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Chapter 770 The power of 769 midnight is gathered into one body! Sure enough, I am the legend

Chapter 770 769. The power of midnight gathered in one body! Sure enough, I am the legendary genius, right? - Additional update [230]

(Added update for the "Frostfang Claw" brothers [2/5])

Ms. Yvette obviously did not intend to agree to Leonia's "reasonable request". She originally wanted to use a cold and firm denial to completely crush little Sasha's boring determination to pursue the impossible "freedom".

Continuing the "love and death" between her and Leonia over the past hundred years.

But Murphy's sudden appearance and the curse-like question seemed to capture Yvette's seven inches in an instant.

The third lord, known as the "human bulldozer", gave up almost instantly and gave in decisively. This scene made Maxim once again feel the "power" of Master Murphy. However, Lenia, who was familiar with Yvette's style, never

It tastes more terrifying.

After the three of them left Lord Yvette's ward, the Arch Knight who had received a promise was still in a dream. She clutched Maxim's hand tightly and looked at Lord Murphy, which made Mo who was in a good mood

Fei turned around and asked:

"Why are you looking at me like that? Is there anything unclean on my face?"

"How did you do it?"

Leonia stammered and asked:

"I have never seen Ms. Yvette so afraid of a certain thing. She will often offend Lord Paying in front of him. In fact, she is not afraid of the Lord at all. Even if the Lord takes the initiative to use the blood contract, Ivette can only make her angry."

Ms. Te experienced that kind of 'masochistic' pleasure, which could not bring her real pain at all.

You may not know it, but before becoming a vampire, Ms. Yvette worshiped the "pleasure" power of Ms. Spider's priesthood. The shadow elves have a very twisted and broad understanding of this concept, and pain is just a kind of pain to them.

Tools for the pursuit of kinky pleasure.

Because of this, simple pain cannot weaken them, and this terrifying ability is still retained after becoming a vampire.

But you did it.

At that moment, through the connection between the heir and the elder, I felt the fear rolling in Ms. Yvette's heart.

God, someone so scary feels fear."

"Well, there is a hint of excitement and expectation in your voice, what? You think you have grasped Yvette's weakness, so can you use this to negotiate terms with her? It seems that Yvette's 100

In recent years, it has had some subtle impact on education.

You are planning something quite terrible, Leonia, and I advise you not to do it."

Murphy shook his head and warned:

"Even if you ask the question I just asked in front of her, you will get nothing except irritating her. You are not given that kind of 'power', so this is a weakness that you know but cannot use.

Fulfill the agreement with her honestly and don't provoke that terrible woman again.

rest assured.

As long as you can complete the great cause of killing the evil god, Yvette must fulfill the contract, and she knows the terrible consequences of resisting the contract."

"Word of God?"

As a former Moon Priest, Leonia quickly captured the truth that Murphy wanted to warn her, so she nodded and did not get more entangled on this issue. After getting the elder's promise, the Arch Knight

The worries and shadows in my heart have also obviously dissipated a lot.

He even showed a rare smile.

This woman has such a beautiful smile and a sense of holiness that comes from the bottom of her heart. No wonder she makes Maxim obsessed with her.

Especially when she looked at Maxim, the tenderness in her blood-red eyes was not hidden from Murphy's quiet gaze.

This made the vampire lord who thought he had done a "good thing" very happy. He patted Maxim on the shoulder and gave him a look to let him understand. For this, Maxim was only grateful.

He knew that if Mr. Murphy hadn't suddenly intervened, today's affairs would never have gone so smoothly.

Ah, Master Murphy’s kindness is not over at all!

"Mark, please calm down. You are about to get your wife's pleasure. I have something I need you to do. Do it quietly without disturbing others."

Murphy waved his hand, causing Maxim to immediately become solemn. He returned to the serious state that a soldier should have, ready to accept orders, while Leonia very wisely retreated to a position where she would not hear the conversation between the two.

Smart women all know that they should not interfere with men's careers, especially in Lenia's situation. She has been tortured for hundreds of years and never expected to escape such a gloomy fate, but she now sees hope.

So it’s still the same sentence.

Lord Murphy's kindness will never end.

"Get ready to retreat."

Murphy whispered to Maxim:

"The sudden outbreak of the wolf plague has worsened our current situation. The out-of-control wolves in the astral realm means that there is a problem with the gods. This is a terrible blow to morale. The jackals will not let go of this good opportunity.

Xu Gesen has taken effective actions, we can no longer be trapped in the Shadow Valley.

You need to start arranging your retreat now!

While the tunnels still belong to us, we and the headquarters have completed the orderly evacuation of the current valley defenders. The Silver Dwarves have just completed the construction of the tunnels in the Baphomet Canyon area. Our soldiers can retreat directly to the Winter Wolf Legion's camp there.


Only the elite were arranged to guard there, while the rest continued to retreat to the front line of the Dirty Swamp.

Kudel sent news that the Winter Wolf Legion and the Pioneer Legion have sent soldiers to the Maginot Line of Defense. After the Blood Alliance Knights have passed, the main body of the defense line will be formed. Although the renovation of the Crimean Fortress has not yet been completed,

Done, but now there is no more time."

"I think we can still hold on."

Maxim thought for a moment and said:

"The Shadow Valley can continue to hold on. The most optimistic estimate is that we can hold on for at least another week. In this way, our defense in the Deserted Mountain War Zone will exceed twenty days. The players have set themselves thirty days.

The goal.

To be honest, I don't think they will retreat willingly. Their fighting enthusiasm is still fierce and high, and even leads other defenders.

The fighting in the tunnel is still going on. Even if the main force retreats, we can still leave the warriors and some elite soldiers to continue fighting. The strategic communication line at Black Flame Pass must not be abandoned."

"Regarding this, the Silver Moon Group had already submitted an application to acquire Shadow Valley as a guild base before the Black Disaster began. I believe they would be willing to continue to stay here after the army evacuates until the end of the war."

Murphy responded:

"Members of the Silver Moon Regiment have formal military ranks. You can give them the authority to recruit guild members among the current warriors to form the Shadow Guards. In addition, even if we retreat, we will not leave in despair.

We will leave Xu Gesen with an unforgettable 'farewell memorial'. The headquarters is busy with this matter, and another good news is that our soldiers are about to receive new weapons.

The warriors in the arsenal have finally completed the upgrade of individual weapons. Currently, the elites of the Maginot Line are already replacing new firearms in batches. After those weapons are sent to the valley through the tunnels, we will launch an expulsion war.

Use this to coordinate the retreat."

"Then I have no problem, Master."

Maxim nodded and said:

"I will arrange this as soon as possible.

In addition, the command system created by the players has played an extremely effective role in the past half month. We should learn from them about this advanced system. The Maginot Line is very long, and we really need a

The headquarters will coordinate the battles of the various teams."

"This is a military matter. I'm not good at it. You can discuss it with Kudel."

Murphy waved his hands and said:

"Let me be a happy and hands-off shopkeeper. Just give me an order when I need to go into battle to kill the enemy, my General Maxim.

But you must also be prepared. Hogg's journey to find his roots is close to his destination. Perhaps he will soon launch a 'war behind enemy lines' in the heart of the Jackals. Lord Paying and I have been advancing

The God-killing plan will also be scheduled at that time.

You will participate as a representative of Transia and the Blood Eagle Clan, and you will bet the chips that determine the outcome of this black disaster on behalf of me and Tris."

"I will risk my life and absolutely complete the mission!"

Maxim responded in a deep voice, allowing Murphy to have no doubt as before that his loyalist could definitely fulfill his promise.

Watching Maxim spread his wings and fly into the sky, Murphy moved his shoulders and planned to take his cute little players into a tunnel to complete an exciting encounter before Tris "summoned" him again.


I also need to fight to improve the proficiency of the several ancestral powers I have acquired so far to cope with my upcoming Silver Trial. Although I don’t know in what state and with what attitude I will complete that trial.

Promotion, but Murphy can be sure that it is definitely a perfect place to show off his super strength as a mainline NPC again.

"Lord Murphy!"

Just when Murphy was about to leave, Leonia's call stopped him.

He looked back at the somewhat reserved knight archer and said:

"That doesn't have to be the case, Ms. Lenia. Your contribution to the reconstruction of Transia is obvious to everyone. Although you are not a member of the Blood Eagle Clan, you are already a true 'honorary Transian'.

Plus Mark is my most trusted friend, everything today is what I should do, you don’t have to see it as a burden.”

"But I still want to express my gratitude to you from the bottom of my heart and give you the gratitude I can give."

The Arch Knight handed Murphy an exquisite battle manual and she said:

"This is a handbook that records several of my secret techniques. It represents my understanding of power. You are about to undergo the Silver Trial, and this will definitely be helpful to you.

In addition, the handbook records the entire process of the Blood Alliance knights obtaining the special ancestral power of Conviction. Although this ancestral power can theoretically only be obtained by Cappadocia, where the blood of pride flows, the Lord once said,

Vampires' powers come from the same source.

Therefore, a genius like you may be able to learn such a secret technique.

Its improvement in combat effectiveness is visible to the naked eye.

Also, if I can really gain freedom from Ms. Yvette, I hope I can wear the battle uniform of the Blood Vulture Clan in the future."

"That will truly make you a traitor to the Blood Alliance. I can't let you and Mark bear such pressure, so please stay in the middle."

Murphy smiled and said:

"Accept the invitation of the Transian Administrative Office, become our Ranger General, and fight in the name of Transia, so that I will be worthy of the freedom that I have worked hard for you. But I am really curious about the relationship between you and Yvette

A unique relationship. Although I have always heard about the exaggerated antagonism between the lord and the heir, it is indeed rare for it to be twisted to the extent you are.

I guess this has something to do with your identity?

Of course, it's okay if you don't want to say it, just don't hide it from Maxim.

The poor man is very simple and stubborn. He will not let go of something unless his heart is severely broken."

"There's actually nothing that can't be said. You know that my surname is Jialanode, and I belong to the royal family of moon elves."

Leonia hesitated for a moment, then whispered:

"Our clan leader is the queen of King Querion and the leader of the moon elves' faith. Although I don't have much contact with the queen's lineage, my family has been serving as the chief priest in the Moon Temple since the beginning of the era.


"So, great Lord Murphy, do you have any important business for summoning your loyal collaborators?"

"Well, Shani, I would like to ask about the ancestral power of the Thorn Clan. I heard Andre said that your unique ancestral power is called 'Thorn of Night Thorns', right? You see, I am conducting a silver trial.

,So, can you teach me?"

"???Are you kidding? You don't have the blood of jealousy at all. How can you possibly learn our secret technique?"

"Whether I learn it or not is my business. Since we all have such a good relationship, why not teach it to me?"

"It's not impossible, but I have a request."

"Well, you said."

"That nasty ancient memory resonance! Murphy, get rid of it, I've had enough of that damn trouble!"

"Well, let me think of a way. In fact, a pure vampire like me doesn't really enjoy this kind of forced rosy memories."

"Shut up! Murphy."

(End of chapter)

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