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Chapter 835 Investment doubled again (9000) Please vote for me

Their bank's loan task of 140 million this year was nearly half completed before January ended.

The remaining 80 million yuan loan task is not that difficult in Ma Changrong's opinion. The three of them work hard, and this year's bonus is already waving to him.

Maybe by the end of the year we can still exceed the target.

Thinking of this, Ma Changrong still asked casually: "Director Cao, your Xuemeng Food Factory doesn't need such a cheap loan?"

This is a typical shot with dates but no dates. What if Cao Shujie really needs a loan?

According to Cao Shujie's current size, this year's loan task may be overfulfilled in January.

But this time Ma Changrong was disappointed, and Cao Shujie still shook his head.

"Manager Ma, next time Xuemeng Food Factory needs a loan, I will come to you again," Cao Shujie said.

Xuemeng Food Factory is now able to realize recycling, and there is no shortage of funds for the time being.

Cao Shujie himself is not short of money. Even if he borrows tens of millions from the bank, it will not have much effect on him.

After he said this, Ma Changrong didn't say anything else.

Ma Changrong went out and brought in a list and asked Cao Shujie to prepare the loan information for Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative according to the above content.

At the same time, he also told his two other colleagues that Cao Shujie was coming to apply for a loan.

The loan of 60 million yuan is equivalent to completing 42% of their tasks this year, and the remaining part is much simpler.

Because of this incident, the other two colleagues became more and more pleased with Ma Changrong as they looked at him, and wished he could have some old connections with him again.

Cao Shujie was very familiar with this area. He took a picture of the list with his mobile phone camera and sent it to Cao Jianlong via WeChat, asking him to arrange for someone to start preparing the information today. He also told him that he was going to get a loan of 60 million from Yiling Rural Commercial Bank in Pingyuan County.

Yuan is used for Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative’s feed breeding and cash reserves.

When Cao Jianlong received Cao Shujie's WeChat message, his hands shook with fright. He borrowed 60 million yuan in the name of Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative, which was equivalent to a collective loan of 60 million yuan from all the farmers who participated in Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative.

After calming down, Cao Jianlong arranged for someone to prepare the information without asking any more questions.

In this matter, he unconditionally believed in Cao Shujie.

Near noon, when Ma Changrong and Cao Shujie went out to eat together, they called two of his colleagues to go too.

The two of them really want to go, but considering that they are not familiar with Cao Shujie, they will be just a foil when the time comes.

The bank also needs someone to stay behind, in case someone comes to apply for a loan while they are out for dinner.

These are all things that cannot be said for sure.

In a dog meat restaurant, Ma Changrong ordered delicious food and drank the wine that Ma Changrong brought.

At this time, they were just chatting, and they didn't talk about work-related matters anymore, let alone loan-related matters.

It feels a bit like old friends reminiscing about the past.

After careful calculation, this year is the sixth year that Ma Changrong and Cao Shujie have known each other.

This year has gone by so fast.

Ma Changrong could not have imagined that when he first met Cao Shujie, a young man who only wanted a loan of more than 1 million yuan would borrow more than 2 million yuan, more than 10 million yuan, 50 million yuan, and even 350 million yuan from him in a few years.

Yuan does not vary.

Ma Changrong discovered that Cao Shujie had new changes almost every once in a while, and his development seemed unstoppable from the beginning.

However, Ma Changrong has not changed much over the years. It can even be said that if it were not for the achievements that Cao Shujie has brought to him over the years, he would still be standing still.

Even if he is now transferred from the Qingshi Town Bank branch to the County Rural Commercial Bank branch, it is regarded as a promotion and a salary increase, but the 20% salary increase for the promotion is not even a drizzle compared with Cao Shujie.

Thinking of this, Ma Changrong felt sad. He took the wine glass in his hand and drank half of it alone.

Cao Shujie really didn't know what Ma Changrong was thinking, so he didn't ask much. Instead, he casually asked if Ma Changrong had invested in other projects recently.

Speaking of this incident, Ma Changrong was overjoyed at first, but then a look of despair appeared on his face.

He said: "It's hard to describe in words."

"I got out of securities stocks at the end of last year. I got back my original investment in Bitcoin and still had some profits."

"At that time, I saw that the price of Bitcoin was cheap, only more than 250 US dollars, so I bought Bitcoin again. Who knew that the price of Bitcoin would be so bad that I kept losing money for more than half a year."

When he said this, Ma Changrong had a sad expression on his face.

During the critical half year or so, securities stocks surged again, and he felt that he had lost more money by doing so.

Fortunately, after a while, the expression on Ma Changrong's face became happy again.

"Director Cao, you may not have noticed that Bitcoin is also doing well. It rose to more than 300 US dollars in July last year. As soon as I saw that the trap was solved, I made more than 60 US dollars for one coin. Throw it away quickly."

"I ran in time, and it fell again within two days of selling out. This should have been a happy thing, but who knew that since November last year, the price of one Bitcoin has risen to more than 400 US dollars, and now it is almost breaking through.

It’s 500 US dollars, if I keep holding it, oh, I can make a lot of money!”

"That's more than 300,000 yuan, but I bought it twice and it didn't go well both times. We don't have the luck to make money, so we can't buy it." Ma Changrong sighed unspeakably.

When Cao Shujie listened to Ma Changrong talk about his grudges with Bitcoin, he really had the urge to laugh.

After knowing Ma Changrong for several years, Cao Shujie thought about it carefully. Ma Changrong himself said that he had failed twice in Bitcoin.

It seems that I lost a lot of money the first time, but I finally made some money this time.

But having said that, Cao Shujie bought more than 8,000 Bitcoins at the beginning of last year at a price of more than 170 US dollars. If the price of one Bitcoin is really close to 500 US dollars, then he will make twice as much profit from this investment?

Having said that, Cao Shujie was also wary because of Ma Changrong's experience.

He told himself not to get carried away.

If he hadn't experienced it in his previous life and knew that Bitcoin had a particularly strong rise in the later period, just letting him play by himself would be the same as Ma Changrong. Everyone is half-hearted and unable to hold on.

This incident also made Cao Shujie particularly vigilant, telling himself not to be greedy for the highest price of Bitcoin in his memory. He believed that when the price of Bitcoin was about the same, he should sell it and the money in his pocket is money.

Otherwise, it will always be just wealth on paper. It will rise today and fall tomorrow, which is of no use at all.

"Manager Ma, let's have another drink." Cao Shujie clinked his wine glass with Ma Changrong, and the two of them drank slowly.

Eating dog meat hot pot seems so uncomfortable.

After they had finished eating and drinking enough wine, they left.

Song Baoming drove Ma Changrong back to his temporary residence in the county town, and then returned to Caojiazhuang.

After arriving at the place, Cao Shujie was not in a hurry to go home. He first went to the Caojiazhuang Village Committee Office to meet Cao Jianlong.

When he came back, he saw that Cao Jianlong had sent him a WeChat message, saying that he had prepared all the corresponding information and had left it in the village committee office, asking him to come and pick it up when he was free.

The action is quite fast.

When Cao Shujie came over, not only Cao Jianlong was there, but Zhu Hongwei and Zhuang Xuejian were also there.

Part of this information needs to be prepared by Taodong Village and Zhujiazhuang.

When Cao Shujie saw that they were all here, he thought it was a coincidence and there was no need to call them one by one.

He told three people in detail about the loan of 60 million in the name of Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative.

He also told them clearly that more than 40 million of the 60 million loan was specifically used for the feeding expenses of 8,000 calves and 2,000 cows.

The remaining more than 10 million funds, combined with the more than 10 million funds currently on the account of Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative, will be used as emergency reserves.

None of them said a word about Cao Shujie's arrangement.

However, Cao Shujie emphasized to them again that all profits of Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative in 2016 would be used to repay the loan, part of the profits in 2017 would be used to repay the loan, and the rest would continue to expand the scale of Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative.

If they want to pay dividends, it will have to be 2018 at the earliest, and it may be 2019 if it is slower.

In a sense, Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative will not distribute a penny to the participating farmers in the next 2 to 3 years.

"You go back and make it clear to all the farmers who are participating in the stock market. Again, if you don't want to participate in the stock market, let them put it forward and cash it in immediately." Cao Shujie mentioned this issue again.

Zhu Hongwei and Zhuang Xuejian both patted their chests and said that absolutely no one would shrink from the battle, and they could just reassure Cao Shujie.

"Okay, I've said all that needs to be said. Since no one is retreating, let's advance together and retreat together. If anything happens, we will shoulder it together." Cao Shujie was also unambiguous.

On the second day, we arranged for someone to drive and deliver the prepared materials to the Yiling City Rural Commercial Bank branch in Pingyuan County, hoping to get approval as soon as possible and get the money.

After all, the more than 10 million funds in their account cannot be spent for a few months.

The incident of Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative’s loan of 60 million eventually spread on the Internet.

At this time, some envious netizens came forward to comment that Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative was in trouble. It had just received dividends last year and would have to rely on loans this year.

Many netizens say that planting and breeding cooperatives are good at what they do, but they are bad at what they do.

No matter how beautiful the so-called dividends are, even if they are divided into tens of millions, in fact they are still illusory in the final analysis and are a tool for some people to cash out.

All of a sudden, there were so many different opinions that it was almost impossible to read.

And because this matter has something to do with Zhongcheng's cooperative, and the other party just distributed more than 40 million in dividends two months ago, and now it has loaned out another 60 million, and the other side has lost 100 million.

Many netizens who don’t know the truth can’t figure out what Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative wants to do?

At this time, everyone was reporting on it, thinking that no matter what the reason, they would also get involved and get some traffic.

What people didn't expect was that these unverified news spread quite quickly.

Not long after, these news reached the ears of Qin Chuanjiang, Xiang Yuheng, Wang Qinghui and others.

Wang Qinghui didn't pay much attention when he heard the news. When he and Cao Shujie went to inspect other villages in Qingshi Town, he heard Cao Shujie tell him about the problems Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative is currently facing.

Cao Shujie also mentioned solutions to these problems at the time, and loans were one of them.

In Wang Qinghui's view, Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative's loans are solving these problems according to the method he said at the time.

Also aware of this matter is Xiang Yuheng.

So when Xiang Yuheng heard this rumor, he didn't take it seriously. He felt that some people just follow the wind and deliberately create topics on the Internet. This should be investigated.

However, Qin Chuanjiang was not qualified to follow Wang Qinghui to inspect other villages at the time. He did not know about this incident. When he heard the news, his heart skipped a beat, and he asked Liu Furong to find out what was going on.

Could it be that Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative’s huge profit dividends, which caused such a fuss, are really like embroidered pillow-like products with rotten straw inside, as online netizens say?

Liu Furong didn't know what was going on. He even called Cao Shujie to ask, and then he realized that there was still such a problem.

Liu Furong then called Qin Chuanjiang and relayed to Qin Chuanjiang what Cao Shujie said word for word.

Qin Chuanjiang breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

As for what netizens say on the Internet, they don't care.

Instead, Cao Shujie arranged for someone to publish a notice online, giving a final warning to netizens who maliciously commented on Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative. If they continue to discredit Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative, they will pursue their legal responsibility.

After this announcement was sent out, it immediately aroused an enthusiastic response.

Many netizens saw that Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative was so tough, and they felt that there must be something weird in it, but they just didn't announce it online, so they didn't dare to talk nonsense.

However, some netizens or self-media with ulterior motives think that the emperor is far away and no one on the Internet can find out who he is or how to say it, and the rumors are even more outrageous.

Until the Internet police called them, the individuals who spread rumors or misunderstood Zhongcheng Breeding Cooperative or the self-media were dumbfounded.

They really didn't expect to find them.

The wind that had just warmed up soon became silent again.

It makes people feel quite interesting.

The first half of January passed quickly.

On Cao Shujie's side, Xuemeng Food Factory, his orchard, and the children's theme park he invested in are all developing in an orderly manner, and the progress is in line with expectations.

The Taobao store of Xuemeng Fruit Store may have ranked first in the sales list of 10 major categories, and the store has great brand value, and I also went to Xixi Park to meet Jack Ma.

Regardless of whether the two failed to reach an agreement in the end and broke up on bad terms, according to Chen Hong, the number of visits to their store has significantly increased.

At this point, Cao Shujie still admired Lao Ma and did not attack Xuemeng Fruit Store just because the two talked about Beng Xuemeng Food Factory.

However, after entering mid-January, the entire Xuemeng Food Factory began to produce preserved fruit gift boxes in preparation for the upcoming Spring Festival.

For Cao Shujie, in addition to stocking up for the Spring Festival, he is also looking forward to the marriage of his cousin Wang Shouzhi.

My cousin got married on the 26th of the twelfth lunar month, which actually didn’t take long.

In addition, Cao Shujie also has to consider where they will go during the Chinese New Year this year.

The year has been busy from beginning to end, and Mengmeng didn't want to celebrate the New Year at home. She wanted to go out and play while celebrating the New Year like last year, so Cao Shujie agreed to do it with his daughter.

Cheng Xiaolin has been choosing places to visit during this time.

She also had some goals, and she and Cao Shujie also discussed it. Cao Shujie wanted the temperature to be higher and not as cold as in the north.

This way, we can play outdoors for a while, and it won't do much harm to our son Cao Yirui.

Otherwise, they would find a snowy place and they would have a great time playing outside, but their son Cao Yirui would not look good from the cold. Then there would be trouble.

Pursuing this goal, Cheng Xiaolin finally selected a place, told her husband about it, and asked for his opinion.

"Going to Shencheng? Why?" Cao Shujie was curious when he saw this place.

Then she heard her wife say: "Why are there so many?"

Seeing that her husband didn't believe it, Cheng Xiaolin continued: "I asked Fangfang that their company received a big order at the end of last year. It seems that there will be no holiday for the Spring Festival this year. Everyone is working overtime to ensure production. Our parents don't know about it yet.

I'm thinking that if Fangfang doesn't come back, we happen to be going out to play, so we might as well go to her place."

"Then the whole family can get together to celebrate the New Year!" Cheng Xiaolin said.

"And I also checked the temperature in Shenzhen." Cheng Xiaolin said, taking out her mobile phone and asking her husband to check the temperature in Shenzhen on the mobile phone: "Look, today the lowest is 13 degrees, the highest is 18 degrees, and there is light rain.

What a wonderful day."

But Cao Shujie pointed to the next few days and said: "Honey, don't just look at today, look at it and there will be moderate rain behind it."

"That place is like that. It's normally 17 or 18 degrees Celsius right now, and the lowest temperature is no less than 10 degrees Celsius. It's neither too cold nor too hot. It's the right time to play."

"Also, I've also checked that there are a lot of places to play in Shencheng. Just say it's okay?" Cheng Xiaolin started to act like a baby.

Cao Shujie couldn't stand her, so he finally nodded: "Okay, I'll let you do this."

"We have decided, I will tell my parents now." Cheng Xiaolin looked quite anxious.

Cao Shujie rolled his eyes: "Honey, there's still one month until the Chinese New Year, so there's no need to be in such a hurry, right?"

"What do you know? Our parents don't know yet that Fangfang won't have a holiday during the Chinese New Year, but sooner or later they will ask Fangfang when they call her. If they find out about this again then, how uncomfortable will they feel?

, Why don’t we tell them clearly in advance that we will go to Shencheng to celebrate the New Year this year, so as to save the old couple from having to think about things." Cheng Xiaolin said this.

Cao Shujie felt a little ashamed. He was not as thoughtful as his wife about this matter.

"Okay, then tell them." Cao Shujie nodded and agreed.

He was also curious about how busy his sister's semiconductor packaging company was?

No holidays during the Chinese New Year?

What kind of big order is this? We need to take advantage of the Spring Festival to rush production.

Several questions gathered in his mind, and Cao Shujie was full of curiosity.

He was thinking about this in his mind, took out his cell phone, searched for his sister's number, and then dialed it.

(End of chapter)

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