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Chapter 989 987 The end point where the two lines intersect. Qingming Festival update [11]

Chapter 989 The end point where the two lines intersect - Qingming Festival【11】

"The black winter wolf wandering in the neverwinter snowfield is actually the descendant of Boreas? But why does it appear here? Did the Transians bring it? Or did the Chosen God of Creation sense it in advance?

The storm in Port Chardeau is gathering, so why did you bring such a powerful thug?"

On a high-rise building in the business district not far from the port area, a "scholar" holding a cane was looking at the battle on the sea through a complex telescope. When he saw the winter wolf calling for a cold disaster to sweep through the port area

, he knew that the Dagon Secret Cult's raid on the port area was going to fail.

The loss was not unfair, after all, no one expected that a legendary creature would appear on the Genoa Peninsula.

But there was no distress on the scholar's face. On the contrary, his eyes were full of interested inquiry. If the time was right, he really hoped to meet with Lord Eris and take some biological samples from it.

It will definitely be helpful for his future research.

Unfortunately, time is indifferent to everyone.

He must now leave this warm place to accomplish what he must accomplish.

"Tick tock tick"

The scholar put his gentleman's hat on top of his classic Mediterranean hairstyle, turned off the alarm clock that was constantly beeping on the table, and put it in his arms. He finally looked at the room where he was with a nostalgic expression.

There is an old photo on the desk, which he just put here.

Many years ago, he took this photo with him on his journey, and now that he puts it back here means that he has finally returned to his hometown with what he found.

"Those children have been deliberately preserving the way this room once was, as if they want to go back to the good old days and escape the cold reality. I still haven't been able to teach them well. It's not okay to be afraid of the future.

That’s the mentality a qualified mechanic should have.”

The scholar sighed and opened the door with his cane.

Standing outside the door was a male shadow elf disguised as a waiter. He was looking at the scholar expectantly and anxiously. Next to him was a coffin-like device that could be carried on his back.

In the light occasionally reflected from the mirror, a girl can be vaguely seen sleeping in it.

Her cheek was severely burned, like a ghost, and she had to stay in this portable biological cabin to breathe her last.

"Penny's condition is already very bad. Scholar, when can we rescue her?"

The male elf asked in a pleading voice. The scholar shrugged and said in a gentle tone:

"Don't be so desperate, kid, let's go now! Everything is arranged, just waiting for your mentor to bring back the 'smart hat' I made when I was young. Don't mind the name, it can help poor Penny.

Bring your friends and come with me, the rest of the journey may be a bit bumpy."

"Okay, okay."

The slightly cowardly male elf immediately carried his friend on his back and followed the scholar step by step out of this inconspicuous high-rise building in the business district. When they arrived outside the door, there was already a manned walker waiting.


But what is surprising is that this walking machine does not have a driver, and it came here in a "unmanned" state.

"Resurrection, take us there."

The scholar who got on the bus said softly.

The invisible data consciousness began to operate, causing the walking machine to start heading towards the outer city in the stormy night. In order to take care of the sick Penny, the scholar also deliberately made the walking machine's pace more stable.

"Your name is Bertie? Do you like this girl?"

In the silence, the scholar who was looking at a map suddenly raised his head and asked, which made the male elf opposite suddenly stutter, wave his hands and say:

"No! Penny is a powerful warrior and assassin, an elite who can inherit Lord Saliv's mantle. I am just a mechanic and archaeologist with no skills. I am still a man. Our status in the shadow elf society is sky-high.

It’s so different.”

"But that is in the ordinary shadow elf society. As far as I know, the faction of Sariv does not pay attention to this weird male-female opposition. This is also what I admire most about Lord Shadow Blade. As a person who is in the twisted way of shadow elves,

As a person who grew up in a society where women were extremely superior to men, he was deeply disgusted by the unreasonable inequality and determined to make changes."

The scholar looked at the male elf in front of him with a smile like an old man, and he said warmly:

"As his follower, I think you should have a deeper understanding of Saliv's philosophy.

You are not a humble man, my child. You are now a warrior who is willing to take risks in the most dangerous city in the world for your lover. I dare say that even the bravest women in the Shadow Elf family will not run away at this time.

Come to Port Chardeau.

You are already more powerful than them.

In addition, if you really fall in love with Miss Penny, you might as well seize this last moment to say goodbye to her.

After the life transformation that I personally carried out is completed, she will be resurrected with a brand new appearance.

In that case, I can't guarantee that Miss Penny will be able to retain her emotions. Do you understand what I mean? She will come back to life, but maybe for you, this is the last time you see the familiar her.


"I can't help it"

The male elf suddenly felt a little confused.

Seeing his appearance, the scholar laughed, took out a pen and paper and handed it to him, saying:

"There's no way to say it, so just write it down. Write down your expectations for the future and your feelings. I guarantee Miss Penny will see it."


Shadow Elf Bod nodded, took the pen and paper, and started writing seriously on the slightly shaking walker that was carrying him towards the restless night. This scene made the scholar smile, and then he shook his head.


It seems that he is sighing for this relationship that is destined to be fruitless.

At the same time, in the University City Museum in Port Chardonnay, Salifu Shadowblade, who had put on a dark assassin uniform, was walking in the dead corridor like a ghost.

This museum collects various unique and commemorative things from the halfling civilization. However, in the past period of time, it has been temporarily used as a shelter. The lower five floors are all places where refugees live. The original

The collections have been moved to the upper floors.

Shadow Blade needs to find what the scholar left here, and get it to save his disciple.

There was a calmness in his heart that was almost deathly silent. This was the state that an assassin must have when performing his mission.

Walking on the marble floor with light steps, the thunder outside the window occasionally lit up in the storm stretched his shadow. This noisy external environment is conducive to the actions of assassins and thieves, even if it is at Salivu's level

This assistance is no longer needed.

He quickly found the location of the thing.

It was piled together with some exhibits in a side room. Due to the turmoil in the current situation, these collections were not well protected. Not to mention any safety devices, even the fences were missing. Only the door on the side room was missing.

An old lock as protection.

Of course, this cannot stop an outstanding gold medalist.

He walked inside without making any sound, reached out and opened the display case, and took out the strange, mechanical-style helmet dotted with many small light bulbs.

This thing is called "smart hat" by scholars

It is really difficult to understand what kind of strange thinking young scholars have.

Salifu put it away and was about to leave, but just when he turned around and opened the window and was about to jump from a high place, he suddenly looked back behind him.

A child's cry could be heard outside the side room door.

The cry was quite hesitant, mixed with the cry of "Mom", and it looked like a child had been lost on this stormy night.

Shadow Blade hesitated for a moment. He shouldn't be meddlesome. This museum is considered a very safe place. Even if the child spends a night here, there will be no problem.

He persuaded himself in this way, then closed the window and turned towards the door expressionlessly. As if by magic, when he stepped out of the side room, Saliv had already used the shadow elf's secret method to disguise himself as an ordinary person.

The museum staff, even their costumes, are perfectly disguised.

Disguise is a skill that an assassin must master.

"Kid, why are you here?"

He easily found the little human boy huddled in a dark corner holding his head and crying.

That posture was very similar to the way he looked when he picked up Penny and Bertie in the village of Eternal Rift more than thirty years ago. Perhaps earlier, he should have been like this when he was picked up by Big Brother Truman outside the city.

helpless and timid.

Shadow Blade stepped forward and squatted down, speaking in as gentle a voice as possible:

"Where's your mother?"

"My mother is gone, woohoo, I want to find her here."

The crying little boy raised his head and looked at the expressionless but gentle uncle in front of him. He blinked and said:

"Uncle, why haven't you gotten off work yet?"

"I was about to get off work, but then I heard your crying. What a pitiful little person."

Saliv sighed playfully, stretched out his hand and said to the child:

"Come with me, I'll take you back to the lower level. This is not the place you should be. Halflings have piled many dangerous collectibles here. Although it is unlikely that something will go wrong, it's better to be careful."

"Oh, okay, I can't find my way back."

The little boy held Saliv's hand and followed him to the lower stairs. Amidst the noisy noise outside the window, the child said timidly:

"It's so dark outside! It's like walking at night without seeing any lights. I don't know where to go. It seems like everywhere I go is wrong. Without my mother's guidance, I will definitely get lost in this darkness.


I can only go back to where I was before.

I always wanted to be as brave as my former friend, but I couldn't. I tried hard to imitate him but I could never be him.

I can only cry.

Am I weak? Uncle? Why didn’t you speak? "

"Because I feel there is something in your words."

Saliv's tone became colder.

He shook off the boy's cold hand, took a step back, and as his fingers danced, a dark shadow elf blade jumped into his hand. He looked at the child in front of him who stared at him with doubtful eyes, and said:

"Are you accurately mocking my current situation? Who are you?"

"I am you."

The little boy whispered in a fearful voice:

"Don't you see? I'm lost. After losing the guidance of my mother and friends, I don't know where to go. Being trapped in this cold world is like a kite with broken strings. I can't even help

Pretending to be strong can only cover up my cowardice with crying

Every midnight, I dream about holding my friend with blood-stained hands.

I swore to follow him, but I killed him instead

Am I not brave enough?



The black blade in Salifu's hand stabbed the strange boy in front of him with a cold scolding.

The moment the sharp blade touched him, the slave owner felt a pain in his heart. When the boy's frightened eyes turned into light and disappeared, he lowered his head and saw that his heart was also overflowing with blood, as if that sword spanned the world.

Stabbed his past self.

"Alas, Salifu Shadowblade"

A hoarse female figure rang out from the increasingly unsettling darkness all around. As Shadow Blade watched, a woman with six arms quietly appeared in the darkness.

She looked at the shadow elf in front of her with pity and said:

"Scarred soul, with a sharp blade in your hand, don't you even have the courage to face yourself?"


Salifo looked at the projection in front of him with an expression of astonishment, and he lost his voice and said:

"Spider Lady"

"Call me Rose."

The projection whispered:

"When I arrived at Port Chardeau, I thought I would gain strength here, but it turns out that fate always favors me. Even in the restless night, I can still meet a lost traveler.

My child, you have gone too far.

It’s time to turn back.”

"Then did I go the wrong way?"

Sarifu regained his composure after a brief moment of shock. He put away the black blade in his hand and asked:

"You created the Shadow Elf. I have always had a question. Do you think we are on the wrong track now? A man once told me that men are not born to be slaves to women. To be honest, I don't really believe it.

After all, you know, I was abandoned as a child simply because I was a boy.”

"So after Truman died, you decided to turn his accusation against the Shadow Elf into your ideal?"

Ms. Rose asked softly:

"Is this why you destroyed Mejwa City?"

"No, I destroyed it just because I hated it there! I hated everything about that city, just like I hated myself."

Salifu backed away, trying to leave the illusion spun by the Spider Lady.

He said:

"I am not the person who can bring about change. The man who can change the society of shadow elves has been killed by me. I am just a poor imitator, clumsily trying to pass on his ideas. However, the residual poison you left behind

Too deep, the current shadow elves have no way to turn back. Only by destroying the wrong old system can they build a new future on the ruins.

This is my answer to you.

When dusk comes, the Shadow Elves will be the first civilization to be burned out!

I will finish it with my own hands!

Only in this way can I face the past with a clear conscience when I die. I destroyed a hope, so I will bring a new one."

"Do you know what it means to say this before your God?"

Rose said:

"Perhaps I should get rid of you here. I have enough reasons to get rid of you. However, Sariv Shadowblade, the betrayer, I have been paying attention to you longer than you think. Although I have suspended my thoughts on your fate,

The weaving of the web, but I still look forward to seeing what kind of scene your wrong-headed thread will weave in the end.

It must be glorious, dazzling, and surprising. However, your fate is destined.

you will die!

Shadow Blade, you will eventually fall in a pool of your own blood.

Just like Truman who died in your arms, you will eventually realize the responsibility you bear in this destiny.

You will eventually know that you cannot get a correct result by using the wrong method, but hope has been conceived and it will bear fruit in the next era.

Go ahead.

Only after walking this painful sharp path barefoot will I allow you to rest at night.

but tonight

Don’t add unnecessary complications.”


The world in front of Sarifu Shadowblade and around him was turned upside down at this moment.

In his final confusion, he vaguely saw an incomplete net. When he came to his senses, he still kept pushing open the window. Outside the window, there was still wind and rain, lightning and thunder.


He laughed twice, shook his head, opened the window and jumped down, then disappeared into the uneasy darkness.

He didn't have much time to think about the prophecy about fate left by Ms. Spider.

His disciples are still waiting for him to save them.

Just like when Truman saved him.


"Right ahead?"

In the underground world of Port Chardeau, Murphy, who had already crossed the criss-crossing sewers and started to move further down, reached out and pulled out the sentinel's combat lightsaber. He looked at the mechanical beasts appearing in the darkness in front of him, and looked at him.

Master Minx next to him said:

"After killing these guys, can we get closer to the place of creation?"

"Well, it's right in front."

Minx threw out the mechanical squirrel in his hand and let it rattle when it landed. In a rather strange and unscientific way, it transformed into a halfling-sized man with hands and legs in the eruption of white steam plumes.

Strange mechanical warriors that are all shaped like sharp blades.

That thing seemed to be sophisticated, and its deformed posture was just like the Bakugan Kid that Murphy played with when he was a child. This scene made the vampire blink. If he remembered correctly, there were similar ones beside Old Flywheel and Little Bach.

Mechanical pets, that is to say, they are also guarded by similar mechanical warriors?

Hmm, is this how the Mechanical Master fights?

It looks so cool.

Minx didn't notice Murphy's dancing eyes. He stared at the blocked front and said:

"This place is different from before. Maybe something has been activated. We have to speed up, Mr. Murphy. When will the supporters you invited arrive?"

"They're already here."

Murphy activated his lightsaber, stepped forward, and said:

"The Scepter of God is also in place, but honestly, you'd better pray that things don't develop tonight to the point where you need to use that thing."


I won’t say I wish you all a happy Qingming Festival. I’m afraid of being beaten. Anyway, our ancestors will protect us!


This chapter has been completed!
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