of his are generally lacking in people of this era.

Therefore, as the first person to eat in the "information business" in Beijing, Ning Weimin's wealth-creating behavior also took advantage of the opportunity, and he was naturally able to achieve great success.

Even because he is doing a side job, the profits he makes and the way he makes money are far more cost-effective and comfortable than being a restaurant owner.

As for the specific situation after the holiday, it was pretty much what he had thought about.

Just because he had the magazine "Modern Youth" as an example, it was much easier for him to run the advertising business.

The attitude of some small and unpopular magazines has indeed become more relaxed.

Two magazines, "Prose" and "Ci Jian", agreed to publish advertisements for him.

This means that in October there will be three magazines to promote his business all over the country.

But their requirement is that it must be done three times in a row.

Then the two companies together would have to pay almost 800 yuan, which means that Ning Weimin needs to bear greater financial pressure.

He roughly calculated that he had recovered 260 from Gu Si'er and the others.

In addition, I received more than 60 letters, totaling 323 letters.

And the one month's salary I just received has to be used to ensure daily expenses.

Then the money he actually has in hand is less than 600.

But the good thing is that letters are constantly being sent to me from home. This business has a strong monetization ability and the monetization speed is very fast.

If we really advertise, I'm afraid it won't take a few days to fill this hole.

In other words, he only used the money he had prepared for a trip to the ghost market to turn around temporarily.

So this time he didn't hesitate and took out the money neatly.

Moreover, he specifically took advantage of his position and assumed the identity of a made-up person named "Gu Yue".

At the price of six yuan per day, I booked room 302 of the Chongwenmen Hotel as a public address for mailing.

In just one month, there are another hundred and eighty more.

What is this concept?

That is equivalent to three months' salary of Mi Xiaoran or Ning Weimin.

For this reason, Mi Xiaoran was shocked and completely refreshed his understanding of Ning Weimin.

Because ever since she became sensible, she has never seen anyone around her who could do such a stupid thing and be willing to throw away such a large sum of money.

Yes, with this address, she would avoid any embarrassment when receiving letters on behalf of Ning Weimin, and it would almost become an honest matter.

But the problem is that the price is too high.

One hundred and eighty, is this really necessary?

If I could keep this money, what wouldn’t I be able to buy?

So she sincerely persuaded Ning Weimin.

He said he could be more careful and there shouldn't be any problems.

I'm really worried about Ning Weimin. I'm afraid that if he rents a room, what will happen if there aren't so many people writing letters?

Unexpectedly, Ning Weimin was not vague at all, and said to her, "Don't worry too much, I know it in my heart. Think about it, as long as I get a letter every day, the hotel money will be almost paid. What should I be afraid of? All I want is to be bored."

Make a fortune and reduce unnecessary troubles. Of course, if you figure it out and are willing to take a share, we can talk about it..."

In this case, Mi Xiaoran could no longer persuade him.

However, subsequent facts proved that Ning Weimin's decision was indeed a very wise one.

Because it is in sharp contrast to the decreasing number of letters received at home.

Starting from mid-October, as soon as the new advertisement showed its effectiveness, there was an explosion of letters from the Chongwenmen Hotel.

There were as many as seven letters on the first day.

Then the next day there were thirteen letters.

Twenty letters on the third day.

Thirty letters on the fourth day...

It reached the peak at 40-50, and then began to gradually fall back.

But it has stabilized at around 30 seals and will no longer decrease.

Such a high volume of letters has almost doubled the hotel's daily mail volume, and sometimes more than doubled.

Without this room as a cover, without this fictitious guest "Gu Yue" as a disguise.

Even if Mi Xiaoran had the advantage of his position, he couldn't keep so many letters in his hand and wait until he saw Ning Weimin before giving them to him.

It is absolutely impossible to hide it from everyone at the front desk seamlessly.

So because of this matter, the girl was a little confused for a while.

She was a little confused, whether it was better to be frugal or frugal in doing things, or to be extravagant.

Moreover, she never imagined that Ning Weimin would make money so easily, which made her feel a little scared.

What does this mean?

This means that on average, Ning Weimin earns at least 150 yuan a day.

In fact, let’s not talk about her.

This kind of income level makes even Ning Weimin look so beautiful that he can shake his head.

This is the time when he was dumping copper in the garbage dump in the eastern suburbs and making a fool of himself.

But giving is completely different.

ps: Recently, there has been a lot of news outside, and the future is unpredictable, which has made me very confused. But no matter what, I will try my best to ensure that the book is completed. Starting from beginning to end is my pursuit and habit of doing things.

Today is the first day of release. I will try my best to add two more chapters. I also ask all true fans to subscribe and support.

If you give me nobility, I will give you conscience. Haha, I wish all my new and old friends a happy Labor Day.

Thank you to my good friends who have always left tickets and rewards for me. I will always keep your encouragement and help in mind.

This chapter has been completed!
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