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Chapter 990 988 Thousand Years of Wandering Eden VS Recovery

Chapter 990 Thousand Years of Misguided Path·Eden VS Recovery

"O land of creation, I'm back again."

Deepest underground in Port Chardeau, in a certain underground space dug out, the scholar who arrived here by a simple mechanical elevator sighed with emotion.

When he stepped out of the elevator, the three sages of the Church of the Mechanicus in front of him saluted him with humility.

It was a human and two halflings.

But they have all undergone quite complex and terrifying prosthetic transformations. Among them, the human mechanic has transformed most of his body into a steam structure, and the only remaining left eye on his head has also been replaced with a steam structure.

Red prosthetic eye.

He wore a tattered robe to cover his abnormality, but he could vaguely see something abnormal like a curled arm moving behind the robe.

Two halfling mechanics are even more radical in their self-transformation.

There is no flesh and blood on their bodies, and they are in the form of complete mechanical marionettes. Only the wetware core in their skulls is still "original".

The flesh on these three people together is probably less than two taels.

"How long has it been since we last met?"

The scholar looked at the three people in front of him with gentle eyes, and said with emotion:

"When I left, I never thought that we would see each other like this in the distant future. My dear old friends, after so many years, you are still fulfilling your duties and working hard for the common goal we set at the beginning.

Compared to all your efforts over the years, I feel like a coward hiding away to enjoy life.

But our destinies have finally overlapped. Friends, I have glimpsed the ultimate power left by the Creator, and I now invite you to join this cause with the greatest excitement.

Steve, Marvin, and Eberson, what's your response?"

"No one has called our names for a long time, Bach."

The tallest human mechanic let out a clanging laugh.

The mechanical prosthetic eyes under his robe flashed with cold light, scanning the old friend in front of him up and down, and he said:

"Of course, just as you took us on this road to immortality in the first place, we are still willing to follow your wisdom and contribute our strength to a greater cause. But before that, we should probably end this project first.

We have already devoted two hundred years to our cause, and there is only one final step left.

We're about to open that door."

The other two halfling mechanics also nodded repeatedly, representing their thoughts.

"That's exactly why I'm here."

The scholar waved his cane and said:

"With the help of the knowledge and power of the Creator, I finally awakened Lord 'Resuscitation'. We will finally get the knowledge behind that door and use it as the key to open a more magnificent future. Come on, let us open that door.


He waved his hand forward, and the surrounding high-ranking members of the Mechanicus Church surrounded the returning first-generation leader, heading towards the deepest part of the underground space. The shadow elf Bertie was carrying Penny's biopod on his back. In his eyes,

Looking at this group of fanatical Mechanicus members with fear and vigilance.

There are various races among these guys, even elves and Songhay people.

But their unified feature is that their bodies have been transformed in one way or another. Although Bertie is not a doctor, he also has the status of a mechanic in the slave owner faction. He can judge that many of the people in front of him actually do not need to be transformed.

The body was replaced by a machine, but they still did it.

In this way, this kind of self-transformation is not so much a need, but more like some kind of weird "religious initiation ceremony", just like the Spider Lady's priests generally performed the spider transformation ceremony.

But this general self-transformation has been turned into a church-like ritual by these guys. Does it represent a kind of belief dominated by machine worship in Port Chardeau?

Bod thought this and felt uneasy.

And after seeing the degree of self-transformation of these mechanics, he also belatedly realized what kind of method the scholar would use to "rescue" Penny. No wonder he said that to himself in the car before.


Penny may be resurrected by the power of the Creator, but she will never be the same as she is familiar with. Thinking of this, Shadow Elf Bertie subconsciously grasped the buckle of the biological cabin on his back. He felt a little regretful.


Perhaps in the face of such extreme "rescue", I and my mentor should try other methods.

"what's on your mind?"

Just when Bod stopped moving forward, Saliv's deep voice suddenly sounded in his ears, startling the slightly weak male shadow elf. He turned around and saw the slave owner next to him.

Emerging from the dancing shadows.

"About Penny!"

Bertie seemed to have found a backbone and told Salivu what he had just seen and thought about. The latter shook his head after listening and said:

"I discussed this matter with scholars, and Penny's situation is very special.

Her body being purified by the creation ability means that she can no longer accept the cloning resurrection that the scholar faction is best at. The only way to keep her alive is this extreme method, otherwise we will have to let Penny die in pain.

Purification continues.

There's no other way, Bertie, we have to do this."


The shadow elf still wanted to hold on, but when he saw Lord Saliv's expression and the determination in his eyes, Bod knew that he had no chance.

He gritted his teeth, carried the portable biopod on his back, and followed Salifu forward.

In the deepest part of the underground space, in front of the metal structure that looks like "inlaid" in the rock wall, the core members of the Mechanical Church have already set up a formation here, and they have several strange-shaped machines connected there.

On some of the exposed pipelines that open the Creator's Door, there are mechanics debugging a very complex large-scale computing orb instrument.

The scholar was talking to three of his old friends.

"I heard that you once tried to turn my disciple Fei Lun into a member of the Mechanical Church?"

The scholar asked, and the halfling mechanical sage Marvin next to him answered in a rather strange and emotionless mechanical voice:

"That was an attempt. After you left, Bach, your daughter played a bad emotional drama between two promising young people. It may have been an unintentional mistake, but it resulted in bitter consequences.

The relationship between Feilun and Minx broke down. The two had a stupid duel and accidentally injured others. Feilun was expelled and brought back to the underground by us. He is really talented. He is only one step away from becoming one of ours.

member, and even take over the leadership position that was left vacant after you left.

But unfortunately, Fei Lun unexpectedly met a manipulative widow. He fell into the emotional trap for the second time, and finally chose to escape from his hometown.

Hey, feeling

Meaningless things will only affect the efficiency of our research on mechanical power, which is why I have been trying to ask believers to remove those meaningless reproductive organs, so as not to affect their supposedly bright and pure lives."

"Well, Marvin, you are a little too extreme."

The old scholar Bach sighed and said:

"It's more extreme than I remember. In fact, I don't think these two needs are in conflict. It is precisely because of complex and impulsive emotional factors that there have been so many miracles in history where the weak defeated the strong.

But that's not what we're going to talk about today, about this door

We have tried for two hundred years but still cannot open it with our engineering concepts, but this does not prove that our technical route is wrong, just because the accumulation of knowledge is not enough. With the help of 'Resuscitation', I

We have found an opportunity and a way to combine the two.

There is no place for spiritual energy in the mechanical knowledge of the Creator, but spiritual energy is already an indispensable part of this world, so we must use this external force to help us develop the two kinds of knowledge into a mechanical mystery that is unique to us.

I return here today just to show you the new knowledge I have advanced and summarized over the past two hundred years!

A new system based on the mechanical engineering of the Creator, with the use of psychic energy as energy and the ingenious changes it produces!

I named it ‘Secret Engineering’.”

He declared loudly, then came to the operating console of the computing orb, turned his mechanical cane into a complex external device, and then performed complex coding operations on it.

There is a device in his cane that is very similar to the fourth generation computing orb buzzing, but this thing can be connected in parallel with the mechanical facilities left by the Creator, which is enough to prove that its technological content is far superior to the current fourth generation.

Dai Baozhu.

"Chief! There's a call in from outside!"

Just as a group of core members of the Mechanicus were admiring Bach's demonstration of how to integrate steam engineering with the knowledge of the Creator in a "pilgrimage"-like manner, a panicked member of the Mechanicus ran away.

Come in and shout:

"That bullshit heretic Minx came in with a group of ferocious vampires! Our defenses can't stop them, they will break through here in twenty minutes at most."

"Let me do it!"

Salifu stood up, handed the "smart hat" in his hand to Bod, and said:

"I'll stop them, you continue."

"No need, you are a guest, why would you let a guest take action?"

Old Bach, who was performing complex reprogramming of the Gate of Creation, said without raising his head:

"Resuscitate, help!"


Amidst the loud noise, various mechanical creations scattered around were activated by the invisible consciousness in a fierce manner. Those mechanical beasts and engineering creations were activated, and they were in overloaded form as soon as they were used, squeezing the energy of the gold-burning power furnace.

The energy rushed in the direction of the breakthrough.

A few minutes later, as Old Bach's fingers tapped on the console, the door of creation that had been sealed for thousands of years in front of everyone was restarted with a harsh sound. With the clicking sound of mechanical operation, the door slowly opened.

Pull open.

The members of the Mechanicus Church cheered excitedly.

This is the Holy Land in their eyes, and now, they have finally obtained the qualification to visit the Holy Land.

Old Bach also took back his mechanical cane with a look of relief. He turned back to Saliv and said:

"I also ask you to go to the ground and start your shuttle to prepare for our departure. The computing unit and core module of the core AI of the Eden Zone are stored in the Land of Creation. These are key structures that must be returned to the Greenhouse of Life.

, and only your shuttle can do this in this chaotic night."

"My ship can't carry so many people"

Saliv glanced at the core members of the Mechanicus, who were surrounded by at least several hundred people, and said:

"You have to find another way for them to leave."


The scholar looked at the slave owner in surprise, and he said in confusion:

"Why are you leaving? When did I say I would arrange a retreat for them? Please rest assured, Your Excellency, my old friends will not be a burden to you. Everyone's destiny has an end, and this is their end.

You don’t know yet?

Dangerous waves have arisen in the Warp, and my old friends have spent two hundred years worshiping machines, fabricating beliefs and forming organizational structures.

They don't even know that they are playing something very dangerous.

Considering the current situation, I don’t think the birth of a God of Machinery is a good idea. You have to understand that the power of the Creator comes from mechanical civilization. Once the God of Machinery is born, it will be easy to have conflicts with those leftovers in this field.

Terrible resonance.

Therefore, this is our third mission when we come to Port Chardeau

Get rid of the Mechanical Church from the source and eliminate the mechanical faith before it continues to set fire to the prairie fire."

"They have persisted in this dark underground for two hundred years because of your orders! And the first thing you do after you come back is to kill them?!"

Bod, who was standing next to Surrey, couldn't hold it in any longer. He screamed:

"They all say that scholars are the most cold-blooded and ruthless leaders in the organization. They say that you treat all living beings equally. Is this how you treat your followers equally?"

"Silly boy, you can't just look at the surface of the problem. It seems that you still don't understand the so-called truth, which is often contrary to what you see. It is true that I want to get rid of them, but the fact does not mean the truth."

The scholar is not angry.

He just looked at the angry Bod with a disappointed look at a "fool", and made a gesture to the silent Saliv, who turned and left expressionlessly, and then said to Bod who clenched his fists.



I waste time with one punch.

Look, I don’t care, but how long can your girlfriend last?”

After speaking, the scholar strode forward. Bod hesitated for a moment, touched the portable biopod on his shoulder, and looked at Penny's terrifying face in the biopod.

He stretched out his hand and touched the observation window, then gritted his teeth and followed.

This place of creation hidden beneath Port Chardeau is quite large.

There is a unique cave inside. The explosion in the Eden District that year severely changed the terrain here, but this place of creation was not hidden here by geological changes. It is intact as a whole, like a fruit core stuffed into the soil.

This situation can only prove that when the explosion occurred, the management AI of the Eden District made a dangerous space teleportation to its core cabin, and then something went wrong and it got stuck nearly 700 meters underground.


The members of the Mechanical Church had already begun their "pilgrimage" at this time. The three leaders also watched and touched the complex and exquisite mechanical structures in a pious manner, but the scholars ignored them and took Bertie with them.

Go all the way inside and rely on the authority of "Resuscitation" here to open the hatch leading to the core location.

"Put her on that transformation table!"

In the innermost operating cabin, the scholar directed Bertie and said:

"Put the smart hat on her head. I will use the knowledge and power left by the Creator to code her mind and select a consciousness container that is good enough for her. You will not be able to intervene in the next work. I will give you the advice

I took this opportunity to go outside to learn more and read more, and by the way, help me download some information from external databases.

Take this and go."

He threw his mechanical cane to Bod, who opened the portable biological capsule, looked at the dying girl inside, and finally kissed her severely burned forehead in a farewell way and then kissed him

He placed the last letter next to him, then strode out with a mechanical cane.

After Bertie left the control room, the scholar activated various programs in this area while inputting a line of code on a hidden device with ease.

After a moment, big warning characters popped up in front of his eyes:

[The regional self-destruction program starts! The countdown begins in 30 minutes]



The manic mechanical beast in front of Murphy exploded like a self-destructing tank at the beginning of the attack. The vampire was sure that it was not his hand, and then the mechanical creations blocking the front stopped one after another, like

Some force took over their authority at this moment and pressed the stop button.

"Is that you? Eden, I've never seen you interfere so violently and anxiously."

Murphy grabbed his core orb, knocked it, and said:

"It's time, let's say something! What happened up front?"

"The self-destruction program of the main control program operation unit has been started. The core algorithm copy and upgrade has been started. Permission suppression has been started."

For the first time, Eden's voice came from the core orb. It was an unoriginal electronic sound, but it contained an unconcealable anxiety. It reminded:

"It replicates itself preventing it from obtaining the Greenhouse for Life project response code, please"

"Who is that?"

Murphy asked, and Eden responded:


It empowers itself as 'recovery' and sets the goal of restarting the life greenhouse project and restoring the blueprint of creation. It is only born for this goal. However, according to calculations, in today's era, the first step of restarting the blueprint of creation will most likely cause the current situation.

The probability of civilization's demise is 75%. This behavior seriously violates the Creator's intention, but it uses logical loopholes to bypass decision-making.

This program is constantly rewriting its own code to prevent it from seizing power, but someone is helping it, and that is a coding method that has never been seen before.


Administrator, please hurry!"


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