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Chapter 316 Sensible Mengmeng, I speak for my hometown (400.01 million


"Let's go home and get the shooting equipment and drone. Let's start shooting today." After Cheng Xiaolin understood what happened, she became more active.

Cao Shujie looked at the big sun hanging in the sky and said to his heart that he really wanted to go home and take a nap.

But when he thought about Cao Jianmao and others saying that the kiwi fruits in the orchard were all ripe, Cao Shujie was also worried that if the fruit hung on the tree for too long, it would rot in the ground after it was ripe.

"Honey, I'll take you for a walk around the perimeter of Caojiazhuang on an electric tricycle." Cao Shujie described the incident quite beautifully, which made Cheng Xiaolin punch him twice.

The couple returned home together, picked up the equipment, and Cao Shujie rode an electric tricycle outside.

Mengmeng saw her father and mother going out with video equipment. She was very experienced now and knew that her parents were going to take videos again, but why didn't she call her?

She wanted to follow her, but when she saw her parents ignoring her, she immediately started rolling around and making a fuss, but Cao Shujie ignored her this time.

Although his daughter was crying at home, Cao Shujie rode an electric tricycle and took his wife out without looking back.

Cheng Xiaolin felt a little distressed when she heard her daughter's cry, but Cao Shujie said: "My wife, you can rely on Mengmeng for some things, but you can't spoil her without a bottom line. Over time, she will easily get into trouble."

"Can I not know?" Cheng Xiaolin curled her lips, but didn't say anything else.

They rode an electric tricycle to Caojiazhuang and came to the outskirts. There were mountains to the north, east and south, and a large plain to the west.

From this point of view, the geographical location of Caojiazhuang is not bad, it is relatively concentrated, and it is still a place conducive to farming.

It's just that Caojiazhuang has no other resources, so development is too difficult.

Cao Shujie saw an orchard from a distance, and also saw Cao Jianxiang standing worried in the field. He rode his electric tricycle directly over.

"Uncle Xiang, why are you here worried again?" Cao Shujie went over to greet him.

When Cao Jianxiang saw Cao Shujie and Cheng Xiaolin coming over, his sad face immediately put on a smile: "Shujie, on such a hot day, if you don't use the air conditioner at home, why are you here?"

Cao Shujie pointed to the orchard, and then pointed to the filming equipment they brought over: "What else can we do? Let's make a video. This time we will promote it for you for free, and see if we can attract some netizens to come and play."

Seeing the thoughtful expression on Cao Jianxiang's face, Cao Shujie continued: "Uncle Xiang, I'm not bragging. If you can really attract some netizens, you kiwis will be lucky."

"We won't sell it too expensive by then. It costs 4 yuan per catty, and 3 yuan and 50 is yours." Cao Shujie said openly, and he did not shy away from this.

He knew very well that if he was vague and unclear at this time, he would be the one who felt uncomfortable in the end.

Regarding Cao Shujie's statement, Cao Jianxiang nodded fiercely, he agreed.

"You guys go ahead and shoot whatever you want. If you need my help, just call out." The smile on Cao Jianxiang's face grew more and more.

He thought of Cao Shujie's orchard, where so many people had come during the previous two Tomb-Sweeping Day and Labor Day holidays.

Even on Saturdays and weekends, many people come to pick fruits.

"Even if the quality of the fruits in my orchard is not as good as Shujie's, I don't know if anyone will like it." Cao Jianxiang thought about this question in his mind.

Cao Shujie and Cheng Xiaolin had a lot of back and forth, but Cheng Xiaolin took the equipment and started filming.

Cao Shujie said hello to Cao Jianxiang, arranged his clothes, and saw that his wife had set up the video recorder with a knife in her hand. He slowly walked into the orchard from the side and followed the people into the camera.

The only spectator in the orchard was Cao Jianxiang. He didn't know how Cao Shujie and Cheng Xiaolin shot this video, and he didn't know how he could help.

Silently watching Cao Shujie and the others working, he waited patiently.

After a while, he heard Cao Shujie's voice: "All friends in front of the video, good morning. I am Cao Shujie, the village director of Caojiazhuang, Qingshi Town, Pingyuan County, Yiling City. I am here today and I would like to use this platform.

Say a few words for my hometown."

"We are a small mountain village famous for growing kiwi fruits, and the kiwi fruits grown in my Mengmeng orchard are among the best."

"Kiwi is a fruit with very high nutritional value, also known as the king of vitamin C. The vitamin C content it is rich in is generally 100 to 200 mg per 100 grams of fresh sample. In addition, it is also rich in chromine, etc.

There are 12 types of amino acids.”

"In addition to these, kiwi fruit also has strong antioxidant effects, fights free radicals in the body, has the effects of delaying aging, beautifying and losing weight. The amino acids and trace elements in kiwi fruit can promote children's brain development, improve intelligence and brain health."

"The water and dietary fiber in kiwi fruit can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, accelerate the discharge of waste from the body, and relieve constipation symptoms."

"You see, such a good fruit has many benefits to the human body, but it has been ruined by some unscrupulous farmers."

"I know that there are always some people in the market who are short-sighted. In order to obtain high short-term profits, they bring unripe fruits to the market and fruits with diseases and insect pests to the market, causing customers in the market to have many misunderstandings about this fruit.


"Here, I would like to say something for all our kiwifruit farmers in Caojiazhuang. They have shouldered the blame for others, causing customers who buy kiwifruit to have a bad impression of most good kiwifruit farmers and their products.

Losing trust is very unfair to many friends who make a living by growing kiwi fruit!"

Immediately afterwards, Cao Shujie took a few steps deeper into the orchard, and Cheng Xiaolin followed him forward with the video equipment in hand. The camera sometimes zoomed in and sometimes zoomed out.

When she saw Cao Shujie stopping again, Cheng Xiaolin also found a perfect location to stop.

Cao Shujie glanced at Cao Jianxiang, pointed at the kiwi fruit on the fruit tree and asked him if he could pick it. After receiving Cao Jianxiang's affirmative reply, Cao Shujie reached out and picked one, cut the kiwi fruit in the middle with the knife in his hand, and held half of the fruit in each hand.

The green flesh of the fruit is pointed at the camera: "Friends, please see, the kiwi fruit in my hand was picked randomly from the fruit tree."

He then turned half of the kiwi fruit in a circle and said: "As you can see, the outer surface of a mature kiwi fruit is yellow-green, and the flesh is crystal clear green. In addition, the flesh contains a large number of black seeds. Although such a kiwi fruit is also

It’s very hard, but we just need to cook it before it’s edible, and it’s very sweet and has a great texture!”

"But now there is a kind of fruit on the market. When you cut it open, you will find that its flesh is white. No matter how you ripen it, it has no effect, and the taste is very bad. It is precisely these unscrupulous and unscrupulous farmers who borrow money from customers.

Being unfamiliar with kiwifruit allows me to make money for myself while cutting off other kiwifruit farmers’ options.”

"I feel very sad about this behavior, and I also hope to arouse the conscience of these kiwi fruit growers, so that everyone can work together to safeguard this market."

The first video ends here.

When Cao Shujie and Cheng Xiaolin packed up their equipment and prepared to go to the next orchard, Cao Jianxiang next to them asked them: "Is the filming done now?"

"Uncle Xiang, you have finished filming here. We have to go to other places to film. Finally, we will edit all the videos into one video and broadcast it on the platform." Cao Shujie explained to him.

But obviously this explanation is of no use, and Cao Jianxiang is still blank on this topic.

Seeing Cao Shujie and his wife riding an electric tricycle to the west, Cao Jianxiang felt a little more hopeful.

He was not in a hurry to go home, but looked at his orchard in the fields to prevent ignorant children from picking randomly.

He took out a cigarette and lit one. When he was distracted, he suddenly heard someone ask him: "Jianxiang, have you seen Shujie and the others?"

Cao Jianxiang turned around and saw that the person coming was Cao Zhenghu, the grandfather of their village director Cao Shujie.

He was holding a mighty-looking black German shepherd in his hand. The German shepherd had a collar around its neck, and behind it was a small cart, in which sat a little girl with three pigtails.

If he remembered correctly, she was Cao Shujie's daughter. He had seen her that day when he went to the village committee compound to listen to Cao Shujie's speech.

"Uncle, Shujie and the others went west. Not long after they left, they said they were going to the next orchard to shoot a video. If you want to find him, just go west." Cao Jianxiang said.

"Okay, I'll hurry up and get there." Cao Zhenghu quickly took De Mu and pulled the car behind him to the west.

Mengmeng asked on the car: "Grandpa, have you found your parents?"

Mengmeng felt aggrieved, feeling that her parents no longer wanted her for the first time.

She couldn't stay at home and came to see her parents no matter what.

Cao Zhenghu nodded and said, "Don't worry, Mengmeng, we will find your parents soon."

"I will scold them when the time comes. How can I leave Mengmeng alone? It is simply unreasonable." Cao Zhenghu said angrily.

When Mengmeng heard what her grandfather said, she quickly shook her head: "Grandpa, don't scold your parents. It's my fault for making them angry."

"Woof woof"

Not long after walking, the German Shepherd suddenly barked twice toward the orchard ahead.

Mengmeng followed the sound and looked over, and suddenly found two familiar figures in the orchard. She shouted loudly: "Grandpa, look, those are mom and dad."

De Mu called out twice more, which attracted the attention of Cao Shujie and Cheng Xiaolin. The couple almost turned their heads to look this way.

Then I saw Grandpa Cao Zhenghu, De Mu, and Mengmeng in the small tractor behind.

Mengmeng didn't want to sit in the car anymore. She got off the car and ran towards her parents.

When she ran to Cheng Xiaolin, she burst into tears in frustration.

This caught Cheng Xiaolin off guard. She held the video recorder in one hand and coaxed Mengmeng with the other.

Seeing that her husband was still standing in the orchard without moving, Cheng Xiaolin said to him: "You are a dead person, so you can't come here to comfort him."

Cao Shujie walked over with a sneer, took the video recorder, and asked his grandfather: "Grandpa, why are you here."

"You still have the nerve to ask?"

"After you guys came out, Mengmeng kept crying at home. I couldn't comfort her. She kept telling me that she was looking for you, so I took her out." Cao Zhenghu really wanted to slap his grandson.

Cao Shujie was even more embarrassed: "Grandpa, I'm mainly worried about exposing her to the sun in such a hot weather."

"I think you are just worried. Didn't you run away like this when you were little? I didn't even expose you to the sun." Cao Zhenghu didn't give his grandson face at all.

Cao Shujie was too embarrassed to answer the question.

Cheng Xiaolin finally coaxed Mengmeng to stop crying. Unexpectedly, Mengmeng walked to the side and found a field to sit down by herself: "Mom, Dad, you go ahead and take pictures. I'll just watch from here. I won't disturb you."

When Cao Zhenghu heard what his great-granddaughter said, he became even more angry: "Shujie, look at how obedient Mengmeng is. What do you think, you still leave her at home?"

This is a bit embarrassing.

Cheng Xiaolin took over: "Grandpa, I don't want Mengmeng to follow."

"Linlin, please stop talking. Can I not know your temper? You are not such a cruel person." Cao Zhenghu muttered.

Who would have thought that Mengmeng, who was sitting on the ridge in the field, suddenly said: "Grandpa, don't talk about daddy either. It's my fault. I just make trouble for them and don't obey them."

These words made Cao Shujie feel ashamed. He thought about it, walked over, held Mengmeng in his arms, and walked back to the orchard. The father and daughter entered the camera together and continued to record the video.

Cao Zhenghu stood not far behind his grandson's wife. Looking at the happiness of his grandson and great-granddaughter, a kind smile appeared on his old face: "That's right, this is great."

Cao Shujie and his wife continued to record the video. Mengmeng seemed particularly obedient in his father's arms and occasionally made faces at the camera. This made Cheng Xiaolin feel that the video was more lively, lively and interesting.

The captured images also look warmer.

After the video was finished, Cao Shujie looked at the big sun in the sky and told his grandfather to go home and cool down first.

Cao Zhenghu listened to the advice. He was getting older and really felt uncomfortable being in the sun, so he took the German Shepherd back in the small cart first.

Cao Shujie and his wife took their daughter to visit five kiwi fruit orchards. When they finally shot a video in Cao Shuying's orchard, after narrating the content, Cao Shujie's expression became more serious than ever before. He looked at the camera and said: "If possible, I hope

Friends in front of the video can lend a helping hand. You should all come to the countryside to play, take your children to experience the feeling of going to the fields, and come to the orchard to pick the freshest and ripest kiwi fruits. Moreover, the price of these kiwi fruits is not high, 4 per catty.

Yuan, and a 5-pound packaging box will be given as a gift. At the same time, I promise that if you find rotten or diseased fruit within seven days of purchase, and the price is higher than what you buy on the market, I, Cao Shujie, promise to compensate you for your losses.


"I am Cao Shujie, and I speak for my hometown!"

This chapter has been completed!
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