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Chapter 388 387 Damn it! How about re-enacting classics?

Chapter 388 387. Damn it! Why don’t you do a good job of recreating the classic! What the hell is the Poison of Zanjir?

Hogg was in a happy mood.

It couldn't hide the proud look when it left the mage tower that was tearing flesh apart. Nash, who was following it, also looked at his chief with admiration.

This little jackal just thought they were dead.

But he didn't expect that his chief not only easily averted the danger, but also got help from the terrifying Lord Flesh Tearer and even got a promise to become a hunting priest.

Ah, is this the so-called "cunning power of wisdom" that the chief talks about all day long? What is visible to the naked eye now indeed looks much more useful than the heavy flail in his hand!

"You two went to talk to that lunatic who ripped flesh, and you're not dead yet?"

The vanguard captain of the Bonegnawing Clan who was guarding outside the mage tower looked at Hogg and Nash in shock as they left the mage tower with their beards and tails intact. This barbarian who was as strong and powerful as Ken Porter even rubbed his eyes vigorously.

It thought it had seen it wrong.

Master Tear Meat has been getting angry recently because of mission issues. He has already executed several unruly barbarians for various trivial matters. In the eyes of the captain, what will happen if these two crippled bitches dare to come and disturb Tear Meat?

Definitely not going to be too good.

The reason why it stayed here was to see the interesting scene of these two daring idiots being torn into pieces by the warlocks and fed to those ferocious alien creatures. However, they miraculously survived!

This thing really happened today!

Are all the crippled gnolls of Transia so lucky?

"Master Flesh Tearer is a very good Plague Warlock and a rare wise man among the gnolls. You should respect the powerful mentor of our Plague Clan!

You are such an unstoppable, powerful and brainless idiot!"

Hogg put his hands on his hips and scolded:

"Apologise! Apologize for calling Lord Flesh Tearer a 'madman'!"

"What a piece of shit!"

Seeing Hogg yelling so arrogantly, the vanguard captain was so angry that he pulled out his flail and wanted to kill him. When had this powerful vanguard barbarian from the Dark Mountains ever been humiliated like this?

But the next moment, the cold gazes of several jackal warlocks from the bottom of the mage tower made the bone-gnawing barbarians freeze in place.

What the hell is going on?

These bastard warlocks actually support this crippled bitch’s provocation against them? This bastard from Transia actually embraces the flesh-rending thigh?

Depend on!

What so many low-born Jackal warriors in the Dark Mountains have failed to do is actually accomplished by this useless guy who is less than his waist height?

How exactly is it done?

"Hmph! I have been given a mission by Master Flesh Tearer to defend our Plague Town outside the swamp. Those are things that you bastards who only know how to fight bravely but can't do anything can't do it!

Your Excellency even personally promised to help me complete my job transition to Hunting Priest!

You stupid fool, show me some respect now!"

Hogg felt the support from the mage tower, which made his courage in vain.

At this time, he behaved like a bastard who had succeeded. Under Nash's shocked gaze and Murphy's subtle laughter in his heart, he raised his head and shouted to the barbarian soldier:

"Are you going to apologize or not?

It just so happens that I'm going to the Construct Tower to pick up a skeleton army to bring back to Smuggler's Grove as a guard. I think I still lack a very capable zombie gnoll barbarian soldier.

You are perfect for it, brother."


The humiliated jackal barbarian soldier was extremely angry now.

But it still has some brains after all. It knows that the Plague Clan has become even more crazy after being sent to the Filthy Swamp, and the consequences of provoking them here will not be good.

So after a few seconds of stalemate, the fierce guy lowered his head and said in a mosquito-like voice:

"I apologize, I shouldn't have said that to the powerful Mr. Flesh Tearer."

"Ah? I didn't hear clearly!"

Hogg rolled his eyes and said:

"Louder! Haven't you eaten? Such a big man can't even speak clearly? How stupid are you?"

"Damn it, don't let me seize the opportunity!"

The Bone Crusher Pioneer really had its teeth to crush it, but seeing more and more eyes in the mage tower looking at it, it knew it couldn't drag it out any longer.

These bone-gnawing pioneers all followed Ken Porter into the Filthy Swamp. When Ken Porter was still alive, they could live in peace and even cooperate with the Plague Clan. But now that Ken Porter is dead, they are in the Plague Clan.

The value in my eyes is rapidly decreasing.

At this time, you have to be careful not to show up, otherwise it will be easily dealt with.

The Pestilence Clan is the craziest group among the Gnoll tribe in the Dark Mountains. No one knows where these warlocks, who only emerged thirty years ago, learned the ability to manipulate dead creatures.

But everyone knows that the warlocks of the Plague Clan stubbornly believe that mummies and skeletons are more useful and obedient than barbarians. There is not a single barbarian or hunter in their small clan. They are completely composed of plague warlocks and necromancers.

Composed of warlocks and loyal walkers.

Because of this, the Pestilence Clan has a very bad reputation in the Dark Mountains. Although this small clan possesses top-notch psychic power in the Jackal civilization, several large clans are unwilling to cooperate with them. Ken Porter is already Pestilence.

The best puppet the Poison Clan could find.

"I was wrong! I shouldn't have slandered the powerful Lord Flesh Tearer!"

The jackal vanguard barbarian soldier was cornered, gritted his teeth and shouted in self-defeat. Then, with Hogg's satisfied laughter, he mounted his snarling warg and ran out, and then attacked Hogg from a distance.

He made a vicious throat-cutting motion.

This made Nash a little worried.

It whispered to Hogg:

"Chief, what if these guys ambush us on the way back?"

"It doesn't dare!"

Hogg sneered and whispered:

"We will go back with ten scepters and more than 500 elite skeleton troops. They are crazy to ambush us on the road.

If it were me, I would bring the elite to raid one night after we return to Smuggler's Grove and let down our guard.

But Nash, you know very well what dangerous beasts roam the woods."


Nash understood.

It also laughed cunningly and said to Hogg:

"Yes, yes, those 'beasts' that eat people but don't spit out bones will bury them for us. No, their fate will be even worse and they will become poor gladiators."

"Yes, it is like that!"

Hogg nodded, calculated the time, turned to Nash and said:

"You go and 'walk around' around the town. I'll go to the Organization Tower to collect the troops given to us by Mr. Flesh Tearer. We'll meet at the gate of the town in two hours.

If you finally come to the swamp, you should see more of the ‘human landscape’ here and don’t leave in such a hurry.”

"I understand, Chief."

Nash understood.

This is what Hogg asked him to do to investigate the inside of the town. It would be best to note down the various facilities in the town.

The two parted ways, and Hogg quickly rushed to the Tectonic Tower to meet Lord Flesh Tearer's apprentice, Cripple.

Just by hearing the name, you can tell the characteristics of this jackal warlock. Its left leg seemed to have been bitten off by a wild beast, and a nondescript mechanical foot was installed on the severed limb, making it limp when walking.

Murphy keenly noticed through Hogg's eyes that this guy's mechanical feet also had the bastard's signature craftsman mark of Sulq Flywheel.

It seems that the rumor that the wild halfling lunatic warlord of Hungry Mountain is befriending and doing business with some gnoll clans is true.

But this is a good thing for Murphy, who is observing the distance through the eyes of others.

If that Su Ke Feilun doesn't resist the deal with the Jackal, it means that when a pitiful, weak and helpless vampire lord who is rich and in urgent need of help appears in front of him, there is a high probability that he will not refuse the offer from Mo.

Fei’s transaction request.

Hogg had no idea what Murphy was thinking.

It will continue to pay attention to the Warlock Claw in front of it.

There is no doubt that this is a very strange guy, but considering that the Pestilence Clan is full of such weird guys, it is not worth mentioning that this guy has such an abnormality.

But compared to the gloomy flesh-tearer, the lame claw who was assigned to make the new skeleton army and corpse witch in the construction tower was more "cheerful". This guy welcomed Hogg into his "territory" with a very strange smile.


However, on the front of the first floor of the structure tower is a row of blood-stained iron hooks, hanging on them are various corpses found in the swamp, and even a few jackal barbarians who have just been hung up. The corpses are still hanging with blood.

It's like a cold storage room with pork.

This scene made Jackals like Hogg feel chills on end.

It turned its head away from looking at the hanging things, and then discovered that there were many resurrected corpse witches around, silently busy processing these corpses, repairing the damage on them, and then throwing them into different Hades according to the type to be transformed.

In the ritual circle, let the cold breath of Hades fill it before transformation.

"This is the 'corpse factory' of the Plague Clan! We will make different 'warriors' according to the needs of the clan. I like this swamp, where we don't have to consider the opinions of idiots and can mix and match the structural wisdom from death.

This is a place of complete freedom, a paradise for necromancers!

I don't understand why the rest of the clan hates this place so much."

The lame paw wiped the saliva dripping from the wolf's mouth, then opened his paws and yelled like crazy:

"Anyway, welcome to my territory, my thin compatriots in Transia. Your ability to escape from Lord Flesh Tearer has proved your uniqueness, and I have also received the order.

Look, I have prepared the Scepter of Command for you."

"What's going on with this guy?"

Hogg immediately felt that the lame claw's 'joy' was somewhat difficult to understand, and its thinking circuit was also far from normal people's thinking.

Through its eyes, Murphy noticed this strange "corpse constructor". Tris, who was maintaining the detection technique beside him, also sensed Murphy's curiosity and doubts, and explained softly:

"Generally speaking, such individuals should have suffered severe mental shock, which has caused their minds to enter chaos. This guy can no longer control his crazy spirit.

Pay attention to its scalp with stitch marks!

This proves that it has been used as a test subject in dangerous experiments before, but generally such a guy would be disposed of, but it can still be entrusted with managing the structure tower.

This shows that either Shredded Flesh has other plans for it, or it proves that this guy is very talented in corpse deconstruction, making Shredded Flesh unable to give up on it."

"In other words, it is valuable. A No. 2 BOSS with a history and background, not bad. After a little 'polishing' by you and me, my warriors will definitely like such a 'tragic character'.


Murphy narrowed his eyes, and then he instructed Hogg:

"It may come in handy after you have a relationship with this guy. Don't be afraid, it's gone crazy and it won't hurt you."

"It's just that I'm afraid of it going crazy."

At this time, Hogg, who was like a puppet on strings, complained harshly in his heart.

But he still followed Lord Murphy's instructions and followed the lame claw toward the room where the scepter of command was placed, while talking to it close to him.

However, Lame Claw was really crazy, and he would occasionally howl twice, making it impossible for Hogg to understand any of this guy's thoughts.

When it saw the ten command staffs prepared by Lame Claw for it, Hogg suddenly became furious.

"That's not what I want!"

It grabbed a crudely made staff and said viciously to the innocent-looking lame claw:

"What I want is that kind of exquisite and powerful scepter. This one on my waist can control an entire army of skeletons! Not this inferior product that is difficult to control ten skeletons!"

This is not the promise Lord Tear Meat made to me!

I’m going to file a complaint against you!”

"But this is all I have left here. If you don't want it, it's gone."

Lame Claw is not scary at all.

In fact, given its poor mental state, it may not be able to understand where Hogg's anger comes from. It scratched its head with obvious suture marks with its claws and said:

"You asked for the scepter, and I gave you the scepter. Why are you still angry? Do you Transian gnolls have such changeable emotions?

Could it be that you are unable to control your emotions well due to physical mutations?

Ah, I really want to cut open your body to find this answer. Do you want to be my test subject? I can guarantee that you will watch the whole process while you are awake and enjoy the joy of finding the answer with me.

That won't hurt!

I swear, it feels like a saw cutting open your head, but it’s actually just a moment of numbness when the pain nerves are burned. I started to miss the pain, quack quack.”

"This is not what I want! Forget it, you and I can't explain it at all."

Hogg felt discouraged for a while.

It found that it had no way to communicate with the mad warlock in front of it, so it could only take out the command staff from its waist, pick it up and say to the lame claw:

"This kind! I want this kind!"

"Oh, there is a high-level command scepter."

Lame Claw suddenly understood, but then he showed a hesitant expression and said:

"But those are materials prepared for the subsequent attack on Ningji Nanka's lair. The flesh-tearing instructor does not allow us to use it casually. It is a powerful thing that only the instructor can make.

I am only responsible for management, I am not qualified to hand it over to you.


"But what?"

Hearing this subtle turn, Hogg hurriedly asked, Lame Claw said hesitantly:

"I still have some unfinished research of my own. I need some strange materials to create the most powerful plague barbarian soldier according to my imagination!

But the instructor never approved it, which made me a little regretful.

If you can find me the materials I need"

"I will help you, now give me the scepter!"

Hogg reassured Lame Claw like he was coaxing a little cub.

The latter seemed to be convinced, and limped out of the house with a nagging voice. A few minutes later, he came back with an animal skin bag and handed it to Hogg.

Hogg took it in his hand and opened it and was immediately delighted. Ten high-level command scepters were placed in it. He took out one and put it in his hand to look at it. It was an absolute masterpiece.

It was extremely satisfied.

The drooling, brainless jackal in front of him also became "cute" in its eyes.

Hogg put away the command scepter first, and then asked in a long voice:

"So, what materials do you need? Tell me."

"Are you stupid? We are close to Transia. Let me ask you what is Transia's specialty?"

The lame paw made a weird laugh and made a scratching motion. It moved its claws stiffly and twisted, and shouted:

"I want vampire hearts, at least three!

In this way, I can put those miracles full of midnight power into my barbarian soldiers. This may not make the barbarian soldiers become vampire gnolls, but at least it can give them the power to regenerate quickly.


My research has reached the final step.

I want the heart of a vampire!

Bring them to me! Hogg, bring them to me!"


Hogg and Murphy cursed each other as crazy at the same time.

But now that the thing was in hand, Hogg didn't care anymore. He just said a few perfunctory words and planned to leave. At this time, Lame Claw's reminder came belatedly.

"Ah, I forgot to tell you that as the protector of the high-level scepter, I added a poison I made myself to prevent it from being stolen by thieves.

Once in contact, you will be poisoned. If you don't get the antidote within seven days, you will turn into a reliable and capable jackal zombie."


Hogg turned around in shock.

The lame paw behind it still looked like it had a shrunken cerebellum and a missing brainstem, and its two eyes were not even at the same focal length. This guy used his dirty sleeves to wipe the uncontrollable saliva while saying


"You have been exposed to it just now, right? Ha, poor Hogg, you have been poisoned. Remember seven days, seven days, three vampire hearts.

Otherwise, I can only try to replace it with your worthless taste. You probably won’t be able to survive it, no! You will definitely not be able to survive it.”

Now, Hogg finally understood why Flesh Tearer placed Lame Claw in a structure tower that never saw the light of day.

This guy is absolutely crazy.

Crazy in every sense of the word!

This chapter has been completed!
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