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Chapter 769 768 Hey, this is the correct way for the Lord and his heirs to get along.

Chapter 769 768. Now, this is the correct way for the Lord and his heirs to get along - more updates [130]

(Additional update for the "Frostfang Claw" brothers [1/5])

What happened in the star realm was too far away for people in the material world, not to mention that after Su made the promise, Murphy had a premonition that the God of the North Wind's persuasion to his daughter would not go smoothly.

Murphy has no reason, just a sense and awareness of when bad things happen.

Even if we think about it with the most basic logic, the fact that the silver wolf Kherson dared to resist Su's will so openly and fiercely means that that guy is already prepared to deal with the follow-up events. He can't be a powerful demigod with a reputation in the star world one day.

After waking up, you suddenly have a sudden thought, let your waking breath ferment, and then suddenly decide to launch a gorgeous rebellion against your godly father, right?

This is not how you seek death.

And even if the worst happens, Su has already made arrangements and has a complete plan. Even if it is out of politeness, Su must complete his plan first. After all, family affairs in the family of gods are really not done in turn.

It's up to Murphy, an outsider, to intervene at will.

Besides, Murphy has more important things to do today. To be precise, he has to solve a "big life event" for his son.

General Maxim, who was loyal to his duty, had just completed his inspection of the battlefield in the early morning when a Blood Alliance knight found him and conveyed to him a verbal message from Lady Lenia.

Lord Yvette, who was injured and comatose after being "attacked" by a Jackal assassin during her night patrol last night, woke up. As her descendant, Lenia needs to report to her about her recent work. She asked Maxim to come with her.


The subtext of this is already obvious. The Arch Knight does not intend to delay it any longer. She wants to complete the showdown with the elder at this time.

Maxim, who had always been brave and determined, rarely felt nervous at this moment.

It is a kind of nervousness originating from male instinct, which is very similar to the anxiety that a son-in-law feels when he steps into the house when he visits his mother-in-law for the first time. It is difficult for men who have not experienced it to understand such subtle and complex emotions.

That was not a tension that could be fought or dispelled through pure courage. After all, Maxim was really in the wrong when it came to abducting his "daughter."

Of course, the relationship between vampire elders and blood descendants cannot be summarized by this simple human custom, but the principle is the same. In the outdated traditional and conservative system of vampires, if an elder proposes to take away the blood of another person,

The seriousness of a son-in-law's visit to his mother-in-law is definitely much more terrifying than a son-in-law visiting his mother-in-law.

A son-in-law who is not favored will at most have his legs broken by the angry father-in-law and be kicked out of the house, but vampires can really cause trouble.

Especially for those old-fashioned people, asking them to release a blood descendant would not hesitate to raise a flag in front of someone's face to provoke him.

But the good news for Maxim is that he doesn't have to worry about Yvette Liad being an old-fashioned person who puts her face above all else. In fact, the leader is one of the most deviant individuals in the entire vampire society.

The bad news is that judging from Lord Yvette's past behavior, in order to help Leonia regain her freedom, he may have to "compensate" himself.

In such a complicated state of mind, Maxim quickly flapped his wings and arrived in front of Lord Yvette's "ward". When he landed on the ground, he saw Leonia standing at the door holding a combat notebook.

His rumored girlfriend was much more nervous than he was at this time.

Her slender legs unique to the Moon Elf are trembling visibly to the naked eye, perhaps not because of fear, but a more subtle emotion, which is common among vampires when they meet unfriendly elders.


But Maxim found it difficult to empathize with her.

After all, Lord Monster has never had any negative feelings towards his elder since he became a vampire. He had already dedicated his loyalty and everything to Master Murphy before the first embrace was completed.

Maxim is not a talkative character.

He could only replace verbal comfort with actual actions. He stretched out his hand and held Leonia's trembling fingers. He held it very hard to temporarily break away from the complex mentality of the archer knight, and also made Leennia look at him.

"I will walk into this house with you, and I will face everything that will happen next hand in hand with you, just as we agreed before, Lenia, no, Sasha! You only need to ask your elders for your request.


If she responds with conditions, I will do my best to help you complete it.

If she responds with malicious intent, then let me help you with the rest.

I am not as powerful as my master, but I am willing to challenge any difficulties for you."

Like a real Transian man, he said his simple vows in unpretentious words, but his gesture was so serious that Lenia couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief at this moment.

She looked at Maxim, and after a few seconds of silence, she said:

"I must be honest with you, Mark. In fact, at the beginning, I only regarded you as a tool to temporarily get rid of the shadow brought by Ms. Yvette on me. My feelings for you were not as strong as I swore at the beginning.

Like that.

It is more of an escape mentality derived from fear, just like fragile ladies who always look for a reliable man to protect them when they are depressed.

I'm sorry that I deceived you at that time.

I know that's despicable. I wanted to confess all this to you. I hesitated several times, but when I realized that I couldn't go on being so despicable, you already responded in a clumsy and restrained way.

Entered my heart.

This time it was definitely not an illusion caused by fear. It was a real emotion that struck my heart. It even made me, who had already resigned myself to my fate, regain the courage to fight against the humiliation that Ms. Yvette had always wanted to inflict on me.

and conquer.


She is a horrible lady in every way, Mark, you have to promise me!

Once a lady makes excessive demands on you at the expense of my freedom, you must refuse her without hesitation. I have seen many determined warriors like you being cruelly bitten by Ms. Yvette in front of her.

His domestication eventually turned into a loyal dog at her feet.

I don’t want you to suffer the same tragedy.”

"I won't, because I have entrusted my loyalty to a truly great person, and my heart has found a warm harbor enough to live in."

Maxim smiled, put Lenia's hand to his mouth and kissed it gently, and said:

"Ms. Yvette is not my enemy, but this is indeed a war that I must participate in. The men of Transia will not run away from any battle with rich rewards, my Sasha.

Lord Murphy reshaped my life, and you taught me that besides bloody loyalty, life should have other colors.

You have given me your reward, my lady, it is time for me to fight for you!"

After saying that, he took Leonia's hand and pushed forward the door that was as heavy as a hill. What came into view was Yvette Li, the third lord of the Blood Alliance Knights, lying on the bed.

Lady Adelaide Cappadocia.

But what shocked both Maxim and Leonia was her current state.

She was really hurt, and very seriously.

Although there were not many exposed wounds on her body, the eyes covered by the cloth and the body that twitched from time to time represented her weakness that could not be disguised, not to mention that the cloth on her eyes was still leaking blood.

It looks really impressive.

As the descendant of Yvette, Leonia clearly felt that there seemed to be some subtle disharmony between the lady's soul and body, as if her soul had been briefly pulled out of the body and then violently stuffed back.

However, Ms. Yvette is so powerful that it is really hard to imagine who attacked her last night, which caused her to fall into such a miserable state overnight.

Maxim observed more.

He saw the men and women serving Yvette, all of whom, without exception, had extremely outstanding appearance and temperament, as if they were handsome men and beautiful women having a party.

But the obsession in the eyes of these guys when they look at the third lord means that these guys have been "transformed" and become Yvette's subordinates. They are a group of truly hopeless people.

"Lick the dog".

Even though the miserable Yvette has no charm at all in everyone's eyes, in their eyes, the lady still seems to be the most perfect existence in the world.

Without Maxim, this would also be Lenia's final ending.

"Look who is here"

Even though it was extremely miserable, the third lord still joked in a trembling voice that suppressed pain:

"The little wild cat who ran away is back again. I thought you had made up your mind to leave me, a poor orphaned vampire. My little Sasha, I'm sorry that you saw your perfect elder in such a miserable state.

I will not hide my bad luck. Just last night, I encountered a very terrible enemy.

This valley is cursed, and I am the unwelcome guest.

After dealing with your problem, I will leave here and go to the Maginot Line, where I will shoulder the tasks assigned to me by Lord Paying.

But I'm curious, Sasha, you came right here, why did you bring such a powerful blood vulture to visit me?

Did your journey in Transia turn you into a coward who dared not face me, and you had to be accompanied by new friends before you dared to return to this warm home? Or did you finally understand what you gained under my command without a teacher?

Favorite shortcut?

Are you going to give me this hunky man who exudes masculinity as a gift?

Or are you planning to complete your service to me in a way that is more pleasing to me?

Three people together.

Tsk tsk, you really understand me so well, my dear Sasha, come on."

Lord Yvette seemed to really get interested, and struggled to get up, but as soon as she moved, her face changed, and the severe pain in her mind almost made her cry out. It was obviously the sequelae of the severe concussion.

The twitching body forced her to return to the bed. This was a perfect portrayal of "overwhelmed but insufficient strength".

But we can't blame her for being too fragile as a golden person. The terrifying "devil" last night really turned her brain into a ball of pig brains in a physical sense. It took a night of recovery to reach the current state.

, which is enough to illustrate her amazing resilience.

She was still very arrogant, changed her posture, and said in a longer voice:

"Well, seeing how weak and miserable I am, I guess the rest of my service will require a lot of effort from you two. Why don't you come and help me out first? What are you waiting for? Take off your clothes!"

This guy with a bad character even used the power of the blood pact, forcing the trembling knight archer to remove her outer armor. Lenia looked humiliated, but she could not resist the power of the blood pact.

"That's enough, Ms. Yvette!"

Although Maxim was brave and determined, when had he ever seen such a battle?

He really couldn't bear to listen to these depraved words, so he said loudly:

"Lynia will not serve you anything. She has served you in the form of a vampire for a hundred years! In the war at Black Flame Pass, she brought honor and treasure to the Blood Alliance clan with her absolute courage and dedication.

of victory.

All this is just in exchange for a promise.

A promise of freedom!

When Lord Paying arrived in Shadow Valley before, I boldly prayed to the Lord. The Thousand-Year Lord recognized Leonia's work and her efforts, and he agreed in principle to this matter."

"But we are talking about 'freedom', Maxim of the Blood Vulture Clan!"

Yvette interrupted Maxim's defense with a cold voice and scolded:

"Since the establishment of the Blood Alliance clan, no vampire has received that supreme gift. You may not realize it, but the Lord's choice to leave this matter to me is actually his tactful response to your rude request.


The blood contract is the foundation of vampire civilization and the source of the strength and unity of the Midnight Familia. What you are asking for is for me to personally destroy the sacred link between the blood alliance knights. This is a blasphemy against tradition in the eyes of any vampire.

What you are asking for is something I cannot possibly give you.

I can't start this!

What's more, does Leonia have no mouth?

Do you need to speak on her behalf for this kind of thing? How come I didn’t know that my little Sasha also found a ‘mouth substitute’ for her in Transia?”

"I, Mark, said exactly what I hoped for."

Behind Maxim, Leonia, who was oppressed by the blood contract, fought against the desire to obey that surged in her heart, and said tremblingly:

"This is not arrogance, nor is it a blasphemy against the vampire tradition. If this tradition itself has problems, then my desire becomes a very normal need!

You sent me to Transia to assist the Blood Vulture Clan. This allowed me to see with my own eyes how Grand Duke Tris and Lord Murphy rebuilt their homeland. I saw a clan that did not rely on the blood contract but was still growing at a rapid pace.

I saw the Scarlet Army formed out of true unity rather than forced restraint.

The outstanding performance of the Blood Eagle Clan in Transia and the Black Catastrophe proved that we can live well without a blood contract. This is the first time I finally got a definite answer after a hundred years of resurrection!

Mistress Yvette!

I ask you to give me freedom!

I am willing to give everything I have for that jar of blood that can break my destiny."

When she first spoke, her voice was still weak, but when she finished speaking, it became a firm roar. This not only shocked Yvette, but also made the obedient attendants around her look askance.

The whole room fell silent at this moment, and only the sound of Leonia's rapid breathing was left.

"Haha, the coward you once grew up has grown up. My dear Sasha, it seems that your stubbornness and conservatism hidden in the moon elf have been reawakened by a strange man. It took me a hundred years to get you out of there.

The hypocritical gesture of disgust brought reality, but this man overturned all my past efforts in less than eight months.

Is this the disgusting power of ‘love’?”

Yvette said calmly but with a hint of sarcasm:

"Do you still remember why I had to resurrect you during the black disaster a hundred years ago? I obviously had so many choices, but I still chose you as my heir, who was not outstanding in terms of strength and talent."

"You are just trying to humiliate me, no, you are trying to humiliate my family. You are trying to personally make a Gallan Nord elf who believes in moonlight fall into the same posture as you, so as to show your displeasure to the shadow elves and other elves for decades.

A century of confrontation confirms something terrible that you thought was true.

You just want me to know that all elves have a depraved side, but other elves are more hypocritical and hide it better. You want to prove that the shadow elves are not born to be deviant, and you want to overturn the foolish behavior of the Elf Royal Court to use blood to plan life.


I'm just a tool, I'm just a tool you use to prove your truth.

My own thoughts and my choices never matter!

You don’t like me at all”

Leonia whispered:

"Can you really understand that I am meaningless to you? My existence itself is the best proof that you ridicule the hypocritical habits of my people.

This is a bad joke.

You have been playing for a hundred years and still enjoy it, otherwise there is no way to explain why you would allow me to live in a relatively free state for a hundred years.

You keep saying that you expect my service, but in fact, no one hates me more than you. When other vampires chant the Midnight Mother, I still insist on praying to the moonlight, which is simply ugly in your eyes.

Ms. Yvette, when the Shadow Elf had not yet left the Kingdom of Castile, and before Ms. Spider was born, you were a Moon Priest. You abandoned your beliefs and became the most depraved person in the Moon Temple.


I've had enough of this twisted relationship!

You have tortured me for a hundred years, please give me freedom now, and I will remember your kindness."

When Lenia said the word "Midnight Mother", Yvette's body trembled.

Some bad memories made her fall into anger. She endured the increasingly severe headache and yelled:

"You know all this, then you should understand that you are by no means as simple as a 'son' to me. I will never agree to your rude request, and I will not give you freedom. Give up! Idiot, until

Until you give up your damn worship of the moonlight, you can only be at my feet."


The door was pushed open at this tense moment, and Murphy walked into the room. He whispered:

"What a twisted relationship. No wonder other vampires are so secretive about the blood contract. I knew that this kind of thing was extremely ugly from the moment it was born, and what I saw and heard today has verified my persistence.


It seems that Ms. Leonia's request and dedication are not enough to make you face her desire, so let's add one more thing. The third lord, Leonia will participate in the action of killing the Lord of Hunting. If she can

Come back alive"

Murphy glanced at Yvette, who was upright, and said with a smile:

"Then Midnight Mistress will also 'forgive' your sins, and both of you will be free. This is fair, isn't it?"

"This is a matter between me and my heirs! Lord Murphy, you are not qualified to participate in it!"

"Okay, okay, before I go away, I have one last question. Please answer me seriously, Ms. Yvette, is the honor of the Midnight Mother clearly visible now?"

"Ah!!! Get out! Take her away! You Transian villains! She must die once. I gave her a second life, and she must repay it."

"Very good, then we've settled on that?"

(End of chapter)

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