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Chapter 940 Gambling (300.01 million)

"No wonder Brother Xu said their quotation was too high." This thought came to Cao Shujie's mind.

Even if their order quantity is small, the price is not low.

Insufficient sincerity!

Cao Shujie thought in his mind.

Seeing that Bao Tianyou from Tianji Electronics had already handed over the quotation, Yu Qingchang from Blue Moon Electronics Factory and Shen Zongcheng from Cuican Technology also handed over their quotations.

The remaining two people, Ma Guoxing and Luo Jianyang, were not far behind, fearing that they would be missed if they were a little later.

The 50 million non-standard data cables cannot be completed according to their company's production capacity, but it is still okay for each person to share a part.

But they are also curious, if this thing is sold in the market, will anyone buy it?

They always feel a bit sensational.

Cao Shujie unfolded all the quotations from the five companies and placed them on the table in front of him. Seeing the price list written above, Cao Shujie compared them one by one with the price list Cao Shuxu gave him.

He found that the quotes given by these five companies were much higher than those given by Cao Shuxu.

This is normal.

The typical difference between sellers and buyers. As the major shareholder of Yaxu Electronics Factory, Cao Shujie must be thinking of suppressing the quotations of the five foundries as much as he can.

"How much cheaper can it be? If I think it's appropriate, let's sign the contract today?" Cao Shujie asked them.

In this matter, Yu Qingchang, Shen Zongcheng and Ma Guoxing, as the bosses of the company, have a great advantage when negotiating prices.

They can make a decision on the spot whether to do something or not.

In comparison, Bao Tianyou and Luo Jianyang will suffer a lot, as their decision-making power is not as great as that of Yu Qingchang and the others.

Every time the quotation goes down a level, they need to call the company to ask whether it can be done.

In the key part of the negotiation, they were very passive and couldn't keep up with the pace.

Seeing Shen Zongcheng, Yu Qingchang, Ma Guoxing and Cao Shujie being very involved in the conversation, Bao Tianyou and Luo Jianyang already had the intention of giving up.

But when they thought of at least 50 million non-standard data lines, and the huge profits involved, Bao Tianyou and Luo Jianyang were unwilling to give up. They both spoke to Cao Shujie, and then hurriedly left the reception room.

, go outside and call their respective bosses to ask for the final result.

Let’s not talk about what they said to their respective bosses. Cao Shujie and the three of them and the remaining three foundries are still discussing prices fiercely. Everyone is trying to move their quotations closer to the middle to find a price balance point.


Just as Cao Shujie found it difficult to accept their offer, Yu Qingchang, Shen Zongcheng, and Ma Guoxing also found it difficult to accept the offer given by Cao Shujie.

They felt that the price quoted by Cao Shujie was too low.

And there is another key point. From the beginning to the end, Cao Shujie only said verbally that there were orders for 50 million data lines. So, are there orders for these 50 million data lines?

Or is it that Cao Shujie is still playing a false game to get their lowest price?

Several people always have this hidden worry in their hearts, so when making quotations, they are not willing to set the price too low.

What if they were ‘fooled’?

Bao Tianyou and Luo Jianyang, who came back from outside after calling their boss, thought that their boss had just asked them if they could confirm that there was an order for 50 million data cables. They did not dare to confirm that this number had always been from Yaxu Electronics.

Cao Shuxu and Cao Shujie from the factory said it.

In fact, they are very aware that this production capacity figure is very different from the production capacity figure of Yaxu Electronics Factory last year.

In a sense, this order output looks fake.

They are unwilling to put risks on themselves, so when they really seek the lowest quotation, they still keep one principle in mind, and they must keep enough profits for themselves.

At this point, the matter seems to have reached a stalemate.

Ten minutes of negotiation without any progress.

On the surface, neither party seems to be in a hurry, but only they know the specific mood.

It looks like we can invite them to lunch directly in a little while.

Cao Shujie suddenly stood up and asked: "Everyone, it is not an option for us to continue the stalemate. Tell us how you are willing to lower the price?"

Speaking of the core issue, Bao Tianyou, who had just come in after making a phone call from outside, asked: "Boss Cao, how can you ensure that your order is indeed 50 million?"

This is also what Shen Zongcheng and others want to ask.

Cao Shuxu and Xu Daihua did not expect that a group of people would get entangled here again.

After all, these people still don't believe that their company has such a large production capacity.

Just when they were thinking about how to persuade each other, they heard Cao Shujie say: "Everyone, how about we make a bet?"

Yu Qingchang and Shen Zongcheng all looked at Cao Shujie with doubtful eyes, wondering why Cao Shujie mentioned gambling again?

"What do you mean?" Luo Jianyang asked.

"You don't believe in our output, how about this?"

"I just told you that from now on, Yaxu Electronics Factory will ship more than 50 million data lines in the next year."

"Then we will set a benchmark price centered on 50 million data lines. If the total order we deliver to you this time next year exceeds this number, the final quotation will be based on the price we issue?"

"If the total order we give you at this time next year is less than 50 million pieces, your final quotation will prevail."

"In addition, during this bet period, I will first pay the purchase fee according to our quotation. By this time next year, if the total order quantity is not completed, we will supplement it with the price difference to everyone. What do you think?" Cao Shujie asked confidently.


What he said was very confident.

Several people looked at each other in confusion. Listening to what Cao Shujie said just now, they were not sure whether they should believe Cao Shujie?

In fact, what Cao Shujie just said was nothing more than gambling.

If they win the bet, the quotation will be based on the price they issued.

But this also illustrates a problem. Yaxu Electronics Factory’s data cable orders are not 50 million at all.

In the case of insufficient production capacity, the profits they earn are relatively smaller.

If Cao Shujie wins, they will have to rely on the price given by Cao Shujie.

They knew well that although the price offered by Cao Shujie was much lower, once the output exceeded 50 million pieces, even if the profit was small but the turnover was high, the accumulated profits would be considerable.

In this way, no matter how much the final output is, they can ensure that they have sufficient profits.

After thinking about this matter, Shen Zongcheng was the first to stand up and said: "I agree!"

"I agree!"

"I have no objection!" This matter seemed to have reached a tacit agreement in an instant. Several people were no longer obsessed with the price issue, but were thinking about why Cao Shujie was so confident and dared to place such a large order for a product?

Moreover, these products are all non-standard version of data cables. Isn’t he afraid that all these products will fall into his hands?

In terms of their quoted cost price alone, the price of this batch of products is not low.

Or does Yaxu Electronics Factory have any backup plans?

On this issue, they really can't understand it and can't see it through.

Cao Shujie was talking to Cao Shuxu and Xu Daihua about what happened just now.

Including 30 days of monthly payment, as well as gambling matters.

Cao Shujie doesn't know whether this batch of data cables can be sold for more than 50 million units in the next year, but he is still confident that he will make a wave when there is no non-standard version of the same data cable on the market.

Moreover, Cao Shujie has an idea in his mind. Even if all 50 million data cables cannot be sold by then, he feels that as long as 10 million of these data cables can be sold by then, from a cost perspective, they will be operating at a guaranteed cost.

You can even make some money.

Every time they sell an additional batch, it's their pure profit, and it's just a question of how much.

So when Shen Zongcheng and others were worried about whether Cao Shujie could sell such a large order, Cao Shujie wanted to place an order for 50 million data cables and asked them to go back and do it now.

After getting some free time, Cao Shujie, Cao Shuxu, and Xu Daihua came out of the reception room. Secretary Cao told them this key point.

At the same time, he also told them: "As long as we sell 10 million non-standard data cables as in previous years, we have already guaranteed our capital. If we operate well, we can even make a profit."

After explaining this point thoroughly, the two of them were stunned. They never expected that Cao Shujie had already considered this step.

"He is so courageous!" Xu Daihua and Cao Shuxu thought to themselves.

For this reason alone, they admired Cao Shujie very much.

From this place, we can also see that Cao Shujie's courage is unmatched by the two of them.

Because according to Cao Shujie's thinking, from the moment he proposed the bet, everything was already under his control.

No matter how many non-standard data cables can be sold in the next year, orders for at least 50 million data cables have actually been completed.

"Brother Xu, in this case, we can sign a contract with them at the price you offered. Next, we only need to consider how to sell this batch of data cables." Cao Shujie said.

He finally made it clear.

Although Cao Shuxu was still worried at this moment, he was no longer as nervous as before.

Xu Daihua said: "I think it's okay, otherwise we will do it according to what Mr. Cao said."

Finally, he said: "We will sign an order for 50 million data cables with them today."

He was preparing to burn the boat and not allow himself any way out.

Moreover, after Cao Shujie finished explaining just now, he thought carefully and found that Cao Shujie's operation was very safe.

It's worth a gamble for them.

And at this juncture, they need to get OEMs to quickly produce products.

If you make more, even if you can't sell it for a while, you can still keep a safety stock.


This chapter has been completed!
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