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Chapter 501 500 Hogg’s Ghostly Mission 2

Chapter 501 500. Hogg’s Ghostly Little Mission 2

The melt-melt sword that Murphy got is part of the "Farstrider" personal safety gear. Considering that the description of this set of safety gear states that this thing is not a high-end product, it doesn't even have a special name.

This is not good.

So the vampire lord gave full play to his ingenuity blessed by the Midnight Mother and named his new sword "Fire Fang", which was naturally despised by Lady Tris.

Although this thing completely belongs to the category of "black technology" in a sense, even though it is a mass-produced version of a miraculous creation, its properties and special effects are better than those of "necessary evil" [DATA EXPUNGED]

The products produced are very different, but no matter how bad the miracle creation is, it is still something that cannot be analyzed and manufactured in this era.

Although this melted sword is not necessarily more powerful than the various psychic weapons made by craftsmen on the mainland, let alone a real magic weapon like the Griffin in Kudel's hand, there is a "miracle creation"

"The label obviously greatly enhances the collection value of this thing.

Maxim obviously knew the value of this batch of weapons and protective gear.

The loyal general did not even use his subordinates. Instead, he flew back and forth from the swamp to the Scarlet Castle three times and took Adele with him before returning all the protective gear and weapons in the arsenal to the Blood Vulture Vault before dawn.


Adele asked him where Murphy had gone, and Maxim solemnly replied that their master was comprehending the mysteries left behind by the Creator. This made Mrs. Adele, who was a little bit naive, awe and stopped asking.

However, the fact is that Murphy spent the rest of the night taking a nice bath in the private bathroom of the exhibition director, then put on his pajamas and fell into an undisturbed dreamland on the comfortable bed.

The moderately soft and hard bed and the automatic flushing toilet greatly moved Murphy. Anyone who has not experienced time travel through the Middle Ages would have a hard time understanding how "touched" he felt at this time.

This was a wonderful night for Murphy to "dream back to his past life".

Even eating junk food to fall asleep has a sense of "ritual". The only imperfection is that Tris refused his invitation to take a bath together. The Duke of Blood Vulture is obviously more interested in the things left by the Creator than with his own little breasts.

Dogs do some shameful things.

This makes Murphy very sad.

But he is not disappointed, because everything is according to the plan. If he continues according to the current progress, he will be able to win Tris in a little while!

Of course, the Scarlet Witch is a fairy, so she knows how to appease Murphy's loss, especially when Murphy, who is half asleep and half awake, sees Tris swaying towards her wearing the "Farstrider" protective gear.

The scene was a feast for the eyes of the vampire lord.

After all, everything about this set of protective gear is good. The only problem is that it is in the style of a standard tights. After putting it on, it almost hugs the body. It is perfect as inner armor, but when it is worn on a 400-year-old like Tris,

When worn by a female seductress, it instantly transforms from a very serious personal security device into some kind of sexy clothing.

It almost made Murphy stunned.

However, considering that there is still a slight "billion points" gap between his own strength and Tris, Murphy very rationally maintains the demeanor of a midnight gentleman and does not try to be the overlord.

This performance made Her Majesty the Witch even more satisfied.

She actually knows better than anyone else

The last layer of window paper between her and Murphy may be pierced at any time, but after all, Tris is not an ignorant teenage girl. She is very aware of the troubles she carries. In that kind of potential crisis and shadow

Before disappearing, she had no intention of sending little Murphy into a worse situation just for a little pleasure.

Of course, tonight the vampire lord still spent a very "fulfilling" crimson night and the entanglement of the two worlds. His only emotion about this is

The "craftsmanship" of the master alchemists is indeed at its peak.


While the vampire lord was enjoying the night, there was another sleepless man in the same swamp.

Chief Hogg did not stay in the safety of his own Smuggler's Grove, but stayed here after the fall of Plaguetown, almost always risking being attacked by the roaming skeletal undead.

It signed a contract with the student party and paid a large amount of money that was enough to bankrupt its clan in exchange for actual control of the ruins of Wolfsburg.

Based on the common wild thinking of jackals, Chief Hogg obviously made a loss-making deal, but Hogg didn't see it that way.

It didn't even bother to explain too much to the short-sighted guys in the clan. Anyway, it was the chief and "won the hearts of the people". It could do whatever it wanted. As long as the tribesmen were not hungry, no jackals would oppose it.

Nash, who is smart and can understand Hogg's thoughts, has been sent back to the forest to "preside over the overall situation". The "elites" in the clan are being gathered by Nash. Once the Wolf Castle is cleaned up and the reconstruction begins, these jackals will be

Send it over immediately to help Chief Hogg quickly establish his rule around Wolf Castle.

The reason why the cleanup work here was slow before was due to the presence of the giant swamp snake. Now that Orr has left, the work efficiency of the kobold workers has suddenly improved.

Under the pleased gaze of Chief Hogg, it felt that it only needed to wait a few more days to take over the entire Wolf's Fort with great success, and use this as the core area to begin exerting the influence of the Blood Claw clan on the entire Filthy Swamp.

Of course, Nash, his most trusted partner, also expressed his opposition to Hogg's adventure.

Nash thinks a black disaster is coming.

The Filth Swamp will definitely become the first line of confrontation between the Transians and the Black Scourge Gnolls. Isn't Chief Hogg seeking death by entering the swamp at this time?

Whether it is the Transians or the Black Scourge Gnolls, these weak local Gnolls cannot afford to offend them!

Hogg scoffed at this concern.

Chief Bloodclaw admits that he was once full of fear about the Black Scourge, but now he has learned to look at it in another way and from another angle.

It's very simple to say. Now that Lord Murphy has decided to push the frontline battlefield of Transia to the barren mountains of the Dark Mountains, the filthy swamp will become a deep area of ​​​​Transia. Let's not mention what the Transians can do.

If we can't stop the gnoll army in the Dark Mountains, what will happen even if the Black Scourge gnolls really rush in?

Hogg could see clearly that the giant swamp snake had obeyed Lord Murphy, which meant that the most deadly power in the swamp had been used by Lord Murphy!

This means that Wolfsburg, which is closest to the forbidden swamp area, will also be in the defensive circle of the giant snake. Lord Murphy never fights an uncertain battle, and the warriors under his command never waste time on things that are destined to fail. Since they

If he dares to bet the ownership of the entire Transia that this battle can be won, then Chief Hogg also has the courage to "lay down his life to accompany the gentleman".

Just like what its dog-headed military advisor Xiao Ashina said to it when it was terrified in the cage of Scarlet Castle:

"Don't always think about what you will lose, think more about what you can gain! This is the winner's mindset!"

This sentence is Hogg's plan of action.

It firmly believes in this.

However, Chief Hogg's insomnia tonight has nothing to do with this sentence or what he will do next.

Chief Bloodclaw's insomnia tonight was very strange. He had obviously fallen asleep in the temporary camp near Wolf's Castle, but he suddenly woke up and fell asleep again, only to be awakened again.

Hogg couldn't understand what was disturbing his sleep, but he knew that he might have encountered some kind of "supernatural event" that was difficult to describe.

"This swamp is still damn evil! Tomorrow I will go to the witch hunter's station to find Sister Marian to perform a requiem ceremony for me. I suspect that I may be entangled in something dirty."

Hogg was awakened when he fell asleep for the third time and simply stopped sleeping.

It cursed and put on a Yankees plush cloak purchased from Scarlet Castle, yawned and sat by the campfire, and took out a rolled up animal skin from its arms, which was its "

"Chief's Notebook", which records Hogg's plans for the future in crooked writing.

This is still a habit it learned from Master Murphy. Planning is always long-term. It is impossible to remember all the details and inspirations just by relying on the brain. The so-called good memory is not as good as a bad writing.

What comes to mind and what is written down is the basis for ensuring the smooth progress of the plan.

Hogg yawned and confirmed his previous thoughts again. The gnoll barbarians patrolling around the temporary camp did not dare to come forward to ask when they saw the chief being so upset. However, they were sure that there was no danger nearby and wandered around.

The hyena didn't smell the wild beast either.

Maybe the Chief couldn't sleep because he ate too much grilled crocodile for lunch? Or maybe it was because he was thinking too much?

After all, no local jackal thinks about messy things like it all the time.

Now there are rumors within the Bloodclaw clan that Chief Hog was blessed by the Lord of the Hunt. The Lord of the Hunt asked him what he wanted. Chief Hog replied that he wanted wisdom, so the Lord of the Hunt took the Hog Ben.

This powerful body gives it ten times more intelligence than ordinary jackals.

It's really hard to say where the exact source of this rumor is, but its effect is undeniable.

Most of the gnolls were debating whether Chief Hogg was ten times more intelligent than ordinary gnolls, but they all seemed to acquiesce in the fact that Hogg was blessed by the Lord of the Hunt.

"Damn it, why can't you concentrate tonight?"

Hogg sat by the campfire and gave himself a hard mouth in an attempt to wake himself up, but when he looked at the densely packed words on the animal skin in his hand, he became even more drowsy.

It felt unspeakable irritation in its heart, so it put the animal skin aside and looked up at the burning bonfire in front of it.

The flame continued to burn and expand in front of Hogg's eyes, and even began to rotate, attracting all of Hogg's attention. It continued to extend with the beating of the firelight. By the time Hogg realized that the situation was not good, it was already too late.

Its entire mind was blurred and it could hear itself beginning to snore. At the last moment when Hogg's consciousness finally regained consciousness, it looked across the bonfire and saw the box placed opposite the flame.

The skull of the Bone-gnawing King was placed in that box.

At this moment, Hogg seemed to see a pair of green eyes staring at it in the box.

"Fuck! What the hell!"

Hogg cursed and prepared to fight his way out of this weird situation, but the moment it jumped up, his consciousness seemed to have broken into another mysterious space.

It looked around in an awkward posture while sluggishly maintaining its beating posture. Everywhere it looked was a vast expanse of green grass and sun-drenched grassland.

A tall figure turned his back to Hogg, sitting on the rock on the hillside in front of him.

That's a jackal.

It has a slender and strong body and a graceful tail that is unique among jackals. Where it sits, it is three times taller than Hogg. It is simply a true jackal giant.

The wind blew through this illusion, blowing the majestic jackal's mane, making it look like a lion.

Compared with it, Hogg was as humble as a mouse crawling out of the soil. Even Chief Bloodclaw, who had always been confident because of his cunning wisdom, couldn't help feeling ashamed in his heart.

"The cowardly fool who has a tiger in his heart but insists on restraining his minions, come here! Talk to me."

The giant jackal with his back to Hogg said something very dissatisfied.

Hogg immediately realized that he was not cursed by being pulled here. It was all because of the "calling" of the guy in front of him. As for who it was.

"Salute to you, the great bone-gnawing king!"

Hogg curled up and lay down at the feet of the giant jackal as if he were lying on the ground. It was just like the humble posture when it was serving to tear flesh. Hogg was used to such flattery and regarded it as a useful and deadly weapon.

However, its invincible disguise failed this time.

"You made perfect use of your advantages, no, you turned your disadvantages into advantages!

A healthy gnoll won't care at all what a crippled compatriot thinks, and their arrogance will turn into poison under your cunning. You don't even need to do it yourself, they will fall into the trap you prepared for them.



You are a really special guy."

The King of Bone Grinders' voice became gentler, but Hogg instinctively retorted:

"My name is not Nash! Nash is a coward who does nothing and loses everything! I am Hogg! The powerful Hogg! I am the chief of the Bloodclaw clan, I am the king of the glade! Hogg is the swamp lord!"

"No, you idiot, that is the name given to you by your master, just like a person names a dog!"

The bone-gnawing king was furious.

It stood up, kicked Hogg over, and cursed:

"That's not your name! How can you be worthy of inheriting my power when you can't be satisfied with being a vampire's slave?"

"But I don't want to inherit your power at all, you are just a loser! Why should I pursue the power of a loser?"

Hogg was kicked to the ground.

But this blow dispelled the fear in its heart. It raised its head and bravely looked directly at the majestic lion-like face of the Bone-Gnawing King for the first time. It screamed:

"I have read your story! I have repeatedly read the descriptions of you by the elves, dwarves, Songhai and humans. I know you better than anyone else, the bone-gnawing king! It seems that you are only one step away from overturning the continent.

, but in fact you are still far from victory!


You didn't bring civilization and power to the gnolls, you just turned them into worse beasts! There were three failed Black Disasters before you, but not only did you fail to learn the lesson even though you had the most perfect power,

Instead, he led the gnolls into an even worse abyss.

From this point of view, you are the worst leader!

I'm really not afraid of you at all.

My courage does not come from passion, I have enough knowledge to know where you are wrong!


If I were in your position, I would have done a hundred times better than you!

And you bastard is dead, you should rest in peace instead of continuing to pass on your tricks. Four times it has been proven that it is impossible for the jackals to stand on the mainland just by relying on strength.

This time, without your leadership, the Black Disaster will only have a smaller chance of winning.

Give up the black disaster!

The prerequisite for you to share the world with others is that you cannot become unrelenting enemies. When you decide to go against the world but you do not have the power to overturn it, your failure is already doomed."

Hogg almost roared and shouted out what he was thinking.

This was not something it shouted out on the spur of the moment, but rather a point of view in the paper it had previously written about the deeds of the Bone-Gripping King. Professor Malcolm appreciated this very much. He believed that Hogg truly saw that the essence of the black disaster problem is survival.

The struggle for power.

Hogg's roar made the Bone-Gnawing King, who had already waved his claws, freeze in place. This "handsome" and powerful King of Jackals was unable to complain in the face of his incompetent descendant.

As for Hogg's accusations, it doesn't care at all.

People who are able to do something like this and leave their name in history cannot change their minds just because of a word or two from others. People like them always have their own, indestructible views on the world.

Ordinary people are influenced by the world, and they use themselves to transform the world.

The two are fundamentally different.

Seeing that Hogg was not getting enough, and even flatly rejected the power of the King of Gnolls, the King of Bone-Gnalers simply stopped mentioning it. It sat back on the rock angrily, staring at Hogg.

Then he spoke again when his beautiful tail bent into a weird shape:

"Since you don't want to inherit my power, then you can inherit my mistakes and burdens. Anyway, you have to take something from me.

Once you're here, you can't leave empty-handed.

This is a rule set by the Creator.”


Hogg was stunned and asked:

"But. But aren't you a believer in the Lord of Hunting? Why are you talking so much about the Creator! You heretic!"

"Hey, don't be stupid. Those beliefs are just rhetoric used to restrain and unite the tribesmen. The moment I walked out of the ruins of the Creator, such ignorant and primitive beliefs as the so-called Lord of the Hunt, in my eyes, even

Not even a reptile."

The King of Bone Grinders did not hide his disdain for the Lord of Hunting at all.

It stared at Hogg and said seriously:

"You don't have to worry about my current form. I will only tell you that they thought my final adventure failed, but it didn't! I only succeeded 99% and got stuck at the last 1%. I am in a forgotten place.

The land of creation is born, awakening in an era that does not belong to me.

My existence itself is a legend!

Of course, you can also call it 'the reverberation of the old times'. You obviously don't know the great history of the Jackals, and I have no interest in telling you here.

I will only tell you that I have filled in my name in the Creator's register, and I am only one step away from stepping into the true transcendence.

It's hard to explain my current state in a few sentences, but I know that if I want to cross that boundary further, I have to do some feats that mortals can't do, to prove that I am qualified to step into it.

The soul temple of the greenhouse of life.

But the stupid tearing of flesh desecrated my body and caused me to lose the only connection with the material world, so I can only use this method to establish contact with you.

Listen to me, Hogg, I actually don't care if you plan to be a vampire's dog, you have no intention of inheriting my power and title anyway.

This shows that you are a very rare pragmatist among gnolls with a good brain.

In this case, then I have to discuss something with you.

You go to the Dark Mountains!

To participate in this black disaster, I don't care who you serve, I only have one request!

Destroy the altar to the Lord of the Hunt in Mossy Valley before it is truly born in the Warp.

That guy was polluted before it was born, and more than a hundred years would be enough time for it to spread its filth. Once it truly roars in the subspace, the jackal civilization will instantly fall into the abyss.

That was the mistake I made.


Hogg, go kill the Gnoll God who is about to be born! Correct my mistake, and I will share the source of my power with you.


That is the gift left only to the gnolls by the Creator."

This chapter has been completed!
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