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Chapter 389 Chapter 388 Group Sequence 003 'Land of Carrion' Mention

Chapter 389 Group Book Sequence 003 "Land of Carrion" Pre-booked

Hogg was poisoned.

It's a very terrible poison. If you don't get the antidote within seven days, you will die.

It thought it would be sad and cry when it heard the bad news, but in fact Hogg found himself very calm, perhaps because he had already expected that it would be impossible to obtain such high-level psychic items so easily.

It is said that if you pay, you will gain.

Wait, have you had too much contact with those warriors?

This is obviously not the traditional way of thinking for jackals! Throw the table!

"Don't worry, it's just a vampire's heart."

Murphy warned Hogg in his heart:

"It's not a rare thing. In order to get these command scepters that can instantly form an army, let alone vampire hearts, even if they are living vampires, my warriors will find a way to tie them to you.

And I have a suggestion, Hogg, look, if you take one, you are poisoned, and if you take ten, you are also poisoned. Anyway, they are all poisoned now.

Why not get a few more from Lame Claw?

After all, there may not be a chance next time.”

"Hey, what we are discussing is the heart of your compatriots. Mr. Murphy, is it really appropriate for you to talk about the heart of a vampire like a pig in water?"

Hogg complained crazily.

But it realized Murphy's reminder came at just the right time.

Its reconnaissance mission has been completed. Next time it will not take risks personally and come to this dangerous place where it may lose its life at any time. Since it is a one-time deal, it will naturally make more money.

So Chief Bloodclaw rolled his eyes, stuffed more than twenty inferior command staffs scattered on the table that could only control 10-20 skeleton armies into his bag, and then raised his head while wagging his tail to look at the two eyes.

Zi looked at the left, right, upper and lower sides respectively, and lame claws were salivating and said:

"I can bring you the heart of a vampire. We have fought vampires before under the command of King Kenbot, but this life is very dangerous. Do you understand what I mean?

I may need to get a lot of clan elites for this. I know this has nothing to do with you, but I hope to get more assistance, such as more command scepters?"

"No, the flesh-tearing instructor didn't give me much."

Lame Claw wiped his mouth and said regretfully:

"Since the last time I commanded the cute skeleton army to tear up a dozen barbarians who bullied us and turned them into experimental materials, my mentor has prohibited me from using them.

However, I secretly made one here. No instructor can do it as well. It occasionally fails when controlling the skeleton army, but when it does not fail, it can still control 50 of them!

Yes, when they are not out of control, they are no different from the original ones."

"Give me!"

Hog Lion said loudly:

"Give me those uncontrolled command scepters, and I will bring you the vampire heart as soon as possible."

"Okay, that thing can't be sold anyway. Other cowards don't dare to use the scepter I made. You are such a courageous guy, Hogg, quack.

Perhaps your courage would make you a better guinea pig than the other Gnolls?"

Lame Claw once again let out a weird laugh that made Hogg's hair stand on end. It quickly brought a large bag of bone command scepters that were quite crudely made and had not even been carefully polished to Hogg.

After Chief Bloodclaw finished his "shopping", when he turned to leave, Lameclaw suddenly stopped him:

"Have you seen the scene when Ken Porter died? Do you know how his body was disposed of?"

"Oh, those vampire blood servants originally wanted to burn the body of Lord Kenbot, but it was a hunting priest, and the flames could not burn its flesh, so I secretly saw those blood servants burying the body in a pit.


Hogg scratched his head and said:

"Why are you asking about this thing?"

"What a great material!

There are not many pure-blood bone-biting heirs like Ken Porter in the Dark Mountains, and assassins from other big clans have been using various methods to eliminate them.

What a waste!”

The crazy Lame Claw said unabashedly:

"The Bonegnashers are also afraid that their deaths will be unknown. Now the black disaster has arisen but the throne of the 'King of the Jackals' is still vacant. Several clans cannot choose a leader at all, but the hunters, barbarians, warlocks and priests

They reached an agreement that they did not want to see the descendants of the Bone-Gnawing King ascend the throne again.

Anyway, I hope to get a pure-blooded bone-gnawing body for experimentation, so you can secretly dig up Ken Porter’s body and bring it back to me.”

"This is too dangerous."

Hogg instinctively refused:

"There are witch hunters guarding that place all the time. I will be hacked to death by them if I go there! I will not provoke those dangerous witch hunters. I will not do this job!"

"You've been poisoned, you have to do it if you don't want to!"

Lame Claw scolded very irritably:

"Don't you want to live anymore?"

"I think so! But I would rather die peacefully in my den than be chopped into mincemeat by witch hunters. My name is still on the Blood Rat Gang's bounty list!"

Hogg firmly refused, but this was just a bargaining strategy.

This cunning Gnoll knows very well that under the current situation where the Plague Clan is trapped in the swamp and must complete the task of finding the Bone-Gnawing King's secrets, Lame Claw, no matter how capable he is, can't find anyone to help him collect the corpses.


In other words, you can only do this job yourself!

It's a "seller's market" now, and I've been poisoned by this piece of shit. I can't live up to the foreign crime I've suffered unless I make a huge profit.

Seeing Hogg's cowardly look, Lame Claw was furious, but in order to persuade the coward to help, it rolled its strange eyes that were not in the same focal length, and said with an unlucky look:

"I have the Knights of Hades here that I can lend to you to protect your safety. I have never seen such a coward like you in the entire Dark Mountains!"

"One is not enough! Those witch hunters are very fierce."

Hogg immediately shouted:


"If it's more, we'll split it 50-50 afterwards. I might even consider returning Ken Porter's head. Since it's an experiment, the more complete the body is, the better, right?"

Murphy's voice sounded just right, causing Hogg to stop talking, then coughed and said:


I need a team of at least 20 Hades knights to protect me before I dare to rob the tomb of the vicious vampire, but I don't want you in vain. I can also bring you the corpses of the guards strengthened by Ken Porter with the priest's secret skills. .

And you saw it too!

I am a powerful gnoll thief. If you can give me a little guarantee of safety, I can even find a way to risk going to Scarlet Castle and steal Ken Porter's head hanging on the city gate back to you!

Aren’t you going to do an experiment?”

Hogg seduced in a low voice:

"Look, although I don't know much about the knowledge of Plague Warlocks, I guess if there are only corpses without heads, the quality of the finished product will be greatly reduced, right?

Can an excellent corpse construction master like you allow such a big flaw in your work?"


Lamepaw hesitated for a moment.

It could feel that Hogg was taking advantage of it.

But the problem is that its crazy brain really cannot think properly and seriously, so after a few seconds of confused thinking, it said:

"But I only have 7 Knights of the Underworld. I can only deduct so much without being discovered. No more will be enough. I'm getting old! It's becoming more and more suspicious. Every day it feels like someone is trying to harm it. its location, which makes it all the more dangerous

I've already made a mistake

I have no chance to make a mistake."

"Seven is okay, although it's barely enough."

Hogg made a dissatisfied expression, but in fact he was very happy.

This is the Knight of Hades!

Although I don't know what these guys can do or how powerful they are, but when you hear their professional names, you know that these guys are definitely extraordinary.

it says:

"Give them to me, and I'll bring you everything you want within seven days! I'm willing to go all out this time, and it doesn't matter if my entire clan is involved for the sake of my friendship with Lord Lameclaw."

"Seven days! Hahaha, this is great, I like this efficiency!"

Lamepaw also became excited.

It rubbed its paws with a few missing fingers and said excitedly:

"I will prepare the test bed immediately to get those lazy corpse witches moving. My capable brother in Transia, I will start work as soon as you bring what I need!"

"Ask it if it can choose the Knight of Hades by itself?"

Murphy reminded Hogg in his mind:

"Find a knight named 'Bernice' and bring her out. I will send someone to your den to receive her and bring Ken Porter's head to you.

But if it doesn't work, don't force it, otherwise it will arouse the vigilance of other warlocks.

This lame claw is a 'talent', Hogg, you should pay more attention to it, its unstable spirit can even become a war weapon for your Bloodclaw clan if it is 'well-guided'!"



The shock of psychic energy dissipated in the office of the Scarlet Corridor, which meant that the long-range detection technique was interrupted.

Murphy rubbed his eyes to adjust to the return of his vision. He leaned back in his chair and thought about what he had just seen and heard through Hogg's eyes.

In front of him, Heru had prepared paper and pen, and Hogg would later draw a topographic map of Plague Town by calculating the information sent back by the orb to prepare for the subsequent raid.

Murphy waved his hand, signaling Heru to go out for a while and then come back in. The discerning investigator immediately turned around and left, not to disturb the ensuing secret conversation between the lord and the Grand Duke.

"It's hard to handle."

The vampire lord whispered:

"There are thousands of undead creatures being transformed in that structure tower alone, not to mention the corpse witch and skeleton army strengthened by the Plague Clan with the power of death.

Bella said that there were at least 40 Corpse Witches and Hades Knights there, and now it seemed that they had produced more. Even if Hogg took out 7, the remaining number would still be considerable.

In addition, the warlocks of the Plague Clan serve as psychic attackers, and two abandoned mage towers serve as the core of defense.

No matter in terms of quantity, quality or terrain, the threat to the town controlled by the Pestilence Clan is much higher than that of the gnoll army gathered by Kenport.

But on the other hand, as the last large copy of the closed test, it is very suitable!"

Murphy stood up and walked around with a strange "development team ecstasy" attitude under Tris's gaze. His eyes shone and he muttered:

"The elite skeleton army, corpse witches and Hades knights outside Plague Town are already strong enough as patrolling mobs. The gatekeeper BOSS is the vanguard barbarian of the Bone-gnawing clan who will inevitably encounter when entering the town.

The captain of the guard who was so humiliated!

This can be a battle that combines attack and support.

Then enter the town and attack the construction tower first, where my warriors need to challenge the crazy constructionist Claw and the blood-sucking zombie Ken Porter he created!

This is the first half of the copy.

The second half of the journey is in the Plague Tower!

There, the warriors not only had to face the evil sorcerers of the Plague Clan, but also had to battle wits and courage with various mechanisms hidden in the abandoned mage tower.

Finally, he climbed to the top of the tower and faced the old but evil Jackal Warlock to tear his flesh.

Gee, it’s a perfect design!”

"Maybe add a little more field combat?"

It was the first time Tris had a promising job as a "dog planner". She couldn't help but get involved and said:

"There are many dangerous beasts in the Foul Swamp. Due to the presence of gnolls near Plague Town, all the weak beasts have long since disappeared.

Those who dare to stay are all powerful guys.

We can pick out those guys who are contaminated and strengthened by the toxins excreted by the gnoll warlocks as an 'optional battle'?"

"Hmm! This design is good!"

Murphy's eyes lit up, he clapped his hands and said:

"This is the process of filling in the dungeon. Tris, you are very good at this job, so this is the conclusion of the 003 raid "The Land of the Carrion".

Next, Hogg needs to send its people to continuously investigate and explore. After figuring out most of the details, we can do some warm-up activities in advance."

"Also, I noticed that both the gnoll vanguard and Lame Claw inadvertently revealed in their words that the next target of the Plague Clan is Ningkinanka, a legendary creature that exists in the Filthy Swamp."

Tris continued to add in a low tone:

"It seems that the Plague Warlocks have determined that the lost treasure of the Bone-gnawing King is in the lair of those legendary creatures. This is an opportunity, Murphy.

In other words, this is the only chance.

When the gnolls of the Pestilence clan go to war with the legendary creatures or after they return from a tragic victory or defeat, that will be the best strategic window we can get.

But there is no need to rush this matter.

We plan first and wait for the moment to come."

"That 'Ninkinanka'"

Murphy whispered:

"Is it really as powerful as you describe?"

"You are still very young, and you don't understand what the words 'legendary creature' mean. I can tell you that if the flesh-shredding plan is to conquer that legendary thing, then it may not necessarily invest all the power it has at hand.

This will ensure that it enters Ningkinanka's lair.

Those legendary giant snakes live in groups."

Tris shook her head and said:

"I saw those strange creatures once when I was young, and they left a deep impression on me.

I know that the Lord has a set of protective leather armor made of the gem leather of Ninginanka. It is said that it was a trophy obtained by the Lord himself when they crossed the filthy swamp before the era.

It was also the pinnacle of old Edward's cobbler craftsmanship.

It is of course impossible to say that these beasts are so powerful that they cannot be conquered, but even the golden strong will not provoke them casually.

Haven't you always been curious about why there are no dragons on this continent?

In fact, there is.

The monsters living in the filthy swamp are probably the closest thing to the legendary dragon.

Although in my opinion, they are just some powerful big lizards. And they can only be called 'difficult' in other places, but when they challenge Ninkinanka in the swamp, I can only say that this behavior is called '

To die'.

That's a real swamp spirit!

Its existence and power are closely related to the entire Filthy Swamp. There is even a saying that the reason why the swamp expanded to such a huge area today is because there was a nest of Ningkinanka living in it.

If the jackals really attack it, we can breathe a sigh of relief."

After hearing Tris' explanation, Murphy tilted his head and thought about it, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

He clapped his fists with his hands and said loudly:

"So, wild BOSS!

Yes, how could a classic role-playing online game not have this link and gameplay?

Write down all the information you know about Ninkinanka, Trish, and I will mark this rare and powerful thing on the map of Transia and surrounding areas that we will update soon, as a way for young players to go out in the future.

Strategic guidance after 'Novice Village'.

Speaking of which, are there many legendary creatures on this continent?"

"There are certainly not too many creatures that can be called legendary, but if you think about it, their number is not that small.

The legendary creatures I have seen with my own eyes, in addition to Ninkinanka, the 'Swamp Dragon' of the filthy swamp, are also the Anuka Lions in the northern mountains of the Greene Islands, which are said to be the descendants of all royal flying lions and Greene lions.

The source of blood.

A huge, ominous black wolf roams the wilderness.

The locals call it the "winter wolf" in horror. Every time it appears, it heralds the arrival of a terrible winter that will freeze people to death.

There is a group of "vampire monsters" Chupacabra that feed on life on the Vampire Coast of the Dark Mountains, making that coast one of the few areas untouched by gnolls.

There is also a giant water monster in the mirror sea of ​​the inaccessible gray desert, which is the water dragon called "Luktava".

The legend about the 'Fateweaver Spider Queen' has been circulating in the deepest underdark area of ​​the Eternal Rift.

Too much

Even I can't collect them all."

Tris shook her head and rolled her eyes. She wrote down the information she knew with an attitude of "I really can't do anything to you" and said:

"No one knows where those legendary creatures come from, but they exist in their respective territories. Their existence itself represents mystery and power, and they are noble beings standing at the top of nature.

But one thing is for sure, these legendary creatures have existed on this earth much longer than us mortals.

Most of them already existed before the mysterious era, alas, no one has been able to decipher their secrets yet."


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