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Chapter 928 Members of the 927 family, please cast your precious vote.

Chapter 928: Family members, please cast your precious vote to call Murphy!

As the former core management AI of Eden District, Eden still has considerable control over various facilities under the Creator system after thousands of years of ups and downs. Although this AI has currently suffered some indescribable "iterative upgrades" that have caused it to

It was completely different a thousand years ago, but permissions will definitely not be lost due to upgrades and iterations.

Therefore, when it entered the main control system of the solar ship, this guy easily completed self-empowerment from the system, and also gave Lord Murphy the highest authority that could be obtained without physical verification.

This allows Murphy to come and go freely in the solar ship. He drives the power armor and walks in the corridors of the cabins that are crooked due to falling impacts. Whenever he reaches a connecting point and the cabin doors can still move, he will take the initiative to help.

He opens it.

This kind of VIP treatment directly stunned His Highness Khufu and General Bhopal who were following behind.


Does this vampire wander around on their ship without even needing to check his identity? Is it so outrageous!

Isn't this the same as the yellow-faced woman in my family who treats her nose instead of her nose and eyes instead of her eyes and likes to lose her temper when she flatters another handsome man, even in front of her own face!

Can this be tolerated?

Feeling that he had been NTRed, the Bhopal general had clenched his fists, which was the instinctive anger of a man.

Prince Khufu also felt incredible about this.

After all, as the crown prince of the Songhai Empire, he had to wear a brooch with an identity mark on the sun ship at all times so that he could move around the cabins unimpeded. But it had been less than five minutes since Lord Murphy arrived at the sun ship. His walking and leading posture

It's as relaxing and happy as returning to your own home.

Is it possible that he is really the legendary God of Creation? Is he born with a "love" given by the Creator that others can only dream of?

No wonder people can use ridicule to comment on the Songhai people's behavior of claiming to be the Creator's favorite child.

"It's been more than a thousand years since you got the solar boat, right?"

Murphy, who was following Eden's guidance and walking quickly towards the position of the sun engine, suddenly asked:

"Have you never discovered that there is a sealed cabin above the engine room of this ship?"

"Of course we found it, vampire."

General Bhopal's attitude towards Murphy was not friendly, but he also read from Murphy's incredible actions on the solar boat that there was something unusual about the guy in front of him. Faced with the problem of "yellow-haired" Murphy,

He whispered:

"Although we, the Songhai people, have not fully understood the knowledge given by the Creator, we have always had a humble heart to explore and dare not be tired at all. However, the solar boat has not been used for military purposes until the fourth time a hundred years ago.

The Black Disaster situation was critical. At that time, we launched the solar bombing for the first time to disperse the Black Disaster brought by the Bone-Gripping King.

It was also at that time that our technicians discovered the hidden place while performing maintenance on the Sun Engine after the war.

Many soldiers are speculating on what kind of secrets are stored in it. Unfortunately, we have tried every means and even invited the Pharaoh himself to verify it, but we still cannot break its self-blocking.

The authority of that thing is independent of the main control system of the spacecraft. Even if I have the identity of the captain, I can't shake it at all. Even the material it is made of is completely different from the entire solar ship. We have tried to physically destroy it, but at present the empire

No conventional force available can destroy it."

"This is natural. Such dangerous things must be strictly guarded."

After hearing that the Songhai people did not enter the launch pad of the "God Scepter", Murphy breathed a sigh of relief and nodded.

He is not afraid that the secret of this thing will be known by the Songhai people. They can't activate the God's Scepter without the launch key in their hands. What Murphy is most afraid of is that these half-hearted people are messing around in it. If they break the thing

Now this situation is going to be Barbie Q.

"So, what exactly is this 'God Scepter'?"

His Highness Khufu made a second inquiry and said:

"We are already close there, Mr. Murphy. You cannot let us move forward with you with doubts, just like a group of ignorant people surrounding silent wise men. It is too much to put us in this kind of embarrassment.

It's shameful.

After all, you are a person of status."

"And since you are on our ship, we have the right to know whether this hidden object will pose a danger to the safety of the empire."

General Bhopal added.

Murphy looked back at the two men, and then at Captain Sonnik, who was guarding Prince Khufu's side. He said:

"I am not pretending to be mysterious on purpose. Everyone, I have only seen the existence of this weapon from some classics left by the Creator. To be honest with you, the situation in the Moss Valley is dangerous. An evil god was born in the material world.

It's an extreme situation, and I came here with a trying mentality just to use this legendary power to complete an unplanned turn of events."

"So, the God Scepter can be used to attack gods?"

General Bhopal's eyes immediately widened.

Murphy shook his head and explained:

"No, this is a physical weapon. It cannot be thrown into the battlefield in subspace unless your ship also sails into that battlefield.

Under normal circumstances, the God's Scepter is only an anti-ground weapon. If the Lord of the Hunt had not been repeatedly humiliated and angered, causing him to lose his mind and actively enter the material world, we would not be able to attack him with such a weapon.

As for its power.

If the legend is true, then I guess there is a high probability that the Lord of the Hunt will not be able to return alive to his warm nest in the subspace today.

Well, we’re here.”

The cabin door in front of Murphy made a series of creaking and friction sounds. The door opened with sparks flying, and what came into view was a secret door disguised as a cabin corridor wall.

This thing should have been integrated with the black bulkhead and difficult to detect, but the Songhai people specially used quite artistic spray painting to outline its general shape. It looks like a religious painting depicting the glorious sun.


Such paintings are everywhere in the solar boat. If you don't know the existence of the secret room itself, you can't connect it with a weapon that destroys the world.

"It's right here."

General Bhopal whispered:

"We tried everything and couldn't turn it on."

Murphy frowned and stretched out his hand to touch the religious painting on the wall. The item identification started and the entry quickly popped up:

Name: Space-time isolation sealed cabin

Condition: Mint, working well

Item effect:

The sealed capsule has a built-in time stasis force field and a reinforced space anchor. When its internal defense system is operating, all forces based on time and space cannot effectively interfere with it. The sealed capsule body is made of precious origin alloy.

Casting is generally used to store precious items that are directly related to [DATA EXPUNGED] and are extremely dangerous.


This item will be sealed from the date of completion. To unblock it, you need the authority of the Eden District Management Committee or above.

Produced by: High-Precision Items Laboratory under the Creation Engine

Item description:

In fact, this thing was originally designed to be used to make escape cabins, but later the Eden District Management Committee generally believed that such escape cabins were too luxurious, and the value of their lives was not worth protecting with such expensive materials, so the technology was decentralized.

After completion, only thirty similar sealed cabins were made and used as permanent museums for [DATA EXPUNGED]'s legacy.

You can completely believe in the defensive power of this thing. Even if you throw it into the subspace and face the shadow of chaos, it can save your life for at least an hour.


Excerpted from Volume 3 of the popular Eden District book "The Amazing Waste from Councilors You Don't Know"

"It's no wonder that the Songhai people cannot open it with parliamentary-level authority. At present, it is estimated that only Lord Paying can open it in the world."

Murphy complained in his mind.

While others watched with slight anticipation, Murphy flipped his power armor finger lightly, and a small device similar to a lighter jumped into his hand.

It is the council-level authority verification circuit that I took from Pablo before. This thing belongs to Vidia, the goatman bastard who played a very disgraceful role in the Eden District explosion, but although it was made by a bad guy

thing, but it does come in handy right now.

Murphy brought this thing close to the secret door in front of him. Amidst the sound of ticking, the secret door that had troubled the Songhai people a hundred years ago quietly opened for Murphy with a light electronic welcome.

The jagged mechanical door slid open in four directions, and the time stasis that had been maintained inside for more than a thousand years was also cancelled. Murphy also deliberately opened his battle helmet to breathe in the air that came directly from the Golden Age.

After taking a breath, I found that there was no difference. If I must say it, there was a strange sweetness in the air?

Hmm, it should be the smell of some kind of cleaning agent.

He was the first to walk in, followed closely by the curious Prince Khufu. His captain of the bodyguard stayed very professional and never left. As for General Bhopal, who came in last, he narrowed his eyes.

If there is really a weapon that can harm the gods stored in this secret room, and if every solar ship owned by the empire has similar weapons, then this unexpected crash is not a bad thing.

Although the Songhai people love peace, in this era that is becoming more and more dangerous and chaotic, the more peace-loving people are, the more they must sharpen the sharp blades in their hands in order to achieve real long-term peace and stability.

But when the captain-general saw the super-complex instrument that reflected wonderful light under the light, his heart froze. Well, this thing looks very complicated from the outside. The empire's biotech engineer

We really may not be able to handle it.

Murphy quickly walked to the complex console fixed in the sealed cabin in front of him, and stretched out his hand to start the identification as usual:

Name: Highly powerful and destructive ultra-advanced weapon system "God's Scepter" fixed hardware support system

Status: intact·can be woken up

Item effect:

After activation and authority verification, this hardware system can connect to a semi-permanent space weapon station located at a relatively stationary point in the planet's orbit, and mobilize multiple causal weapons to carry out orbital strikes against specific targets.


Activating this weapon requires a special component, the God's Scepter Launch Key.


This weapon has a causal module. Once it is locked and enters the firing process, it will give the launched ammunition the [Super Dimension, Must Hit] characteristic.

This weapon and ammunition contains high-concentration destructive creation energy crystals, which will cause super damage directly to the source of all non-Order camp creatures.

This weapon is strictly prohibited from being activated except in first-level alert situations.


Special terms were imposed on the weapon when it was sealed. When activated, it must be voted by the Eden District Management Committee and approved by more than two-thirds of the members. This clause can be lifted, but it needs to be operated on a specific database platform.

It is detected that the administrator has special permissions and formatting. After finding the special database platform, the administrator can format the clause to obtain the independent right to use the weapon.


Item description:

When I was hit on the head by that damn broken bottle and started a magnificent life, I deeply realized one thing, that is, there is no way to be reasonable when confronting some idiots. In this case, a bottle with

The law of cause and effect module can execute precise strikes with sure-hit nuclear bombs, which are often more convincing than the metal bat you picked up from nowhere.

And now, my life experience has been passed on to you, feel free to use it boldly, so that the idiots born in this subspace can calmly listen to your reasoning.


Love comes from [DATA EXPUNGED]

"Thanks, you poor guy who got hit on the head with a bottle."

Murphy retracted his finger and joked about mobilizing the Eden awakening launch pad.

After a quick self-check, the control platform went online smoothly. Its built-in optical projection opened in front of Murphy's eyes to form a star track map of this world. There are six light points to be activated in the relatively static orbit outside the world, and

An optical popup for entering coordinates.

However, permission verification is required before proceeding to the next step.

Murphy threw out the Vientiane device to put it into its most primitive verification form and inserted it into the only connection port on the console. After a few seconds, the prompt "Verification passed, Tianji Arsenal X9 unlocked" jumped into view, and on the optical projection

The coordinate input was also unlocked and locked in the position of Mossy Valley by Murphy's touch mode. The No. 3 arsenal closest to that place was automatically opened.

When Murphy's finger touched the light point No. 3, a large number of messages were activated. The handsome vampire had no time to read the text. He just took a brief look at the amount of ammunition in the Tianji arsenal and found that there were five in this thing.

The ammunition will be relieved.


Having so many scepters of God in your hands really gives you an eerie sense of security as if you have a nuclear arsenal.

And since it is something made by the hands of the Creator, and it also has the term "Law of Cause and Effect" which sounds quite awesome, it should be enough to deal with the Lord of Hunting who is suppressed by the rules of the material world, right?

"The scepter of God is activated and enters the launch procedure!"

Murphy said something ceremonially, and then clicked the lock launch button. He thought he would be able to throw a super nuclear bomb at the head of the idiot hunting master, but the next moment another prompt popped up:

"The launch request has been sent to the members of the Eden District Management Committee, waiting for voting resolution! The current number of resolutions is [0/3]"


Murphy's eyes widened.

Not because of the resolution waiting, but because of the number of resolutions!

How come there are three?

Lord Paying must be one of them. The second council member's resolution should have been sent to Vidya, who is currently imprisoned in the god's cage. Where does the authority for the third resolution come from?

In this world, there is actually a senator from the Golden Age alive in this era?


It may not necessarily be a living life, but it is most likely the inheritance of his parliamentary authority. In the worst case scenario, this last guy may be

At this time, Lord Paying, who was transforming into a scarlet meteor in the mossy valley and fighting the Lord of the Hunt in a life-and-death battle, had just completed a supersonic sprint and was about to charge up for a second blow against the nearly invincible bloody giant in front of him. His mind

Suddenly a message appeared in a way that he could not understand:

Administrator Alpha is carrying out an orbital bombing strike against subspace targets. This strike has a high probability of causing regional geological changes. The resolution is pending. Congressman Paing Vernon Cappadocia is asked to cast his precious vote.

The current number of resolutions is [0/3].

"What? What did Murphy activate?!"

The well-informed Lord Pa Ying was dumbfounded at this moment. He knew that Murphy might have a solution to the situation in front of him, but the solution he imagined was to ask God to come down to earth. Why did this happen so suddenly?

Orbital bombing is such a cruel job?

And Murphy, didn’t you give the people here a chance to evacuate before dropping the nuclear bomb?

"Ofger, can you still hold on? Quick! Send everyone nearby out! At least fifty kilometers away!"

The Lord turned around and used onomatopoeia to shout to the silver dwarf lord who was vomiting blood. The voice was full of anxiety. The old dwarf who was still vomiting blood knew that there was a serious problem. He immediately held the blood-stained Gaia and whispered to the gods for blessings.

The Earth Mother Goddess intervened in the situation very powerfully, and the earth beneath the players' feet began to move, swallowing them up one by one and sending them to safety through earth magic. She even took Hogg, his wolf army, and the creation guards with her.

Let's take them away together.

But after such a delay, the number of decisions in the extradimensional information in the Lord's heart became [1/3].

Someone voted yes!

"Well, as expected of your Lord, your response is so quick!"

Murphy also saw the number [1/3]. He nodded with satisfaction, sighing that the Lord was reliable, and then said to the Book of Ten Thousand Curses opened in front of him:

"So, Councilman Vidia, what do you say about this vote that will determine the fate of a god?"


This chapter has been completed!
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