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Chapter 40: Cutting out the roots

 "What's going on?"

"Send someone over to take a look!"

After the gunfire rang out, Chen Zejun immediately ordered John beside him to send someone to take a look at the place where the gunshot was fired.

In addition, he told Mo Xianmin beside him: "Follow me and don't go anywhere."

Mou Xianmin looked at Chen Zejun's unusually solemn expression and nodded seriously.

After a while, John rushed back with people and said to Chen Zejun with an ugly face: "The Chen Rongji family inside were all killed, and the murderer also shot himself."

"Where did the killer come from?" Chen Zejun asked with a frown.

"He was wearing the clothes of a security guard here. Whether he is actually a security guard here or he is pretending to be one still needs to be investigated," John Hui reported.

Chen Zejun looked at John and reprimanded: "This time it was your fault. There was a gun in the villa and you didn't find it?"

"I'm sorry! BOSS!" John bowed his head and apologized with some shame.

Chen Zejun waved his hand and said: "We will discuss this matter later. Go and ask them where they are. After they arrive, you will be responsible for sending my wife and my parents back."

"Yes!" John nodded.

"Ding Ling Ling Ling..."

Chen Zejun picked up the phone and answered: "What's the matter?"

The person on the other end of the phone replied: "The vehicle in which Chen Dongji's family was riding exploded, and Chen Dongji, Ryu Ji-na and Chen Ruijun were all killed."

"I understand." Chen Zejun hung up the phone, looked at Mou Xianmin and said, "Second uncle and his family also had an accident. The vehicle they were traveling in exploded, and the whole family of three was wiped out."

"How is that possible?" Mou Xianmin looked at Chen Zejun in shock. Doesn't this mean that the only two families left in the Shunyang Chen family are Chen Huarong and Chen Runji?

Thinking of this, Mou Xianmin looked at Chen Zejun and asked: "What about the fourth uncle's family?"

Chen Zejun shook his head and said: "There is no news about them, but I guess they should be fine."

At the same time, Chen Daojun was in the car.

Chen Daojun looked at Park Junda in the driver's seat and asked, "Where are you going to take me?"

When Pu Junda saw what had happened, he looked at Daojun Chen nervously through the rearview mirror, and with a heartbroken heart, he stepped on the accelerator and rushed forward.

Chen Daojun, who was in the back row, seemed to have expected this scene. He supported the seat with his hands to maintain balance, and at the same time said unhurriedly: "The people from the prosecutor's office are behind us. You have to think about it."

The consequences of doing this."

Park Junda looked at Daojun Chen's calm look in the back row and yelled angrily: "Don't tell me this! Why didn't you save my parents in the first place?"

"Why is that guy Bai Changhao's parents fine, but something will happen to my parents?"

"Aren't you very rich? Why don't you hire a five-star security guard for my parents? Ah?"

Chen Daojun was silent for a moment and said slowly: "I am sorry for you! But the person who did this was Chen Dongji, and Chen Dongji..."

"You don't need to say anything! I know what you want to say. That guy Chen Dongji is dead now!"

Pu Junda roared: "I know you planned to kill them, but I didn't tell Bai Changhao and Chen Dongji about it. I want you all to be buried with my parents!"

As he talked, Park Junda drove more and more crazily, almost ending up with a car crash and death several times.

Xu Minying, who was following the car, saw this and directly ordered the subordinate who was driving: "Turn on the siren! Stop the car in front!"

"The vehicle with license plate number **** in front of you, stop immediately for inspection!"


After shouting a few more times, the vehicle in front seemed like it hadn't heard it and had no intention of stopping.

Xu Minying directly picked up the intercom in the car and ordered: "Pass over! Force his car to stop!"


Several cars under Xu Minying immediately accelerated and rushed forward, but Park Junda was driving so fast that he couldn't catch up for a while.

"Prosecutor Xu, what should I do if I can't catch up?"

Xu Minying stared closely at the vehicle in front and said nervously: "If you can't catch up, just follow behind!"

In the car in front.

Chen Daojun saw that the siren was still sounding but he never caught up. He couldn't help but persuaded: "Stop! There are people from the prosecutor's office behind you!"

But Pu Junda still continued to rush forward regardless. Just when Chen Daojun wanted to do something, Pu Junda had already arrived at his destination.

And at the entrance of the abandoned factory in front of him, Bai Changhao stood impressively.

Park Junda's car stopped directly in front of Bai Changhao, and Bai Changhao stared dumbfounded at the series of cars with sirens blaring behind Park Junda.

It wasn't until Park Junda got off the car that Bai Changhao couldn't help asking: "What's going on? No..."

But Pu Junda didn't waste time with him at all. He took out his pistol and shot Baek Changhao to death.

"Plop!" Bai Changhao fell to the ground with his eyes open.

Park Junda pointed a gun at Chen Daojun in the back row through the glass, "Actually, I didn't want to kill you."

"But do you know what it felt like when Bai Changhao and I stayed in the same cell for two years?"

"His family members are fine, but my parents are all dead, and he keeps taunting me."

"Gradually, I felt that I should really blame you for this, so I promised to be an undercover agent next to you after they came out."

"But President, does this really have nothing to do with you?"

Chen Daojun was looking at Pu Junda's wound, "If it matters, you can shoot."

"Don't force me!" Pu Junda pointed at Chen Daojun's gun and couldn't help but tremble.


The next moment a gunshot rang out, but it was not the gun in Park Junda's hand, but the gun in Seo Minying's hand.

After shooting Park Junda to death, Xu Minying led people to rush to Chen Daojun's side and asked, "Chen Daojun, are you okay?"

Chen Daojun got out of the car, nodded to Xu Minying and said: "I'm fine, let's go."


When Xu Minying was leaving with Chen Daojun, a large number of black Land Rovers drove over. Xu Minying and others immediately looked at the convoy with vigilance.

The entire convoy, a total of ten black Land Rovers, parked next to Xu Minying and the group of people, surrounding them tightly in the middle.

After parking, four heavily armed guards got out of each Land Rover, pointing their M16s at Xu Minying and others.

Tom walked out from the group of people and pointed the gun at Chen Daojun.

Xu Minying stepped forward and asked, holding the certificate in her hand: "Who are you? I am prosecutor Xu Minying. Let your leader speak out."

Tom ignored her, but took out his mobile phone and called Chen Zejun, "BOSS, we have found Director Chen, but there is still a prosecutor on site."

As he spoke, Tom looked at Xu Minying, "What did you say your name was?"

"Xu Minying."

This chapter has been completed!
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