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Chapter 832 831 In order to perfect the new profession, the dog planner is really desperate

Chapter 832 831. In order to perfect the new profession, the dog planner really worked hard (big boo)

Facts have proved that when the subjective initiative of the Talking Snake is mobilized, the action efficiency of this guy with the power of time is always surprisingly high.

Just like being lured by Murphy with the creation energy of the R-9 base and spending more than an hour learning the evil knowledge of the Twilight Believers, this will be sent to contact the Mother of the Earth. It is also fast and good.

Completed the task.

Of course, it is obviously a bit difficult for Mannis, a person who once walked sideways in the star realm, to contact an existence at the level of the Mother Goddess of the Earth. The gap in status is not so easy to bridge, but the Endless One is also a half-person with "connections".

God, it can send a message through the "minor dog" of the Mother Earth.

Just as Tritan is a servant of the God of the Sea, the Mother Earth also has her own demigods who follow her.

"Bloody Horn" Pad!

Warros, which has a cool broken horn, is more or less "unfortunate" with the Endless like other demigods in the astral world. Pad also has some grudges with Mannis, and its iconic broken horn is

It is given by the Infinite One.

Theoretically, these two guys have a life-or-death relationship, but due to the recent development and direction of things, Padre and Mannis actually have some "common interests".

The Holy Sword of Wolf Fang made a deal with the owner of that sword, and the content of the deal was Pad's broken horn.

This is a taboo.

After the gossipy wanderer Tritan spread the gossip, it was said that the furious Pad had fought several battles with the Silver Wolf in the fragmented astral realm.

This incident actually provided Murphy with a pretty good reference, making him realize the truth that sometimes having more enemies is not a bad thing, because your enemies also have their own enemies, and those are the ones you can contact to work together.

Bad “potential friends”.

This is a bit of wisdom "given" to the handsome vampire by the Infinite, and Mannis used to rely on this to get along like a fish in the astral realm.

Friendship is always easy to be disturbed, but the special relationship of "common enemy" is obviously more precious in this era of frequent changes.

"Okay, Brother Pad agreed to help us send a message to the Mother Goddess Gaia, but whether the Mother Goddess responds or not is beyond her control."

The treacherous voice of the Endless One soon sounded in Murphy's ears. It spit out snake letters and hissed:

"Of course, a wise vampire like my collaborator must know that Pad didn't deliver the message to us just because he was charitable, and I even got a job for you."

"Help it get its broken horn back?"

Murphy asked rhetorically:

"I heard that that thing has been made into a weapon by Xu Gesen."

"No, no, no, Pad is a straightforward character. The reason why he is angry about this matter is not that his horn was given as a gift to a mortal, but more because the silver wolf did not discuss it with him before doing this."

The Endless One hehehe explained:

"Although Pad serves the Earth Mother, it has a part of the 'war' symbol, which is the legacy left to it by its old owner. Therefore, Pad is very interested in all battles and wars, and it also favors those who are truly

A brave man, so Pad asked you to test the bravery of the wielder of the broken horn weapon for him.

If even you can't be beaten, then use that weapon to kill the opponent, and then help Pad find the next person."

"Ah, I heard Tris tell a similar story."

Murphy rubbed his chin and asked:

"I also learned the secret of the death of the war spirit Rooguk from Kulkan. So, Pad was serving Lord Rooguk before? But Wam was not bred from the war body of Rooguk.

A new god? Why doesn't Pad continue to follow Him?

I think it fits better with Wam, right?"

"Well, it's because the careless Vam was born with a group of ice hounds as companions. Probably because those barbarians had the habit of domesticating ice hounds to help hunt since they were born?"

The Endless One curled his lips and explained:

"Human Varmu also has his own demigods who follow him. Although the Raging Dog God Hayes is the 'new' among the demigods, when he and Varmu were born together, it was determined that there would be no place for Pad among the new war djinn, unless

Pad was willing to serve Vam along with Hayes in a humble manner.

But the problem is, who doesn’t have a temper?

Pad is one of the first demigods born from the star world. He is a "veteran" in our industry. It is not normal to be unwilling to serve the "upstarts" with dignity after the death of his old master.


Besides, Pad is the common origin of all Losmons in the material world.

You know, this kind of creature is inherently connected to the earth, so it is normal for Pad to turn his attention to serving the Earth Mother.

In short, you should not casually participate in the grudges and hatreds between us demigods.

I can only say that I understand everything about this kind of thing. It’s too involved to explain clearly. With my pitiful strength now, I can’t protect you completely. I mean, most demigods have their own

So bad, even Tritan has his enemies.

With your current strength, it’s better not to waste your time on this kind of thing, I think, even for a troublemaker like you, Silver Wolf’s trouble once is really enough, what do you think?”

"I understand, I'm just listening to gossip."

Murphy tossed a randomly found ore up and down in his hand, preparing to use it as a medium for him to talk to the Mother Goddess of the Earth. He was very confident that he would get a response from the Mother Goddess, but he did not expect Gaia to be interested in this matter.

The response was surprisingly quick.

Before he finished listening to the gossip and chatting, a power originating from the earth beneath his feet suddenly erupted and pulled Murphy's mind into a fantasy place.

Just like the previous conversation with Su was conducted in the face of the North Wind God, gods have their own way of talking.

The dizziness of the earth-like magic subsided slightly. Murphy raised his head and saw that he was in a strange space completely shaped by underground mineral veins and gems. Weird boulders formed a series of weird underground ridges, and the darkness

You can feel the pulse of the earth in the dead breath, like the heartbeat of the world.

Murphy looked down and saw that criss-crossing magma spread throughout the veins, giving birth to countless luxurious stones. Expensive gem mines were everywhere here, and the halo of those natural wonders could make everyone

A woman who accidentally entered it screamed in confusion.

This is the face of Mother Earth, the master of all mountains and rivers, the owner of the heart of the world and the power of the earth.

But Ms. Gaia is different from Su.

She does not have a specific form, and this realm that can be tentatively called the "Heart of the Earth" is her existence.

"Honorable Mother Goddess Gaia, the Brass Fortress is finished. The dwarves expelled by you are in big trouble. Although there is a new God of Wealth who is willing to protect them, I guess there is still some love between you and them.

, so I have to get your permission before I get involved.

I mean, I have to know what kind of ending you want to see for the Brass Dwarves?"

This was not the first time for Murphy to meet the gods, so he naturally behaved quite appropriately. He stated his needs in a concise tone and waited for the Mother Goddess's response.

This conversation is destined not to last long.

As a mortal with a special status, Murphy knew very well that the battle among the gods in the subspace was still going on at this time, and Gaia's ability to find time to see him actually showed the mother goddess's attitude towards this matter.

"Can you save them?"

The low sound of the pulsating earth echoed in Murphy's heart. It was the feeling of truly talking to the world. It was thick, majestic, and should not be underestimated, but under the heavy tone, it also contained the same power as earthquake disturbances and volcanic eruptions.

This represents the power and majesty of Gaia. The power of the Mother Goddess of the Earth is so powerful that the Sun God Kulkan will be afraid of it. After all, no matter how blazing the sun is, it can't melt the earth, right?

"Of course, I can save them."

Murphy replied affirmatively:

"The city of the dwarves is gone. Their biggest trouble now is the encirclement and annihilation of the ratmen. I can't take them out of danger in an instant, but I can make the ratmen no longer obey that damn subspace mind.

They will get a precious respite and find a way to escape before the hordes of gnolls and kobolds charge.

But this requires your permission."

"They are no longer my dependents."

Gaia replied:

"Their life or death has nothing to do with me."

Well, that's true, but Murphy could hear a sense of sadness in it, like the stubbornness between men and women who have a bad temper and are unwilling to bow. Murphy couldn't help but sigh that even gods can't escape that...

The mood swings brought about by gender.

Of course, gods have no gender.

It can be seen from the seamless switch of the God of Wealth to women before that they chose to appear in this image to the world not because they had no choice.

"But I saw the death gesture of Lord Hadran at the last moment. The ancient man died in the explosion holding your holy symbol. He longed to return to your arms, and as far as I know, he was not

All the brass dwarves have abandoned your faith."

Murphy persuaded softly:

"Didn't you also give them a chance at Black Flame Pass?

So many Brass Dwarf warriors are willing to die in your holy land. They have made a choice. This choice will tear apart the future of that race, but I think a good person like you will not let people have expectations.

believers are disappointed.

So, I suggest you give them another chance, one last chance."

"I've already given it to you, but they don't appreciate it!"

Gaia said a word and began to take back her power.

This behavior of coming all the way just to get a rejection has proved her true thoughts, but Murphy also wants to give some face to the stubborn mother goddess who is duplicitous and loves face, so he already has a plan in mind on what to do.

Before Mother Goddess left, Murphy said:

"Please wait a moment, Gaia, I hope you can, like Su, take the time to pay attention to the seed of faith originating from Transia during the fierce war between gods in subspace. That thing called 'Holy Light' is related to matter.

The future of world and subspace warfare.

Kulkan gave it the purification of fire, Su gave it the power of war, and Avalon promised to give it a symbol of healing, but it was incomplete.

The Holy Light I expected still lacked the tough defense that is the power to protect beautiful things.

Yushou, that has always been your domain."

"But you are creating an 'Almighty God', the vampire Murphy."

Mother Goddess Gaia whispered:

"In case it is like the Lord of Hunting, it is contaminated at the beginning of its birth."

"Will not."

Murphy said firmly:

"The source of faith that makes up the Holy Light is not in this world!

No matter how powerful the subspace is, there is no way to inject darkness into the Holy Light before it is born. What's more, the teachings of the Holy Light held by my group of warriors already have an extension of "the coexistence of light and darkness", which is enough to reserve a space for it.

Used for changes in times of crisis.

Please help it!

I'm going to help those in trouble."

"Deal? I hate that word."

Gaia responded:

"I should have solved you, but if all of this is related to the future of subspace or even the material world, if all of this is what the Creator wants to see, then...as you wish!"


Murphy's mind was "kicked" back into his body in the next moment.

The movements of the Earth Mother Goddess were not gentle at all, probably because Murphy was trying to make a deal with her, and the birth of the God of Deals was based on the collective corruption of the Brass Dwarves.

But anyway, the deal was done.

The handsome vampire rubbed his aching head and turned around, looking at the brain crystal in the vat that was constantly flashing light spots next to him. He stretched out his hand and placed it on the surface of the irregular huge crystal, and immediately decided to destroy this thing.

"I said, are you so sure that this thing will make the rat men retreat?"

In Murphy's ear, the Endless asked with a hint of worry:

"Those guys were created by cultists. Who knows what strange things those cultists wrote into the origin of their lives when they created them. If you unlock this group consciousness, they will become even more crazy and unrestrained."

What can be done about control?

Don't be self-defeating.

Judging from the duplicity shown by Ms. Gaia, He is indeed still paying attention to the Brass Dwarf. If something happens at this juncture, it will be a big problem.

I'm not worried about you being taken care of by a small-minded god, it's mainly about your career."

"Stop your little thoughts, no matter how bad this thing is, it won't involve you."

Murphy broke through what Mannis was really worried about when he said:

"Worst case scenario, if you just kick me, everything will be fine, right?"

"What you said is simple. I have invested so much of my sunk costs. It's like a bet, Murphy. The more I invest in you, the less I can give up on you easily."

The Endless One sighed and said:

"Don't think you can hide your thoughts from me. Alas, I have been completely tied to you because of my unkind behavior.

You should finish this matter quickly. I have already told your poor heiress Lina to find the Creator teleportation board in the ruins of the Farstrider headquarters. Once it is cleared and connected, the road to Gorgon Pass will be opened.


I know you won't miss this."

"Yes, protect me."

Murphy took a deep breath and began to activate the Omega program. A pale glow emerged from his fingertips. The newly upgraded program had two new functions: [Sealing] and [High-energy Purification]. Now Murphy wants to

This is the high-energy purification used.

Just by listening to the name, you know how this thing works.

As the glow gathered, Murphy's left hand also became extremely hot, and the contact with the surface of the brain crystal in the tank gave the thing signs of melting.

Murphy is not sure how the Twilight Cult created this thing, but it must be related to the power of subspace. Since it is not for use but simply for destruction, what is to be done next is quite simple.

Ah, my fiery left hand is shouting for me to hold on to victory! So, it’s you, the shocking fist!

Give! Old! Bro! Break!


There was a muffled sound.

Cracks burst out on the irregular mental crystal. It was just a break at first, but then the spider web-like black cracks burst out on the crystal, and the scorching glow continued to seep into it along the cracks, making it melt.

The speed keeps accelerating.

But Murphy also felt the "racial will" contained in this mental crystal.

Fragmented illusions danced before his eyes, from the birth of the first rat-man in the experimental cabin of the R-9 base to the completion of the basic genetic blueprint of an entire population, to the ignorance of the first batch of rat-men at dusk.

Under the leadership of the police, we left the base and faced the sky and the scorching sun.

Not only could he see the development of rat people's civilization, but he could also feel the emotional and mental fluctuations contained in these fragmented pictures.

Ratmen are really stupid!

But this does not mean that they have no emotions. Researchers from the scholar faction have castrated the emotions of the rat people to the extreme, but they still cannot touch the instincts in their hearts.

Fear, worship, pain.

These spiritual reactions originating from the instinct of life are enough to give birth to the essence of the so-called "racial will" in the connection of an entire ethnic group. Like all other lives, they want to live.

"Then live on. In the name of the Creator, I grant you freedom."

In the entanglement of millions of illusions, Murphy, who was approaching his limit, closed his eyes and whispered softly.

As the Omega Program erupted again, an entire mental crystal was filled with scorching radiance from the inside at this moment, and when Murphy stabbed it with Necessary Evil, it made a light sound like broken glass.

The illusion that Murphy perceived in his heart was almost infinitely magnified at this moment. For a moment, he felt that he was divided into countless parts and existed in the ignorant minds of countless rat men.

They are confused.

They are waiting for orders.

So at the moment Murphy pulled away, he said:

"Leave, the future has arrived!"

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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