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186. Chapter 185 If you can’t beat them, you will be insulted and defeated.

 Chapter 185 If you can’t beat them, you have to be insulted, you have to be tortured, you have to be slaughtered! (Please vote for me)

After the RNG team instantly locked jungler Xin Zhao on the first floor, the second floor did not hesitate for too long and directly selected an ADC hero for Uzi that was more suitable for him, the explorer Ezreal.

Why is EZ more suitable for Uzi?

It's very simple, that is, the hero EZ has two movement skills: E skill and flash. As long as Uzi chooses EZ, he will not start three consecutive games where he is hit by the G2 team with a blood or a double move.

When the RNG team locked onto the hero EZ on the second floor, there was a burst of laughter in the G2 team.

Because all of them understand that even Uzi, who is as strong as the world's number one adc, finally chose to give in after losing to them in two consecutive games!

"In that case."

"Then let's start our ultimate torture lineup!"

Once again it was the G2 team's turn to select a player, Dark said with a smile, his face full of excitement that his ambition would be fulfilled.

So the next moment, Dark selected the adc hero he would use in this round for Perkz, Sivir, the Goddess of War!

"Wheel mother fights EZ?"

"Does G2 want to delay the late game in this game?"

When I saw the G2 team selected Wheel Mom on the second floor, my whole body trembled.

Although logically speaking, the hero EZ is still very easy to beat in the early and mid-term, especially after the two-piece set, EZ will directly usher in his strong period, and it is very likely that through the mid-term operation of the RNG team, EZ will directly

End the game.

But after playing two full games of crushing games in front of the G2 team, and not wanting to lose any of the lanes, in the third game, they suddenly changed their BP thinking and chose a team that needed to withstand pressure in the early stage, and even in the late stage.

When I was able to take over the wheel of the game, the alarm bells started ringing in my heart.

Because he knows that if something goes wrong, there must be a monster!

The G2 team suddenly chose Wheel Mom, and there was definitely no good intentions in his gourd!

And just when Baby Miller and the two followed the gesture and thought about the intention of the G2 team in choosing Wheel Mom, the next moment, the third floor of the G2 team actually revealed a hero that no one had expected.

Alchemist Singed!

In this MSI, top laner Alchemy was specially selected to play top laner Ornn!


"G2 has given us RNG a multiple-choice question!"

When the G2 team locked Alchemy, Miller suddenly took a breath of cold air in the commentary box, and his mood suddenly became solemn.

"Everyone should know that Wheel Mom is a hero. Once he develops to the late stage, his output ability in team battles is invincible. Therefore, in this round, Xiang Guo Xin Zhao must take care of Wheel Mom."

"But everyone should also understand the hero Alchemy. If he is allowed to be disconnected and develop in the top lane, then in the mid-to-late stage team battles, the hero Alchemy will also be a little invincible."

"And if the RNG team doesn't care about alchemy from beginning to end, he actually has a chance to lead it all the way!"

"So in this round, it all depends on how Mala Xiangguo chooses... Of course, if Letme can come up with a warrior-type top laner, such as the Jess weapon that Khan used before, maybe Alchemy can

The effect is infinitely reduced, but in a life-and-death situation, Letme doesn’t know if she dares to take this risk.”

Miller said solemnly, but his eyes were filled with great hope that the RNG team could use a different move to break the game!

Twilight Celestial Spirit Zoe.

It was once again the RNG team's turn to select a player. On the third floor, after Xiaohu revealed Ryze first, he hesitated and thought for a long time.

It seemed that Xiaohu had appeared countless barrages about "2200". In the end, Xiaohu finally changed to the mid laner Zoe that he had used before. He hoped that he could once again prove his mid lane strength through the hero Zoe.

, prove that you are definitely not a bastard!

At this point, the first round of BP ends and the second round of banning begins.

Vampire! Fan Mom!

The last two bans of the RNG team were aimed at the mid laner and support of the G2 team respectively.

Because if Caps chooses the mid laner Vampire in this round, the effect of mid laner Zoe will plummet.

And once the G2 team completes the formation of the ultimate late-game lineup, but the RNG team is unable to defeat the G2 team in the early stage, then the RNG team can basically choose to surrender directly after 30 minutes of game time.

As for banning Fan Mom, it is to remove the "double mom" combination of the G2 duo, because the strength of the two moms' Q skills to push the lane together is too high, and the two of them can completely push the lane after the push.

Withdrawing it, Mala Xiangguo will never find a chance to gank.

Sion! Lulu!

In the last two bans of the G2 team, they banned top laner Sion first, clearly forcing Letme to continue picking Ornn, and not paying attention to Letme's warrior top laner at all.

As for banning Lulu, it means that when the RNG team reaches a critical match, they like to choose the EZ Lulu combination to suppress the bottom lane.

If Dark chose Pig Girl instead of Olaf as the jungle hero in this round, he actually has a chance to replicate the tactics used by Factory Director Pig Girl at the second level, but since it is Olaf who does not have hard control, he just directly

Banning Lulu also forces Xiao Ming to choose some soft support heroes that he is not good at.

The second round of bans ends and the second round of selection begins.

The fourth floor of the RNG team has once again been entangled for a long time, because if you choose support on this floor, you will be countered by Hilisan, but if you choose Ornn, Letme is a little unwilling.

Ornn, Flame of the Hidden Mountain.

But in the end, Letme continued to choose top laner Ornn despite Wunder's top laner Alchemy.

Not only because the RNG team’s lineup needs to be strengthened, but also because Letme’s mentality has been broken by the G2 team. If you choose Ornn, you may still be able to mess around, but if you choose the warrior top laner, once it collapses, the RNG team will say goodbye to this team completely.


Therefore, in line with the mentality of "I would rather do nothing than make a mistake", Letme once again chose Ornn, the hero of his life.

Then, the entire RNG team fell into deep confusion.

Because the last two heroes of the G2 team are mid laner Tanque and auxiliary Tahm Kench!

The RNG team has already seen how hot Caps's touch is, but this is not the most uncomfortable thing for them.

The most uncomfortable thing is the protection ability of auxiliary Tahm!

Once Hirisantam becomes Perkz Wheel Mom's exclusive nanny again in this game, it will be really difficult for the RNG team's lineup to limit the development of Perkz Wheel Mom!

Therefore, if the RNG team wants to win, it must complete the breakthrough against the G2 duo during the laning phase.

So, the fifth floor of the RNG team finally selected Xiao Ming’s counter hero.

Fallen Angel Morgana!

As long as Xiao Ming Morgana's Q skill can be as accurate as Hirizant Morgana, then Tahm's so-called protective ability will become a laughing stock.

But the problem is, Xiao Ming’s soft assistants understand everything.

But it is obvious that the three commentators in the LPL commentary box do not think that Xiao Ming will continue to stretch his hips in this round!

"Ness, this Morgana assistant was chosen well."

"The Q skill can be controlled, the W skill can be consumed, and with UziEZ's Q skill, the G2 duo will definitely be tortured in the laning phase."

"And the two heroes EZ Morgana are actually not afraid of being told by Olaf, so if Uzi and Xiao Ming can defeat the bottom lane without the help of Xiang Guo in this game, then Xiang Guo can have more

Time to take care of the top laner’s alchemy or invade Olaf’s jungle!”

His eyes lit up, and he was very excited to win, as if he had seen the scene where Xiao Ming Morgana used the Q skill to get to the point where Santam couldn't take care of himself.

"That's right, and our RNG team's lineup advantage in this round is actually greater than in the previous round!"

"Because the lineup of the G2 team looks very bluffing, but except for the W skill Rock Burst of the Rock Bird, there is actually no way to start a team, and the entire lineup is very passive."

"But we all know that attacking first will lead to disaster. Even if the G2 team chooses such a lineup that backhands and delays the late game, once we can kill one person first during the team battle, then G2 will not be able to beat the team battle at all.


"In other words, although EZ is not a late-stage hero, the RNG team can definitely accumulate a lot of equipment advantages through early laning, and then win the game through team battle operations in the middle and late stages!"

Wawa was equally excited and believed that the RNG team would definitely win the third game and regain their confidence!

As the players from both sides exchanged heroes, the competition lineups of both teams were officially finalized.

The blue team G2 team has Alchemy as the top laner, Olaf as the jungler, Rock Bird as the mid laner, Wheel Mom as the bottom laner, and Tahm Kench as the assistant.

The red side RNG team has top laner Ornn, jungler Xin Zhao, mid laner Zoe, bottom lane EZ, and assistant Morgana.

"Although the RNG team is currently behind 0 to 2, as long as they can play the rhythm in the early stage of this game, then RNG can win as they wish!"

"Let us cheer for the RNG team together and follow the camera into the Summoner's Rift in the third game!"

As Miller's solemn words sounded, the last game officially began.

"Come on RNG! Come on RNG! Come on RNG!"

With the RNG team in dire straits, all the fans of the RNG team at the scene no longer cared about whether it was an away game or an away game, and used their most hoarse voices to cheer for the RNG team.

“Let’s go G2! Let’s go G2! Let’s go G2!”

The fans of the G2 team naturally would not let the RNG fans succeed easily, and they also burst out with amazing voices, vowing to see the G2 team end the game cleanly with a score of 3-0.

Amid the cheers of fans on both sides, ten players from both teams walked out of the spring and reached the river as quickly as possible.

Then, the fans of the RNG team became nervous, because in this game, the RNG team's start was designed.

Just when Wunder Alchemy walked into the river, Xiangguo Xin Zhao and Xiao Ming Morgana had already crawled into the grass along the upper road, and then quietly moved toward the river grass.

As long as Wunder Alchemy dares to have any idea of ​​cutting off the line of troops at the beginning, then the two of them can help Letme Ornn get this first-blood kill, or at least hit a flash!

However, the G2 team was still very cautious because Dark Olaf did not see Xin Zhao on the other side of the river at the start, so he immediately realized that the RNG team might have a design in the start.

In order to capture Xin Zhao's opening moves, Dark Olaf directly called Caps and invaded the upper half of the RNG jungle despite the harassment of the little tiger Zoe.

However, because he didn’t know exactly where RNG Nosuke was, Dark was very careful during the invasion. He first threw a Q skill countercurrent throw at the red buff grass to make sure there was no one in the grass, and then took a look at the red buff camp.


On the other hand, Xiao Ming Morgana never waited for Wunder Alchemy, so she could only return in despair. As for Xiang Guo, she returned to her red BUFF position and finally made her debut in the sight of the G2 team.

"No, does this Wunder know how to play alchemy?"

"Why doesn't he just go to the high ground and cut off the connection when he's playing alchemy? Even if he just stands on the grass in advance to grab the first wave of soldiers?"

"This is too cowardly!"

Although nothing happened at the start of the game, the attitude was already a bit broken, because the RNG team was not able to do things at the beginning like the G2 team in the first two games, so the mood was very uncomfortable.

"Okay, at least I successfully prevented Alchemy from grabbing the lane at the beginning. What's a little bit uncomfortable is that the opening position of Incense Pot will be seen by G2's ward."

"And what I find strange is that Dark Olaf is not going to forcefully reverse the red BUFF of the Incense Pot at the beginning and swap the jungle with him? I feel that the Incense Pot will actually be more profitable if the jungle is swapped."

Wawa was quite puzzled, because Dark Olaf immediately returned to his blue BUFF after doing the ward at the beginning, but if he invaded at the first level, Xiangguo could actually start with the blue BUFF and then switch to red, which would also cause a huge damage to the G2 duo.


"You said that RNG will make money by changing to the jungle, so G2 definitely doesn't want RNG to make money."

"But this will test Mala Xiangguo's response. I hope he can bring us an unexpected start."

Miller said dumbfounded, and as his words fell, the buffs of both sides were officially refreshed in the first round, and the three lanes immediately entered the laning phase.

Because the bottom lane in this round was crucial, both junglers chose to start from the upper half of the jungle.

But the difference is that when Dark Olaf chose the blue BUFF, toad and three wolves route, Xiangguo Xin Zhao did not choose the conventional red BUFF, blue BUFF and toad route, but went against the norm and chose red BUFF, F6

and the Stone Man route.

The idea is very clear, it is to use a simple opening variation to directly disrupt the G2 team's follow-up plan after seeing his opening position!

But just when the three LPL commentators were smiling happily, the next moment, the smiles on their faces suddenly turned stiff.

Because when Xin Zhao of the Incense Pot finished swiping the stone men and returned to the same spot, he had already used his Q skill to clear out the Wunder Alchemy of the first wave of soldiers, so he passed by Letme Ornn directly, went to the first tower and cut off the second wave of soldiers.


Moreover, by chance, I saw Zhao Xin, the fragrant pot, who was reading a message in the Stoneman camp!

"The incense pot was seen, why don't you go up and stab him?"

Seeing this scene, his posture suddenly trembled. He felt uncomfortable again and at the same time said angrily, because the selection of the hero Alchemy was really too disgusting.

But this time, Mangfu Xiangguo did not choose to cancel the return trip, even though he was playing Level 3 against Level 2 at this time.

Because if he wastes time on Wunder at this time, let alone whether he can get 100% of the first blood, the duo who has already begun to press the line in the bottom lane may be ganked by Dark Olaf!

Therefore, in order to ensure the development of the bottom lane, even if Xiang Guo's opening position is completely exposed, even if this situation is extremely frustrating for RNG, Mala Xiang Guo can only choose to endure the humiliation temporarily, and then return to the city and go straight to the lower half of the wild.

Go to the area.

"Wunder, let him return to the city without interrupting. He has already collapsed."

At the same time, there was a burst of laughter in the G2 team.

For Dark, if Mala Xiangguo starts normally, the middle and lower lanes of G2 may still be threatened by level three Xin Zhao.

But who would have thought that Xin Zhao, the fragrant pot, would destroy himself before they even took action!

"Next, develop normally and wait for my command."

The next moment, Dark's confident voice sounded again, and then he entered the normal development mode.

After all, the lineup of the G2 team in this game is not a mid-term lineup. As long as the development is stable, the RNG team is in a hurry!

Judging from the game situation in the next three minutes, the RNG team is actually more urgent than everyone in G2 imagined.

Especially for the bottom duo, Xin Zhao is in the lower half of the jungle, so Uzi and Xiao Ming frequently stepped forward to consume the health of the G2 duo in an attempt to gain a laning advantage as quickly as possible.

But because Perkz Wheel Mom has a shield and Hilisantam has rough skin and thick flesh, even if it is hit by Xiao Ming Morgana's Q, it will not have any impact. The development environment can be said to be very safe.

And when Xiangguo Xin Zhao really couldn't find any opportunities in the bottom lane, he had to change his target and focus on Caps Yanque, who was faster in pushing the lane in the middle lane.

But Caps didn't give RNG a chance in the middle and jungle. Xin Zhao, the hot pot, had just emerged from the lower river. He quickly used his skills to clear the middle line of troops, and then moved towards the upper river, which could only make Xin Zhao, the hot pot, return in frustration again.

However, what Xiangguo didn't know was that when he missed this opportunity, the G2 team found a wave of opportunities!

"Little Hat, come with me to the road for a gank."

Because at this moment, Dark Olaf, who had just killed the upper river crab, had already circled into the upper half of the RNG wild area!

At the same time, Wunder Alchemy even pinned his own experience bar, and was just a little short of being able to upgrade to level six first!

So the next moment, when Little Tiger Zoe was still clearing the line in the middle, the G2 midfielder had already jumped into the RNG stone man bush through the explosive fruit, and cooperated with a wave of blue square soldiers entering the tower, and immediately

Start taking action against Letme Ornn who has not yet been upgraded to level six!

Crazy potion!

Strong adhesive!

At this moment, Wunder Alchemy has been waiting for a long time, so when he saw his teammates completing the back loop, he didn't hesitate to activate the W skill and threw it at the feet of Letme Ornn.

Even though Letme Ornn has a flash, he can't hand it over at this time because the Alchemy W skill has a ground-binding effect.

Rock outburst!

Naturally, Caps will not let Letme Ornn leave the range of the strong glue easily, but he can leave passively.

The next moment, the rock protrusion was released accurately, and was directly raised to Wunder's alchemy face.

Over the shoulder!

Letme Aoun thought it was Caps' mistake, but he never expected that the moment he landed, Wunder Alchemy, who had rushed behind him in advance, suddenly used a reverse E skill and threw him back to the hinterland just now.


At the same time, it also shattered the last trace of the RNG team's illusions of getting back the score!

G2.Dark killed RNG.Letme!

So, at 6 minutes and 6 seconds of game time, Dark Olaf raised his knife and drew first blood!

The G2 team, which should have passively avoided the battle, was "forced" by the RNG team to actively break the game and gain an early advantage!

Thank you for Liang Xin Liang’s cool time, Luo Yijiu, Black MI Steamed Buns, I was so stupid when I was young, I actually looked forward to growing up, Call Me Big Cannon Brother, Big Face Cat EB, Isn’t Hot Pot Fish Sleepy? Lyonsong’s monthly ticket support!

(End of chapter)

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