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Chapter 3411 Seven Sons of the Heavenly Temple


Liu Wuxie rejected their request on the spot.

Two waves of ruthless killing intent swept out.

The disciples who were successfully promoted didn't know what was going on, so they all looked this way.

"Aren't those two brothers from the Wu family? Why did they come to chat with that boy?"

The two people who asked Liu Wuxie to give up the assessment were disciples of the Wu family. The elder was called Wu Da and the younger was called Wu Er.

Although the Wu family is not one of those first-class families, they have been relying on the Long family for these years, and they are doing well.

"I still don't understand this. I must ask that boy to give up the assessment. In this way, the first place in the test will naturally fall into the hands of Long Yiming. After all, the first place in each link can enter the Baoxia Palace to practice."

There were still many smart people in the field, and they quickly guessed the Wu brothers' intentions.

"If I were that boy, I would definitely agree. After all, I can curry favor with the big tree of Long Yiming. As Long Yiming, I will soon be able to gain a foothold in the Tianshen Temple. Besides, Long Yiming's uncle is a member of the Tianshen Temple.

Top elder!"

Most people thought Liu Wuxie would agree.

"Miscellaneous talents are destined to be difficult to achieve great achievements. In addition, he has the emperor's talent in his body. It is estimated that he will be deprived of it when he first joins the sect. It is better to use this favor in exchange for Long Yiming to protect him."

Another disciple spoke.

Anyway, he has become a disciple of Tianshen Temple, so it doesn't mean much whether he takes part in the assessment or not, so he simply gives Long Yiming a favor.

These disciples didn't know what Liu Wuxie's name was, and they kept calling each other.

"Looking at the expressions of the Wu brothers, it seems that this guy doesn't buy it!"

If Liu Wuxie agreed, the Wu brothers would never show strong murderous intentions.

"This guy has a stubborn personality. You know if his bones are strong or not!"

In addition to the Wu brothers, there were also many disciples who had passed the examination. They were worried that they would not have the chance to curry favor with Long Yiming, so they all stood on Long Yiming's side and kept putting pressure on Liu Wuxie.

Looking at the ugly faces around him, Liu Wuxie became even more determined.

Only when you are strong can you be truly strong. Relying on others is not a long-term solution after all.

"His name is Liu Wuxie. He came from the Immortal Realm. During the assessment in the Lower Three Realms, he robbed us of our cultivation resources. This person is extremely domineering."

Yao Maiqi suddenly walked towards Long Yiming, bowed to Long Yiming, and then introduced Liu Wuxie's origins.

Until now, these disciples in the field did not know Liu Wuxie's name.

"No fighting is allowed during the assessment, otherwise this kid will die a hundred times."

The disciples standing next to Long Yiming had extremely strong killing intent in their eyes.

After Yao Maiqi finished speaking, he took a step back with a smile on his lips.

"Brother Yao, why don't you tell them that Liu Wuxie has the strength to defeat the True God Realm?"

Zhuo Yang asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Although Yao Maiqi told Liu Wuxie's origin, he did not mention Liu Wuxie's fighting ability.

Liu Dashan did not hand over the content of the lower three domain assessments to Wanyanshan, but to the sect. Therefore, except for Yao Maiqi and Zhuo Yang, no one present knew Liu Wuxie's true combat power.

Yao Maiqi rolled his eyes at Zhuoyang, who quickly understood.

"I understand, you are using Long Yiming's hand to get rid of Liu Wuxie."

Zhuo Yang was not stupid either, and quickly understood Yao Maiqi's intention.

They are not Liu Wuxie's opponents, but Long Yiming is at the fifth level of the True God and is a disciple of the Long family. There are many masters around him. If he offends him, Liu Wuxie will definitely have a difficult life in the future. Whether he can survive or not depends on one person.

Unknown number.

Some words can only be understood and cannot be expressed in words. Yao Maiqi neither admitted nor denied them.

"Boy, I remember you. When you get to the Temple of Heaven, I will teach you how to be a new person."

The Wu brothers calmed down their momentum and returned to Long Yiming.

"Brother Long, that kid doesn't know what's good and what's good. Wait until you get to the Temple of Heaven before you kill him!"

Wu Xiao said to Long Yiming in a low voice.

Long Yiming just nodded without saying a word.

Liu Wuxie stood at the edge of the martial arts arena, unlike other disciples who had passed the training, most of them gathered together and chatted with each other.

Sit cross-legged and never miss any opportunity to practice.

Until the last person's assessment is over, the first level of talent test is finally over.

Only more than 6,000 people passed the talent test in the first round.

There are three more steps to go, and in the end only a thousand people are qualified to join the Celestial Temple.

"The disciples who have passed will have a night's rest and will continue to take the assessment tomorrow. The eliminated disciples can leave."

After two days of assessment, Wanyanshan said with a tired look.

The first part takes the longest, and the next three parts of the assessment are relatively easy.

The eliminated disciples left the martial arts arena unwillingly. Before leaving, they couldn't help but look at Liu Wuxie at the edge of the martial arts arena.

As long as Liu Wuxie's talent is deprived, they will be eligible to join the Celestial Temple next year.

It was about tea time, and the martial arts arena became sparse.

"Tomorrow I will start the assessment of spiritual cultivation skills. I will recharge my batteries tonight. If I find a private fight, I will be disqualified from the assessment."

After Wanyanshan finished speaking, he left with the other two elders, leaving a few disciples behind to maintain order.

Before Wanyanshan could walk far away, the martial arts arena was suddenly filled with excitement.

In small groups, everyone gathered together and chatted freely.

Only Liu Wuxie's side was deserted.

In the eyes of others, Liu Wuxie offended Long Yiming, and there was only one way to die.

By getting closer to him, he undoubtedly indirectly offended Long Yiming.

Liu Wuxie happened to be clean and practiced quietly.

The laws of heaven and earth in the middle three domains are far more mellow than he thought, especially in the area where the Heavenly Temple is located, the divine energy of the domain is even more pure.

After just a moment of practice, the realm spirit energy in Taihuang World has improved by several points.

"Can I sit here?"

As night fell, the bonfire was brightly lit in the distance, and only Liu Wuxie's side was dark. Suddenly, a figure came over and asked Liu Wuxie.

Opening his eyes, he saw a pair of bright eyes looking at him.

"Aren't you afraid of offending Long Yiming?"

Liu Wuxie asked the man in return.

"It's just Long Yiming, not Long Tianzhong."

The man standing in front of Liu Wuxie was about the same age as Liu Wuxie, and he had reached the third level of True God. Liu Wuxie remembered that when he took the assessment, he was a top-level supreme talent.

Although not as good as Long Yiming, his talent is among everyone's and he can definitely be ranked in the top five.

"Who is Long Tianzhong?"

Liu Wuxie asked this person curiously.

"Long Yiming's uncle, one of the seven sons of the Heavenly Temple."

The man took the trouble to explain to Liu Wuxie.

"It seems that your relationship with Long Yiming is not very good."

It is not difficult to tell from the man's disdainful tone that the relationship between this man and Long Yiming is not very good.

"Then can I sit down?"

The man neither admitted nor denied, but asked Liu Wuxie again.

When dealing with smart people, you don't need too many words, just a look is enough to explain everything.

"sit down!"

Liu Wuxie invited the other party to sit down.

Sitting facing each other, Liu Wuxie could see clearly the man's appearance with the help of the faint light in the distance.

He has an upright face, clear eyes, and black hair, hanging casually behind his back, making him look bohemian.

Liu Wuxie thought of the same image he had when he first met Han Feizi.

"My name is Kong Fang, a disciple of the Kong family!"

After the man sat down, he cupped his hands towards Liu Wuxie and introduced his identity.

"Liu Wuxie, disciple of the Lower Domain!"

Liu Wuxie returned the gift with cupped fists.

"Are you curious why I risk offending Long Yiming to talk to you?"

Kong Fang saw a lot of doubts in Liu Wuxie's eyes, and took the initiative to speak before Liu Wuxie could speak.

Liu Wuxie didn't answer and signaled Kong Fang to continue.

"To be honest, our Kong family and Long family have always been sworn enemies. The two families have been grudges for a long time. Even without you, it would be impossible for Long Yiming and I to become friends."

After Kong Fang finished speaking, he smiled bitterly.

Liu Wuxie nodded, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, as expected.

"But I have no grudges against Long Yiming. If you suddenly come to see me, wouldn't it mean that I and Long Yiming are completely on opposite sides?"

How could Liu Wuxie not see that Kong Fang was trying to win over her.

Although everyone knew that Long Yiming hated him.

But to a certain extent, Liu Wuxie did not offend Long Yiming, and there was no grudge or grudge between the two. It was just speculation.

Kong Fang also didn't expect Liu Wuxie's thinking to be so clear.

"It seems that I was rude. In that case, let's just say goodbye!"

After Kong Fang finished speaking, he stood up.

"Although I have no grudges against Long Yiming, it doesn't mean that I'm afraid of him. I'm just stating my point of view."

Liu Wuxie motioned to Kong Fang to sit down, as she happened to still have many things to ask him about.

A wry smile appeared on the corner of Kong Fang's mouth. Unexpectedly, Liu Wuxie took the initiative in just a few words, forcing him to re-examine the humble genius of the lower realm in front of him.

"Brother Liu, you have passed the examination of the Lower Domain and are here to participate in the Disciple Selection Conference. You are also interested in the rewards from Baoxia Palace."

Kong Fang sat down again, suddenly lowered his voice and asked Liu Wuxie.

"How much does Brother Kong know about Baoxia Palace?"

Liu Wuxie was worried about how to ask Kong Fang about Baoxia Palace. Since he took the initiative to ask, he just wanted to continue the conversation. "Baoxia Palace is the foundation of Tianshen Temple and the first generation of Tianshen Temple.

Refined by the ancestor himself, it is a top-notch divine emperor's weapon. It has its own space inside and releases extremely powerful ancient chaotic energy every day. This gas can transform the body.

It is said that the Baoxia Palace still retains a trace of the will of the ancestors, and the previous masters of the Tianshen Temple need to be recognized by the Baoxia Palace before they can inherit the position of the master."

Kong Fang’s spiritual consciousness transmitted the message to prevent others from hearing it.

Most of the monks in the Central Three Realms basically know the origin of Baoxia Palace, but there are very few disciples who enter Baoxia Palace to practice.

"It's just a divine imperial weapon. Is it really so mysterious?"

Liu Wuxie did not hear anything strange and continued to ask Kong Fang.

"How much do you know about the Seventh Son of the Temple of Heaven?"

Kong Fang did not mention Baoxia Temple, but suddenly asked Liu Wuxie about the information about the seven sons of Tianshen Temple.

Liu Wuxie shook his head. He didn't know anything about the Seventh Son of the Temple of Heaven. If Kong Fang hadn't mentioned it, he wouldn't have known about the Seventh Son of the Temple of Heaven.

This chapter has been completed!
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