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Chapter 3412 The Mystery of Baoxia Palace


Although Liu Wuxie is a disciple of the Lower Realm Heavenly Temple, he doesn’t know anything about the Middle Three Realms Heavenly Temple, and the old geezer didn’t tell him much. “The seven sons of the Heavenly Temple represent the seven strongest powers of the Heavenly Temple, and they are all at their peak.

The God King Realm is only one step away from the God Emperor. Long Yiming's uncle Long Tianzhong is one of them. This is why they fawn over Long Yiming.


Kong Fang took the trouble to explain to Liu Wuxie.

The five hall masters of the Five Star Hall are very strong, but they are only at the top level of the God Realm. They are like ants in front of the God King.

"What does that have to do with Baoxia Palace?"

Liu Wuxie still didn't understand what the relationship between the Seven Sons of Tianshen Temple and Baoxia Temple was.

"Looking at the three regions in sight, the Divine King Realm is definitely the top combat power of all the major sects. As for the Divine Emperor Realm, there are very few of them. Even the master of the Heavenly Temple is only halfway to the Divine Emperor Realm. Can you understand this?


Kong Fang changed his tone and asked Liu Wuxie.

"I understand. The Baoxia Palace contains the Law of the God Emperor. The monks who enter it to practice have a great chance of understanding the Law of the God Emperor."

Liu Wuxie quickly understood the meaning of Kong Fang's words. "This is just one of them. The most important thing is that all the seven sons of Tianshen Temple were recognized by Baoxia Temple and achieved their current status. Since ancient times, they have inherited the position of the Lord of the Temple.

First of all, you must be recognized by Baoxia Palace. No matter how talented you are, you will not be able to get it.

After all, it will be difficult for you to hold a big position until you are recognized by Baoxia Palace."

Kong Fang continued.

"I see!"

Liu Wuxie basically understood the meaning of Baoxia Palace.

Entering the Baoxia Palace is equivalent to entering the Divine Emperor's weapon to practice, and the benefits are self-evident.

Even the master of the Heavenly Temple needs to enter the Baoxia Temple to understand the laws of the God Emperor, let alone these ordinary disciples.

More importantly, Baoxia Palace was refined by the first ancestor of the Tianshen Temple, and there is still a trace of the ancestor's will left in it.

As long as you get the approval of the ancestor, you can not only enact the laws of the God Emperor, but also inherit the orthodoxy of the Celestial Temple.

Even if he cannot inherit the position of the palace master and grow to the height of the Seventh Son of the Heavenly Temple, he is still enough to be proud of the others and become the top powerhouse in the three middle domains.

Liu Wuxie seemed to understand why Long Yiming asked the Wu brothers to let him give up the assessment.

The rewards from Baoxia Palace are really crazy.

"We are just ordinary disciples. Is it appropriate for the sect to open the Baoxia Palace?"

Liu Wuxie still asked the doubts in his heart. "Baoxia Palace has three floors in total. Ordinary disciples can only practice outside the first floor. Even so, there are only a dozen or so places in the Heavenly Palace every year. For these places, major universities

The disciples of the mountain peak fought for the head, and this year's assessment

Disciples can obtain this quota, which has caused dissatisfaction among some sect disciples."

After Kong Fang finished speaking, he smiled bitterly.

He didn't know why the Tianshen Temple opened the Baoxia Palace, but one thing was certain. Something big had happened in the three regions of the Middle Region, and all the major sects had spent all their resources to recruit high-quality seedlings.

"Since Baoxia Palace can cultivate strong men, why don't more Heavenly Palaces open to the public?"

Liu Wuxie was still puzzled. If it were him, he would use all his abilities to cultivate the Tiandao Society.

"Do you think it's easy to open Baoxia Palace once?"

Kong Fang rolled his eyes.

Every time the Baoxia Palace is opened, the resources required are calculated in massive quantities, which are not directly proportional to the harvest, so the Heavenly Palace is only opened once a year.

The night is getting darker and darker, many monks have entered a state of cultivation, and the martial arts field has become quiet.

By chatting with Kong Fang, Liu Wuxie learned more and more about the Temple of Heaven.

"Brother Kong, do you know Elder Qin Jing?"

Liu Wuxie lowered her voice and asked Kong Fang.

He didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing that the palace master and master were accepted as disciples by Qin Jing. He needed to know more information about Qin Jing.

"I know a little bit. I heard that she was trapped by love when she was young, and her personality became very withdrawn. She rarely interacted with outsiders. The specific information is unclear."

Kong Fang had only heard of Elder Qin Jing, but knew nothing about the others.

The two chatted for a whole night, and basically understood the overall structure of the Temple of Heaven from Kong Fang's mouth.

The Lower Three Realms Heavenly Temple is formed from the five major temples. The Middle Three Realms Heavenly Temple is completely different. Their method is similar to that of students. Disciples who join the sect at the junior level need to enter the class to practice, and the teachers will teach them uniformly until they reach a certain level.

, can you enter the mountain peak and follow other brothers

Let’s practice together.

This benefit greatly saves the adaptation time for new disciples.

Many disciples have just joined the sect and are unfamiliar with it, so it is easy for them to fall.

Through unified teaching, they can not only grow up quickly, but also adapt to the environment of Tianshen Temple. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Therefore, there are no outer sect disciples in the Temple of Heaven, only ordinary disciples who, after passing the teaching and examination, directly enter the inner sect.

The sky is getting brighter and a new day is coming.

"Brother Liu, today's test is on the spirit-nurturing technique. The Heavenly Temple is famous for its spirit-nurturing technique and medicine preparation technique. I wish you good luck."

Kong Fang stood up, bowed his hands towards Liu Wuxie, and then left.

Liu Wuxie returned the gift with cupped fists.

His spiritual cultivation and medicine preparation techniques came from the mysterious light group. Since he obtained the fourth soul, the mysterious light group has been integrated into the fourth soul's body and has never broken down into anything more.

Wanyanshan and the other two elders arrived as promised.

It had just dawned, and there were already disciples maintaining order and setting up the examination room.

The art of cultivating spirits is also called the spiritual cultivator. Liu Wuxie currently masters most of the techniques of cultivating spirits, repairing weapons, elixirs, etc.

Pharmacists have a wider coverage, including alchemists. With the help of spiritual cultivation techniques, they can not only prepare some rare potions, but also improve the quality of elixirs.

Since ancient times, the art of cultivating spirits and being a pharmacist have complemented each other. Those who master both are bound to become great talents.

The martial arts performance field is powerful enough, and the assessment venue was quickly set up.

"Today we have the second level of assessment, the spirit cultivation technique. The rules are the same as in previous years. The stronger and higher the quality of the innate spirit awakened, the winner."

Wanyanshan said to the more than 6,000 assessment disciples below.

There are a large number of small tables placed in the assessment venue, densely packed.

"Enter the assessment venue!"

Wanyanshan said again.

More than six thousand disciples walked towards those tables respectively.

Liu Wuxie followed the flow of people and stood in front of the nearest small table.

Wanyanshan waved his hand, and there were more than six thousand weapons floating in the air. They had the same specifications and even the same shape.

"These weapons all have one characteristic. They don't have innate spirits. In the next day, you will do everything you can to awaken the innate spirits inside. The one with the highest quality will be the winner. Let's get started."

After Wanyanshan finished speaking, he signaled that they could start.

Liu Wuxie picked up the short knife on the table.

It looks ordinary, and there is a lot of rust attached to it. There is no spiritual energy fluctuation, and it is not even a spiritual god-level weapon.

These are all refining discarded weapons. Let alone the innate spirit, it is very difficult to revive the spirit.

In the Middle Three Realms, the art of cultivating spirits is a compulsory course for all monks. Most of the disciples who come to take the examination are proficient in the art of cultivating spirits, but some are better than others.

"The difficulty of the assessment has increased this year. Can this kind of weapon awaken the innate spirit?"

The man on Liu Wuxie's left was complaining.

"Be content, there are rewards from the Baoxia Palace this year, so it is normal to increase the difficulty of the assessment."

The man behind told him to stop complaining and fix it quickly.

A day seems to be a long time, but a low-level weapon like this can awaken the innate spirit in one day or in several days.

Thinking of the reward from Baoxia Palace, everyone had no choice but to accept it.

Liu Wuxie did not repair it rashly, but raised her head and looked around.

Everyone is immersed in their own world, leading with both hands, and a large amount of innate spiritual energy gathers from all directions and is integrated into the weapons.

Liu Wuxie closed her eyes and carefully comprehended these innate spirits.

When refining the stunning imperial seal in the immortal world, the innate spirit was awakened.

Since then, no more attempts have been made to wake her up.

Today's assessment is also quite difficult for Liu Wuxie.

"Look at Long Yiming's side. All the innate energy seems to have gone to him."

The newly gathered innate energy seemed to be pulled by something, and it couldn't help but fly into the distance.

Everyone looked up and looked in the direction where the innate energy disappeared, and they actually gathered in the sky above Long Yiming.

"As expected of the genius of the Long family, and the nephew of the Seventh Son of the Temple of Heaven. With such talent, he will surely be the first in this level."

All kinds of compliments sounded around.

"I heard that Long Yiming's spiritual nurturing skills were passed down from his uncle. He has already reached a level of proficiency, and even some gods are not as good as him."

Anyone who knows Long Yiming knows that his spiritual nurturing skills are passed down from his uncle.

Long Tianzhong has no heirs, so Long Tianzhong has already raised Long Yiming as his own son.

The three elders of Wanyan Mountain also kept looking at Long Yiming and nodded frequently.

"This trick of the crane guiding the way is probably beyond our reach!"

Wanyanshan said with a sigh on his face.

The Crane Guidance is one of the moves in the Spiritual Nurturing Technique. To reach the level of Long Yiming requires not only diligent study and hard practice, but also a kind of talent, the control of the Spiritual Nurturing Technique.

"It is indeed very exciting. Our Heavenly Temple's spiritual cultivation technique has always been ranked at the forefront of all major sects. Every year, we recruit many geniuses in spiritual cultivation, and this year is the same again."

The old man on the left nodded.

In addition to Long Yiming, there are several disciples who also behave very evilly. The weapons in front of them are already attached with a large number of star points, which is a sign that they are about to wake up.

There are also many disciples who, no matter how hard they try, cannot integrate their innate energy into their weapons.

As for Liu Wuxie, naturally no one paid attention.

He has a mixed talent. As time goes by, his talent will only get lower and lower, so it is normal for him not to be taken seriously.

Liu Wuxie heard the compliments from around her.

The conversation with Kong Fang last night made him more determined to obtain the qualifications to enter Baoxia Palace to practice.

Winning the first place in the test means that you can enter the Baoxia Palace to practice for three days. If you get the first place in the Spiritual Education Technique, you can add another three days.

The longer the time goes, the more benefits will naturally arise.

The rewards this time can be stacked. If you get the first place in the four assessments, you can enter the Baoxia Palace to practice for twelve days. Since the establishment of the Tianshen Temple, no disciple has ever been able to stay in the Baoxia Palace for so long.

This chapter has been completed!
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