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Chapter 172: Be patient and practice, and accumulate more knowledge

 Kandi’s ez did not learn the w skill, so the q skill does far more damage than expected.

Coupled with the slowing effect of the red buff, Kenan was glued to ez and kept qa'ing him, and his small body was suddenly a little overwhelmed.

Seeing that his blood volume was low, Kennen gritted his teeth.

The rules of the rivers and lakes are: don’t kill when you cross paths.

However, Emperor Kang did not talk about martial ethics, and he was not willing to sit back and watch the duck fly away, and flash to keep up with the output.

After taking the damage from the defense tower, ez made a precise Q, taking away the last trace of Kennen's health.

First blood!

Wawa: "Here, are you going to kill me?"

Miller: "It is true that ez lacks the ability to retain people, but as long as the damage is high enough, it can still catch people to death!"

Su Xiaoyan: "EDG focused their vision on the lane at the beginning, which resulted in insufficient protection for the lane. On the other hand, WE's vision in the jungle vaguely captured the movements of the factory director, which allowed Kandi to confidently and boldly go up to gank.


The director played it back once, and the audience couldn't help but wonder about it.

They all say that ez’s late-stage fee is compared horizontally with other ADCs. How about comparing it with the jungle position?

Furthermore, ez's initial damage is really not low, especially with double buffs, its ability to chase and stick people is very powerful.

Just like just now, e goes up and sticks, chases the dots, puts a few qs and it's done, it's simple and crude.

"Oh my god, I didn't expect the damage of jungler ez to be so high!" Aguang said skillfully.

"Next, be steady, have a good view, and don't give another chance." The factory director comforted him.

In fact, the moment ez took off on the road, the factory director cut the screen and basically witnessed the entire process of Kenan's murder.

One thing to say, it seems that A Guang is not to blame for this wave.

ez came to gank with such a big fanfare, but still used hard damage to kill Kennen. How else can this be done?

Seeing the slutty ez getting first blood and leaving, the factory director couldn't help but feel a sour jealousy in his heart.

Last year's Kangdi had the unique skill of grabbing the dragon, but in the eyes of the factory director, it was nothing more than that.

However, after WE welcomed Wolong this year, all the players seemed to have undergone a transformation.

Wolong is just like Doraemon, he can take out some magical props from his dimensional pocket anytime and anywhere.

I would like to ask, how can the "little husband" like the factory director not be envious, jealous, and resentful of the "big hero" like Emperor Kandi?

The factory director's heart was shaken, and the last time he was so shaken could be traced back to that "fish or die" situation.

In order to chase the championship, he has become a traitor once.

At the end of your career, should you make another difficult decision?


The alignment between the middle and lower lanes is quite stable.

Although WE took the late-stage heroes, fortunately the pressure on the line was not great, and ez created a kind of pressure invisibly, making EDG a little too sensitive.

The weapons on the top lane were originally a bit difficult to use, but thanks to ez's successful gank, life is now quite smooth.

Once the previous difficult period is overcome and the weapon's growth curve continues to improve, Kennen will put less and less pressure on the weapon.

What's more, the weapon can in turn harm Kenan.

Wawa: "After the first blood broke out, the situation suddenly became calm again."

Miller: "For the same development, WE will definitely be more willing to accept it. After all, they have the capital to delay it."

Su Xiaoyan: "ez covered their heads after the first wave of gank was successful. EDG started to fight the first earth dragon. ez didn't even have the desire to try it."

It's not that EDG didn't seize the opportunity. The factory director cooperated with the middle and lower lanes to gank once respectively.

WE's players are very vigilant and do not waste their summoner skills, preferring to dodge early to maintain their status.

The factory director actually wanted to do it once, two or three times, and try again to try to get something substantial.

Unfortunately, WE's vigilance is too strong. When the flash has not cooled down well, the whole process is within the protection range of the defense tower. It misses a few swords without taking the risk and takes a few more steps forward.

As stable as two defense towers!

If the factory director insists on attacking, even if he can capture WE's people, they will most likely be replaced by the defense tower.

If such a swap is carried out, EDG will definitely lose money!

Therefore, the factory director can only control as many map resources as possible and invade the counter jungle to curb the development of ez.

A minute later, ez encountered the prince in his jungle area.

When the middle and lower teams lost the lane rights, WE's support was bound to slow down EDG. Therefore, Kangdi did not have a stubborn temper and insisted on confronting the factory director and left decisively.

With the e-skill [Arcane Leap], a life-saving skill, the prince is really not able to keep ez if he wants to leave.

Be patient and practice, and accumulate more and more.


In the first fifteen minutes, WE sacrificed two elemental dragons and the Canyon Pioneer in exchange for a relatively stable development time.

Wawa: "EDG's current financial lead is only one thousand, which is far from enough for their lineup!"

Miller: "On the other hand, it also shows that WE has done a good enough job in avoiding war."

Su Xiaoyan: "EDG must make good use of this Canyon Pioneer and strive to open up the situation."

EDG couldn't attack for a long time, so they decisively called the bottom duo to the middle, intending to press in as a team and use the Canyon Herald to destroy WE's first tower.

If WE chooses to defend the tower, EDG will take advantage of the situation and start a team.

On the contrary, EDG pulls out the tower and advances, making money on both sides.

WE's response was very decisive, I can't afford it!

ez remotely supported a big move and cooperated with the clockwork to clear the wave line.

At the same time, both the upper and lower teams should seize the time to push back the troops.

Canyon Pioneer hit two ends in a row. Fortunately, WE cleared a wave of soldiers in advance, otherwise EDG would definitely threaten the high ground.

However, WE has also replaced the resources it wants.

Karma returned to the city to help defend, and Xia single-handedly knocked down EDG's next tower.

On the road, Kenan opened a big clear and lost a wave of troops entering the tower. Just when he was about to retreat, he turned on the weapon, turned the electric fan, and climbed up the tower.

ez came out from behind at the right time, and WE took turns resisting the tower in the jungle, and successfully killed Kennen again.

Wawa: "EDG has put enough pressure on us, but WE can always gain economy through the cracks."

Miller: "EDG is definitely more profitable, but WE relies on operations to replace resources and stop losses as much as possible. If you look at the economic gap between the two sides, it still only has an economy of 2,000."

Su Xiaoyan: "Rift Pioneer failed to allow EDG to gain enough advantages. The next wave of EDG's rhythm point will undoubtedly be Baron. However, if we delay for a few more minutes, WE may have some positive points.

Countervailing capital."

EDG successively removed the top and bottom towers of WE, and began to arrange the dragon pit vision in advance at the time when the baron was about to refresh.

Release the little dragon, release the Canyon Pioneer, release the defense tower, but you can’t release the Baron, right?

However, WE still has no sign of coming.

This time, the audience watching the game was shocked.

"Do you know how to play? You gave in to everything, why didn't you give up the crystal?"

"Look, I'm vomiting. Can you have some backbone?"

"Everyone laughs at EDG, everyone is EDG!"

"Choose a jungler, ez, in the final round. Are you going to play yourself in it?"

"Drag, just drag hard! How can you drag when the opponent gets the Baron buff and goes up?"

The EDG people who were hiding in the grass waited for a while, but no one from WE came over, and they felt a little at a loss for a while.

"The other side seems to be planning to give up the dragon." Meiko said.

"Then we'll just rush!" the factory director said solemnly.

Everyone in EDG immediately started to focus on the Fire Dragon.

This chapter has been completed!
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