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Chapter 500 499 'Black Disaster' expansion pack has not been released yet, but

Chapter 500 499. The "Black Disaster" expansion pack has not been released yet, but Planner Dog has already prepared the new suit in advance, like!

"Master, is it really okay for us to leave those treasures here?"

A few minutes later, Maxim, who was carrying a new weapon, looked back at the cave behind him hidden in the swamp fog, and whispered:

"If the scepter of the Bone-gnawing King is a miraculous creation, it means that the suit of armor, crown, shield, and chain armor are all creations of the same quality. Even if you don't use it, you can take it back to boost the morale of the army.

I think Lord Kudel is at least worthy of wielding the legendary 'Soul Ripper' flail.

It represents a rich piece of history, and using it as a collection can also effectively enhance your reputation."

"The Griffin heavy sword in Kudel's hand is enough for him, and I don't think he will like the weapons of the jackals. The guy is very picky about weapons. This is probably a habit he has developed since he was born.

So, leave them there."

Murphy waved his hand nonchalantly and said:

"Such a huge 'super secret treasure' that can be directly linked to the power of the Creator cannot be obtained without tapping the treasure at the bottom of the box. I am really looking forward to when my warriors can find it and open it?

We are already preparing to take away other harvests from the cave, but we have to leave something for future treasure hunters, otherwise it will appear that the development team is too stingy.

As for the information about where the Bone-Gripping King stayed.

Although we can't get it at the moment, I can probably guess that the information must be related to the Jackal Civilization Tablet.

The Bone-gnawing King tried to use a 'treasure map' to lead his successor to the land of creation in the restricted area of ​​the swamp. However, the problem was that Tris and I skipped that process, which was equivalent to a bug and went straight to the place of creation.

Entering the land of mystery.

That piece of information is dispensable to us, but it can be made into a pretty good exploration and guidance mission chain, well, an 'epic' mission chain hidden in history, and finally ends with a very reasonable

The way is to expose the Creator's system in front of the warriors, instead of us roughly guiding them directly to the restricted area.

Coming back to the message itself, Tearflesh has fled back to the Dark Mountains with the tablet, but I guess they will never find the correct use of that thing.

As for the weapons and protective gear left behind by the Bone-Gnawing King"

Murphy looked back at the cave, which had been hidden in the mist and was no longer visible. He showed a subtle expression and said to Maxim:

"If I told you that I have many gadgets of the same specifications in my hand, would you think that your master has gone crazy?"

"of course not!"

Maxim was obviously a little shocked, after all, they were talking about miraculous creations, but soon he shook his head and said:

"You are a man of wonders, my master!

It doesn’t surprise me that you perform any miracles. You are such a man who transcends common sense. You will definitely be engraved in history. Compared with you, the Bone-gnawing King is just a light of rotten grass trying to compete with the bright moon.


"Oh, you really learned a lot in that tavern."

Murphy waved his hand to stop Maxim from flattering him frankly. He half complained and half sighed helplessly and said:

"Look at you, my 'Smooth Talk Mark'. You are so fresh and refined even when you flatter me now. I'm really afraid that your next sentence will say something crazy like 'the days have changed and the artifacts have become easier'. I can understand how serious you are.

Soldiers also need a little entertainment, and I won't stop you from finding fun in the knowledge of other worlds.

But, don't look at the evil things, Mark, that stuff is quite demonic and will corrode your soul.

I asked you to study, and I didn’t ask you to learn these things.”

As he spoke, Murphy glanced at Helu, who was sitting on the magic carpet behind him and holding an animal bone cane decorated with eyeball symbols with an ecstatic expression on his face.

The cane in his hand is a device specially used for detection and perception that Murphy found from the "treasure" of the Bone-gnawing King. It is called "Eye of the Clan". The quality of its equipment is exactly the same as that of the Skull Crusher obtained by Maxim.

One is in the sky and the other is in the earth, but for an investigator of Helu's level, he is not stingy with the "artifact" that can make people fall into the sky.

After all, theoretically speaking, this thing can indeed be regarded as the "legacy" of the Bone-Gripping King.

In terms of commemorative significance alone, it is not much different from the world-famous Skull Crusher.

Unfortunately, where Murphy is going next, Heru's strength and his status in the Transian system obviously cannot follow him.

So Murphy winked, and Maxim immediately flew to Helu's side, and under the guise of escorting him, he sent the investigator to the exit of the swamp forbidden area and let him return to Wolfsburg on his own.

Murphy and Tris were waiting for Maxim to return. When only two people were left, the vampire lord turned to Tris and said:

"Our previous guess was correct. The rise of the Bone-Gnawing King was definitely due to the cunning Jackal discovering another place of creation in the Dark Mountains. He was also lucky enough to gain access there and learn about the Creator.

Heritage Mystery.

It seems that there are really a lot of good things hidden in the Dark Mountains.

I even have a feeling that maybe that mysterious Eden area is hidden somewhere in the Dark Mountains."

"No, no, no, I don't think so."

Cuisi's charming eyes showed a light of thought, she shook her head and said:

"I think the location of the Eden Zone should be as far away from the mainland as the place of origin. Perhaps the place of creation is hidden somewhere in the New World.

It's far enough away and private enough!

As for the Bone-gnawing King, it is very likely that what he discovered in the Dark Mountains was just a small ruin, which can also explain why it has never been able to use the power of the Creator to strengthen its soldiers.

It's not that it doesn't want to, it's that it can't do it.

The gifts it receives from its Creator are limited to weapons, armor and some knowledge of deeper mysteries?

You know, ever since I learned about the existence of the Land of Creation, I have even had doubts about the purpose of the Bone-gnawing King leading the Black Scourge army to attack the mainland. Perhaps it does not simply want to establish a gnoll dynasty.

It may be to use the purpose of war to go deep into the mainland to find similar 'adventures'."

The Duke of Blood Vulture narrowed his eyes and said:

"I now doubt that there are other things hidden under this ignorant continent where we live! Judging from my travel experience in the past hundreds of years, I have enough reasons to conclude that there are at least three places that are very

There is suspicion!

There are legends about "Sinkholes" in the northern mountains of Greene Island. Very rare and special extreme weather occasionally occurs on the Arctic ice sheet close to the wild land. Finally, there is a white cliff territory where the Ring Tower is located.

Many people know that the main area of ​​the White Cliff Territory is located in a demiplane. They say that it is an advanced barrier set up by psionic masters to preserve the secrets of psionic energy.

But few people know that the fairly stable demiplane in the White Cliff Territory is actually natural!

I have heard some legends from the era when the Ring Tower was first established. It was not the psychic forerunners among humans who built White Cliff, but they found White Cliff.

The anomalies in these three places cannot be explained by spiritual power and common sense. Perhaps that is where the King of Bone Grinders wants to reach.

There may be a legacy of the Creator hidden there.


Starting from this idea, the Songhai Empire's rather peculiar tradition of sending a mission around the world to visit various forces every 200 years has another more reasonable explanation.

It's not that the Songhai people really care about the development of the backward civilization on the mainland, but that the believers of the Creator are looking for the Creator's relics in the world in this way!

I feel like I've accidentally guessed a certain truth.

And I can confirm that the Songhai Empire has discovered many ruins during its first 'world tour' in 200 AD. At least their first establishment of diplomatic relations with the ancient kingdom of Kalum may have been based on both sides' knowledge of the ruins of creation and the mystery of the Creator.

on the basis of exploration.

Oh my god!

Murphy, if you look at it from this perspective, the thousand-year history of this continent can be completely deconstructed!

Under this deconstruction, neither humans nor vampires nor other races that have continued to thrive for thousands of years are the protagonists of this continent.

We are just pretending to have built an era of civilization on the mysterious ruins left by the Creator. Our behavior of claiming sovereignty of a certain place to others is as childish as children playing house.

The influence of the Creator has never been far away from this continent, and the Songhai Empire, as a loyal follower of the Creator, has always stayed away. Those blue-skinned bastards may look at us as if they are caring for a group of mentally retarded people who play in the mud.


I finally understand where the Songhai people’s innate sense of aloofness and independence comes from.”

Tris was devastated.

The Duke of Blood Vulture lamented:

"They are really proud of themselves."

"Don't be so pessimistic."

Murphy didn't think so. He shook his head and said:

"If the Songhai people really inherited the power of the Creator, then they would have driven their spaceships to explore the stars. After all, any data key left behind by the Creator can be transformed into a Star Destroyer cannon, and His servants can easily create

The security equipment can also be called a magic weapon in this era.

I have enough reasons to think that it is evidence of the existence of a super civilization. Although the Songhai people have solar ships, their level of civilization has not caused us a dimensionality reduction blow.

This shows that the Songhai people think they have inherited the legacy of the Creator but in fact they do not!

They are imitators just like us.

It’s just that they imitate it more closely. To put it bluntly, it’s just like a crow laughing and a pig being black.”

"Well, it's a crude metaphor, but it makes sense!"

Tris nodded, feeling that Murphy's statement might be closer to the truth.

Twenty minutes later, Maxim returned and entered the exhibition hall under the leadership of Murphy and Tris. The loyal servant's series of shocks when he personally walked into the land of creation were no different from those of Murphy and Tris before.

After hearing that Master Murphy had obtained the authority of the curator and became the spokesperson appointed by the Creator in the swamp area, Mark once again strengthened the stereotype that Master Murphy is the "Destined One".

He felt honored to be able to serve such a great man!

So under Murphy's strange gaze, Maxim not only was not afraid of all the mysteries of the world hidden under the surface that he saw, but instead regarded it as an extension of his mission.

Although this is not the result that Murphy wanted to see, Murphy has no complaints about Mark accepting it so straightforwardly and quickly.

After all, everyone has a different worldview, which determines that the image of the world in people's eyes is also completely different. For Maxim, he really doesn't care much about the mission and greatness of the Creator. He may not care much about the existence of the ruins.

Strength and legacy are more interesting.

Without so much complicated thinking, life seems to have become simpler.

This mentality is really worth learning


At the edge of the staff hall in front of the three people, the passage to the exhibition hall's arsenal was finally opened. This was the first time that Murphy, the curator, checked the force situation in his management area.

The facts are disappointing!

Because he didn't find a big killer like a happy angel or a neutron killer here. With the technological power shown by the Creator, He can definitely make similar things, but He obviously won't be so crazy as to place them in a swamp.

In the ecological zone.

As mentioned in the previous description of the curator's rules, 48 ​​sets of personal security devices are displayed in this small arsenal.

They were hidden in the shafts in "cans". As Murphy activated the curator's authority, three yellow and red cans rose from the ground on the flat ground in front of him.

The glass cover made of special material was opened outwards, the white gas used for preservation was released, the safety lock was released amidst the reverberation of electronic sounds, and the three sets of safety gear stood quietly in front of the three Murphys.

The black paint gave this jumpsuit-like protective gear a simple aesthetic. Murphy stretched out his hand to touch it and realized that it was not metal but felt like a polymer.

It is not one.

Instead, there is a complete set of clothes like a tight-fitting diving suit as a "carrier", which is then matched with different "armor pieces" to form different protective effects.

The armor piece placed in the storage tank was a little brittle when knocked, and it didn't look intimidating at all, but Murphy used the necessary force to pierce the thin armor piece.

This is a necessary evil!

Although it is a weak magic sword, its sharpness is second to none in the entire continent.

"Although they are both made by designers from the Eden District, this set of protective gear and the heavy armor of the Bone-Gripping King are obviously used in two scenarios."

Murphy reached out and took out the protective gear from the jar in front of him, started the item identification and saw its entry:

Name: "Far Traveler" type II multifunctional protective gear and personal safety device

Quality: Miracle Creation·Mass Production Type

Item characteristics: Nano-life support, modularity, pre-programming, built-in quantum communication, intelligent shuttle control

Item effects:

1. Multi-purpose lightweight protective gear:

By matching different armor pieces, you can adapt to the defense purposes in different scenarios. The basic armor pieces are matched with physical defense type·Excellent protection, psychic enhanced type·Excellent psychic enhancement, and perception enhanced type·Excellent dexterity/excellent perception.

The three basic armor pieces can be mixed and matched in the 12 slots of the protective gear according to the user's needs, but this will weaken the cluster resonance effect of various types of armor pieces.


Advanced armor pieces are not shipped with the factory and require additional customization. For details, please consult the Eden District Peacekeeping Weapon Design Bureau and contact Handao LHG-0017.

24-hour dedicated customer service response, humanized individual characteristic customization, 120-year gold medal sales period to relieve your worries! Please look for the "Far Traveler" logo when purchasing, our products are a must-have for you to travel at home and explore the world!

2. Special shuttle:

Due to the working environment requirements of the swamp ecological zone, this batch of protective gear was additionally customized with an intelligent shuttle defense system. Each set of protective gear is equipped with three shuttles by default for intelligent security and cruise reconnaissance.


Controlling shuttle combat requires a certain understanding of three-dimensional space perception.

3. Modular upgrade:

When looking for a special enhancement device for this type of protective gear, the protective gear can be customized and enhanced with personalized functions. However, this enhanced device is not yet popular and only exists in the Eden District headquarters and the superior creation area.

Manufacturer: "Far Traveler" security service provider production line under the Eden District Peacekeeping Weapons Design Bureau.

Item description:

[The funding for the Swamp Ecological Zone is limited, so don’t expect the curators to spend more money on improving personal security services that are not needed at this stronghold. The performance of this set of light protective gear is mediocre in all aspects, and the price is about

Its only advantage.

Of course, no matter how cheap the protective gear is, it has passed quality inspection before leaving the factory, so as long as you don’t wear it to fight against astral monsters or try to jump into the creation engine, you can rely on the sense of security it brings to you.】

Murphy blinked.

He looked back at Tris and Maxim, who had each received a set of protective gear, and then put on this tight-fitting protective gear in front of them, moving his body in place like an athlete about to dive.

At the same time, the vampire lord coughed and activated the built-in quantum communication of the protective gear.

Then he said to the communication module of the protective gear:

"Connect the communication channel LHG-0017. I have some questions about the product and want to ask customer service."

"Please wait."

The built-in communication of the personal protective gear faithfully executes the instructions. As Murphy waited, beeping sounds continued to sound from the duct, until several minutes later, an intermittent electronic voice answered:

"Thank you for calling the Far Traveler customer service center. Please describe your problem."

"I want to visit the Far Traveler headquarters in person."

Murphy tried hard to keep his heartbeat calm. He clenched his fists and said softly:

"Your headquarters is in Eden District, right? Can you give me a map to get there?"

"Program. Error cannot locate the communication satellite. Damage to the protective gear. The built-in map authority has been delegated and the coordinates have been marked for you. Welcome to visit and wish you well, Mr. Curator."

The intermittent electronic music was really uncomfortable to hear, but the fact that this thing could still be turned on already made Murphy very touched. Who knows how long this answering program has persisted in time, I can only lament that the quality of the products of the Creator's Servants is really excellent.

As Murphy raised his wrist, a holographic map of the world unfolded in front of his eyes, and a red dot was marked, which was the location of the Far Traveler company headquarters.

Tris, who was opposite Murphy, stood up immediately and said:

"The Eden District is actually in the Dark Mountains! This location is in the Barren Mountains and deeper into the Dark Mountains, probably in the area near Hungry Mountains. However, this map is a bit strange. It is obviously different from the continent map in my memory.


"This map was apparently drawn during the time when the Creator's servants dominated the world."

Murphy whispered:

"Tris, did you notice the difference? The Dark Mountains at that time were not there! There were no Dark Mountains at that time, it was a plain. So, what happened in the mist between the two eras?

What shaped the Dark Mountains now? Ah, this feeling of going deep into the fog is really terrible.

Why do we always find an answer that leads to a whole series of questions?”

The vampire lord complained fiercely. He wrote down this location and planned to take advantage of the chaos of the Black Disaster to go there if he had a chance. Then he turned around and opened the weapon box fixed on the wall of the arsenal.

Weapons for 48 personal security devices are stored here.

As Murphy waved his fingers, three black dragon-tooth-shaped smart shuttles began to rotate around him at high speed. Under Murphy's control, they aimed at the front at three positions at the same time. The red plasma beam was fired at one point and shattered.

An armor piece.

This destructive power is not bad, but it is even more difficult to control without any lag.

Then he stretched out his five fingers, and the three black shuttles gathered together and rotated in front of Murphy's eyes, opening a shield equipped with a small energy matrix. The three-dimensional space perception brought about by long-term manipulation of Necessary Evil allowed Murphy to control this thing and

It’s as simple as eating and drinking.

Cuisi behind him also had beautiful eyes shining, and she seemed to have seen more uses for this thing.

"Bring everything here back to Scarlet Castle."

Murphy retracted the shuttle and let it fall into the storage space on the protective arm, and then took out a futuristic straight-edged combat knife from the weapon box in front of him.

He took the black blade in his hand and pulled out one-third of it, looking at the crystal-clear hot-melt blade when it was not activated and its simple and elegant appearance, and nodded with great satisfaction.

He casually threw the staff sword "Beast Nature Hidden" back into his psychic bag, wore the melted sword on his waist as a new weapon, and faced it in front of the weapon box, awkwardly pulling the injection tube to fill the inside of "Skull Crusher"

Maxim of Fighting Fuel says:

"After we go back, we will paint these protective gears in scarlet that matches the characteristics of our race, and then make some decorations that match the characteristics of the times. Starting from today, the core members of the Blood Vulture Clan will have new armors. Let's call them 'T3-

Black Blade Fang', as the settlement reward of Black Disaster DLC.

Well, praise the Midnight Mother for her generosity."

This chapter has been completed!
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