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Chapter 983 981 Return of the Departed

Chapter 983 Return of the Departed

Murphy got the "True Bully Learning Machine" and he was very happy.

With this thing, the training time for the Cadman People's Army's recruits will be greatly shortened, and even the training time for factory workers can be saved. And when he learned that there should be more similar things in the hands of the Mechanicus Church, Mo Mo

Fei almost immediately issued the first step of the task chain called "Clearing Hidden Danger I" to the players.

The mission requires players to explore as much as possible in the sewers and find as many Church of the Machine strongholds as possible, and will give high rewards based on the number and completeness found.

This immediately aroused the enthusiasm of the players, especially when the position responsible for the Transian Expeditionary Force has been retaken, and the young players have nothing to do. Various entertainments in Port Chardoux in a state of war

The facilities were all closed. Except for those friends who took the mission from Mrs. Taylor and went to play in the black market, the remaining players almost immediately threw themselves into this lucrative mission.

For a time, people were drilling into various sewer entrances in the entire Port of Chardeau in broad daylight. Players never avoid others when doing this kind of thing, which led to the fact that the Transians had not been in Port Chardeau for two days.

, all kinds of gossip about "they like the smell of sewer" are flying all over the place.

But even after obtaining a very high-tech knowledge infusion machine, Murphy still did not figure out what the Mechanicus Church wanted to use the Palian sisters for, so interrogating those captured Mechanicus Church members became a necessary step.

These guys are dressed in a very punk style, and they are also the most hardcore wasteland style.

Each of them wore tattered and oil-stained robes, and covered their faces with mechanical-style masks. Because they had been active in the sewer environment for a long time, they also had the habit of wearing breathing masks, and because they were all excellent machines.

division, so everyone has a big mechanical bag.

The Mechanical Church advocates pragmatic engineering. This is not only a concept but also a "life attitude" that must be practiced. In order to better conduct certain dangerous experiments and carry out more precise production, these guys are basically more or less

There is a rare phenomenon of prosthetic body modification.

The most exaggerated guy in front of Murphy had three robotic arms of different specifications connected to his back, making him look like a "humanoid spider."

This makes the dressing of these guys very close to the style of "a certain religious cult" in Murphy's mind. Well, now there are missing the incense burner to soothe the machine soul, the pure skull emblems plastered all over the body, and those quite abstract ones.

Various mechanical symbols of faith.

But even this current style has already made a certain kind of "loyal" players quite itchy.

Especially those guys who work part-time as mechanics, they have begun to secretly and overtly inquire about how to join the Mechanicus Church, and then severely criticize their "not loyal enough" style, and then in the holy name of Omnisiah

Launch a vigorous transformation of this group of robots.

Of course, there are some loyal guys who have the pure purpose of secretly learning the skills of these mechanics, hoping to personally make powerful mechanical weapons for Transia's armament industry in the future, but most of the guys who join in the fun are definitely pure

Just to learn how to make the "machine soul happy".

Well, I have to say that even in the eyes of the already extreme members of the Mechanicus Church, the players shouting loyalty are a bit too extreme.

"I'm sorry to invite you over so late."

In a room above the shelter that was used as an interrogation room, Murphy, who was admiring the strange dressing style of the Mechanicus, said to Ms. Lenia who was invited:

"But I need you to pry open the mouths of these guys as soon as possible, and at least find out whether there is any hidden secret behind Sister Palian's incident."

"I am very happy to help, Lord Murphy. I also believe that the blood alliance clan's methods will be able to pry these lords' mouths open."

Leonia, who was already an "honorary Transian", didn't care about her temporary mission. She just said in a weird tone:

"But your politeness seems so strange every time. Don't we vampires just start our night life after dark? I heard that you still retain the habit of resting on beautiful nights?"

"It seems that Maxim really loves you and even told you such a thing."

Murphy heard the ridicule in Leonia's words, so he immediately shot back:

"So you want to finish this interrogation as soon as possible so you can have a 'good' nightlife with Mark?"

"I do think so."

Leonia took off her horse archer gauntlet and sighed:

"But your previous aura display and midnight echo have left Mark still lying in bed. His mind seems to have been damaged. He has been talking about the collapse of the new world, terrible crimes, and the redemption of sins.

I even wondered if he was crazy, but it turned out that it was just a mental disturbance.

Just like what I’m going to do to these unlucky people next.”

The sin perception of the Blood Alliance clan was invoked, causing Lenia's fingers to be stained with scarlet light. She stepped forward and said to the members of the Mechanical Church who were stubborn and unwilling to speak:

"Come! Look me in the eyes, sinners! Only confession can bring you peace!"


The next moment, pitiful wailing sounded in the room in the night, immediately making the interrogation tense.

Murphy sat back and played with the Yunlan Key in his hand, looking at the mechanical cultists in front of him with a gentle gaze as they wailed miserably in the awakening of sins. He was learning Lenia's way of mobilizing the sins of others.

In terms of Murphy's current fighting style, if necessary, he can also use blood aura to simulate the core power of the Blood Alliance clan. However, this thing is a bit conceptual, and it is not the same as the emotional ignition of the Thorn clan. It must go through

It takes multiple tries and practice to use it perfectly.

Under Leonia's control, within ten minutes, these captured mechanical cultists collapsed.

They collapsed on the ground, and Murphy said everything he knew without any need for words:

"It was the request of the sages. The sisters would have been sent back to Transia after meeting with His Excellency 'Resurrection'. We did not intend to harm them. We also gave them precious wisdom and enlightenment. The sages just wanted to use their contact.

Let's confirm something

The Machine Spirit of Port Chardeau

It left, probably went to Transia and we were just trying to get it back."

"No! You're lying!"

Murphy slapped the table and yelled:

"Master Minx told me that after the departure of the Machinery Spirit, the supernatural incidents related to machinery in Port Chardeau have not decreased!"

"We didn't lie to you. Don't let that horrible crazy woman torture us anymore."

A halfling mechanic shook his body and screamed:

"That's all we know. Those supernatural events, no, they are not supernatural events. They are just Sir Susus mobilizing the power of machinery to aid the war in Port Chardeau. The orthodox mechanics thought they were protecting the city.


We are guarding this place!

Unseen by you, the Mechanicus Church raided the Gnoll camp from underground, and our mechanical beasts fought against the thugs who had fallen into madness, day after day.

We have suffered heavy damage. Mr. Susus said that we can't hold on if we continue like this, so we have to open that door.

The supreme knowledge in the field of mechanics lies within it!

As long as we open that door, this war will end immediately! Minx's conservative idiot doesn't know how to use the power of machinery, but Lord Susussion knows! He knows everything!

He is the mechanical prophet!

Damn it!

We are not bad people, why do we treat our enemies this way?

You ungrateful fellows!

If we hadn't blown up the Jackal's arsenal a few days ago, this city would have fallen long ago."

Faced with this desperate cry, Murphy looked back at Leonia, who nodded to indicate that what this guy said was true and not a lie.

So Murphy knelt down and looked at the halfling mechanic huddled in the corner. The latter had some scars on his face, which made him look a little ferocious, but his eyes were filled with fear, and he had obviously lost his defenses.

The vampire asked:

"So, you must find the mechanical spirit to open the door underground?"

"That's just optional."

Seeing Murphy's tone softening, the halfling mechanic breathed a sigh of relief and whispered:

"I'm just an assistant to the sage, and I don't know much, but I heard from my mentor that even without the participation of the mechanical spirit, Lord Sususcitation can still open that door.

It is said that a friend who has returned from a long journey is about to arrive in Port Chardeau. He has mastered a lot of knowledge about the Creator during his distant travels. He will help us open the door and completely end this war that will destroy the halflings.


You don't have to try to search for our companions in the sewers. They have all headed underground, waiting for that glorious moment to come. We are the last defenders assigned to stay above.


I kid you not, everything we did was to end the war!

The mechanics on the ground are incompetent, and the Steam Lords have lost their power and humiliated the country. We can no longer hide in hiding. In this precarious moment, the Mechanicus Church should bravely stand up and lead our people."

"Ah, peace, what a beautiful wish."

Murphy stood up, shook his head and said:

"It's a pity that such a lofty ideal can never escape the fate of being exploited by people with ulterior motives. You can't open that door. There is no hope of ending the war. It is a seal. You might as well think carefully about what exactly needs the use of Creator technology."

Seal it."

Murphy shook his head and walked out of the room, activated quantum communication and asked the other end:

"Mosna, how long until the support we need arrives?"

"It will take at least 12 hours."

In the background of noise, the maintenance sentry replied:

"I am repairing the engine of the Origin Pioneer. The Songhai people provided some standard parts, which greatly shortened the repair time. However, their mechanics are very stupid, and their understanding of Creator technology is still at a very basic level.

I have to practice with the old flywheel and teach them at the same time.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince also kindly invited me to become the Chief of Science and Technology of the Songhai Empire, and even allowed me to enter their Holy City of Origin to inspect, as I suspect that is where the Creation Engine crashed."


Murphy reminded:

"I now confirm that something is going to happen in Port Shardau, not from the outside, but from within. The Mechanic Church has opened the door to the Land of Creation. They have already started taking action, and it is too late to stop it now. You are the last resort.

Have His Highness Khufu and his generals prepare the solar bombardment in the worst case scenario, we will use it."


"Well, Port Chardeau, the scenery in my memory is infinitely beautiful, but unfortunately it is stained with too much smoke of war. Listen, my city is crying, but it doesn't matter, I'm back, when it needs me again.


A nostalgic voice sounded from behind the observation window. On the observation deck of the shuttle boat moving forward silently in the dark night, a halfling holding a mechanical cane was as full of emotion as reciting poetry.

As the shuttle landed, Port Chardeau became clearer in the night, and one could more clearly see the devastation that had been destroyed by the war. The peace that once existed was like a shattered phantom that no longer existed.

"I thought we were just going to complete the last echo of the Black Disaster here, but I didn't expect you to come in person."

On the chair behind the halfling, the slave owner Saliva was making tea for the guests and said:

"Before I joined the organization, I heard that you had been busy with a great cause. But after I joined, I realized that your busyness was beyond my understanding. You spent almost every minute and every second.

To expand those ancient and complex knowledge.

Wouldn't it affect your career if you left most of the work you had done and came here at this time?

Sir scholar."

"No, because this is part of the plan."

The halfling turned around, revealing a face that was not old, but his eyes were as deep as the sea, like a deep pool that could attract others' attention immediately.

That is definitely not a look that young people can have.

It is very much like the detachment after seeing through the mundane things in life, and there is also a touch of tenacity to move towards the goal in the great tolerance. This makes him not look like a halfling, at least he is carrying a human in this short body.

Weird soul.

"Let's land in the port area."

The "Scholar", one of the giants of the Twilight Organization, waved his hand and said to the slave owner:

"I need you to go to the museum of Charlotte University and get the set of equipment I left behind in booth 13 in Area A on the third floor. I need them to complete the will extraction for Miss Penny."

"Penny has dedicated everything to our cause, and she deserves the best possible treatment."

The slave owner said in a deep voice:

"It was you who told me that you could bring her a true new life in the place of creation beneath Port Chardeau."

"Of course, every word I say and every promise I make will come true."

The scholar smiled and said:

"Although it may not be the same as your understanding of 'perfect recovery', I guarantee that after completing the mind extraction and transfer, Ms. Penny will follow you again with a perfect and pure attitude.

But I also have a request.

In this operation, you are not allowed to cause any complications!

I know that Mr. Murphy is also in the city, and I also know that there are many unnecessary grudges between you and him. I have no intention of standing on a hostile level with the God of Creation at this time, so please restrain your unwarranted behavior.

's anger."

"Unprovoked? Are you saying that my faction deserves to be wiped out by Murphy?"

The slave owner said sharply:

"Your position does not seem to be firm, Mr. Scholar."

"Hate, haha, boring stuff."

The halfling shook his head and said in a calm and indifferent tone:

"Looking from a higher level, it is not difficult for you to find that these hatreds are driving you in the wrong direction, but I have no intention of correcting you, and I was not asking just now!


Sarifu Shadowblade, behave obediently for me in this operation. If you dare to cause trouble or waste my precious time, I will bury you here!"

"Your tone seems a little too loud, Your Excellency."

The slave owner said coldly:

"We are equals, aren't we? You have no right to stop my revenge."

"Well, actually, I can."

The scholar showed a subtle smile under the gentleman's hat. He tapped the mechanical cane on the deck and said:

"Resuscitation, execute the takeover agreement!"

"Order received! Takeover begins!"

As the slave owner watched in astonishment, a cold electronic sound sounded in the shuttle ship. His control over the shuttle ship was stripped away, and the shuttle in optical concealment accelerated downward like falling leaves under the waving of the scholar's cane.


In the weightlessness caused by the fall, he said to the slave owner:

"You guys who like to wield swords and guns don't understand the true power of this world. Even if you just told me that you fully understand my busyness, it means that you actually know nothing about what I am doing.

You joined Dusk because this organization can help you realize your ideals, and so do I, but this does not mean that our fates will have more intersections.


Let me ask you a question."

The scholar raised his left hand, and two fixed guard turrets popped up on the deck above the shuttle, and the aimed scarlet light spots hit the slave owner.

He stared at the shadow elf in front of him and asked in a gentle tone:

"Do you believe in the idea of ​​​​destroying the world? Do you long for the arrival of dusk?"

"Those are two questions."

The slave owner was still sitting in the chair. He shook his head and said:

"But no, I don't believe that. That's not my goal, and I guess it's not yours either."

"correct answer."

The scholar laughed, terminated the takeover agreement with a wave of his hand, and returned the control of the shuttle to the slave owner. He stepped from the observation deck and walked along the downward mechanical escalator to the remote part of Port Chardeau.


The moment he set foot on his hometown, he turned back to the shadow elf behind him and said:

"I will help you rebuild the faction, I promise, but no extraneous matters are allowed! And now, we are friends."


This chapter has been completed!
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