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Chapter 86 Conscience

 If you make money, you can make a lot of money just by lying down comfortably.

This is a definite fact and cannot be changed even if you want to.

Completely different from the four members of the Guo family who opened the Yuebin Restaurant. Every day, the fire was roasting in the stove, the smell of oil smoke was being smelled, and welcomes were sent to gods from all walks of life.

You also have to worry about where the goods will come from, whether the grain and oil can be guaranteed, whether the operating income and expenditure are balanced, and whether there is a risk of losing money.

After Ning Weimin finished advertising, he only had to mimeograph a batch of his teaching materials and wait for Mi Xiaoran to give him the letter, and he would be able to make a big profit.

Moreover, he can support four of them by himself, and he really earns more than running a restaurant.

Isn’t that delicious?

But Ning Weimin also knows that no matter how good a thing is, you can't keep it all to yourself, otherwise it will be a big deal.

Because in the business world, everyone maintains an interest relationship because of business.

Normally, everyone involved will work hard to maintain the stability of this interest relationship.

Not only was he willing to cooperate, but he also kept "silent" on all transaction secrets.

Only when one party expresses extreme dissatisfaction with the distribution of interests can so-called "offline" behavior occur, dragging down all the people on the network.

If someone deliberately "trouble" something happens.

The gray, black, yellow, and white inside stories hidden under the table in the business world are all exposed at once, exposed to the broad daylight.

That would be fatal destruction.

No matter how good the business stage is, it will collapse in an instant, and the entire business will be wiped out.

So it can be said that the secret to a long-lasting business is to maintain a balance of interests and pursue a win-win situation.

Yes, Mi Xiaoran still insists on not wanting any reward.

But he couldn't figure out why.

In fact, it was just that the girl was thinking about the benefits of the job he had given her in the first place, and wanted to use this as a repayment to repay his debt of gratitude.

As for girls from Beijing, their general character is to pursue independence, equality, and neatness in everything they do.

He is often a bit arrogant and likes to follow his own feelings, but he is also a bit righteous.

Of course, he could also pretend to be stupid and just keep all the benefits in his pocket.

You can even have high-sounding reasons to feel at ease.

I gave it to you, but you didn’t want it.

But he was absolutely sure that although Mi Xiaoran never wanted to take advantage of him, he would never be willing to bear the risks and responsibilities in vain and suffer this loss.

If he is really so rude, the other person's help for a month or two will be over.

When the time comes, the girl will definitely be able to find an excuse that will prevent him from saying it's wrong and push the matter away from him.

Again, who is stupider than whom? No one can make plans for themselves.

Anyone who loves to think of others as fools is himself a fool.

So you have to give what is due, even if people don’t want it, you have to rush to give it.

This is not "licking", but business needs and interests.

There is only one goal, for happy cooperation in the future.

But how to give it? How to make the other party accept it happily? It becomes another problem.

Because this involves another issue of face and steps.

The girl's family, since they have already acted noble, claim that they are just helping.

Even if you change your mind and get really greedy, it's hard to change your mind and withdraw money again, right?

To put it bluntly, this is a problem that almost everyone in sales will encounter.

I'm not afraid that you want it, but I'm afraid that you don't want it, or you're being pretentious and have to let me guess.

Especially for women, it is more difficult than for men, because the principle of giving gifts is to give them what they like.

As a man, drinking, sex, and wealth are all weaknesses. If you can't change the same thing, at worst, you'll have to call someone.

Bombing from all directions, don't worry if you don't go smoothly.

But a woman's heart is like a needle in the sea. It is often difficult to grasp what she really wants.

It’s just like what’s sung in that song, “Don’t guess what a girl thinks about a boy, you can’t figure it out even if you keep guessing.”

Speaking of this, Ning Weimin had to sincerely thank him for the scarcity of materials in this era.

Precisely because people these days don’t have much knowledge, it’s easy to be satisfied with a few good things.

Only then would he easily find a gift that would be difficult for Mi Xiaoran to refuse.

One morning, when Mi Xiaoran came to take over, there was no one else around.

Ning Weimin made up a random excuse and sent Zhang Shihui away, asking him to wait for him in the cafeteria alone.

He put a big paper bag in front of Mi Xiaoran.

"Beautiful lady! Charming lady! This is a gift I specially prepared for you, please accept it!"

"Stop making trouble! What the hell are you doing?"

Mi Xiaoran's face immediately turned red.

To be honest, it's not just Ning Weimin's arrogant tone that is a bit misleading.

This big paper bag is also a bit eye-catching. If others see it, it will be a bit unclear.

"What the hell? I'm giving you a gift?"

"Didn't I say I didn't want it?"

"Yes, you have proven your nobility. But I also have to prove my conscience."

"No, no, you should take it back. There is no need to follow me. Help is help."

"Don't bother me, my aunt, why are you trying to make me lose my conscience? I'm also telling you that this thing is only suitable for you. If you don't want it, my more than 100 dollars are really wasted.


"Ah? It's so expensive? Then I can't take it anymore. Take it away quickly."

"Can you at least take a look? I'm not kidding you. This is your Miss Mi's exclusive material, you know? Don't let me down. I worked hard to get it."

With that said, Ning Weimin tore open the paper bag regardless, and then poured it down gently.

A bunch of colorful American cosmetics were scattered in front of Mi Xiaoran, making people feel dizzy just looking at them.

Ning Weimin even picked them up and introduced them to Mi Xiaoran one by one.

"Look, American Pond's, this is for skin care, this is for whitening, there's eye cream, and lipstick. This is a facial mask, for your face."

"I'm telling you, no matter how young you are, a girl should also take care of herself, you know?"

"Tell yourself, do you want to look like an old bark at fifty, or do you want to look like a little girl at fifty?"

When he heard the last sentence, Mi Xiaoran, who was originally fascinated by it, became so angry that he immediately took a sip.

"Fuck you, you're just an old tree bark..."

Unexpectedly, Ning Weimin laughed evilly.

"This is over. If you want to be a little girl forever, then you have to use it."

Mi Xiaoran was suddenly enlightened and couldn't help but blame him angrily.

"Okay, wait for me here. I don't want it, so you should give it to your girlfriend."

But Ning Weimin went out of his way this time and didn't care about her tone.

"Hey, don't say that. First of all, I don't have a girlfriend. Lan Lan and I just have a normal relationship. Secondly, she is preparing to take the college entrance examination and go to university. We will probably not contact you again in the future. Anyway, let me tell you this.

I've done my best. If you don't like it, then these things are really useless. You can just throw them into the trash can..."

Hey, I have to say that this is where his brilliance lies!

He knew that Mi Xiaoran would definitely not accept it, so what he gave was something that Mi Xiaoran had to accept.

There is no need to consider the attractiveness of cosmetics at all. The point is that when Mi Xiaoran wants to refuse, it is already too late!

It's not a hundred dollars, a pen, a radio, things that anyone can use.

Cosmetics are only for women. If Mi Xiaoran doesn't want them, who can he use them for?

As expected, Mi Xiaoran smiled and finally accepted the things.

"Okay then, thank you..."

And it was a coincidence that at this time, another female colleague also came to work.

I saw Ning Weimin lying on the counter talking to Mi Xiaoran.

This one just laughs out of nature.

"Hey, what are you two talking about here? Why can't Xiaoning even get out of class? You feel less sleepy when you see Xiaoran, right?"

Mi Xiaoran was startled and immediately hurriedly pulled and packed away, fearing that her colleagues would see the things.

But Ning Weimin smiled calmly, reached out and picked up a lipstick on the counter that he hadn't had time to put away, to attract the eldest sister's attention.

"Sister, I saw that Xiaoran's cosmetics are fresh, but why does the lipstick have such a color? Can you tell whether it is fresh or not?"

Hey, don't tell me, this eldest sister was immediately attracted to the lipstick.

After taking one look, he exclaimed in surprise.

"Hey, Xiaoran, you bought a new one? Where did you buy it? The color is so beautiful, why are they all in foreign words?"

This is also the cleverness of Ning Weimin in giving gifts, which kills two birds with one stone.

Because he knows that everyone wants to save face.

No matter how practical the gift is, if you don't give it enough face, you may receive the opposite effect.

But if it's the other way around, the recipient of the gift can also get extra satisfaction.

Not to mention, although Mi Xiaoran gave him a look with her eyes, as if she blamed him for being nosy.

But his face was full of joy and pride.

She pretended that nothing was wrong, suppressed her excitement, and started chatting with the eldest sister.

"Hey, it was a gift from a relative. I don't know where I bought it. No, I haven't used it yet. I don't know if it looks good or not."

The eldest sister was really supportive and even praised me.

"It looks good. It must look good. Come on, I have a mirror here. Now you can draw it and show it to me."

"Oh, look at the color, it's so smooth. Let me tell you, I have seen a similar one. I heard that it was bought from a friendship store. It cost seven yuan in foreign exchange coupons."

"Xiaoran, do you have overseas connections? Can you tell your relatives to bring one for me too?"

Ning Weimin looked on with cold eyes, feeling relieved that the work was done, and left with a secret smile.

However, he just ignored one thing - the relationship between men and women is actually the most complex problem in interpersonal communication.

If you get some details wrong, the results will be very interesting.

This chapter has been completed!
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