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185. Chapter 184 RNG is so scared that they don’t even dare to shout for two to chase three.

 Chapter 184 RNG is so scared that they don’t even dare to call for two to chase three! Substitution? Team Void’s desperate struggle!

"There is a problem with G2's positioning and the lineup is cut apart. This is RNG's opportunity!"

"Letme Ornn activates, Tamu and Qinggangying are separated, Xiaohu drives to capture Qinggangying."

"Nice! Qinggangying was defeated! RNG's big dragon team is going to win a big victory!"

"Now, RNG can take advantage of the numerical difference to rush down the dragon, and then tie the economy in one breath... Hey, hey, there are three rock ledges in Yanque!"

"The little tiger is out of health, and the baron can't fight. RNG must go back and deal with the troops in the middle and top lane."

"But the four people on the front of G2 don't seem to want RNG to go home!"

"No, it's not four people, it's three people. Qian Jue seems to be going to steal the house!"

"Can the RNG return? Can the RNG return? Can the RNG return? Why does this Hilisang dare to touch the grass?"

"Don't worry about the three people in G2. Uzi is about to sell his teammates and return. Can you stop talking about brotherhood at this time?"

"Interrupted again!"

"Xiaohu has returned, but it seems it's too late..."

In the LPL commentary box, when the RNG team finally used their operations to create a successful wave of Baron team-ups, their attitude was suddenly extremely excited, thinking that the RNG team's comeback opportunity was at this moment.

But what I never expected was that in just five seconds, the situation of the RNG team took a turn for the worse!

Because the driving location of Xiaohu Ryze was too deep, all five members of the RNG team were blocked in their jungle area by the three people of G2!

However, when the five members of the RNG team were frequently harassed by the three G2 players and had no way to return, Dark Qianjue, an incomparable thief, used his displacement skills to quickly cross the mountains and reach the high ground of the RNG team.

Then, relying on the tower push bonus given by the three earth dragons, when the RNG team had no one to defend, they pushed down the RNG team's base crystal in one go!


When the RNG team base crystal exploded, the entire competition scene was instantly plunged into a huge carnival.

But looking at the LPL commentary booth, the three commentators fell into silence and fear.

Because they never expected that this game, which should have been dragged into the later stages, would be suddenly killed by the G2 team in 25 minutes.

The RNG team, under such inexplicable circumstances, suddenly lost the second game for no apparent reason!

"Although I still haven't realized what happened in the last minute."

"However, I still have to congratulate the G2 team for defeating the RNG team again and getting the match point for tonight's semifinals BO5 with a score of 2-0."

Looking at the G2 team players who had finished high-fiving and turned to walk backstage, not to mention the dolls, even the five members of the RNG team were all sitting on their e-sports chairs with blank faces at this time.

They were "unwilling" to leave for a long time, and looked at the word "failure" on their respective computer screens in a daze.

The reason is simple. As the victims of the parties involved, they still did not react even though the game was over. Why did they suddenly die when they clearly made a wave of wonderful decisions?

However, it was clear to the spectators that the authorities were confused and had not yet recovered from the fact that they were falling behind 0-2. Miller finally made a summary of the last wave of battle just now.

"Although the RNG team's decision of baron to force the team seemed correct, it actually made a huge mistake, because when the G2 team started to fight the third earth dragon, their top lane situation was very good."

"When the G2 midfielder and jungler went to the middle to clear the lane, the RNG team should actually give up the idea of ​​​​Baron forcing the team and go back to defend the high ground, but RNG felt that this was an opportunity, so it forced a wave of Wunder Qinggangying


"However, although the forced drive was successful, it surrendered too many skills, especially Xiaohu Ryze's drive. The position was so bad that when the RNG team wanted to evacuate later, it was directly killed by the G2 team's

People must be stopped!"

"At the same time, Dark's decision-making in this wave was too decisive. He didn't even want to fight, and directly left the front battlefield to push the tower on the road. Then, in order to prevent RNG from returning, the three people in front of G2 even fought for three

Personal lives are not spared."

"Because in this way, they can buy time for Dark Qianjue... and they did it. The RNG team can't even make any effective defense!"

Miller's face was very ugly and he said, if in the first game, the RNG team was outplayed by the G2 team due to poor condition, then in this game, the RNG team was directly outplayed by the G2 team!

Compared with the G2 team's teamwork and overall rhythm ability, the RNG team's response is like a robot that only knows how to block the water and cover the ground with soldiers, and it is impossible to truly adapt to changes!

Especially in the last minute, if the RNG team is willing to sell one or two teammates, then the other three or four people will have already returned.

But at this time, the RNG team showed the world what a true "brotherly LOL" is, that is, they would rather have the base demolished than lose the life of any teammate!

As a result, the RNG team lost the second game in such a ridiculous and shameful ending!

And the most terrifying thing is that at this time, the RNG team has been forced into a 0-2 desperate situation by the G2 team.

Because in the next three games, as long as the RNG team loses any more games, the RNG team's MSI journey this year will be completely over!

"Objectively speaking, if this game goes to the late stage normally, the RNG team will definitely have a chance to come back, and it will have a better chance than the first game."

"But it's a pity that Baron's decision to force the team turned out to be a major mistake in the end."

"But it doesn't matter. After two games, we have actually seen the progress of the RNG team!"

"As long as the RNG team can be more stable in the next third game and not let the G2 team find too many opportunities in the early game, then our RNG can still win the third game!"

"As for letting two chase three... Let's not talk about the possibility of letting two chase three now. Let's play the third game as a BO1. First, we can recover at least one small game, and then we can talk about letting two chase three.


"Okay, we just received news that the RNG team decided to change sides in the third game and choose the red side."

"It seems that the RNG team is preparing for a last-ditch battle in the third game, so let us take a break and then jointly face the third game, which is extremely critical for RNG!"

Wawa's mood was also extremely solemn, otherwise he would not have said something like "let's not talk about letting two chase three", but would definitely say something like "RNG can definitely let two chase three".

But it was obvious that this time the doll didn't dare.

Because in the past year, it was precisely because he said too many "let two chase three" in front of the G2 team that the WE team was defeated 3-0 in the 2017 MSI Finals, and the EDG team was defeated in the S7 quarterfinals.

The RNG team was defeated 3-0 in the S7 semi-finals.

Therefore, Wawa decided to make a change, thinking that as long as he did not shout "let two chase three" this time, the RNG team would definitely be able to let two chase three!

But what I don’t know is that just when the tactical board after the second game appeared in the official LPL live broadcast room, in an instant, countless LPL fans began to support the G2 team one-sidedly.

, I hope they can quickly complete the massacre of the RNG team with a crushing score of 3-0!

Because of the statistics after the second game, the RNG team is really too ugly!




The first thing that appeared in the barrage was a series of numbers "2200".

This number is not the game time, but the final damage done by Little Tiger Ryze in this game!

What is the concept of 2200?

In this round, Xiao Ming's assistant Braum produced more than 3,000 output!

In other words, when Xiaohu, who is in the C position of the mid laner, uses the carry hero Ryze, the damage he causes to the enemy heroes is not even as high as the support Xiao Ming!

"Haha, I laughed so hard. I thought that when Uzi was targeted, Xiaohu would more or less be able to stand up and make his presence felt. But after one game, not only did he fail to stand up, but he directly showed it to the audience all over the world.

What is a real bastard?"

"Ryze, Mask of the Abyss, 2200, pure mixed bag, right? You still have the nerve to say that Uzi stole your limelight? You really can stand up and compete!"

"I just messed around, and finally found an opportunity to drive a wave of cars, but it turned out to be a death hearse, sending the whole team directly into the opposite jungle. Didn't this push RNG into a 0-2 desperate situation?"

"Only after the tide receded did we realize who was swimming naked. It turned out to be Xiaohu and you were swimming naked? Where are your underwear? Did you leave them on some mistress's bed?!"

"Uzi was targeted so miserably in this round and you can't even stand up. What a waste!"

"Xiaohu is useless, and Uzi is even more useless. He was beaten 70 dollars in the whole game. Counting the 30 dollars he was born with, that's 100 dollars!"

"That is, if Uzi didn't get double-attacked at the beginning, and Xiao Ming didn't get caught at the beginning, would the middle and jungle be so passive, and they could only produce meat?"

"Kasa and Letme are non-stick pans, right? Kasa has been invisible for two whole games, Letme vampire can't beat Ornn, Ornn can't beat Qinggang Shadow, aren't these two pure wastes?"

"Since they are all rubbish, then let's just give up in the third game! We in the LPL really can't afford to lose face like this!"

In the post-game barrage, countless LPL players cursed at the players of the RNG team.

There are players and fans of the RNG team who want to take the blame, but anyone with a discerning eye will know at a glance that the entire RNG team is garbage. Facing the powerful G2 team, they have no chance of winning at all!

In this case, why should we talk about letting two chase three?

It ended directly at 0-3, and then we walked overnight from Paris to the English Channel, and then set out from the English Channel diagonally across the Atlantic Ocean, then through the Panama Canal at the junction of North and South America to reach the Pacific Ocean, and then across the entire Pacific Ocean to the Gulf to return home!

If the swimming speed is fast enough, maybe when the RNG team goes to the island, they can just meet the FW team who just finished the MSI journey at the airport!

And just when all LPL fans were completely disappointed with the RNG team, the G2 team was already singing and dancing.

Because the first two games tonight were completely in accordance with the script they wrote!

In the first game, the mentality of the RNG team was reduced to a small collapse.

In the second game, the mentality of the RNG team collapsed again.

Then in the next third game, the G2 team may not have to put in much effort. The RNG team will make a series of mistakes due to a huge mental breakdown, and eventually lose the entire semi-finals BO5 easily!

"In the first two games, our midfielder suppression tactics worked very well. Let's continue to use this tactic in the third game. I think the opponent's midfielder may not dare to enter the jungle area casually in the next game."

The G2 coach laughed and said, because at this moment, the time has just reached 1:20 noon.

If the third game is successfully won, they may not even reach 2 o'clock, and they will have directly eliminated the RNG team!

"Coach, the spicy hotpot will definitely come on in the third game."

"Although Casa's problem in the first two games was not that big, at this time, with the behavior of a rubbish team like RNG, they will definitely choose to make substitutions."

"So, in the third game, we just have to formulate strategies around the spicy hotpot."

Dark chuckled softly, Xindao RNG team’s first game in this MSI was Mala Xiangguo, and the last game was also Mala Xiangguo, and they all lost to the G2 team...

To be honest, this can be considered a happy ending in a sense!

"You're right, I almost forgot about the RNG team and Mala Xiangguo."

"Okay, then I will start formulating tactics. You can rest and listen to me."

"In the last round, I hope the RNG team will like our ultimate torture lineup!"

The G2 coach said cheerfully, and then began to arrange the tactical plan for the final game with a smirk.


"Welcome all the Summoner friends on site and in front of the screen to return to the competition site again."

"We just received news that in the third game, the RNG team not only actively chose the red side, but also chose to make substitutions!"

"Jungle player Kasa was replaced and replaced with spicy hot pot!"

"It can be seen that the RNG team really decided to fight the G2 team in the third game!"

In the LPL official live broadcast room, while many LPL fans were still angrily complaining about Xiaohu's 2200 in the last game, the short intermission was over.

As the three commentators appeared again, Wawa immediately announced the good news to all LPL fans.

It's just that this good news is not actually good news in the eyes of the majority of LPL fans.

After all, the so-called reckless jungler cannot be reckless in front of Dark, and he will be killed frequently, even to the point of being a super ghost!

But LPL fans also know that when the RNG team is in dire straits, and when Casa has played two consecutive games without any effect, the RNG team only has the last trump card of "substitution".

to make one final attempt.

"RNG's savior is finally coming!"

"I didn't mean to say that Kasa is not strong, but Kasa's strength actually lies in map control and his radar."

"But when facing a jungler like Dark, Casa's strength cannot be used. So at this time, the only way to ensure the RNG team's lane rights is through the aggressiveness of Mala Xiang Guo."

"Looking at the previous two games, the reason why the RNG team lost was because they had no line rights."

"But after the Mala Xiangguo comes on in the third game, the RNG team's double C will be able to develop smoothly to the mid-to-late stage, and then officially take over the game and win!"

When Zizi heard that Mala Xiangguo was replaced, his eyes finally lit up after he had been silent for nearly 20 minutes. It seemed that he had finally grasped the last straw for the RNG team.

"That's right, and Mala Xiangguo actually has an advantage when he is substituted, that is, his current condition must be very good, his mentality is also very good, and he must have discovered the weaknesses of the G2 team through observation of the first two games.


"So wait a moment, I am very much looking forward to Mala Xiangguo using his strength in the jungle to help the RNG team win the first game!"

Wawa said loudly, and his tone was filled with a determination to risk his life and survive!

"Come on RNG!"

"As long as you never give up, RNG will definitely win the game!"

Miller on the side did not express any opinions about the game, but suddenly burst out with "evil fire" and loudly cheered for the RNG team.

As Miller finished speaking, the third game of tonight's BO5 semifinals finally entered the BP stage.

In the last game, after the RNG team lost two games in a row on the blue side, they decided to "change their feng shui" and choose the red side.

But they completely forgot that the blue side G2 team is a more terrifying existence than the red side G2 team!


With the change in side selection, the G2 team’s ban players have also changed, choosing to actively ban Xiao Ming’s two-handed support, as well as the jungle hero Mantis, who is very powerful in the jungle in the current version.

After all, the recklessness of Mala Xiang Guo should be more or less guarded. After all, he even dares to hit himself when he is crazy.

Troll! Cannon! Green Steel Shadow!

The RNG team's banners once again showed their cowardice. They first banned Perkz and Wunder Qinggangying, and then banned Dark Troll, for fear that he would steal the game on the first floor of the blue square.

But since the trolls have been banned, there is nothing to say on the first floor of the G2 team. They directly selected jungler Olaf, who can also dominate the jungle in the current version!

Dark's idea is very simple. Since you, Spicy Hot Pot, want to be reckless with me, then I, Olaf, want to see whether you or I are more reckless!

As for the G2 team's choice to grab Olaf on the first floor, the RNG team seems to be well prepared.

The next moment, the RNG team locked jungler Xin Zhao on the first floor almost instantly.

Olaf vs. Xin Zhao!

A fool versus a fool!

Point to point!

The next moment, the entire audience immediately gave their warmest cheers.

Because they all know very well that even in the third game, the RNG team will most likely be beaten by the G2 team.

But at least, with the selection of the hero Xin Zhao, the RNG team should be able to make some final struggles more or less!

Please vote for me in the new week!

Thanks to Qianqiu Yunshu, Gujiuwenqingf, Yuanlu Lin, He Xiaowei, Pea Sharp Knife, and Hypoxia in the Water for their monthly ticket support!

(End of chapter)

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