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Chapter 929 928 God said there must be light!

Chapter 929 God said there must be light!

"Congressman Widia, what do you say?"

Murphy's voice echoed in the secret room of the God's Scepter Launching Station. Since he said this to a very old magic book, His Highness Khufu next to him had reason to doubt whether the vampire lord was

Are you hallucinating due to too much stress?

Do you really think this tattered book will answer your questions?

And just when His Highness Khufu was exchanging glances with his captain of the bodyguard, and considering whether to find a medical officer to show the handsome vampire his brain, the book in his hand vibrated, amidst the flow of fantastic psychic energy.

, an intermittent and old and tired voice sounded from it:

"What do you want me to do?"

"Damn! The book is talking!"

The still young Highness Khufu's scalp went numb for a moment.

As the crown prince of the Songhai Empire, he has seen many, many things, including all kinds of evil gadgets made by psionic masters using evil means. However, the use of psionic powers is not highly encouraged in the Songhai Empire. People use

The most traditional shamanic elemental magic, so His Highness Khufu has always stayed away from such evil things.

When he saw the book in Murphy's hand making a sound, he also took a step back warily.

General Bhopal's reaction was faster. He whipped out his desert sword and blocked it in front of his prince. As a soldier who participated in the fourth black disaster, General Bhopal's knowledge of some dangerous things on the mainland was

Yes, he looked strange at the worn book in Murphy's hand.

Why is this thing so similar to the "Book of Curses", the most evil object of the goat man in mainland legend?

Murphy did not blame the Songhai people for their vigilance. Instead, he was satisfied with their keen response. For a magic book that can be called the "evil god's propagation material", no one can be too vigilant, so he got this

Those who excitedly open this book to learn the various spells recorded in it, and even try to talk to the "people in the book" are the ones who have truly lost their minds.

I’m talking about you, Grand Duke Tris!

But Murphy had already taught Tris a lesson several times, and she was convinced and begged for mercy, so this matter was over.

The vampire stared at the complex spells in the Book of Curses. These powerful spells were precious, but compared to the secrets hidden in this book, this knowledge was not worth mentioning.

He saw the characters flashing on the page. Those characters combined together formed one sentence. This was the sealed "King of All Curses" Vidya talking to Murphy. Of course, in order to take care of the blind people who got the book, he could

To learn the knowledge recorded in it, this book also has a very smart "voice" module.

When your finger touches the characters, you can hear the intermittent voice of the King of Curses.

His condition at this time was definitely not good, not only the weakness and exhaustion in his tone, but also the conscious response that was obviously under some kind of suppression and seal.

It seems that the cage specially used to imprison the gods of the past in the Golden Age should not be a good place to enjoy "the fun of solitude".

"I want you to cast that vote!"

Murphy didn't hide it or make excuses with the bad old goat. He said:

"I know your origins, your identity, what you did in the past, and the role you played in the explosion of Eden and the destruction of the Golden Age.

I know what kind of guy you are, and I also know that you will definitely take the opportunity to put forward some conditions, but these can be discussed later, cast your vote! Vidya, expel the Lord of Hunting from the material world, otherwise you who live in

The descendants of the Dark Mountain Range will also face disaster."

"I didn't ask for anything but a return to order. The punishment is too painful."

Vidya's intermittent voice sounded from the book. But Murphy didn't believe a word of what it said. Who can rest assured that he can hold part of the decision-making power in expelling the evil god without negotiating any terms?

Murphy was waiting. Anyway, the transfer of personnel before the bombing in Mossy Valley would take time.

Perhaps sensing Murphy's mind, the King of Curses said intermittently a few seconds later:

"Go to Abyss City. The danger is not yet known. Be careful at dusk. Be careful at dusk, chief monk."

"You want me to go to Abyss City?"

Murphy narrowed his eyes, then nodded and said:

"I will take the time to go there after everything is over. Our Holy Blood Seal will pass by your descendant's city anyway. I agree! Cast your vote now."

"Hail to you, Savior of all things"

The King of Ten Thousand Curses was quite particular. When he was leaving, he gave Murphy a cool-sounding "honorary title". Then the decision number in front of Murphy became [2/3], indicating that the decision could be passed.

At the moment when Murphy was about to push the God's Scepter into the launch process, he felt Lord Paying's blood crystal beating. After activation, he heard the Lord's gasping voice:

"Wait a few more minutes. Gaia is sending our people away. I will attract the attention of the Lord of Hunting here. When everything is complete, I will vote in favor, that is, transmitting the signal!"

"what did you say?"

Murphy's eyes widened and he asked:

"You didn't cast the first vote?"

"It's not me, there is a third person, he is observing us"

Even in the fierce battle, the Lord's voice was indescribably complex and obscure. Murphy could imagine how explosive his mentality must be at this time. He thought that he and Vidia were the only ones left in this era.

Councilor Eden, I didn’t expect that there would be an old man hiding in the dark while riding a horse.

And from the fact that the Twilight Organization can launch liquidator missiles to kill the Songhai people's solar ship, it is not difficult to guess that the third Eden Councilor should be a member of the Twilight Organization, and may even be the founder and boss.

It's that mysterious guy called "The Chief Monk".

But why was this guy the first to vote in favor of the bombing resolution when it was presented to him?

From his or her standpoint, shouldn't he block this resolution and hope to see the Lord of the Hunt destroy everything on this continent to achieve true annihilation?

Or is it true that Dusk and the Lord of the Hunt are not the same thing? Is there still an infighting plot unique to the big bad guys between the two sides?

These questions are very complex and difficult to answer in a short time, and they are by no means serious matters that need to be considered at the moment. Murphy kept clicking on the screen. As the Songhai people watched with bated breath, he waited for Pa

His Majesty sent the signal.

Almost five minutes later, when the resolution number jumped to [3/3], Murphy took a breath and touched the front with his finger.

God's Scepter, activate!

At this time, in the No. 3 Tianji Arsenal space station in a relatively geostationary orbit outside the world, the silver-gray satellite that had been sleeping for more than a thousand years was like an old man stretching his body and coming back to life. In that dead silence

In the sea of ​​stars, it blooms like a lotus in the unfolding of its mechanical structure.

The metal blades wrapped and covered with solar energy collection devices opened up in the absolutely quiet sea of ​​​​stars. The collisions and sounds were like humming a ditty from the past. As the continuously extending launch orbit advances downward, those dotted on the satellites

The energy lights outside the weapons depot also lit up one after another.

Amidst the smooth operation of the tens of thousands of mechanical structures inside it, a launch ammunition as thin as a black rod was sent to the projection rail.

With the coupling of the card slot, a high-energy beam fell into the ground along the sight of the weapon satellite. After a few seconds, the locking was completed. The causality module in the destruction weapon made by Your Excellency [DATA EXPUNGED] was activated, and the [Super Dimension·Must Hit] state was

When applied, streaks of faint blue electric arcs danced and wrapped around the quiet ammunition, as if it had completed secondary arming, and as if a powerful artillery had finally been stripped of its gun jacket.

It will roar!

A few seconds later, the launch procedure advanced to the final stage, the system self-test was completed, the bombing command was confirmed, the weapon safety was released, and the propeller fuel filling was completed.

In a silent slide, the black rod wrapped with electric arc fell out from the projection orbit, just like a bird with spread wings starting its first flight in the eternal starry sky.

Its thrusters exerted initial kinetic energy behind it, causing it to advance faster and faster in deep space, until it reached the speed of sound, but it continued to accelerate, eventually turning into a dark arrow of light.

Wrapped in the flames of destruction, it fell towards the strange world in front of it, which looked like it was made up of countless fragments stitched together using not-so-subtle methods.

"Countdown to bombing arrival: 137 seconds"

Looking at the rapidly beating numbers on the optical projection in front of him, Murphy finally breathed a sigh of relief. He had fulfilled all his duties as the "God-killing Project Logistics Officer" beyond the specifications, and the next thing was left to Pa Yingzun.

Lord and your players.

Although I can't rush to the battlefield myself, they are my hands and eyes, acting as an extension of my will to carry out the punishment and destruction of the Governor. This model has become the bond and tacit understanding between the mainline NPCs and the foreign heroes.

Therefore, today is also a happy day for cooperation.


In the Moss Valley, the remaining God-killers who had fought fiercely had been sent out of the battlefield by Gaia's divine power. According to Lord Paying's request, they were sent to a place fifty kilometers away from the Moss Valley at once.


The NPCs who were completely exhausted and suffered heavy casualties all knew that the always reliable Lord must have discovered some terrible crisis to make such a decision, but the Godslayers were at a loss.

what happened?

I was clearly happily fighting the BOSS, why was I suddenly forced to teleport?

As soon as the vision went dark, I was separated from the battlefield and sent here. I couldn't see the situation on the other side of the Mossy Valley. At most, I could only see that the sky over there was filled with blood-colored clouds, like unknown lights.

Red light dots light up the night.

The players raised their heads and looked at what had just happened on the battlefield from a more macro perspective. They could easily capture the bloody halos escaping from the Kingdom of the Hunting Lord, just like some kind of hungry gluttons.

It spreads around like cancer cells growing in the material world, constantly eating away at the surrounding space and sky.

That's definitely not a comfortable scene

It's probably mildew or gangrene, the kind of thing that makes you instinctively feel bad and want to wash your eyes when you see it.

"Well, it was probably a forced teleportation after the mission failed."

The tired and paralyzed Brother Meow Meow threw Gaia's sacred battle ax aside, sat down on the ground and said:

"I guess this situation is no longer a problem that we can solve. Maybe a new expansion pack will be put on the agenda because of our humiliating defeat. If the civilization of the mainland can survive this disaster

If we survive, perhaps our failure tonight will be recorded vividly in the history here.

They are brave, they are fearless, but even the undead from foreign countries cannot stop the destined disaster of Barabara."

"Shut up."

The happy stick next to him kicked Brother Meow Meow, telling him to shut up his defeatist mouth. Then he looked around and found that Lord Paying had not been sent out. There seemed to be some kind of chaos on the jackal side. Brother Bang

Sensing something was wrong, he rushed over and grabbed Yuexia Mad Wolf, who was covered in blood after a fierce battle, and asked:

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"The wise wolf didn't come out!"

The mad wolf under the moon said anxiously:

"Our leader NPC is still in the Mossy Valley. The old dwarf who vomited blood said that the wise wolf rejected the transmission of Mother Earth and went towards Lord Paying.

Holy shit!

Isn’t this a sign of getting a box lunch? Isn’t it easy for us to work so hard to raise this dad!

If Xianlang dies, all our early investment will be in vain."

"What? Is there still an option to refuse the teleportation?"

Brother Bang opened his eyes wide and said:

"We don't have any! They were all sent out by force."

"Zhuo, is now the time to pay attention to this?"

"Stop arguing, look, look! The cloud of filth spread by the Lord of Hunting is even higher. Is there something shining on it? Why does it look like a shooting star to me?"

"Nonsense, isn't it normal for this kind of war between gods to cause one or two meteors to fill the scene? Could it be the death omen of the Lord of the Hunt?"

While they were complaining madly, the only people left in the Mossy Valley were still fighting.

The Lord's punctures again and again made wounds visible to the naked eye on the giant spirit body of the Lord of Hunting. The powerful suppression of subspace creatures from the eternal silence of the holy spear made it difficult for this evil god born in filth to be spared.

But these wounds alone are not enough to make the evil god retreat. They can only make him feel pain, which can only make his cruelty in the material world even more brutal.

Most of the mossy valley has been polluted and assimilated by the reverse infiltration of the Kingdom of God by the Lord of Hunting. Strange blood-colored crystals grow on the rocks of the earth, like nodes expelling Gaia's influence on this earth.

Control, and in this hunting kingdom, the surviving jackal fanatics feel as if they have arrived in paradise.

They howled, threatened, and ran, walking in the kingdom of God with their filthy and twisted bodies, like red tides coming from all directions, constantly squeezing Lord Paying's battle area.

The Lord of Hunting no longer even launches devastating strikes. If he is not tired, how can the gods be tired?

He just saw a better death.

This cruel giant spirit stands on the land that belongs to him. The pair of cruel bloody eyes look down at Paying like a beast gradually surrounded by a swarm of man-eating ants. He is still strong and sharp, but in the ant colony

If you continue to eat it, you will eventually have a miserable end.

The desolate death of the leader of these bold god-killers will become his "gift" to the world, and when Paying's remains are carried by his servants and displayed in the eyes of those who resist, he will reap the rewards.

Fear from the whole world to finally crown yourself.

But a cruel person will always be a cruel person.

He didn't have much perseverance to wait for the death he saw. When he saw Pa Ying constantly killing his servants with the holy spear that disgusted him like mowing grass, the Lord of Hunting quickly lost interest.

Even though the god's time is still precious, he still has to fulfill his oath to hunt down Murphy, the chosen god of creation, and the blond knight who gave him shame.

The Lord of Hunting is a well-known figure who does what he says when it comes to hunting!

So, this mountain-like evil god raised his flail and bombarded Pa Ying. This blow touched the real character. The gathering of divine power that transcended reality left the Lord with no place to hide. He only felt that the space in all directions was distorted and oppressed.

Facing him, he could only set up the holy spear for final defense.

But in his raised eyes, he could already see the light arrow tearing apart the sky approaching the earth.


The Lord of Hunting's flail hit the ground, easily causing a shock that tore apart mountains and rivers. He didn't know how many believers were accidentally injured, but he didn't care. However, Lord Paying did not die or was even injured.

A huge black creature stood in front of him to help him withstand the blow.

The invincible Wise Wolf weapon on the mortal battlefield was destroyed on the spot by this hammer. The fact that it did not turn into a discus already shows the real quality of this thing. In the crumbling machine, Hogg was in a dazed posture with his head tilted.

Vomiting blood from the mouth.

When the Lord raised his head again, his bloody eyes were filled with killing rage, and the Lord of Hunting once again raised his weapon with a cruel smile that ravaged all living beings.

"You're dead! Evil God!"

The Millennium Lord waved his holy spear and said so.

The powerful Lord of Hunting doesn't even bother to refute this mortal's gibbering. With the current scene in your material world, it shouldn't be an exaggeration for me to say "invincible", right? How can you, an ancient vampire who is about to die at my hands, have the confidence?

Say such bullshit?

Who gave you the courage?


Oh, where is that legendary guy now?

Could He jump out and give himself a big blow?

Do not be silly!

You are the ones who are truly dead!

But just when it waved its flail for the second time, preparing to inflict the final punishment on the recalcitrant, it finally felt the light arrow from the sky descending from above its head, that light, that heat.

It's like a warning letter sent from the distant past to the present

Written by the Creator himself, it is addressed to the villains who try to destroy this world that is not beautiful but is loved by Him. It is also like a book of judgment reserved by the god who has left here long ago, signed by his successor.

The subject of the trial: the Lord of the Hunt.

Crime entry: Attempting to destroy the world.

The final verdict: The crime is extremely heinous and must be killed without mercy!


This chapter has been completed!
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