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Chapter 38 Prelude


"Are you here?" When Chen Zejun got off the car, Chen Daojun happened to come over.

Chen Zejun looked at Chen Daojun and said, "Do you know everything?"

Chen Daojun replied with some cryptic meaning: "If you are talking about Shunyang shares, then I do know."

"I admit that I can't beat you." Chen Daojun smiled and nodded to Chen Zejun.


Chen Zejun always feels that today's Chen Daojun is a little strange, but he doesn't know what is strange?

Chen Zejun looked at Chen Daojun's leaving figure, reached out and called John over and said: "After I go in, you take them to control Zhengxinzhai and check the whole thing. I always have a bad feeling."

John was a little confused and said: "Do it now? Don't wait for them..."

"Wait--just wait until everyone is in, don't wait for them!"


By the time Chen Zejun entered, almost everyone had arrived. Uncle Chen Rongji's family, grandmother Li Biyu, second uncle Chen Dongji's family, mother Chen Huarong's family, and fourth uncle Chen Runji's family totaled sixteen people.

After having dinner together, Chen Rongji stood up and said, "Dongji, Hua Rong, Zejun and Daojun come with me."

We waited until we arrived in the conference room of Zhengxinzhai.

Chen Rongji sat on the main seat, looked down, and said without anger: "The shares of Shunyang Products are mainly concentrated in the hands of everyone sitting here. I think in order to make Shunyang develop better, you can take the initiative to transfer your shares."

Sell ​​it to me."

Chen Dongji sneered: "Brother! Chen Rongji? Are you out of your mind? Why should we sell the shares to you?"

Chen Rongji glanced at him lightly without saying anything, then looked at Chen Huarong and Chen Daojun, "What about you?"

Chen Huarong said with disdain: "I think what the second brother said is very reasonable. Whether or not to sell the shares is our own business. Furthermore, when the eldest brother said this, does he think that we have hindered the development of Shunyang?"

"Where are you?" Chen Rongji looked at the last one and the one with the most shares, Chen Daojun.

Chen Daojun chuckled and said: "It is impossible to sell the shares in my hand to you, and even if I sell them to you, nothing will change." When he said the last sentence, Chen Daojun glanced at Chen Zejun.

Most of Shunyang's shares are in the hands of Chen Zejun, so what's the use of taking over a few of their shares?

Might as well...

Chen Rongji nodded without any surprise. Obviously, the reactions of several people were what Chen Rongji had expected.

Chen Rongji glanced at Chen Dongji indifferently and said: "Why? Just because I am now the president of Shunyang Group, and I am your eldest brother."

"Bang!" Chen Dongji slammed the table, stood up, pointed at Chen Rongji and said, "What did you say?!"

Chen Rongji ignored Chen Dongji, looked at Chen Huarong and said, "What you said just now is right. Your existence has indeed hindered Shunyang's development."

"Especially you. I didn't agree with your marriage to Emperor Cui Chang at the beginning, but my father doted on you and finally agreed to your marriage to him."

"But what do you think? Do you think we don't know? Do you really like that little prosecutor Cui Changdi? Isn't this how you can successfully stay in Shunyang Group?"

"Now that I am the heir to Shunyang Group, what's wrong with me selling my shares back?"

"You all are so evil and you are all staring at the place under my butt. Isn't this hindering the development of Shunyang Group?"

Chen Zejun watched this scene quietly from the side, leaving Chen Rongji to be arrogant for a while at the end.

Is this the final madness?

"Especially you!" Chen Rongji pointed the finger at Chen Daojun, "First he took the shares from Dongji, and then he used some means to get the shares from his mother."

"Speaking of it, I can actually guess it." Chen Rongji looked at Chen Daojun with stern eyes: "It's just that she did the murder of you, and you also used this matter to threaten her."

"She is really useless. She is going to die at some point. Why does she care about her reputation?"

Chen Rongji walked up to Chen Daojun, looked at him condescendingly and said, "I know you have always wanted to take down Shunyang Group, and for this reason you have not hesitated to flatter the old man."

"But... you didn't expect Li Biyu to be so cruel, right?" After the quarrel, Chen Rongji didn't even call his mother.

"But even though she is stupid, she still managed to do a good thing by killing the old man."

"Otherwise, you would be the one sitting in this position now, right? You must be very disappointed, right?"

"He didn't leave you any inheritance at all. At that time, I wanted to change the inheritance, but guess what? He was more ruthless than me... He really didn't leave you anything."

Chen Daojun smiled nonchalantly, "I may have been a little disappointed before, but after knowing the truth of some things, I feel quite lucky."

"And he didn't give me nothing, but he left me the most precious thing."

"Hmph..." Chen Rongji snorted disdainfully: "I'm still being stubborn."

Chen Daojun stood up, looked at him and said, "I can sell you my shares."

"Haha!" Chen Rongji mocked: "Are you scared so soon?"

Chen Dongji, who had been ignored all the time, walked directly towards the door and said as he walked: "If you called us here just to say these things, then I don't think we need to talk anymore."

"I didn't let you go, you can't go anywhere!" Chen Rongji sneered.

Chen Rongji clapped his hands and said: "Everyone, come out!"

As Chen Rongji finished speaking, a large number of big men in black clothes rushed into the conference room.

Chen Dongji looked at Chen Rongji in a panic and asked, "What do you want to do?"

"If you don't sign this agreement today, no one will be able to leave here." Chen Rongji looked at Chen Dongji and said.

Chen Dongji looked at the group of black suits, "I don't believe they dare to touch me, Chen Dongji!"

"Do you think I'm using someone from Shunyang? I'm not as stupid as you. I'll set a trap for others and end up falling victim to myself instead."

When things came to this point, Chen Rongji stopped pretending and said proudly: "I transferred them from Tianle Group, and they won't recognize who you are, Chen Dongji."

"Go! Catch him!" Chen Rongji ordered to the group of black suits.

But as Chen Rongji finished speaking, the group of people in black suits showed no reaction.

"What are you doing standing still? Take action!" Chen Rongji said angrily.

"Stop shouting! They won't listen to you." Chen Zejun sat on the chair and held his chin with his hand and said softly.

"What do you mean? Hurry up and catch them!" Chen Rongji ordered again.

Chen Zejun said helplessly: "Didn't you realize that they are not your people?"

This chapter has been completed!
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