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Chapter 831 830Although he is not present, you should all thank him

Chapter 831 830. Although he is not here, you should all thank that gentleman for his kindness.


The figure of Master Aurora, wearing extremely gorgeous armor, appeared high in the sky after the shadow flickered. It stepped on its four hooves in the air and opened its colorful wings to hover high in the sky.

Lord Paying, who was riding on the saddle, looked down with his holy spear in hand. The entire brass fortress and the surrounding ground sank in an instant, like an invisible fist hitting the ground hard, causing dust to scatter everywhere.

Let an entire mountain plate collapse downward.

The fuel ignited by Lord Hadland at the last moment to defeat the subspace rift directly destroyed the underground structure of this area, but it was not over yet. Old Edward, who was behind Master Aurora, narrowed his eyes. He could clearly feel

A destructive force is gathering beneath the ground.

It was like the first shock just now was just the trigger to ignite the bomb, and the real big one was coming soon.

"The subspace rift is collapsing, and it is about to release huge destructive energy. Just like what happened in Ice Bay two hundred years ago, the Brass Fortress is about to end."

Lord Paying said softly.

Old Edward frowned. He really didn't expect that he would have the luck to witness everything that was about to happen for the second time in his life. Edward didn't even need to think hard, he could easily understand what the Brass Fortress was doing at this moment.

What does the collapse mean for the situation on the mainland that is already heading towards chaos?

"Compared to this long-corrupted fortress, I am more concerned about the giant spirit we just saw."

Old Edward asked in a low voice:

"That's a god, right?

I have never seen the birth of a god before, but what can I say? His grand ceremony was smaller than I imagined. I thought the movements when he ascended to the god would be more solemn, such as the sky splitting, the tide rolling back, etc.


"Because of the symbolism, Edward."

Lord Paying is patiently waiting for the release of underground power, as if waiting for a fateful moment to arrive.

He explained softly:

"The changes in the world's celestial phenomena that you mentioned come from those gods who symbolize the natural rules of the world. The symbols they control are superficial laws and powers, but the symbols of the God of Wealth are not

It can be seen with the naked eye.

That is a concrete phenomenon hidden in the development process of civilization. It is certainly not as clearly visible as the sky, ocean, tides, sun, moon and stars.

But rules are rules!

From now on, every transaction in this world, every currency transfer process, and every commercial advancement will be watched and witnessed by an invisible force, and in that field, He is the symbol of the supreme.

He can easily create any big scene you can imagine, but that means nothing to Him.

Because the god does not need to prove his existence to any mortal, his power has already been attributed to himself.

The subspace is really generous. Such terrible and taboo knowledge is thrown out so casually, just like the dropped bone that lures vicious dogs to bite each other. Alas, this turbid world is going to be filthy again."


Old Edward blinked.

He wanted to ask something but finally chose to remain silent. When he saw the Lord this time, Grand Duke Wolfsbane could sense some subtle changes in Lord Pa Ying, and he guessed that this should be related to the bygone era.

In just a few words, the energy accumulated under the sinking brass fortress finally reached the point of explosion. It was like a nuclear bomb exploded in front of your eyes. The lavender light covered the sky and the earth in an instant, illuminating the original

The light sources were driven out of their respective fields, and even Edward raised his hands to cover his eyes.

There was no sound of violent explosions, no cool collisions of light and shadow, and no continuous crushing of light waves.

The energy release when a subspace rift is broken is instantaneous.

Its energy level far exceeds the power currently controlled by mortals. In an indescribable way, it begins to tear apart reality at the moment of explosion and tears everything nearby, and then reunites it in an incomprehensible way.


That is what will happen when the world rules of subspace and the material world collide. It is like a world without light and a world without darkness. The moment they come into contact, the two sides will be annihilated, and the two will not be able to harmonize with each other.

The result of the collision of energy is destruction and flattening.

When Edward took off the hand that covered his eyes, the land in front of him was no longer the same shape as before.

The entire Gorgon Pass where the Brass Fortress is located was flattened and reshaped like a child's sandcastle, the towering mountains turned into rift valleys, the flat land was forced to rise, and the solid rock turned into powder.

All man-made landscapes no longer exist.

On the black earth that seemed to have been dug out of the ground and reshaped, the only thing that still existed was the brass fortress itself. Every part of this fortress was blessed by the Mother of the Earth when it was established. Although Gaia

The attention of the Brass Dwarf has shifted, but his remaining divine power is still protecting this city made of an entire mountain.

But even so, the Brass Fortress was already crumbling after the explosion.

As Edward watched with wide eyes, cracks burst out from the fortress rock that was constantly making explosions. It was the continuous impact of pieces of burning gold ore being detonated, like glass that was hit hard, majestic

The fortress cracked downwards along the top of the fortress at an extremely fast speed.

A series of clear and terrifying tearing sounds came from it, and at the last moment of disintegration, it first broke off the mountainside and began to collapse in all directions.

Lord Wolfsbane had an excellent vision, and he could even clearly see some desperate dwarves in the building leaping from the collapsed city wall amidst the violent shaking.

"There are nearly two million brass dwarves in this city"

Old Edward snorted and said rather coldly:

"Now, they're finished."

"No, the God of Wealth is protecting them. Every piece of coin and wealth used can bring a bit of protective power. The casualties here are not as great as you think. The brass dwarves can still survive after today's disaster.

But they probably have to re-examine their position on the mainland."

Lord Paying raised his head.

His eyes under the griffon helmet locked on something high in the sky, and he pulled the reins of Aurora to let the flying unicorn take him to the high altitude.

Old Edward stayed where he was. Although he did not have wings that could fly into the sky, his short and thick blood wings were enough to allow him to glide down from high altitudes without being harmed. He even took out his notebook in the air leisurely.

Just like the best recorder, record everything you just witnessed.

This is first-hand information!

Old Edward believed that there were not many people who had the same honor as him to watch such a disaster from the front row at such a close distance. However, during the descent, Archduke Wolfsbane quickly discovered the ruins with smoke and dust flying into the sky.

There are things moving around that shouldn't belong here.

In addition to the world-burning demon soldiers who are still slaughtering the poor dwarves, tens of thousands of black ratmen are digging underground and quickly approaching the ruins of the dwarves. In the current state of the brass dwarves, they have suffered so much head-on.

Attack of the Skaven

"Oh, I take back what I just said."

Old Edward grinned, wrote down something in his diary rather coldly, and said casually:

"Now, the Brass Dwarves are really finished."

Lord Aurora's precise flashes high in the sky brought Lord Paying to the position in front of him, and at the moment he appeared, something wrapped in strange power roared and flew upwards against the Lord's body.

That's a war hammer.

A simple, stone dwarf-style two-handed war hammer, with goat and bear decorations carved on both sides of the hammer head by skilled craftsmen, and the gray hammer body is covered with runes praising the Mother of the Earth. The dwarves are very attentive to this.

A red strap was woven for it, and a golden cross-shaped spear tip with a built-in chain was added to the tail of the war hammer.

This is the power of Gaia!

The sacred earth object held by the brass dwarf is also the certificate of lordship of the brass dwarf.

Lord Paying has seen this warhammer at close range many times in the past thousand years. He will never admit it. Now, the warhammer is exerted by the burst of subspace energy and is constantly sprinting towards the sky, but its speed is getting faster and faster.

The slower it goes, the more obvious the force exerted is dissipating.

The Lord raised his head and watched as the war hammer exhausted its final kinetic energy more than ten meters above his head.

It was in a very strange paused posture at that moment, and then it was as if an invisible force exerted forward momentum on it, causing the warhammer to spin in the air and then crash down.

It was like a small-minded but short-sighted angry god who grabbed the warhammer at this second, gathered all his strength and smashed it in one direction.

The war hammer flew faster and faster in the air, accumulating incredible kinetic energy in a very short period of time.

Under the silent gaze of Lord Paying, the power of Gaia broke through the speed of sound in the air, but it continued to accelerate as if driven by anger, accelerating in a straight line downwards and hitting the completely changed

Gorgon Pass.

It even caused a shrill roar in the air.

Just like a meteorite streaking across the sky, the high-speed friction with the air caused the whole body of this thing to be wrapped in blazing flames.

Somewhere underground, a leader of the rat men who was running forward in the army of rat men shuddered strangely. He looked around but did not find any danger, so he made a noisy hiss and ordered his subordinates to continue.

Speed ​​up and follow the orders of the "Great Master" to rush into the ruins of the dwarves' cities and slaughter all the life there.

Then, the next second, the power of Gaia fell to the ground with unimaginable impact and destruction.

The moment of contact, the devastated earth was lifted open for the second time, but this time the movement was obviously more terrifying than the previous one, and it more directly declared the true feelings of a certain great being about what happened today.

The war hammer fell like a meteorite.

As it penetrates deep into the earth, it applies the kinetic energy it carries in all directions in a propulsive manner.

In the eyes of Lord Paying who was high in the sky, he witnessed with his own eyes an impact-shaped rift cracking the black earth, killing the first wave of rat-men in a cruel way, and the power surging underground.


Only so many ratmen were killed directly, and the rest died from the rolling and collapse of the ground after the kinetic energy was applied.

It is basically equivalent to the release effect of a demigod-level earthquake spell.

This is not the limit of the power of the gods, but the angry great being who does not want to be named cannot create a more terrifying earthquake. The main thing is that she must hold back some power to avoid accidentally pinching the brass dwarf who has already suffered an old sin.


But only this time.

The release of this great power in the material world requires a carrier. Gaia's power only has so much power, and it can only save the brass dwarf who is currently in extreme misery this time.


Lord Aurora carried his good brother Pa Ying into the impact crater at the beginning of the rift valley.

Pa Ying turned over and dismounted, levitating the holy spear beside him. He stepped forward on the soil that had turned into glass, and reached out to touch the holy war hammer that was leaning there, still maintaining its impact posture.

A strange and thick force protects it.

The Lord stretched out his finger to touch the war hammer and was immediately invaded by the illusion of the collapse of the Brass Fortress. The Holy Spear, which has always been invincible against evil spirits, failed to protect its holder this time, which shows that this power is not evil.

This is obviously a warning.

No touching allowed!

"Okay, okay, you've lost an old friend, I understand."

The Lord took a few steps back and paid tribute to the war hammer that had been cursed by the great being. He sighed and prepared to leave, but a few seconds later, Lord Paying, who had just mounted his horse, frowned and looked back.


He could feel that more ratmen were approaching here from underground.

Obviously, the anger of the great being cannot scare anyone in this situation, at least not the evil things at dusk.

Once so many Skaven are allowed to rush into the ruins of the Brass Fortress, the surviving Brass Dwarves will definitely be doomed, but is there any way to solve this problem now?


There will be no other solution.

At least Lord Paying could not imagine it, but he did not evacuate just like that. He promised Hadran that he would help him take care of those tribesmen who survived the disaster.

Although these dwarves gave up their belief in Mother Earth, they were still members of the civilized camp, and they could not be allowed to die at the hands of the rat-men.

A few minutes later, at the edge of the ruins of the Brass Fortress, the flying-feathered unicorn flapping its wings fell from the sky. Under the blank stares of some confused and gray-faced Brass Dwarves, Lord Paying dismounted and took another shot.

Pat Master Aurora's noble buttocks to prepare this unicorn to charge.

He stood on the spot holding the holy spear in his hand. In front of him was the direction from which the rat men were coming.

"I said, you are going to do something reckless again."

Old Edward's helpless voice sounded from a high place, and in the next moment he folded his gliding wings and landed on the ground. He glanced at Lord Paying, and then at the panicked dwarves who were dragging their families out of the ruins behind him.

He said:

"You know, even if you die from exhaustion here, you still can't save them all."

"That's why I brought you here, Edward."

The Lord said calmly:

"You are the blood hunter who never tires. As long as you are given enough time, you can kill all the ratmen in the Dark Mountains by yourself. You have been hiding in the trenches of shadows for too long. It's time to smell the sun.

The taste."

"Listen to what you said, I'm a vampire and I'm not a freak like Murphy. I naturally hate the sun."

Old Edward took out the thorn of fear and complained:

"We old guys really owe you."

"Of course, you do owe me a lot, so stop talking nonsense and prepare to fight."


"Holy shit, shit, shit! Did you see it? Murphy! Gaia is really angry. She actually used that war hammer to release her power in the material world! This kind of power transmission across the subspace and the astral world

The attrition rate was alarming, but she still did it.

It seems that the Earth Mother Goddess is really angry."

The no-nonsense voice of Mannis the Endless was buzzing in Murphy's ears.

But Handsome Murphy had no time to care about it. He used Mannis's vision to watch the entire process of the destruction of the Brass Fortress. With the Snake of Time's trait of being able to go to any place at any time, he even watched the whole process of Hadran.

The feud between the lord and General Bannock.

The number of secrets contained in this matter is simply frightening if you look closely, such as the sad role Bannock played in this so-called "change", and the entire process of the birth of the God of Wealth and Bannock quietly completing the symbolic sacrifice.

means, etc.

Murphy knew that he would spend a lot of time studying this matter in the future, and Tris, as the best theologian on the continent, would definitely not let go of Dutna, uh, Dutna Ranjin was born.

Explosive incident.

But now when he saw Lord Paying and Old Edward guarding the ruins of the Brass Fortress, Murphy knew that a hero as handsome as himself would have to come on stage to turn the tide.

He is very willing to do so.

But the premise is that Murphy must think clearly whether the benefits and risks of doing so are proportional. He spent a few minutes thinking about this matter, and then walked quickly through the R-9 base to the one that was guarded by Tris herself.

In front of "Brain in a Vat".

When the ratmen launched an attack on the front line, the light spots in this irregular crystal appeared and dissipated at an alarming speed, as if this thing was really "thinking".


Murphy narrowed his eyes and put his hand on this thing. Feeling the cold touch, he said:

"Help me contact Ms. Gaia!"

"Ha, I must have heard wrong because I was too full just now. Who do you want me to contact for you?"

"The Mother Goddess of the Earth, the racial god of the dwarves, the owner of all mountains, rivers and the earth. What I said is right, and you heard me right. Help me contact Gaia. Before I save those miserable dwarves, I must

Know what Mother Earth really thinks.

After all, flattery is the end of the world if it happens to a horse’s leg.”

"Uh-huh, this is a risky thing. After all, Ms. Gaia is very angry. If a guy with a bad reputation like me dares to knock on her door now, she might be the one to kill her."

"When this is done, I'll give you some favors. It's a favor from a god. You can consider it yourself."

"Nothing! Just give me a few minutes and I'll go find Brother Pad to catch up on old times."

(End of chapter)

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