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Chapter 907 Busy

Since meeting Matsumoto Keiko for the second time, Ning Weimin only contacted her the next morning according to the pager number on the personal business card to say hello.

I heard that she is fine and has already won a chance to perform in a variety show and the Red and White Song Concert, so I am about to contact her about rehearsing.

Ning Weimin said "congratulations" sincerely, saying that he was looking forward to it, and then said a few words of encouragement before hanging up the phone.

After that, for more than a week, I had no contact with Keiko Matsumoto at all.

The first is because he knows in his heart that Keiko Matsumoto must be busy and is too embarrassed to disturb her.

The second reason is that he himself is also busy.

Everything came to him almost at once, leaving him a bit overwhelmed.

The third thing is that his mental age is no longer young.

He can deal with things calmly and calmly, and he also knows how to let go appropriately. He especially knows how to avoid pressing forward every step of the way when trying to pick up girls.

In his opinion, such a polite expression of concern is enough.

If someone is interested in him, he will definitely contact him when he has time.

If someone is not interested, even if you try to stalk them, it will still be useless.

No matter what happens, it is not advisable to follow others around like a headless fly.

Not only will it be intimidating and annoying, but it will also be degrading.

This is the real dog licking.

Anyway, he won't fool around with infatuation to tease her, or make up "the night I miss you" or other earthy love words.

It's better to focus on the real thing, do what you need to do first, and then think about other things after you're done.

Men, you should put your career first.

It would be best if you can also look at the world and have some feelings for your family and country.

Right now, the confirmation of the renovation plan of Huiwentang Bookstore and the decoration design of Tangong Restaurant are two major events that Ning Weimin needs to take seriously.

To be honest, although I have money, it is easy to do things, and I have the help of an expert like Kagawa Rinko.

Once the design plan is finalized, construction and implementation will begin.

If the functional design is unreasonable, it will affect work efficiency and cause a lot of trouble for employees.

Re-adjustment will definitely cost a lot of money.

If the decoration style is wrong and does not meet the aesthetics of Tokyo people, it will also have a negative impact on operations and reputation, and reduce income.

An international city like Tokyo with extremely developed commerce has famous shops and well-informed customers.

Even if you spend a lot of money, there is still a possibility that you will use too much force and your efforts will be thankless.

So before you actually finalize the plan with the decoration company and sign the contract.

Ning Weimin needs to fully understand the Japanese aesthetics and needs for high-end restaurants.

Put yourself in your shoes and consider over and over again the loopholes in the plan and the possible troubles you may encounter.

You also have to do monetary calculations, measure the cost-effectiveness of different production materials and implementation plans, and make as objective an evaluation of functionality as possible.

And communicate with the designers as soon as possible to find ways to adjust the shortcomings that have been discovered.

This is something that no one else can help with.

So recently, Ning Weimin really didn't care about anything else.

He does these few things every day.

It's not about going to a high-end restaurant to eat, chatting with the waiters and chefs, and collecting useful information.

Just go to the design office, explain your wishes and communicate with the designer about the plan.

Then wait until after get off work hours to see Rinko Kagawa to communicate and ask for advice on the latest situation.

Moreover, the biggest change in society during this period is that Japan's economic situation continues to deteriorate.

The rapid appreciation of the yen after the signing of the Plaza Accord dealt a huge blow to Japan's export industry, followed by a short-term "appreciation depression."

So far, the Japanese government has not come up with an effective response plan, causing Japan's export situation to deteriorate.

As a result, the Japanese stock market was in trouble, and a large number of companies that relied on export business began to slowly decline.

But what is particularly eye-catching is the stock of Hanwa Industrial.

It completely went against the trend of the entire steel export industry. Instead, it managed to regain lost ground and performed extremely well.

Now the market value has reached 80 billion yen, which is equivalent to a 60% increase from the low level.

As for the market value of the stocks held by Ning Weimin, it suddenly expanded to a huge 1.5 billion, which was a huge profit.

Ning Weimin is absolutely convinced that some investment institutions have discovered Hanhe Industrial's secret in sheep's clothing and are actively increasing their positions.

Therefore, he frequently went to securities companies to check the market in the past few days, and had to stay there for several hours every afternoon until the market closed.

It really has no practical significance and is a waste of time, but the problem is that it makes you happy just to look at it.

I earn 100 million yen every day, which is less than 3 million yuan.

I am especially convinced that this monster stock has better days ahead and will never fall.

What's this feeling?

There is only pleasure and relaxation!

No worries, no fears!

How come the word "cool" is so good...

At the same time, the appreciation of the Japanese yen has also brought him another unexpected surprise, which is the drop in the import price of raw materials.

Suddenly, many imported goods on the market became cheaper and began to be discounted.

Prices in Japan's construction engineering and interior decoration industries have also fallen as a result.

Ning Weimin's two decoration projects were competed by five decoration and construction companies, and the quotations were steadily declining.

In the end, it was equivalent to a 15% discount.

Ning Weimin finally finalized the decoration plan a week later.

He gave Rinko Kagawa 500,000 yen as a reward for helping.

I also paid a design fee of 2 million yen to the entrusted design firm.

Then, at a price of only 96 million yen, the two projects were packaged and handed over to a medium-sized decoration company "Tajima Co., Ltd." for production.

Co-author saved another 10 million yen because of the Plaza Accord.

As for the production quality and construction level of this company, Ning Weimin is also convinced.

The Japanese are not stupid. They are still grabbing at this price. They must be sure that imported building materials will continue to fall, so they are willing to do it.

As the saying goes, what you win is what you earn, and there is no possibility of cutting corners.

What's more, the Maxim Restaurant in Beijing was originally made by this company.

There were no quality problems even during construction in far away China, let alone at the Tokyo headquarters.

It stands to reason that at this time Ning Weimin has finished a busy stop and should take a break from time to time.

To be honest, he really wanted to meet the big star again.

Although video tapes can temporarily solve the problem of not being able to meet in person.

But always watching the woman he liked show her charm on the screen only deepened Ning Weimin's desire to meet the star in person.

But just at this moment, two major events happened one after another.

The first is the follow-up to the trolley suitcase.

Not only have the construction drawings been finalized, but OEM factories in Hong Kong and Beijing have been found and ready.

Goldlion and Pierre Carton also reached a consensus and were willing to transfer 30% of the shares of Yi La De Company to Ning Weimin in exchange for the trolley suitcase patent.

This means that Ning Weimin will soon become the largest individual shareholder of Yi La De Company.

And his shares will be equal to those of Goldlion.

More importantly, from now on, he can also enjoy the benefits brought by the easy-to-draw tie.

It is equivalent to taking back his tie patent in disguise.

Naturally, Ning Weimin had no reason to be unwilling to such conditions. Instead, he was quite satisfied and even moved.

To be honest, his original expectation was that he would be satisfied with 20% of Yi La De shares.

As a result, his big boss, second boss and boss Zeng actually offered such generous terms, which was beyond his imagination.

I can only lament that they are all kind-hearted people who are reasonable and value friendship!

There's nothing wrong with saying that if someone gives you face, he has to carry it.

So without a word of nonsense, it took me a day to receive all the faxes, and then I took them to the law firm and had my lawyer review them.

As soon as he heard that there was no big problem, Ning Weimin decisively signed with his personal seal and fingerprint, and then sent back the message.

The three parties formally completed this agreement and contract.

After that, it’s a matter of cranking up production, advertising, and selling.

Under this situation, Ning Weimin naturally couldn't be lazy, but felt a kind of pressure.

I feel that I must open the door to the Japanese market as soon as possible, and even get some overseas orders, in order to be worthy of the attention of several bosses.

So at this time, he didn't even have time to get through the mail order channels, so he spent his energy searching for upcoming exhibitions in Tokyo.

I just found the information about the International Luggage Exhibition that will be held from December 18th to December 22nd at the end of the year.

I urgently contacted the exhibition organizing company and signed up urgently as a representative of overseas exhibitors in the name of Easy Lad Company.

Hidehiro Hasegawa, the president of pilcardon Japan Co., Ltd., sent vice president Takada to convey the instructions.

He said that he basically agreed with the requirements put forward by Huaxia Company.

But we hope to sign a cooperation agreement before the end of the year.

Therefore, Ning Weimin was urged to convey this to Huaxia Company and send someone over to sign the cooperation contract as soon as possible.

Considering the patriarchal culture in Japan and the condescending arrogance of Japanese companies.

Ning Weimin believed that Song Huagui would definitely not be able to come.

What are you doing here? Are you angry?

So Zou Guodong became the best choice.

Ning Weimin not only continued to discuss matters related to setting up a joint venture factory with him, but also had to determine the reception standards and specific schedule with the Japanese pilkarton company on his behalf, and apply for a business visa on his behalf.

At the same time, in order to ensure that the joint venture can reduce artificial resistance.

Ning Weimin had to thank Vice President Takada for his magnanimity and Supervisor Ishikawa for facilitating this matter.

Not only did they invite these two guys to play and sing every night for several days in a row.

You have to listen patiently to what they say about what they have and what they don't have, engage in verbal guerrilla warfare with them, and discuss in disguise the conditions for distributing benefits.

So, Ning Weimin is busy hitting the back of the head with his feet!

In the few days at the end of November, he was actually more pressed for time than when he was busy with the renovation project the previous week.

At this time, he was a little anxious.

Not only because it seemed that the two of them had broken off contact for a little too long.

Every day at noon, he called Huiwentang Bookstore to inquire, but he never got a message from Matsumoto Keiko.

It was also because he followed two low-level people into and out of romantic places every night and watched them hug the waitress and drink wine.

It is impossible for him to be completely indifferent, there are still physiological reactions caused by hormones.

But the problem is that it has been difficult to change the situation.

As the saying goes, it is better to eat a bite of fairy peach than a basket of rotten apricots.

Once the taste goes up, it can't come down.

Men like Ning Weimin who have had close contact with the most beautiful "Japan's most beautiful woman" like Matsumoto Keiko.

How can he be attracted to other women?

Not to mention ordinary women, just those popular idol artists who can be seen on TV every day.

What about Matsuda Seiko, Sawaguchi Yasuko, Asano Atsuko...

Each one of them, in his eyes, also had flaws in his facial features.

And if you are too young, let alone elegance and charm.

Ning Weimin was completely indifferent to this kind of pure and beautiful girl with baby fat.

For this reason, he had to admit that the overall level of the makeup artist industry, known as "Oriental magic", was indeed advanced.

No matter how low your crotch is, it can be easily upgraded to the level of a beautiful figure after being modified by their hands.

All in all, this kid is considered lovesick.

It seems that only one person can fill the emotional void.

Therefore, if you can’t stop thinking about it, you can only suffer the pain of lovesickness.

But having said that, fortunately, Ning Weimin does not have unrequited love.

In fact, in the past ten days, Matsumoto Keiko's condition has not been very good, almost the same as him.

Yes, both of the office's top executives are very capable at their jobs.

Akira Okamoto secured the job opportunity he wanted for Keiko Matsumoto, and Mitsuya Watanabe successfully completed the mortgage loan.

Even the overall working atmosphere of the office has cheered up and taken on a new look because of Ben Tou.

Moreover, the filming of the talk show went very smoothly, and the Kohaku Utakai Festival was quite innovative in the design of Keiko Matsumoto's performance. It seemed that everything was developing in a good direction.

But without being able to get in touch with Ning Weimin for so long, Matsumoto Keiko couldn't help but feel deeply lonely.

It's not that she doesn't want to contact Ning Weimin, but that she really doesn't have time to meet.

I wanted to make a phone call and say a few words, but there were so many people around me that I only had privacy when I went back to rest late at night every day.

However, Huiwentang Bookstore has also passed its business hours, so naturally no one will answer the phone and convey the message on your behalf.

Keiko Matsumoto wanted to contain herself and kill this loneliness, but she repeatedly failed.

Especially in the next few days, Fukasaku Kinji used the filming rights of "The Man on Fire" to continue to harass her and seduce her openly and openly, using work as an excuse. It seemed that he had not given up.

And her father, because of old grievances, refused to accept her financial help.

Not only did her mother return the money to her.

She also complained that her mother was too busy and should not talk nonsense to her, so she severely reprimanded her mother.

Matsumoto Keiko felt even more painful and troubled, and she was a little unable to bear the dual pressure exerted on her by her career and life.

She even lost the intention to do yoga every day.

Therefore, after finishing the NHK talk show, she hesitated and decided to contact Ning Weimin.

No matter what, I took the time to meet him.

This chapter has been completed!
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