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Chapter 984 982 I can’t do it in a sea battle; you can’t do it in a murder battle

Chapter 984 I can’t do it in a naval battle; you can’t do it in a murderous battle (serious face)

In the same dark night, when the travelers returned and set foot on their hometown, a special fleet was heading towards Port Chardeau along the undulating waves of the Sea of ​​Mist.

This fleet consists of seven ships, three large and four small, and they fly a unified flag.

It was a flag composed of bloody skulls and scimitars, and there was a bat-shaped emblem on it, which meant that it was the battle flag of a certain vampire clan. Considering that there is currently only one vampire clan on the continent that can make a living in the foggy sea,

So this is naturally the famous Blood Terror Pirate.

Leading the way among the seven ships was the Plunder.

It was the flagship of the Blood Dread Pirates and the beloved ship of the Blood Dread Grand Duke Pablo. Because it was completely black, it was also called the "Black Ship".

For more than a hundred years, this ship has been a symbol of ominousness and disaster in the foggy sea. Whenever it appears in the sea, maritime merchants will be frightened. The most exaggerated deeds about this ship happened nearly a hundred years ago.

Because of a certain plunder on the border of the Elf Kingdom, the sea elves' Amastasia fleet was dispatched to hunt down the Blood Terror pirates.

It is said that that large-scale manhunt across the entire Misty Sea was assisted by the Great Reef Province of the Atlanteans. Although the elven fleet that could control the storm defeated many pirate groups, all four roundups of the Plunder were completed.

It ended in failure. The elves of Castile worked hard for three full months, but they still could only watch as Pablo and his flagship, loaded with elven treasures, disappeared into the depths of the foggy sea.

That was the most humiliating defeat in the history of the Amastasia fleet, which had been ranked among the best on the mainland since the day it was built, and also forged the reputation of the "Bloody Captain".

However, few people know that in fact, in the great sea battle a hundred years ago, the Plunder's ultimate escape did not entirely depend on Captain Pablo's brilliant command. The ship also paid a heavy price for that victory that will be remembered in history.


During the third round-up, it had been sunk in the big storm summoned by the Storm Queen. Barbro paid a terrible price to bring his ship back from Hades.

Today's black ship is an out-and-out "ghost ship".

Wherever it goes, there is an icy gray sea mist that surrounds itself and the rest of the fleet like a curtain that blocks all exploration. No matter how the surrounding sea water moves, wrapped in this ominous sea mist,

The entire sea surface in the area is extremely calm. On the cold and always wet deck of the ship, the vampire seals under Pablo's command stand everywhere in a lazy manner, performing their duties in a standard "fishing" state.


In this regard, the Blood-Dreaded Archduke standing in front of the steering wheel just pretended not to see it.

The pirates' style of conduct is completely different from other organizations. Each ship has its own system of superiors and subordinates. Unless it is a critical war or an exciting part of dividing the spoils, the captains will rarely interfere with the daily life of these guys.

Behavior, as long as they can fulfill their duties, no matter what their work attitude is, Pablo will just turn a blind eye.

What's more, at this time, he has a more important task in hand than teaching his own crew members.

"There are still three hours of flight to the destination. We have not deviated yet, but we have already approached the waters of the Elf Kingdom. We must be careful next."

Next to Pablo, who is holding the steering wheel, the coquettish first mate Claire is holding a compass to confirm the course for her captain. In her hand is a detailed sea chart specially used by pirates, with a red on it.

Mark X, that is Pablo's destination for this trip.

A small island.

It is located off the coast of Port Chardo, not far from the border of the Castilla Elf Kingdom, but its terrain is a bit strange. It is located right in a semi-enclosed reef sea, which means that once Pablo's fleet is blocked in it

, the fate waiting for this pirate fleet is destined to not be too good.

And based on the "emotion" of the Castilian elves towards the Blood-Dreaded Pirates, there is no way that the powerful Amastasia fleet would let go of this opportunity.

Although hundreds of years have passed, the past victories and defeats have become legends talked about by humans. However, for immortal species like elves, those vivid pasts seem to have happened yesterday, so the painful defeat must still be there.

Stimulating the keen self-esteem of the sea elves.

Pointy ears are never a good thing.

All the bad habits that shadow elves have are shared by other elves, but they are better at hiding them.

Although Pablo still has his trademark evil smile on his face at this moment, having the bloody captain come to steer the ship in person actually shows his caution and concern.

"I don't know what's on that damn island, so Murphy asked me like crazy to go there and confirm it in person. Zhuo, my fleet has now become the navy of Transia, so I was asked to report to Murphy

I bowed down to him and became his adopted son, but I never saw a penny."

Pablo sensed the sailing status of his ship and turned the steering wheel to let it take advantage of the night wind. He cursed:

"I feel like I have made a loss-making deal. If other pirates who are seeking a living in the Sea of ​​Mist learn that the great Captain Pablo has become a dog in Transia, they will definitely laugh out loud and drink every time.

They even pulled me out of fights to make arrangements.

My good reputation is completely over."

"Well, it's not a loss-making deal, right?"

Mate Claire obviously has a different view on this.

She glanced at the stern of the ship behind her. In this area wrapped in ominous sea fog, there was a very strange glimmer of light lingering outside the black hull of the Plunder. It was difficult to see clearly without looking carefully, but

It does exist.

It is precisely because of the wrapping and protection of this light that Pablo dared to lead a fleet to sail on the now very dangerous sea.

"The protective crystal that Mrs. Tracey gave us is quite useful."

The bloody first mate whispered:

"It has been four days since we left the Blood Raid Port. We even deliberately took a few laps in the open sea but have never been attacked by the World-Burning Demonic Soldiers. This is enough to prove that she and Murphy have extracted from the Creation Energy.

Shielding protects us from being tracked by the Warp.

I released Storm Crow to fly and search in this sea area. In the past few days as we moved forward, at least two ships were burned on the sea by those subspace pioneers.

This proves that the World-Burning Demon Soldier’s pursuit of the Blood Terror Clan has not stopped, but we no longer have the risk of being ‘surprised’ to open the box.”

"Humph, that's what I'm saying!"

Pablo stretched out his hand to take Claire into his arms, nibbled hard on her charming face, and said:

"If this thing hadn't really worked, I would have been a full-fledged dog to find Murphy's way, right?

Alas, look at this heavy bullshit life that has bent the backs of us free pirates. For this miserable little life, we have to surrender to a powerful force like Murphy, which makes people unhappy.

Look what a bear we've all been dragged into. It's really terrible.

But then again, now that it has been confirmed that Archduke Charlemagne left something in the star realm, we must hold on to Murphy's thighs in the hope that one day we can recover the lost treasures of the Blood Terror Clan.


I have a feeling, Claire."

Captain Bloody narrowed his eyes and looked at the dim starry sky, and he said:

"No matter what is in the observation laboratory hidden somewhere in the star realm, it can help the members of the Blood Terror Clan get rid of the current predicament of being hunted but unable to fight back.

Well, to use the terminology used by Transians when talking to foreign heroes, this is the ‘main mission’ of our Blood Terror clan.

By the way, how are the landlubbers on the next few ships doing?"

"Well, I think you'd better not ask, so as not to turn off your appetite."

The very charming first mate Claire suddenly dropped her face and said:

"Creatures like jackals are naturally at odds with water. I also specially selected some old seals with good tempers to teach them the secrets of driving ships on the sea, but after so long, they still can't drive by themselves.

It is difficult to keep up with the fleet.

If you really let them go, I estimate that you will lose at least two ships in a few hours."


Pablo's face suddenly hurt, and he said unhappily:

"So it's better to send those landlubbers to the port of Chardoux quickly. Although Wise Wolf really hopes that the Gnoll Kingdom will have its own merchant fleet, I guess his wish will not be realized for at least a few years."

"But Hogg promised us a very generous reward, and it's too late to go back on it now."

Claire sighed and said:

"If we can monopolize the ocean trade routes between the Jackal Kingdom and other forces, Pablo, we can clear our name. It will not be a small fight, but a true transition from a pirate gang to a maritime business group.

If we catch a ride on the rising Transia,

I know that you are a free person and don't like to beg for food for others.

But the problem is that under the relentless pursuit and fear of the World-Burning Demon Soldiers, our Blood Terror Fleet has essentially split. Now everyone can only pretend to be powerful to deter other forces in the Sea of ​​Mist. However, this illusion will eventually be eliminated.


Once others know about the Blood Terror Pirates' weakness and division, our end will come.

The cautious sea elves in Amastasia's fleet alone will not let us go. Pablo, we have been roaming the sea for two hundred years. It's time to consider our retreat.

Going to Murphy is the best choice.

At least Transia is a country where vampires are in power, so we don't have to worry about encountering discrimination there.


Claire stretched out her left hand to stroke Pablo's masculine chin and beard, and ran her other hand down his chest. She whispered in Pablo's ear:

"Compared with the nickname 'Captain Bloody', which has been called for two hundred years, 'Admiral Bloody' sounds more majestic. Murphy's country does not have an outlet to the sea, but I believe he will definitely find one by then."

Whether it is for business or national system considerations, Lancia must have a navy.

This is a good deal, Pablo, we must try our best to package ourselves and sell it at a high price before it loses value."


Pablo closed his eyes slightly, enjoying the service of the first mate's nimble fingers. After a moment, he whispered:

"Actually, when we left Mossy Valley before, the Earl of White Mountain had a secret conversation with me on behalf of the Queen of Nordtof. The Wolf Girl gave us a very generous offer. The Nords wanted to fight against the Plantagenets on the mainland.

, but their navy was no match for the Greene fleet under King Louis.

Claire, the secret to doing business is to seize opportunities. I know that in your heart, you, a little hooves, have always wanted to return to the mainstream of vampire society, but you should be more cautious.

After all, Murphy hasn’t made an offer yet, so for us to take the initiative to post it seems like we are being overly enthusiastic.”

"Captain! The Black Blade is on fire!"

Just as the captain and first mate were enjoying the rare tenderness between them, an old pirate wearing a turban shouted from the observation deck on the main mast:

"Those bastard jackals were barbecuing on the deck and setting our ship on fire!"


Pablo suddenly woke up from the pleasant feeling, handed the steering wheel to the first mate, quickly climbed up the cable like a monkey, took out his telescope from a high place and looked back.

Sure enough, from the perspective of the telescope, there was smoke rising from the ship at the rear of the fleet, and there were also dancing shadows of firelight.

"What the hell are you guys doing!"

Pablo angrily grabbed his calculation orb and cursed at the captain of the Black Blade:

"Why did it suddenly catch fire?"

"It's all the jackals from the Gray Wolf Army who are messing around. Captain, it's not my fault."

The captain of the Black Blade was even more angry than Pablo, and he cursed:

"Those bitches were hiding in the cabin enjoying tobacco and accidentally started a fire. It's now under control, but I swear I'm going to hang those bastards from the mast!"

"Come on, they are the undead. They are not afraid of this. Instead, they will take the opportunity to complain about your poor hanging skills."

Pablo felt tired and helpless for a moment.

In addition to going to the island to "hunt for treasure" at Murphy's request, the second task he shouldered during this trip was to send two thousand elite wolf troops to Port Chardeau to represent the support of the Gnoll Kingdom to the halflings.


It's okay for the NPCs commanded by Captain Popok. They know that they are not good at water battles, so they can do whatever the pirates ask them to do. However, the players of the Blue Wolf Army are very careless. In the past few days, similar incidents have appeared frequently in the fleet.

Most of the accidents are caused by these players acting as monsters.

On the first day of the voyage, Archon Fury almost blew up the Plunder's ammunition depot while transporting cannon shells. Pablo was so angry that he hung him from the mast.

But that guy was not afraid at all. When he was strangled to death, he shared "the feeling of hanging" on the forum, which allowed several guys in the forum who claimed to be trainee forensic scientists to get valuable material.

Pablo was excited before when Murphy opened up players to enter the Blood Terror Fleet, but after actually getting along with these landlubbers, the Blood Captain wanted to poke his own eyes to prevent himself from seeing what these guys were doing on the sea.

Various meal preparation operations.

He swore that he would never recruit these amateurs into his pirate fleet.

He can't afford to lose this person!

"Forget it, we will arrive at our destination soon. Send these gentlemen to Port Chardeau and our job is over."

Pablo said to the captain of the Black Blade very tiredly:

"Don't just hide in the captain's cabin and drink while riding horses, teach them all the rules on the sea! There is something crawling up the side of your boat, it seems to be a wave fishman! Damn it! Pull it!

Battle alert!


There are fishmen under the sea, and there are many of them!"

Captain Bloody quickly caught the danger with his psychic telescope. Under his scolding, the entire fleet quickly entered a fighting state, but the wave fishmen who rushed out from the sea were obviously well prepared.

Before the pirates dropped depth charges, the jet-black fishmen climbed onto the decks of the seven ships, roaring various depraved words.

The scale of the attack shocked Pablo.

His fleet has sailed into the central area of ​​the Genoa Peninsula and the Castilla Peninsula. This is a civilized territory that has been developed for hundreds of years. The Wave Fish people basically have no large clans here, but the current scale of the invasion makes him feel like

All of a sudden, I returned to the wild sea deep in the foggy sea.

"Why are there so many fishmen here?"

Pablo roared and grabbed the cable and swung to the stern of the ship, standing back to back with Claire, who had killed several murlocs. At this time, a thunderous storm was already sweeping over the night sea, which was the abyss of the murlocs.

The travelers are calling out the strong winds that disturb the ocean currents.

In the background of lightning and thunder, Captain Blood shouted:

"What's going on with the Amastasia fleet! How can they allow so many dangerous things to appear in their territorial waters? Blame! He's got a broken leg! The slackness of these cute elves will now destroy us poor pirates

Sent to hell."

"Come on, come on, come on! Brothers, you guys are cheating! After four days of swimming on the sea, everyone is going to be stupid, and now it's finally time to have fun."

Amidst Pablo's dirty words, a sharp noise sounded below the deck of the Plunder.

A few seconds later, as Pablo and Claire watched in surprise, the players of the Blue Wolf Army rushed onto the deck with roars, and fought with the large number of Wave Murlocs with an attitude of excitement, joy and fanaticism.


These guys were so violent that they cut down dozens of murlocs in one encounter. The old sea dog who was about to fight to the death was stunned for a moment.

"Jump to the gang! Jump to the gang!"

Furui Daxian, who was just resurrected this morning, grabbed the cable and prepared to imitate the scene in the movie. He used a handsome jump to send himself to the ship next to him for support. As a result, as soon as he jumped out, his whole body was blown away because of the lack of friction on the wet cable.

He was thrown into the sea, screamed and flopped twice, and then was dragged under the waves by the fish-men in the black water, where he never lived again.

"Zhuo! You guys should choose the right direction when jumping into gangs."

Pablo covered his eyes in despair.

But next to him, First Officer Claire stretched her body and her beautiful eyes shone. She knew that with the help of crazy players, today’s battle would be won!


This chapter has been completed!
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