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Chapter 947 Big Sword

Japan was not a paradise for the elderly from the beginning.

According to legend, in ancient Japan, some elderly people over the age of seventy would be carried to the mountains by their children to fend for themselves.

Such a mountain is called "Abandoned Mountain" in Japan.

In 1956, the Japanese writer Shichiro Fukasawa created a novel "Narayama Setikao" based on the legend of "abandoning the old mountain".

The novel was later adapted into a film, which won the Palme d'Or at the 1983 Cannes Film Festival.

This Japanese legend, on the one hand, illustrates the poverty of ancient Japan and its inability to give the elderly a good death, and on the other hand, it also shows Japan's "view of old age."

It’s no wonder that in Japan, when taking buses and subways, young people give up their seats to the elderly, which makes the elderly angry.

Japanese elements understand this phenomenon as the backbone of the Japanese elderly.

I feel that in Japanese society, even the elderly are not willing to cause trouble to others. How high-quality Japanese people are.

But they don’t understand that the reason for this special phenomenon in Japan actually stems more from the ancient Japanese tradition of “abandoning the elderly”, which caused fear and mental pressure on the elderly.

Under this cultural background, even after entering modern society, Japanese elderly people still do not believe that they can "have support for their old age."

I don’t believe that my children will still be filial when I become useless.

What I think about every day is the truth that "there is no filial son in bed for a long time".

That's why I always try to prove that I'm still useful, and that's why I'm so afraid of being rejected.

This can only be said that compared to China, Japanese elderly people have been much more pitiful since ancient times.

Probably for this reason, Japanese families have never been interdependent.

Unlike Chinese families, there is a dual connection of blood and interests, and the connection is very close.

Especially when it comes to time and money, the boundaries between Japanese family members are very clear.

Japanese parents have neither the ambition to financially support their children’s marriages nor the obligation to help their children raise the third generation.

On the other hand, children can remain indifferent to their parents' displacement and wandering around the world, and they can feel at ease and let their parents "enjoy their freedom".

Therefore, objectively speaking, Japanese family relationships can only be called "interdependent" relationships.

Japanese parents and children always seem to be as polite as neighbors.

The responsibility for supporting the elderly lies entirely with the Japanese government and the welfare system of Japanese society.

However, despite this, we have to admit that after Japan experienced post-war recovery, the economy entered a period of rapid development, and the government enacted the National Pension Act and the Elderly Welfare Act until 2001, when Koizumi came to power.

Not only is Japan's elderly care industry developing rapidly, Japan's elderly have also been enjoying the rich fruits of Japan's economic rise.

During that period of time, the elderly care conditions in Japan were indeed quite favorable.

If you don’t believe it, just do the economic calculations and you will know.

First of all, Japanese pensions are generally divided into two types.

One is the welfare pension, which is for enterprise employees and public officials.

This kind of pension insurance is paid in half by individuals, enterprises, and government departments while working, and is paid out gradually after employees retire.

The other is the National Pension, which is for freelancers and is a type of personal insurance.

People who do not have corporate insurance, such as small traders, entertainers and art workers, pay their own monthly insurance premiums and can also receive them after retirement.

It is also worth mentioning that Japanese housewives can not only enjoy the national pension pension insurance without paying premiums.

Moreover, when the husband has not retired, the company and the government will add a special "spousal subsidy" to the head of the family's salary for housewives.

This approach is still very humane.

This means that most families in Japan will be able to have a monthly pension of approximately 250,000 yen after the couple reaches retirement age.

According to the current exchange rate, it is equivalent to two thousand five hundred US dollars.

If we wait a few more years and reach the peak of the bubble economy, it will be almost equivalent to US$4,000.

Relatively speaking, the normal monthly expenses for two elderly people are only 150,000 yen.

This is equivalent to a healthy elderly couple saving 100,000 yen every month.

Secondly, we must also know that before the collapse of the bubble economy, Japanese elderly people who retired during this period basically bought their own homes at very good prices.

On average, they only spent five years of their income, and they had already paid off their home loan.

Not only are they debt-free, most Japanese elderly people even have considerable savings.

Finally, the Japanese in this era do not retire at sixty-five, but at sixty.

Compared with retirees after Koizumi came to power, they paid five years less insurance and received five more years of pension.

What's the difference between the outside and the inside here?

It is common nowadays for a retired elderly couple to have tens of millions of yen in cash.

It can be said that in this era, every elderly person living in Japan's big cities is a mobile money bag and the richest consumer group.

This is especially true for families where the husband can hold the position of section leader or above.

Basically, after the head of the family retires, he will make a plan to travel around the world immediately.

It’s no wonder that the American media evaluates Japan in this era as the most suitable country for retirement.

So one can imagine how smoothly Ning Weimin sold the new generation of trolley suitcases.

In fact, although the old people complained about the time of his call, some people thought it was a little late.

But no one regretted the reservation and said they didn’t want the rolling suitcase.

Even after a difficult trip, some people want to buy more. There are many rich people who want to buy three sizes of suitcases in one go: large, medium and small.

It turned out that only 20 couples left their phone numbers and addresses, but in the end more than 50 boxes were sold.

These Japanese old men and ladies don’t even care about the price, they basically want the highest-end brand - Pierre Cardin.

Ning Weimin just hired a truck and worked as a door-to-door porter for a few days.

I easily earned nearly 4 million yen.

It is equivalent to exchanging more than fifty suitcases for a Toyota Crown. How big a benefit is this?

Not to mention Ning Weimin's ruthlessness, these old Japanese men should all be old Japanese who participated in World War II based on their age.

If they were all thrown into a tug-of-war, they might be really unjustly accused.

But if you line up these old men in a row and shoot every other one, more fish will definitely slip through the net.

Kill them... Ning Weimin's heart is not broken.

As for starting a company, Ning Weimin has a ready-made house and has his own lawyer and tax accountant. Even his Japanese writing ability has improved greatly.

He went to complete the registration procedures, and it was effortless to apply for Fujimoto. He just followed the rules and was done.

After all, it is just a small company that does import business and acts as an agent for three trolley luggage brands.

It does not involve food safety or industrial production, and the procedures are very simple.

Even a common headache for foreigners - opening a Japanese bank account - is not difficult for him.

After all, after the ATM machine vulnerability incident, he had established certain contacts with Sumitomo Bank and had a high-limit credit card.

If nothing else happens, he will be able to complete all the procedures within a week.

Things in the warehouse are not difficult to handle, it's just a matter of spending money, and the trolley suitcase doesn't take up much space.

With the help of Miyoko Kagawa, he easily found a warehouse of more than 100 square meters near Akasaka.

The price is 8,000 yen per square meter per month, 950,000 yen per month, which is enough for the time being.

As for the name of this second company that belongs entirely to him.

He followed the Japanese custom and named it "Dachi Trading Company".

The origin of this name is very simple. All Chinese people will sing such a song - chop off the heads of the Japanese with a big knife!

Concisely and concisely, this is how he declared to the Japanese.

I came to Japan with malicious intentions to take advantage of you, and to settle old scores on behalf of the Chinese people. What the hell!

But having said that, there is still a certain gap between reality and ideals.

Strategically, his goals are indeed ambitious and his route is correct.

But for the time being, we have to overcome some tactical disadvantages, so we can only endure it for the time being.

You know, the Japanese unemployment rate is really low these days. It is really difficult for a small company like this run by a Chinese to recruit people.

Regardless of the fact that fresh graduates are looking for jobs right now.

But after his advertisement was posted, not even a Pheasant University graduate contacted him.

Even raising the salary to 300,000 yen is useless, although usually, college students who have just joined the job only have a salary of 160,000 to 180,000 yen.

For no other reason than because the Japanese are "single-minded", no one thinks that a leather bag company like his will have a future.

Later, he lowered his academic requirements and someone called to request an interview.

However, in Japan, the overall social economy is booming, lifetime employment is generally implemented, and most women do not work.

You can imagine what kind of people are coming.

You are not someone who just came out of prison and wants to change his ways.

He is a Japanese bastard who has been a fool for half his life and has never even gone to school.

How could he hire such a person?

If he said he was capable but could not do it alone, he would definitely cause trouble, which was completely inconsistent with his need for stability and peace.

In fact, there are migrant workers in Japan, almost all of whom come from rural areas with backward conditions in northeastern Japan.

People like Yujiro Sakai are of good quality.

He can endure hardships, can read, and is obedient, so it's a good deal to hire him.

But Ning Weimin didn't know where these people were, where he was recruiting, and how to win their trust.

In this way, Ning Weimin finally thought about it and found no other way. He had to find another way and took up the idea of ​​​​widows, divorced women, housewives from poor families and the disabled.

Only then could a few soldiers and generals be gathered together, and the company could barely stand up.

But then again, the advantage of dealing with it this way is that the labor cost is low.

You must know that Japanese social employment rules have always been that women are paid lower than men.

Ning Weimin does not have such a habit. He does not engage in gender discrimination and practices equal pay for men and women for equal work.

Just setting the salary according to the salary of normal male employees makes these women extremely satisfied.

Especially for people with disabilities, first of all, the government will provide adjustment subsidies to companies that employ people with disabilities, and secondly, the employment and tax deduction systems for people with disabilities have also been optimized.

Instead, Ning Weimin spent less money and won people's hearts.

Considering the single nature of his current business, his employees do not need to be very capable, but only need to be careful.

This is actually quite cost-effective.

The only position that is always vacant and difficult to find suitable candidates is that of truck driver.

This is considered a technical job, and people have to be reassured that it won't be found in a short time.

If delivery is needed, we can only deal with it through temporary employment.

As for the final contact with the travel agency, although it was different from what Ning Weimin expected at the beginning, it went generally smoothly.

Ning Weimin didn't dare to go directly to large travel agencies such as HIS, JTB, and Japan Travel.

In order to test the waters, he first contacted the tour guide he met at the airport based on his business card and found out that he worked at "Yamato Tourism".

Then I went to Koto District according to the address dictated by the other party, and found the Yamato Tourist Chain Store where the other party worked.

After waiting for half an hour, I met the department president of this medium-sized travel agency, and together we entered the coffee room specially used to receive customers.

But half of Ning Weimin's carefully prepared speech was in vain.

At this time, although the Japanese did not have many prejudices against the integrity of the Chinese people.

Basically, whatever Ning Weimin brags about, the other party will believe whatever he says.

Although the other party always listened politely, the Japanese people's rigidity and laziness in sticking to the rules were also fully revealed in the person in charge of the branch.

When Ning Weimin pulled the tiger's skin and finally finished his suggestions on opening up a Sino-Japanese travel route.

The other party just told me expressionlessly that the matter was serious and the head office needed to make the decision.

They are a branch. They just need to sell the tourism products according to the route planned by the head office. I suggested that Ning Weimin go to the head office to negotiate.

As the president of his department, he had no authority to discuss this matter with Ning Weimin.

Well, this is a soft nail!

It wasn't until this moment that Ning Weimin thought about it.

Co-author As the head of the branch, the department president has no motivation or ambition to make progress.

He just wants to sweep away the snow in front of him and live a comfortable life.

This Japanese is really serious. You didn’t have the interest to tell me earlier!

Why are you still pretending to listen carefully and wasting so much of my time?

Ning Weimin was angry and wronged. He originally thought that his trip was in vain.

Unexpectedly, the department president had already been staring at the trolley suitcase he brought, and was very curious about the suitcase he brought.

At this time, without waiting for him to speak, he offered to take a look at his products.

After trying it, I felt very novel and satisfied.

After hearing Ning Weimin's intention to cooperate in sales, he was quite moved.

It just so happened that someone from their branch had just signed a contract with a customer.

The president of this department personally took Ning Weimin's things to show them to the contracted customers.

Unexpectedly, the customer bought it so quickly and seemed very happy and satisfied with the trolley suitcase.

In this way, Ning Weimin's trip was not in vain after all, and he got his wish and established a cooperative relationship with the Kodong branch of "Yamato Tourism".

But then again, nature is hard to change, and this department president is only responsible for the branches under his command.

If Ning Weimin wanted to win cooperation with other branches, he didn't care, he had to rely on Ning Weimin to go there himself.

You see, the Japanese people are so arrogant and funny, I don’t know whether to complain or praise them.

This chapter has been completed!
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