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Chapter 39 Gunshot

"What?" Chen Rongji looked back at Chen Zejun with wide eyes, "What do you mean by that?"

In fact, Chen Rongji now knows that something unexpected has happened, but he still doesn't want to believe it in his heart.

Chen Zejun said helplessly: "It means they are my people."

"Haha..." Chen Dongji, who heard this, took the lead in mocking: "Chen Rongji! It seems that you are not much smarter than me?"

Chen Rongji ignored Chen Dongji's sarcasm and looked at Chen Zejun with a pale face, "Have you known about this for a long time?"

Chen Zejun leaned on his chair and said calmly: "Not only this, but I also know about the killer you are ambushing on the road."


At this time, Chen Daojun on the side interjected: "And even if you get the shares in our hands, it will be of no use."

"?" Chen Rongji looked at Chen Daojun who said this.

Chen Daojun looked at Chen Rongji and said slowly: "Because most of Shunyang's shares are in his hands, it will be useless even if you get these shares."

"Impossible!" Chen Rongji subconsciously retorted, everyone who owns Shunyang shares is here.

How could Chen Zejun own most of Shunyang's shares?



Chen Rongji looked at Chen Zejun and said: "Were you the lighthouse company that acquired Shunyang Group?"

"Hey?!" Chen Rongji was even more surprised and Chen Huarong looked at Chen Zejun, "Zejun, is what he said true?"

Chen Zejun nodded and said: "Yes."

"Wow!" Chen Huarong jumped happily, "Why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

When Chen Huarong was excited alone, Chen Daojun walked up to Chen Rongji and said: "Now do you know why I just said that?"

"..." Chen Rongji seemed to have not heard what Chen Daojun said. He lowered his head and froze in place, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Um..." Chen Dongji walked to Chen Zejun and asked cautiously, "Um Zejun...can I leave now?"

"Second uncle, are you in such a hurry to leave? Isn't there an agreement that has not been signed yet?" Chen Zejun said with a half-smile.

"What...what agreement?" Chen Dongji asked stumblingly.

Chen Zejun stretched out his hand to John, who walked over and handed him an agreement, "This is the share transfer agreement."

"Although a lot of what the uncle just said is nonsense, there is one sentence that is still human, that is, your existence has indeed hindered the development of Shunyang Group."

Chen Dongji said with a flattering smile: "Haha... we don't need this one, right?"

"Sign it, you can still get some money in your hand now, but that won't be the case in the future." Chen Zejun said lightly.

Chen Dongji glanced at the group of black suits in the room with some fear, took the agreement and signed his name on it with some sadness and anger.

After Chen Dongji signed, Chen Daojun also came over and said: "Where is the agreement? Give me a copy."

"Give him a copy."

Chen Zejun looked at Chen Daojun and asked tentatively: "What about after selling the shares? Where do you want to go?"

Chen Daojun said with a relaxed smile: "Maybe I can travel around the world. I have lived a very tiring life and haven't had time to go shopping yet."

"I hope you will do what you said." Chen Zejun looked at Chen Daojun and said slowly.


Chen Zejun signaled to John, and John walked up to Chen Rongji with the agreement.

Chen Rongji signed his name on the agreement with a dull pen.

Chen Huarong looked at Chen Zejun sadly from the side, "Do I have to hand over my shares too?"

The mother's face still needs to be given to this body. Chen Zejun refused and said: "I don't need this. You can keep the shares for yourself, mother."

"Then can we leave?" Chen Dongji asked a little aggrievedly.

"Okay." Chen Zejun motioned for the bodyguard to make way for them.

As soon as Chen Dongji came out of the conference room, he found that the entire Zhengxinzhai was full of Chen Zejun's subordinates.

At this time, Liu Zhina and Chen Ruijun, his and Chen Dongji's daughter on the other side, came over immediately and asked with concern: "Husband, are you okay?"

"Dang..." Chen Dongji just wanted to say something loudly, but he looked at the black suit next to him and subconsciously lowered his voice: "We will talk about this later when we get back."


When Chen Zejun came out of Zhengxinzhai and was about to get in the car, his heart beat suddenly several times.

Chen Zejun immediately stopped and looked at the car in front of him with some suspicion.

Seeing that Chen Zejun's expression was wrong, John immediately came over and asked: "BOSS? What's wrong?"

"I always feel something is wrong! My intuition tells me that it will be dangerous to get in this car."

"Huh?" John knew how terrifying Chen Zejun's intuition was. When they were on the African battlefield, Chen Zejun's intuition allowed them to avoid many ambushes from their opponents.

John immediately summoned the team to stay away from the car, "I'll have someone send a new batch of cars over."

"Well... that's right!" Chen Zejun suddenly thought of something, "And my parents, please go and ask them not to get in the car for now."

"Yes!" John immediately led people towards Chen Huarong.

Fortunately, Chen Huarong and the others were immersed in the joy of winning the Shunyang Group and hadn't gotten on the bus yet.

Mo Xianmin only reacted at this time and asked with some horror: "You mean there is a bomb in this car?"

"Well...if my intuition is not wrong." Chen Zejun nodded.

Mou Xianmin subconsciously pulled Chen Zejun away from the car, "Who did this?"

"I'm not sure, but..." Chen Daojun's figure appeared in Chen Zejun's mind.

Chen Zejun took out his mobile phone and dialed Tom's number, "Have you finished processing it over there?"

Tom looked at the large pile of corpses on the ground in front of him and replied: "It's been dealt with! BOSS!"

For this group of killers who came from Southeast Asia, it was easy for them to cook.

Chen Zejun ordered: "Then take people to arrest Chen Daojun and Wu Xuanyou for me now, and don't let go of the boss of the Xin family either."

"Yes! BOSS!"

At the same time, John ran over from the other side and reported: "We stopped the madam."

"Well." Chen Zejun looked at Zheng Xinzhai behind him. If Chen Daojun was really determined to attack everyone, how would he deal with Chen Rongji?

Others only need to install bombs in their cars, but Chen Rongji does not need to drive home!

Once someone else's vehicle explodes, Chen Rongji will definitely have his own vehicle checked.

Chen Zejun asked: "Have you checked everything in the yard? Is there no problem?"

John shook his head and said: "Everything has been checked and there are no problems."

As soon as John finished speaking, several gunshots suddenly rang out in Zhengxinzhai.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

This chapter has been completed!
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