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Chapter 330 There is no one who sells regret medicine in this world (refined) 12


After the contract was signed, Cao Shujie shook hands with Liu Furong and said, "I will pay the rent later and find someone to clean up this place."

"Okay, that's it." Liu Furong had nothing to say.

If possible, he also hopes that Cao Shujie will be released as soon as possible.

Qingshi Town has 12 administrative villages, and the number of kiwifruit planted in each village is different. However, except for Caojiazhuang, the total output of kiwifruit grown in the remaining 11 administrative villages is not a small amount.

If possible, Liu Furong naturally hopes that Cao Shujie will help sell all these kiwi fruits.

In the long run, this will be beneficial to the stability and economic development of the town.

Qingshi Town itself is not an important town for economic development. There are a total of 37 industrial enterprises, of which only 6 are above designated size.

There are only 20 general stores or supermarkets with a business area of ​​more than 50 square meters. To put it bluntly, this figure is pitiful.

Under the premise that economic development was hindered, Liu Furong and others naturally focused on other aspects, such as the development of the agricultural economy.

In this aspect, Cao Shujie ranks high in the entire Qingshi Town.

Because of this, Liu Furong or Xia Zhenjiang both valued Cao Shujie, and they also valued the economic development of Caojiazhuang in the following period after Cao Shujie became the village director.

Cao Shujie took the signed contract and said goodbye to Liu Furong, thinking that his grandfather and daughter might not have gone back yet.

Cao Shujie drove directly towards Dafulun Supermarket.

After arriving here, Cao Shujie parked his car on the side of the road, walked to the entrance of the supermarket, looked around, and saw his electric tricycle at a glance.

The next moment, Cao Shujie walked directly into the supermarket.

As soon as he entered the supermarket, Cao Shujie didn't want to go out.

It's too hot outside, but it's very cool inside the supermarket with the air conditioner on. It's freezing inside and out, but Cao Shujie is not stupid.

Grandpa didn't have a mobile phone with him, and he didn't know where he and his daughter were now. He thought of waiting at the door and looking for them slowly, so that he would never miss them.

But before he saw anyone, he suddenly heard someone shouting: "Dad, dad."

When Cao Shujie heard the sound, he instinctively turned his head to look for the sound. Only then did he see his daughter holding a basketball in her arms, his grandfather Cao Zhenghu holding a box of pure milk in his hand, and an old and a young boy walking towards the door.

Cao Shujie hurried forward and took the pure milk in his grandfather's hand and the basketball in Mengmeng's arms: "Grandpa, why didn't you get a shopping basket?"

"I originally wanted to take Mengmeng here for shopping, but I didn't want to buy so many things." Cao Zhenghu looked at the pure milk in his hand, and he didn't know what to say.

I wanted to buy some yogurt for Mengmeng just now, but when I saw it was almost expired, Cao Zhenghu definitely wouldn't buy it.

"Dad, I still want to buy some candy." Mengmeng shouted.

"What kind of candy?" Cao Shujie wondered.

Immediately afterwards, I saw Mengmeng running towards the cashier. When she arrived, she pointed to the lollipop hanging on the shelf behind the cashier and said, "Dad, this is it."

"How many do you want?" Cao Shujie asked her.

Mengmeng put her hand on her little head. She thought seriously for a while and said, "Dad, I want two."

"Is there enough to eat?" Cao Shujie asked her.

When Mengmeng heard what her father said, she then changed her gestures and stretched out five fingers: "Why don't you eat so much."

Cao Shujie was about to agree, but Mengmeng shook her head and added: "No, if you eat too much, mom will blame me."

"Mengmeng, your mother is not here." Cao Shujie corrected his daughter's serious misconception.

But who knew what Mengmeng said firmly: "I don't believe it. Mom said she can see it anywhere. I can't let my mother see it, or she will beat me again."

"Mengmeng, you are so easy to deceive." Cao Shujie said in front of his daughter.

Who knew that after Mengmeng heard what he said, she suddenly rushed over and hugged his legs and shouted loudly: "I can't lie to you, Dad, you are talking nonsense."

Seeing how serious this little guy is, Cao Shujie stopped joking with her.

"Yes, Mengmeng is very smart." Cao Shujie said.

Mengmeng also understood that her father was praising her and started laughing.

"Grandpa, Mengmeng, it's time for lunch, let's go home." Cao Shujie asked them.

Cao Zhenghu didn't feel hungry yet, but Mengmeng had been busy all morning and now he was hungry.

She nodded: "Okay, okay, I want to go home and eat meat."

Hearing his daughter's agreement, Cao Shujie nodded and said, "Then let's go and go home first."

There was a problem when we went back. Grandpa Cao Zhenghu came here on an electric tricycle, but Cao Shujie's car really couldn't fit the electric tricycle, and he didn't want his grandfather to ride back again.

He said, "Grandpa, why don't you put the tricycle here? You all go back in my car, and I'll come over and ride the tricycle another day."

But Cao Zhenghu refused. He shook his head and said, "It's not a big deal. I'll just ride back."

He was very stubborn. He took the key and turned on the electric tricycle. He turned back to his grandson and said, "You take Mengmeng back, and I will ride the electric tricycle back by myself."

When Cao Shujie saw his grandfather like this, he had no choice but to drive behind and follow slowly.

The fuel consumption was really high, but Cao Shujie didn't care.

Mengmeng sat in the back seat, stood up for a while, and lay down on the seat for a while. No one else was controlling her. She thought it was quite fun.

When she saw the old man riding a tricycle in front of her, she called out to him.

But the soundproofing of the car was good, and Cao Zhenghu couldn't really hear her shouts.

In this way, 20 minutes later, they returned to Caojiazhuang together.

Cao Zhenghu stopped the electric tricycle and saw his grandson also parked the car at the door. He came over to talk to him: "Shujie, I told you that I was fine riding a bicycle. I asked you to come back first. Why are you disobedient?"

"Hehe!" Cao Shujie giggled.

Mengmeng opened the car door and jumped out: "Grandpa, I called you just now, but you couldn't hear me."

Cao Zhenghu walked over with a smile and held Mengmeng's hand: "Grandpa really didn't hear you, why did you call me?"

"Just call me grandpa." Mengmeng said.

Cao Shujie wanted to laugh when he heard this, but when he thought about it carefully, it was impossible to reason with his daughter.

Let Grandpa and Mengmeng rest in the living room, while Cao Shujie goes to the kitchen to see if there is anything else to eat.

His parents and his wife were still busy in the village committee compound at this time. Cao Shujie was thinking about making some lunch for his grandfather and Mengmeng. After eating, he went there to continue working for a while.

Who knew that after he finished making lunch, Mengmeng fell asleep first.

Cao Shujie and his grandfather were eating together. Cao Zhenghu said to him: "Shujie, you can just go to work after dinner later. I will watch Mengmeng at home."

Cao Shujie hurriedly finished his lunch and went to the village committee compound.

When Cao Jianlong saw him, he asked him how he was doing in town.

"It's okay. I rented a workshop. I'll find someone to clean the workshop later, and then contact someone to install the air conditioner. It can be completed in a week at most." Cao Shujie said.

Cao Jianlong looked at the busy scene in the yard, feeling a little lost.

"After you finish it there, will you move it to the town?" Cao Jianlong asked him.

Cao Shujie nodded and said: "It is still convenient to live in the town, and it is also more convenient to ship goods there."

Cao Shujie was really telling the truth, and Cao Jianlong also knew that living in the town would definitely be more convenient than in Caojiazhuang.

He didn't say anything else. It was his initiative to give Cao Shujie this morning. Whatever he said now was in vain.

There is no regret medicine in this world.

"Uncle Long, how was the delivery today?" Cao Shujie asked.

Cao Jianlong pointed outside and said: "I haven't stopped. I just finished my shift meal and continued to work. I really don't know how many goods were delivered, but I saw the YTO Express truck in the town coming to take it away twice.


While the two were talking, another truck drove in from outside. Cao Jianlong pointed to the truck and said to Cao Shujie: "Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here, and he is here to load the third truck."

He couldn't imagine this. He could only say that Cao Shujie had indeed made a lot of money this time, but he had to admit that he didn't have Cao Shujie's ability. He couldn't be jealous when he saw others making money.

Cao Shujie said something to Cao Jianlong and walked towards his wife.

As soon as he walked up to him, he heard his wife shouting: "5 boxes of first-grade fruits, please post this list."

After speaking, when Cheng Xiaolin raised her head to hand someone the newly printed express delivery order, she noticed her husband standing next to her: "Shujie, when did you come back?"

"I've been back for almost an hour, and I happened to run into my grandfather and Mengmeng on the way. They were coming over after lunch at home." Cao Shujie said.

"How is it? I heard from Uncle Long that the express delivery truck has arrived for the third time. There are quite a lot of shipments?"

Cheng Xiaolin nodded and said, "I'm really busy and I haven't stopped."

"It's a good thing to be busy, but I'm afraid no one will ask for the goods." Cao Shujie said.

This is true.

"How did you go to town?" Cheng Xiaolin asked him.

Cao Shujie told his wife what he had to do in town today. After listening, Cheng Xiaolin nodded: "So, just go to town to pack and ship the goods later?"

"That's for sure. You can't work in the village committee compound all the time. Besides, it's unrealistic to work here all the time on such a hot day. The kiwi fruit is too hot to hold. Turn on the air conditioner over there to lower it.

It can be stored for another 10 days and a half," Cao Shujie said.

"Just do whatever you want." Cheng Xiaolin said.

She didn't understand this aspect and had no intention of understanding it.

However, when Cao Shujie talked about Liu Furong giving him two months' rent exemption, Cheng Xiaolin also said: "Why did he waive it for you? This is equivalent to saving more than 28,000 yuan."

"You are stupid, he doesn't want me to sell more kiwis to reduce their pressure." Cao Shujie said.

"In addition to Caojiazhuang, the total kiwi fruit production in the other eleven villages in Qingshi Town is not a small amount. If they cannot be sold and all rot in the ground, do you think what will happen?"

"That's the fruit farmers from 11 villages combined. He won't be able to eat and walk around." Cao Shujie said.

Cheng Xiaolin also knew the stakes involved. She said: "No matter how you say it, we have also benefited."

This is true.

On this weekend day, a group of people worked until 6 o'clock in the evening. They all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the YTO Express truck coming and taking away a load of packaged express items.

After a busy day, I am really tired.

Even if they make money, they still feel psychologically exhausted.

Cao Shujie didn't bother to summarize the accounts. He shouted: "Let's go to the farm restaurant to eat together. I'll tell you something later."

After hearing what Cao Shujie said, no one else had any objections, and they went directly to the farm restaurant.

Cao Shujie had already greeted Wang Leigang, and the chicken, fish, and beef were all ready. When they came over, they immediately served them and started eating without any delay.

While eating, Cao Shujie told everyone about his renting a workshop in the town to use as a warehouse, and asked everyone if they would like to work in the town.

If they are willing to go, the only problem these people have to face is the inconvenience of commuting back and forth.

But Cao Shujie was not ambiguous about this. He thought that if there were enough people, he would rent a bus and pick up and drop off people in the morning and evening. The cost would not be too high, and the most important thing is that it is safe.

If someone in the village drives a tricycle or tractor to drive back and forth, Cao Shujie will really worry about safety issues.

"Director Cao, is the money the same?" someone asked.

After asking, he felt a little regretful, fearing that Cao Shujie would be angry, but he obviously had a lot on his mind.

Cao Shujie is really not a narrow-minded person. He said in front of everyone: "Don't worry about your income, this will definitely not be deducted from you."

"Then I have no problem. Anyway, it's very convenient to go back and forth every day." One person took the lead and said. The others immediately followed.

Many people drank that night, but not much, so it was just enough.

Mainly drinking to relieve fatigue.

The past two days have been busy and many people are exhausted.

On the morning of the second day, Cao Shujie asked his wife to watch the shipment at home. Cao Shujie drove to the county seat again. He wanted to find someone to install industrial air conditioners. In addition, he talked with Dai Yanping about the packaging boxes.

, I am so busy right now, I will definitely have to make another batch of packaging boxes.

This busy life reminded Cao Shujie of the time when he just came back from the capital.

At that time, he had just taken over the orchard that his father had given him. From that time on, Cao Shujie did a lot of the work in the orchard himself.

Many of the infrastructure construction in the orchard were built bit by bit by Cao Shujie’s own liaison.

Although he was very tired at that time, Cao Shujie had a goal in mind. He knew what he was doing and had a plan to take it step by step.

To this day, the foundation of Mengmeng Orchard is very solid. No matter who says it, Cao Shujie has the confidence.

But today is still different from this time last year. At that time, Cao Shujie basically relied on Cao Zhen for help when looking for people. Today, he has also accumulated a lot of connections.

When I came to the county town and asked someone, Xia Changwei introduced a company that was very reliable in making industrial air conditioners.

In addition to Cao Shujie's original plan for industrial air conditioning, the other party also introduced him to a new solution, installing a water-cooling system air conditioner.

The cost is relatively small. Once installed, the cost is between 250,000 and 300,000.

But if you install an industrial air conditioner, the cost will be between 300,000 and 500,000, which is much higher than the price of water system air conditioners.

Cao Shujie finally adopted the suggestion of water system refrigeration.

Cao Shujie does not think this cost is too high.

After deciding on the plan, Cao Shujie signed a construction contract directly with the other party and asked him to take people to install the water system industrial air conditioner in the rented factory workshop in Qingshi Town Industrial Park.

In addition, Cao Shujie also went to the furniture mall to buy some office supplies and a few large tables to make it easier for others to pack and use the boxes.

While he was busy with these tasks, Cao Shujie's other aspects of work were also progressing in an orderly manner.

What made him particularly gratified was that during the busy period of their lives, Mengmeng was very obedient and played with his grandfather every day, so Cao Shujie and his wife didn't have to worry at all.

Before you know it, a week has passed, and the water-cooled air-conditioning installation in the factory rented by Cao Shujie has been completed.

There are three sets of large water-cooled compression systems outside the workshop, which are transmitted to the inside of the workshop through pipelines, and then the cold air is blown out through the air outlets at each positioning point.

The entire installation of this system cost Cao Shujie more than 280,000 yuan.

If you add in the cost of renting the factory and workshop, the two dollars add up to more than 420,000.

This stall is really getting bigger and bigger.

Fortunately, this water-cooled air conditioning system can be removed at any time. If Cao Shujie feels that there is no advantage in renting a factory here one day, he can move back to Caojiazhuang to build his own factory and move the refrigeration system back at the same time.

A busy week has passed at Cao Shujie's house.

The daily shipment volume now is much less than in the first few days.

Within a week, many people online gave fair comments after receiving the goods.

Many people said in the comment area that the kiwi fruit they bought from Cao Shujie was indeed more delicious than the kiwi fruit they bought at the local fruit store.

And the freshness can be seen by comparing the fruit pulp.

In this way, the kiwis sold by 'Xuemeng Fruit Shop' are given a high rating. Under the recommendation mechanism of the platform, although the kiwis sold by Cao Shujie's online store are not as crazy as in the first few days, the order volume has stabilized.


This is a good thing for Cao Shujie, he has been secretly happy in his heart.

As for Qingshi Town, seeing that Cao Shujie's kiwi fruit sales were stable and orderly, and that Cao Shujie himself was also very stable in purchasing their kiwi fruit, this gave fruit farmers hope, and some unsociable voices in the secret gradually disappeared.


Liu Furong and Xia Zhenjiang had a very high opinion of Cao Shujie, but they also saw that Cao Shujie had already reached the top of his position as village director. If he was asked to hold a more important position, Cao Shujie would simply refuse.

He even threatened that if he took on a more important position, he would not be able to sell kiwi fruit here.

Whether it was Xia Zhenjiang or Liu Furong, this was their first time encountering such a person, but there was really nothing they could do against him.

The time came to late August before I knew it.

At this time, many schools had already started school, and Cao Shujie was also busy starting to unify the planting of new kiwi fruit varieties in Caojiazhuang.

For him, this is a big deal.

This chapter has been completed!
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