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Chapter 317 How can such a video become popular (800.01 million)

 Others are not blind!

Many people in Caojiazhuang saw Cao Shujie and Cheng Xiaolin entering the orchard to shoot a video under the scorching sun.

They also knew that Cao Shujie and his wife did not make the video for their own benefit, but to find a sales outlet for the unsalable kiwi fruit farmers in their village.

Due to market reasons, kiwi fruits are unsaleable, which has greatly affected the confidence of other farmers who choose to continue to grow kiwi fruits to make a fortune.

Cao Shujie stood up at the critical moment, which gave other farmers confidence.

And many people in Caojiazhuang know the verbal agreement between Cao Shujie and these 14 fruit farmers.

Cao Shujie still helps the fruit farmers sell kiwis at last year's high price of 3.5 yuan per catty, and the remaining 5 cents difference is used as Caojiazhuang's construction fund. There is nothing wrong with this allocation. Many people are also grateful to Cao Shujie for considering the fruit farmers for the first time.

Moreover, their village director Cao Shujie did not take this opportunity to benefit himself, which made many people take a high look at Cao Shujie.

Character is important at critical moments.

For the people of Caojiazhuang, they once again realized that their newly appointed village director is indeed a good official!

This also deepened the trust of the people in Caojiazhuang in Cao Shujie.

When Cao Shujie and Cheng Xiaolin took their daughter home to edit the video and prepare to upload it to the platform as soon as possible, there were more and more discussions about them in Caojiazhuang.

The most talked about thing is about planting kiwi fruit.

Before this incident happened, many people wanted to grow kiwi fruit, but their minds were wavering.

They have always followed a repetitive and stable life, and suddenly they are asked to invest money to plant fruit trees to change their existing living conditions. Moreover, this kind of life also carries a certain degree of uncertainty, which also makes some people feel uncomfortable.

Back off.

I always feel like this is not guaranteed.

But after knowing what Cao Shujie has done for the 14 fruit farmers in the village, more and more people feel a sense of security.

They felt that they could just follow Cao Shujie and do it boldly without any worries. If an unexpected situation did arise, the village director Cao Shujie would help them find a solution.

They felt that Cao Shujie was different from the previous village directors and that he could indeed be trusted.

"Shujie, look at this place, can it be edited like this?"

In the small room outside on the second floor, Cheng Xiaolin pointed to a place on the computer screen and turned around to ask her husband.

Cao Shujie leaned over and looked at it for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, I think it's good for you to do it this way."

"Okay, let's change it like this first." Cheng Xiaolin continued to work on the next place.

Mengmeng stood next to Cao Shujie. She kept grabbing her father's clothes and climbing up, insisting on riding on his shoulders.

Cao Shujie simply bent down to pick her up and put her on his shoulders, and told her: "Mengmeng, you must sit still. I won't care if you fall."

Mengmeng was so frightened that she stopped being naughty and quickly hugged her father's forehead with both hands.

Cao Shujie looked at the time. The clock on the wall was almost 5:30. He said to his wife: "Honey, you are busy first. I will go down and cook."

"Go ahead and make me some meat to eat." Cheng Xiaolin told him.

Cheng Xiaolin, like Mengmeng, likes to eat meat, and she can eat meat better than Cao Shujie.

Cao Shujie often thinks that his daughter must have inherited it from his wife if she likes eating meat so much.

"Dad, I also eat meat."

"Okay, daddy, let's see what meat is left in the refrigerator and cook it for you." Cao Shujie grabbed his daughter's calf with both hands to prevent her from falling suddenly.

Mengmeng responded with a smile: "Okay, dad, I want to eat fish."

"No problem, I'll look for it." Cao Shujie brought Mengmeng to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and started digging.

But he searched through the refrigerator and couldn't find any fish.

Cao Shujie looked back at his daughter: "Mengmeng, what should I do if there are no fish?"

"Dad, buy it." Mengmeng was not polite to her father.

Cao Shujie looked outside. It will get dark in a while. Where can he buy something?

He said: "Mengmeng, why don't dad take you fishing tomorrow?"

Mengmeng was a little disappointed, but she had no choice but to say dejectedly: "Well, dad must not forget it tomorrow!"

"Don't worry, dad will definitely remember it. Get up early tomorrow morning and dad will take you fishing." Cao Shujie promised his daughter.

Mengmeng nodded her little head, her little face beaming with joy: "Okay, I must get up early tomorrow."

Cao Shujie saw a package of frozen chicken. He took it out and put it in a basin to thaw.

In order to make the thaw faster, he also sprinkled two handfuls of salt. When he bent down, he supported Mengmeng with both hands, took her down and put her next to him: "Mengmeng, you go out to play with grandpa, daddy cooks.


"Okay!" Mengmeng opened her legs and ran out.

Cao Shujie strained his ears, listening to his daughter shouting "Grandpa" outside, and hearing his grandfather's response, he immediately felt relieved.

"Let's get started!" Cao Shujie hummed and began to prepare onions, ginger, garlic and side dishes.

Make another pot of red dates and millet porridge, and take out the steamed buns to heat them up.

Seeing that it was not too late, Cao Shujie called his mother Wang Yuelan again and asked the old couple if they would come for dinner that evening.

Cao Shujie didn't say anything else when he learned that his mother had already cooked and was waiting for his father to come home to eat.

He also served a plate of tomatoes mixed with sugar, which Mengmeng loved to eat.

He was thinking about having a drink with his grandpa in the evening.

This is the day that Cao Shujie once dreamed of, and now it has come true. Cao Shujie just wants to go all out to maintain it. He hopes that it will get better and better in the future.

By the time he finished cooking, it was already an hour and a half later.

Take out the chicken stewed in the pressure cooker and use chopsticks to separate the meat and bones. This makes it less chewy, but his grandfather and Mengmeng can eat it easily.

Then he put the sugar-coated tomatoes, red dates and millet porridge on the dining table. Then Cao Shujie went upstairs and called his wife to come down for dinner.

"Shujie, you guys eat first. I still have a little time to finish editing this video and upload it tonight." Cheng Xiaolin said.

Cao Shujie didn't listen. He went over and put his hand on the computer table and took a look. It was indeed as his wife said, the video had been edited to the end.

This is because this video is mainly about explanation, there is no plot, and it is easy to edit.

When Cheng Xiaolin saw that her husband hadn't moved, she turned to him and said, "Go down quickly and let Grandpa and Mengmeng eat. I'll go down immediately after I finish this."

After she finished speaking, Cao Shujie suddenly leaned his head over and kissed his wife on the face.

Cheng Xiaolin didn't feel any strange feeling at all, and looked at him with a smile: "Why are you still acting like a child, even kissing me? Come on down quickly."

"Honey, you are so boring." Cao Shujie turned around and went downstairs, letting his grandfather and daughter eat first.

Sitting at the dining table, Cao Shujie asked his grandfather Cao Zhenghu: "Grandpa, let's have another drink?"

But Cao Zhenghu waved his hand and refused: "What are you drinking? I drink it every day. How can I bear it?"

"Besides, the wine you bought is so expensive, costing several hundred yuan a cup. I feel bad just thinking about it. How can I drink like this?" Cao Zhenghu said.

Cao Shujie understood instantly and told his grandfather: "Grandpa, I will buy a box of cheaper ones another day."

Cao Zhenghu saw through his grandson's trick and said, "Buy another box of Wuliangye?"

"Hehe!" Cao Shujie laughed.

He said, "That's not possible. I've already drank Wuliangye. I'll buy another box of better Fenjiu."

"Your grandson is quite generous in spending money for me." The smile on Cao Zhenghu's face never broke.

Cao Shujie chuckled: "Grandpa, I must be generous to you!"

"Dad, there's me too!" Mengmeng protested.

Cao Shujie touched her head, took out the big red dates from her small bowl, peeled off the skins and stuffed them into his mouth, scraped off all the jujube flesh with a spoon, and threw away the jujube cores.

The almost softened jujube meat turns a bowl of millet porridge deep red, giving it a sweet aroma.

Mengmeng's appetite was greatly increased. Cao Shujie took a spoon and wanted to feed her, but Mengmeng didn't need it at all. She stretched out her little hand to grab the spoon: "Dad, give it to me, and I will drink it myself."

Mengmeng was still anxious when her father refused to give it to her. Cao Shujie had no choice but to give Mengmeng the spoon and let her eat by herself.

About 20 minutes later, Cheng Xiaolin finished her work and came down from upstairs.

Cao Shujie went to the kitchen to serve his wife a bowl of chicken alone and placed it in front of her: "Honey, you have worked hard today. Eat more meat to stay healthy."

Cheng Xiaolin pushed his hand away: "Just go ahead and take care of yourself."

While eating, Cao Shujie asked her: "Have you uploaded it yet?"

"Not yet. I'll save it first. You can take a look at it later. If there are no problems, I will upload it." Cheng Xiaolin said.

Thinking about this, after finishing his meal, Cao Shujie went to the second floor to watch the video his wife had edited from beginning to end.

After reading it, he saw his wife also coming up, so he told her: "I think this is good and there is no need to change it."

"Okay, get out of the way, I'll upload it first." Cheng Xiaolin pushed her husband aside. She skillfully operated the computer and uploaded the video to the "Mengmeng Orchard" account on Youku.com.

According to platform statistics, her account now has more than 6 million fans.

Cao Shujie sometimes wonders whether there are zombie fans bought by many platforms for his wife, so that the data of several original video broadcasters including his wife will not be so ugly.

However, no matter how true his suspicion was, after his wife uploaded the new video and refreshed it, Cao Shujie saw that the number of background views had increased to several thousand.

Cao Shujie took out his laptop, opened Youku, found his wife's account, clicked on the video just released through the account, and found that the video had more than 100 likes.

There are more than a dozen comments below.

"Damn it, why are there such cheap kiwis? The ones I bought cost more than ten yuan a pound. Are they in the same country?"

"Boss, can you get free shipping on these kiwis? If so, I'll buy more and you can send them over for me, but I won't give you the money."

"It's still at the Mengmeng Orchard. I'll pick some during my break on Saturday."

"Let me just say, I put a banana in the kiwis I bought two months ago, and they were left for half a month without ripening. These unscrupulous merchants are really disappointing."

"Director Cao, we support you."

"Is there no one to take care of these evil things?"

"Have you noticed that Director Cao is so handsome? Holy shit, 'I speak for my hometown'. I love it!"

"Didn't you all see it? There is a cute little Mengmeng in the video, but why is Mengmeng so good today? Didn't she chase her father in the previous video?"


Cao Shujie hadn't read the dozen comments yet. When he saw the comment posted by a certain netizen saying, "Cute men chase him and hit him," he was so angry that his head was smoking.

"Are these netizens all keyboard warriors? They just talk nonsense on the Internet and slander me, right?" Cao Shujie felt indignant.

This time happens to be around 8pm, which is also when netizens are most active.

Less than half an hour after Cheng Xiaolin's video was uploaded to Youku, the number of views, likes and comments has already increased rapidly.

If you look at the data growth trend from the background, you will find that it grows along a sloping upward curve.

This piece of news may seem unremarkable, not even explosive, but it has become a popular video.

Especially what Cao Shujie said at the end of the video: "I speak for my hometown!"

This 8-character sentence suddenly touched the hidden place in many people's hearts.

The usual work is too busy, the pace is too fast, and the time is too tight, so that they have no time to think about the place that haunts them.

Many people don’t have time to relax and go outing with their elders and children to enjoy the fun of picking.

From the video, you can clearly see Cao Shujie's sweaty and embarrassed appearance. Because of this, many people feel the same way and want to experience it when they have a rest on Saturday or weekend.

By the way, we can use a trivial expenditure to help those markets that have collapsed due to malicious competition from unscrupulous fruit farmers.

"To be honest, I really admire the young man in the video. How did he come up with this method?"

Someone replied below: "Brother, this world is in tatters, and there are always people who stand up to mend it."

Fortunately, Cao Shujie didn't see this sentence. When he was making short videos in his previous life, this was already a bad comment.

At the same time, in the office building of Youku headquarters in Beijing, in the original video content editing department, editor-in-chief Fu Feng and editor Du Wenwu did not get off work. They normally get off work at 9:30 pm, and now there is still nearly an hour before getting off work.


When Du Wenwu saw this new video from Cheng Xiaolin, he blinked and was a little stunned.

There was only one thought in my mind: "Can a video like this also go viral?"

Simply unbelievable.

However, Du Wenwu also had a doubt in his mind. Is the video Cheng Xiaolin just uploaded really considered an original video?

Tudou, you are right, today it is 12,000, and tomorrow it is 10,000. I will go back to my hometown tomorrow. I don’t have time to write so much, so let me tell my friends in advance.

This chapter has been completed!
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