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Chapter 942 My father also chases stars (120,000)

"Manager Wang, sit down." Cao Shujie pointed to the swivel chair opposite his desk and asked Wang Zhifeng to sit down.

"Is there a problem?"

Cao Shujie turned around and asked as he went to make tea.

Wang Zhifeng came here to tell Cao Shujie about the appointment of the new mayor of Qingshi Town.

He said: "I went to inquire about it. The newly arrived mayor came from the suburbs of the city. He was responsible for economic development there before. He is a practical person."

"What's your name?" Cao Shujie asked him.

Wang Zhifeng had already inquired clearly. He said: "My name is Shi Xiangdong. He is 37 years old this year. He is considered young and promising."

"Only 37 years old?" Cao Shujie stopped collecting water, looked back at Wang Zhifeng, and smiled: "So, the other party is really capable!"

This age seems quite old, and many units only recruit people under the age of 35. However, for those who develop within the system, if they do not have a particularly high starting point, those who can climb from the grassroots to the level of a full-time student can still be employed.

The mayor of the last economically developed town can only show that the other party has abilities beyond ordinary people.

Wang Zhifeng nodded: "He should have some skills, but there is very little information. I didn't find out anything more specific."

"It's okay. What its ingredients are has nothing to do with us. We can just continue to do our jobs." Cao Shujie came back with the teapot, sat down, and put it on the tea tray.

He patiently made three brews as if playing kung fu tea. After the tea soup turned maroon red, he poured a cup for Wang Zhifeng: "Old Wang, how about you try this tea?"

Wang Zhifeng was not polite. He picked up the teacup and smelled the aroma of the tea first, then slowly took a sip: "Xiang, why does it smell like fruit when I drink it?"

He thought he had tasted it wrong.

When he saw Cao Shujie nodding, Wang Zhifeng took another sip, then reached for the teapot and filled it for himself.

"Boss, I estimate that Mayor Shi, who has just arrived, will come to our factory for investigation in a few days," Wang Zhifeng said.

Cao Shujie smiled: "Come just come, you can't close the door and not let in."

After a pause, he added: "Besides, we are a good company that abides by laws, follows national policies, and does business in a disciplined manner. Are we still afraid that he will come to check and find any problems?"

Speaking of this, Cao Shujie didn't know what he was thinking of, and suddenly said: "I really want to get to know this 37-year-old Mayor Shi."

And it is very likely that the opponent will go one step further with Qingshi Town rising by half a tile.

If he can become the deputy director of real power before the age of 40, he will really be worthy of being called a young and promising man.

Various circumstances also show that what he values ​​​​is the improvement of Qingshi Town into an important economic development town.

"How are you these days in the factory?" Cao Shujie asked him.

Wang Zhifeng told Cao Shujie that there had been no problems in the factory these days and it had always been stable.

"Manager Wang, the company made a lot of money last year. We didn't hold an annual meeting, and the company didn't make less money this year. You can't be lazy anymore. You have to let everyone have fun together." Cao Shujie said to him.

It's already early June, and there are still more than six months left before the end of 2016. It seems like a long time, but I'm really busy and time flies by.

When Wang Zhifeng heard his boss mention this, he felt a little ashamed and promised Cao Shujie that he would do a good job this year.

"Okay, this year we will also ask each department to select a group of employees with outstanding performance, and then select a group of outstanding managers, as well as outstanding reserve talents. The development of the company is exactly when it needs talents." Cao Shujie said.

Xuemeng Food Factory has been in a process of rapid development from the beginning to now.

Even though the overall market economy outside is sluggish, this has not affected Xuemeng Food Factory's turnover growth.

Even because the purchase cost of various fruits has dropped, the company's profits have continued to rise.

In this case, if the company makes money, Cao Shujie must also want to make all employees happy.

He also told Wang Zhifeng: "There are still more than 20 days left in June. I plan to hold a semi-annual general meeting next month. You should also prepare in advance and let each department select a group of outstanding employees.

Give appropriate rewards and incentives.”

"Okay!" Wang Zhifeng nodded and agreed.

Regarding the annual meeting, the boss gave him enough time this time. If he didn't do well again, Wang Zhifeng felt that he could really raise his head and come to the meeting.

Wang Zhifeng and Cao Shujie chatted for a while and then went out.

Returning to the human resources department office, Wang Zhifeng first called all the people in the department to the small conference room next to him and held a small meeting for them.

After seeing everyone come in, Wang Zhifeng got straight to the point and said to everyone: "I'm calling everyone here today for two main things."

"The first thing is that the boss will hold a semi-annual general meeting next month. Let's prepare well for this. In addition, you should also communicate with various departments and ask them to submit semi-annual awards as soon as possible. Tell them that it is easy to submit awards.

Hurry up, we won’t wait if you’re late.”

Everyone nodded and recorded the incident in their notebooks.

Wang Zhifeng continued: "In addition to the semi-annual general meeting, the boss also said that the company has made money this year, and we will also hold the company's annual meeting this year."

As soon as he mentioned this, everyone stopped what they were recording in their hands and raised their heads to look at him.

Zhang Guangwei even asked: "Manager, are we going to be the same this year as last year?"

"There's no program? Just find a place to have a dinner together, give out gifts? Draw a lottery?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Lu started laughing, and Yan Jingjing, Liu Fei and Wang Xiaochun also started laughing.

But Wang Zhifeng didn't smile. He kept a sullen face. This overly serious expression scared everyone so much that they all restrained their expressions and did not dare to breathe.

Wang Zhifeng seemed to be very satisfied with the effect he had caused. He then said: "Don't talk nonsense about things that will never happen in the future. Remember, we are the human resources department. All policies and notices come from us. Every word you say comes from us."

It may be mistaken by employees as the company's next action plan. If it is over-interpreted, who will bear the responsibility if it causes bad emotional changes?"

"Yes!" Zhang Guangwei said quickly: "Manager, I remember it."

He was very nervous!

He doesn't want to be punished or killed because of his 'attitude', that would be too uneconomical.

And what his manager said is right. They are discussing this kind of things indiscriminately and making irresponsible remarks. There are only a few people in their department. Talking is okay, but if they are said outside and are listened to by interested people, and they spread information randomly, it will be really serious.

It's easy to get into trouble.

"Yes!" Wang Zhifeng nodded and then continued the topic.

"What the boss means this time is that the company has made money. He wants to share the joy of making money with everyone and let everyone have fun together. The boss specifically told our department to start planning from now on, and we must hold this year's company annual meeting

Okay, do you all understand?"

So that’s it!

Everyone smiled and nodded: "Manager Wang, I understand!"

Wang Lu, the youngest, asked: "Manager, what programs are we preparing for this year?"

Wang Zhifeng didn't think about it now. He told everyone: "Think about it first. The boss still wants to hold the annual meeting in December. In this case, we will have at least 5 months to prepare."

Having said this, he then looked at Song Hongyu and said to her: "Hongyu, you are the best at planning. I plan to leave it to you to communicate with various departments about the annual meeting program. Are there any problems?"

Song Hongyu nodded heavily: "Manager, I have no problem."

"Very good. Since there is no problem, let's start taking action today. The sooner we can finalize this matter, the better."

"In addition, after the programs from each department are reported, we will have a small meeting to re-schedule them."

After this small meeting, everyone left the small meeting room and went to work on the tasks newly assigned to them by the manager.

Wang Zhifeng was still sitting in the conference room, thinking about the conversation he had just had with his boss.

In addition to the semi-annual general meeting next month and the annual meeting at the end of the year, there are two other things that are also very important.

All departments rush to select outstanding employees and managers before the annual meeting, and at the same time do a good job in cultivating outstanding talents.

Compared with the first two, reserving outstanding talents has always been something their human resources department has been doing.

But the boss mentioned this matter to him alone today, which shows that the boss is not satisfied with the human resources department and his work, and must continue to do it.

Because we have to communicate with various departments and ask each department to come up with at least one program. Even if it is kept secret, this matter cannot be hidden. By lunch time, word has spread in the company, and many people are discussing the annual meeting.


The hot topic of discussion among everyone is what programs will be included in this year’s annual meeting.

In addition to the programs prepared by the company itself, will the company invite celebrities?

Which celebrities will be invited?

Is there any one that is particularly famous?

This topic has been discussed since the first annual meeting.

The second question is what prizes will the company give them this year?

We were issued mobile phones last year, will they be issued again this year?

Many people actually really want another mobile phone. This thing is very practical.

If the company distributes mobile phones, they don't have to spend money to buy mobile phones themselves, which also saves a lot of money.

And even if they don’t use it, they can take it home for their family to use.

With this thought, many people began to look forward to it.

Cao Shujie returned home with his daughter Mengmeng in the afternoon. As soon as he walked in, his wife asked if the factory was planning to hold another annual meeting this year.

"I heard that mobile phones will be distributed this year. Is it true?"

Cao Shujie sounded a little confused.

He asked his wife where she heard the news?

"Where else did I hear about it? It has spread in our Caojiazhuang group, and everyone is discussing this matter." Cheng Xiaolin asked her husband to read the group messages by himself.

"The people who work in your factory said they need to prepare the program in advance. Some people in the group are talking about which celebrities will be invited this year. Some people in our village are also discussing whether they can go to your factory to complete the meeting this year." Cheng Xiaolin told him


Cao Shujie thought to himself that there really was no secret that could be kept.

"The annual meeting is real. I thought that the factory has made a lot of money this year. I asked Manager Wang to prepare for the annual meeting in advance so that everyone can have fun together. He should have asked various departments to prepare programs." Cao Shujie thought about it for a moment, that is

I understand what's going on.

"As for the prizes, this is just a random guess. I haven't decided what to buy yet." Cao Shujie told his wife.

"But the mobile phone is not useless, Lao Lei still kept talking about this matter to me."

Cao Shujie couldn't help but laugh when he thought of this incident.

What Lei Jun means is that Cao Shujie doesn’t support his friend’s career at critical moments. That’s true!

Cheng Xiaolin also knew what was going on and started laughing.

"So their guess is quite right. There is a high probability that you will receive mobile phones this year."

Cao Shujie did not deny this. Lei Jun also said at that time that he would give him a discount, and he would not give it in vain.

"It depends on the situation. You can save some money by buying a mobile phone." Cao Shujie said.

Cheng Xiaolin nodded: "Then which celebrity will you invite this year?"

"Do I need to worry about such a small thing?" Cao Shujie asked his wife.

"You are capable, you can do it." Cheng Xiaolin turned and walked away.

Cao Shujie looked at his wife's back and laughed.

What Cao Shujie didn't expect was that his parents would also ask about it during dinner in the evening.

"Today, many people from our village came to buy bread and asked me if it was true. Some people also asked which celebrity your factory would invite this year." Cao Jianguo said.

Cao Shujie couldn't laugh or cry: "Dad, it hasn't been decided yet. Let's wait a little longer."

Just after he finished speaking, Cao Shujie suddenly remembered something and asked his father: "Dad, which star do you want to hear sing? I will arrange for someone to invite him."

Cao Jianguo looked at his son and didn't believe it: "Can it still be like this?"

"I can name anyone, can you really invite me?" he asked.

Looking at him like that, it was obvious that he still didn't believe that his son really had such ability.

But Wang Yuelan had no doubts about what her son said, and she turned around and scolded her wife: "If you don't believe it, get out."

"Grandpa, my dad is amazing." Mengmeng stood up to support her dad.

Cao Shujie had a proud smile on his face.

Cao Jianguo thought for a while and said, "If that's the case, I want to hear Hua Zai sing."

That was the star of their time.

He is also one of the few celebrities that Cao Jianguo knows.

Cao Shujie kept this in mind: "Dad, are you sure?"

Cao Jianguo nodded, and asked his son worriedly: "Is it troublesome?"

"If it's too much trouble, forget it."

He didn't want to cause trouble to his son because of this matter.

Cao Shujie laughed: "Dad, this is nothing."

Wang Yuelan asked: "If I hire him, won't it be expensive?"

Cao Shujie shook his head: "Mom, it's not as exaggerated as I thought."

It's really not that exaggerated.

The cost of this kind of commercial performance is really nothing to a company with annual sales of several billion.

Besides, Xuemeng Food Factory spends hundreds of millions on advertising alone every year.

"This will be kept secret in advance. I will let you know after I arrange for someone to make an appointment with him." Cao Shujie said to his father.

Cao Jianguo nodded hastily: "That's natural."

After dinner, Cheng Xiaolin asked her husband: "Shujie, can you really invite him here?"


"Hua Zai, isn't our dad a star chaser?" Cheng Xiaolin said.

After hearing this, Cao Shujie burst out laughing: "It's not a big problem to spend some money." ()

This chapter has been completed!
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