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Chapter 908 Little Flower Snake

Like a blue light, a sports car drove from Harumi Avenue, slowed down and turned onto Matsuya Street, which leads to Ginza 1-chome.

Then turn left and go forward thirty meters, finally parking in the parking lot of Matsuya Department Store.

This long-established department store opened in 1925, earlier than the Mitsukoshi Department Store across the street.

Not only is it one of the oldest, most upscale, and most famous department stores in Tokyo.

And from the day it opened, it has been a place where fashion and design merge.

The store has a dazzling array of luxury goods from all over the world, as well as high-quality products full of international fashion and contemporary feel.

To meet the strong consumer demand of Japan's wealthy class.

However, in recent years, as wealthy Japanese people have taken the initiative to go abroad more and more frequently, many people have fallen in love with purchasing luxury goods directly from abroad.

The advantage is that it is not only cheap and high-quality, but also protects privacy.

Therefore, this led to the decline in the importance of Matsuya Department Store in the minds of Japan's wealthy people.

Usually only for sudden urgent needs such as gift-giving, rich people will come here to buy.

On November 28, the afternoon of Western Thanksgiving, Keiko Matsumoto came with this purpose in mind.

But she didn't have much time. She made an appointment to meet Ning Weimin at the restaurant and bar of the Mitsui Garden Hotel in Ginza almost an hour later at four o'clock in the afternoon.

Therefore, it seemed that there was not enough time to carefully select clothes, not to mention that she did not know Ning Weimin's clothing size.

After much deliberation, within the limited time, it seemed that the most practical option was to buy a watch as a gift for Ning Weimin.

In fact, to be honest, she had long wanted to give Ning Weimin a better watch, and she even had this idea from the first time they met.

You know, she had noticed that there was no watch on Ning Weimin's wrist.

The strap of this poor young man's watch seemed to be broken, and he kept the watch inside his clothes.

Always take it out when checking the time.

Maybe it's not a good brand, and its owner may be a little shy because of it, and he's not too embarrassed to show it to others.

So in her opinion, if a higher-end watch is used as a gift.

Not only can it make Ning Weimin look more dignified, but it can also be of practical use. He will definitely be happy.

Not to mention that his wrists are so elegant and strong, making people want to hold on tightly.

It should have been decorated with a brand-name watch.

Not only that, she also wanted to give Ning Weimin more things.

Shirts, trousers, coats, shoes, socks, leather shoes, jackets, scarves, sunglasses, belts, wallets, cufflinks, tie clips, and limited edition pens and lighters...

His figure is so good, naturally matched with high-end goods.

If she were a few centimeters taller, she would definitely be able to serve as a professional model.

What's more, he is so young.

If you don’t wear it now, when will you wear it? Do you have to wait until you are old?

Seriously, those luxury goods displayed in the stores in Matsuya Ginza.

Be it clothing, shoes, socks, or trinkets, they were all wasted.

Because often these things can only be used to dress up those vulgar, old and bloated bodies.

This idea with the characteristics of "dialectics" made Matsumoto Keiko feel more at ease and more impatient.

Needless to say, because that day is Thursday, which is Thursday.

Before get off work hours, there were still relatively few customers in Matsuya Ginza.

The advantage is that parking spaces are easy to find and you will never have to wait in line for more than half an hour like on weekends.

The downside is that there are far more service staff than customers.

Wearing neat and decent uniforms, they stood waiting at each counter.

As soon as he sees a customer, he will bow ninety degrees, play a snobbish game in politeness, make insinuations, and play hard to get.

But what really made Matsumoto Keiko feel uncomfortable was not this.

It was the scene she saw when she walked into the mall gate, passed through the cosmetics area and came to the escalator.

The big Shiseido poster here is particularly eye-catching.

The entire picture, which covers several square meters, is like a waterfall, layer by layer, directly connecting from the top floor of the mall to the underground floor.

You know, Shiseido was the cosmetics she endorsed a year ago.

In other words, a year ago, her photo was still hanging here.

But now, the position that was originally supposed to be occupied by her is no longer what it used to be. It is occupied by someone else.

No matter which floor she went to, she could see Ayumi Ishida, a film and television singer and actress of a similar age to her, whose smile made her hate it.

This lucky man who had occupied this position because of her misfortune spoke to her as if he were mocking her.

"What you lose is what I gain. I'm sorry..."

How could she turn a blind eye, how could she remain calm inside and not be disturbed at all?

Matsumoto Keiko who walked up the escalator really regretted not taking the escalator. Why did she have to come here to receive this mental stimulation?

What was even more surprising was that just when she finally reached the fourth floor and was about to leave the escalator, she met an acquaintance again.

At that time, a burst of female laughter floated from her right side.

The laughter was not clear and clear, neither like a silver bell nor a lark.

It seemed like there was something wrapped in the mouth, and it seemed like they were kissing and smiling at the same time, and there was something inexplicably familiar about it.

Keiko Matsumoto turned her head out of curiosity, and caught a glimpse of Michiko Harada.

Sure enough, she was smiling with something in her mouth, and she was also smiling while kissing her.

But what she kissed was an ice cream cone.

She is not alone, there is a man of about the same age as her by her side.

It can be seen from the clothes that they belong to the relatively wealthy and wealthy class.

The two of them leaned side by side on the glass fence of the mall, each holding a cone in their hands.

However, this man held the cone in his hand and did not eat it himself. He just kept feeding it into Michiko Harada's mouth.

The man stuffed it, Michiko sucked it and smiled.

The man stuffed it again, Michiko stuck out her tongue and took another bite, and smiled again...

The two of them were having fun and making love, over and over again.

Michiko's oval face kept smiling while being licked and sucked.

Smile coquettishly, smile boldly, and smile openly.

It seemed that her peach blossom eyes were narrowed to a slit and the goose egg shell that she had worked so hard to decorate was shattered.

Keiko Matsumoto was not sure whether Michiko Harada and this man were in a formal relationship.

But she knew that the relationship between the two of them was definitely not a normal one, and some of their behaviors had exceeded reasonable communication boundaries.

So in an instant, Matsumoto Keiko was upset at first seeing this scene that was against public customs.

Then when I thought about the purpose of my trip, I felt even more embarrassed.

Needless to say, she felt guilty when she came to buy a gift for a young man in private, and did not want to run into an acquaintance at all.

In particular, I met the bold Michiko Harada.

This girl has always liked to inquire about things and make clues. It would be troublesome if she caught any clues.

So Matsumoto Keiko didn't hesitate much, turned around and left, intending to hide in the nearby Cartier store.

She also thought to herself that as long as she was not discovered and avoided, it would be fine.

But unexpectedly, Michiko Harada’s eyes are quite sharp.

Even though Keiko Matsumoto had turned around and left, Michiko Harada still recognized her just from her back.

So almost ten minutes later, Matsumoto Keiko thought she had avoided this encounter and was concentrating on sitting at the counter choosing a watch for Ning Weimin.

Michiko Harada actually followed her in carrying a handbag.

She acted coquettishly and cheered with a look of surprise and joy.

And that man was no longer by her side at this time.

I don’t know if he left on his own initiative or if he was driven away by her.

"It can't be such a coincidence, is it really you? Sister."

Matsumoto Keiko turned around and was stunned when she heard this.

But soon, she stared at Michiko Harada's sunglasses and smiled.

"Huh? What a coincidence. We actually met here, Michiko."

Her acting skills were even better, and she seemed to be really surprised, as if she hadn't seen anything just now.

"I knew I would have good luck today. When I went out in the morning, a black cat jumped on my car. Sure enough, I met a noble person."

"Oh, your mouth is so sweet."

"I'm so happy to see my sister!"

Michiko Harada continued to walk over and sat affectionately next to Keiko Matsumoto.

The service staff bowed consciously and stepped aside, allowing them to speak freely.

"Hey, by the way. Why are you visiting the department store at this time? Is there no announcement today?"

Keiko Matsumoto asked pretending to be unintentional.

Michiko Harada did not doubt that he was there.

"Ouch. It's rare to be lazy for a day. I was originally going to a magazine to shoot a print advertisement. But I didn't expect that the young boss of the magazine was quite easy to talk to. Seeing how listless I was, I heard that I didn't get a good rest yesterday.

Just give me a day off and come with me to relax."

As she spoke, Michiko Harada raised her wrist as if to show off, with a shiny Tiffany bracelet hanging on it.

"Sister, do you think it looks good? I just bought it on this floor for 280,000 yen. That guy is quite generous."

It's obvious, looking at her crooked mouth, that she looks pretty.

No answer is needed at all, and my vanity has been greatly satisfied.

"Ah? So you have a boyfriend?"

Matsumoto Keiko asked a little surprised.

"What? How could I be so stupid?"

Michiko Harada looks like a sexy wild cat.

She laughed for a while and came over, almost whispering into Matsumoto Keiko's ear.

"That man is just a 'tribute man'. I give him some sweet treats because he is cute. My natural man must at least be a great director or writer. He must be rich, famous, and rich.

Social status, and taste. What do you think? Sister..."

"It's good to be young. You can always be full of hope and fantasy and face life positively."

Matsumoto Keiko uses euphemistic words to express her opinions.

But I sighed silently in my heart.

She felt that she was indeed old and could no longer accept the love views of these young girls.

She also knows some things in today's society.

Young girls have become like to objectify themselves.

Not only do they have no burden of being able to ride on a few boats, many people also engage in phone meetings and sell their bodies.

And they also gave the men nicknames and classified them as if they were mocking them.

What kind of errand boys, tribute boys, checkout boys...

But when it comes to your marriage partner, you don’t think about your feelings.

But considering it only based on the conditions of height, education and income, it has even reached the point of being whimsical and completely unrealistic.

This is the so-called "three tall men".

"Oh, are you trying to hit me? Sister?"

Michiko Harada was not stupid, she actually heard the ridicule.

So she took advantage of her young age and started acting coquettishly.

"Why don't you feel sorry for me at all? Last time you left early, I was worried about you for a long time. Later I thought about it, the director's wife was a bit too much. I'm also very sad for my sister, and I don't even contact her much now.

But recently I heard that my sister’s career has improved again, and I feel much better. I am really happy for my sister.”

"So you know everything? Actually, it's nothing. It's just a talk show for NHK. Besides, it's not the first time I've participated in the Kohaku Song Festival."

Matsumoto Keiko said very modestly.

But she didn't expect that she would actually say something wrong. That was not what Michiko Harada meant.

"Ah? My sister is going to perform at the Red and White Song Festival again? I don't know yet. Have you received an invitation from NHK? It's really amazing."

"Huh? You don't know? Then you just..."

"Movies, sister, I'm talking about the movie "The Man on Fire". It's about to start filming, right? Doesn't director Fukasaku, who loves you the most, still prefer you to be the heroine? I already know about this, so

Don’t hide it from me, right?”

When it came to business, Michiko Harada became even more enthusiastic. Not only did she deliberately try to please her, but she also deliberately winked.

"Look at you, how obvious it is? Otherwise, why are you looking at a men's watch? Isn't it a gift for Director Fukasaku? Oh, this watch costs 1.2 million! My sister is really thoughtful. Director Fukasaku must be

I'll like it. If you really reconcile, then I'll be relieved."

However, Keiko Matsumoto categorically denied this.

"You are making random guesses again. There is no such thing. I am just here to buy gifts for my family today. This watch will never be worn on the hands of any director. And I also want to tell you, although I received the invitation,

I have also clearly refused. I will not appear in this movie. What you heard are all false rumors..."

"Ah? Refuse! Why did you refuse such a good opportunity? Obviously every time my sister collaborates with Director Fukasaku, she will win the award..."

Michiko Harada took off her sunglasses and said in an incredible tone.

"I also want to ask my sister to say good things to me. Let me play an important role..."

"Then you and I will be disappointed. Director Fukasaku and I don't agree on the shooting concept of this film. The differences are too big. We are destined to be unable to cooperate. You want me to help you? Forgive me, I can't do anything. As a sister, I can currently do nothing.

What I have done is only buy you a piece of clothing or a handbag. How about it, Michiko, did you see anything you like today? If so, I will buy it for you..."

Keiko Matsumoto made a joke to change the focus, so that Michiko wouldn't have to inquire about the matter and get entangled endlessly.

Of course, it also allows you to relax.

Unfortunately, Michiko Harada had no intention of teasing, "Oh, sister, you are serious."

After saying something plaintive, he looked around and showed a mysterious and gossipy look, still not giving up.

"Sister, why have you lost your temper again? Shochiku Pictures has always been a director-controlled system. How to shoot a movie, as an actor, you just have to listen to the director. You made this decision too hastily. Fortunately, Fukasaku

Director, there is still room for redemption. You must think carefully and make a new decision, otherwise you will definitely regret it."


"Because in the recently released movie "Yasha", Ayumi Ishida, who plays the husband and wife with Ken Takakura, also fell in love with the heroine of this movie. You didn't know it yet, right? She and her agent are actively working with director Fukasaku in private

Where is the contact? Can you believe it? The woman who took advantage of the crisis and snatched the Shiseido and Mitsui Bank advertisements from you has now tasted the sweetness of the movie and is here to steal your heroine again! Is it true that all your advertisements are

It's not enough that she took away the heroine of the movie. Besides, if our Shochiku Pictures uses an outsider as the heroine for such an important film, where will our face be put? Those of us who are loyal to Shochiku Pictures

How can a good actress meet people? Sister, in the entire big shipyard, only you can compete with that woman. This is not the time for you to be humble..."

"Ayumi Ishida?"

This news is indeed surprising.

Although Matsumoto Keiko tried her best to hide it, her expression still showed a little uneasiness.

Michiko Harada clearly captured her psychological fluctuations and spoke even more intensely.

"By the way, I also heard that this newly divorced bitch seems to be still trying to seduce Director Fukasaku. The last two meetings were at high-end hotels, and they kept drinking until late at night. And at the same time, this shameless woman

She also hooked up with a fledgling photographer. She spent a lot of money to support the young man and maintained an ambiguous relationship for a long time. Can you believe it? Let me tell you, don’t look at her long face. On the surface, she looks like a good wife, loving mother and a decent woman.

In fact, her aloofness and aloofness, which is unmoved by fame and wealth, are all just a pretense. Her private life is very dissolute. Otherwise, why would she snatch other people's husbands in the first place and have sex with a man who is several years younger than her?

What about getting married? Well, on the one hand, she is looking for young people to serve her. She does not hesitate to spend a lot of money on young men. On the other hand, she serves the old man in exchange for money in order to get a role. It is really disgusting. She puts herself

When you become La Traviata, do you think you are living in Paris in the last century? No wonder her husband goes out to fool around every day. Who can stand such a woman..."

I heard Michiko Harada instigating and slandering her endlessly, talking about those erotic incidents about Ayumi Ishida that I didn't know were true or false.

But the problem is, when young men were suddenly mentioned at this time, all that came to Matsumoto Keiko's mind was Ning Weimin, who was about to meet.

While making fun of others, I was secretly buying expensive watches for young men.

Still unable to achieve such a split personality, Matsumoto Keiko couldn't help but blush.

What's more, she was afraid that if she talked for too long, her flaws would inevitably be revealed, so she hurriedly changed the subject.

"Okay, stop talking about these unhappy things. I have to pay and leave. Do you want to buy clothes? If not, forget it. I don't have much time to stay here. It's only half an hour at most.

for you."

In this way, Michiko Harada no longer works hard for the future, but chooses to quickly seize the benefits in front of her.

"Buy, buy, buy, sister is the best to me. Then hurry up and check out, we will go pick it up right away. Don't worry, I won't delay your business."

"There's really nothing I can do about you. Which one do you want to go to later?"

"Which store does sister go to on weekdays? I want to buy clothes like yours..."

"Hey? We are completely different. Why do you suddenly want to buy something like me? Don't you like the avant-garde and the young?"

"Aha, to tell you the truth, I also like young people recently. A twenty-year-old hairstylist came to the place where I often go to get a haircut. Today's young people have personality and love excitement. Like that boy

I don’t like young girls, especially mature ones. If I can imitate one-tenth of my sister’s charm, I will definitely be able to charm him to death.”

Hearing what Michiko Harada said, Matsumoto Keiko spurned her and couldn't help but daydream about it.

How does Ning Weimin view her?

Is it new and exciting?

Or is it dull and boring?

After all, the nine-year gap is very likely to create an insurmountable generation gap.

She was speculating over and over again in her mind, but when she took out her credit card and waved to the clerk to pay, Matsumoto Keiko kept saying insincere words.

"You just said that others, old and young, take it all, but you actually do such a thing again. Aren't you ashamed? You don't want your reputation anymore? If reporters really photograph you fooling around and publish it, what will you do?


However, even with such a serious topic, Michiko Harada still did not take it seriously.

"What can I do? If reporters are willing to take pictures, let them do it. To be honest, I am a second-tier actor, and I can't ask for more. Maybe with a topic, my reputation will be bigger. At least I can get some gossip.

Program, I can earn more advertising fees. Anyway, I don’t have a regular boyfriend, and I don’t seduce married women. The word ‘indecent’ doesn’t go hand in hand with me. Who am I afraid of?”

Michiko Harada kept acting coquettishly, like a colorful snake wrapped around Matsumoto Keiko's arm.

In desperation, Matsumoto Keiko had no choice but to remain silent.

She had to admit that the Harada Michiko in front of her was completely different from the little girl she pitied in the past.

She can chat casually all over the world, talk about men and women, and make sexual jokes without blushing or heartbeat, which is far from her delicate and cute face.

Judging from her communicative skills, she was so sophisticated and skillful that I felt inferior.

She shouldn't be an actress, but should open a bar in Ginza and be a mama.

This chapter has been completed!
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