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Chapter 173 Good Luck

 Under the light of a blue crystal ball, I caught a glimpse of the EDG people who were playing Baron.

WE divided the weapons and led the bottom lane alone, and the remaining four people collectively pushed forward in the middle, seeming to be planning to give up on Baron.

However, in the next second, ez broke away from the large group and headed towards the dragon pit alone.

ez's movements were naturally clearly visible through the field of vision arranged by EDG.

The factory director couldn't help but feel a burst of pressure. The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, and Kandi's nickname of "Son of the Dragon" were not for nothing, and there were many backdrops for the director's friendly appearance.

Even though the Director frequently invaded Kangdi's wild area in this round, he also spent a lot of development time in order to control the dragon and vanguard, so the prince's level was not ahead of ez.

In other words, if you really want to fight for punishment, the factory director has no advantage at all.

But it would be too cowardly to give up half of the Baron fight. There is a jungler on the opposite side trying his luck. Why not fight to the end?

"Hold the aggro on the bottom lane and don't let the dragon regain its health. Kennen, Syndra and I will deal with ez first!" the factory director commanded.

As long as ez is killed, or crippled and forced to retreat, without giving him a chance to approach the dragon pit for punishment, is it possible that Emperor Kang can still fly over and snatch the dragon?

Kandi moved forward cautiously, then used a big move to blow towards the dragon pit, gaining another view of the dragon pit.

After discovering that EDG sent people out to intercept, Kangdi gave up the idea of ​​passing through the river, and instead took advantage of EDG's jungle area, making a large circle above the stone beetle wall.

The EDG interception locations are located above the dragon pit, below the red buff, and in the river grass.

ez made such a big circle, and most of EDG's interception line was immediately ineffective.

Thanks to the rich experience of the factory director, he had a false eye in the wall and was able to detect the movements of ez.

Kennen immediately activated his e skill, transformed into a bolt of lightning and rushed to the top of the dragon pit.

Through the wall, Kenan summoned a field of thunder, trying to stun ez.

Kandi quickly pressed the e skill, pulled out of the range of Kennen's ultimate move, and moved to the triangular grass above the side of the dragon pit.

There happens to be one EDG real eye left in the triangular grass.

Almost as a conditioned reflex, Kandi subconsciously took two steps diagonally backward.

A military flag brushed dangerously against the corner of ez's clothes, and the prince's burly body crashed straight into the grass.

If Emperor Kang hadn't stopped and taken two steps back, ez would have been challenged by the prince twice.

By then, Varus in the dragon pit will use his ultimate move, and ez will definitely die.

A true eye was inserted into the dragon's pit, and Emperor Kang quickly glanced at the dragon's remaining health.

Around 2000, there is still some distance from the kill line.

The prince's ultimate move was aimed at ez, obviously hoping to force out ez's flash and completely eliminate the risk of being robbed of the dragon.

However, Emperor Kang was quite calm. He was not busy flashing around and allowed himself to be framed by the prince.

While the prince was pulling output in the pit, Emperor Kang's attention suddenly stayed in the dragon pit.

The dragon's health dropped to 1500, and Varus suddenly launched his ultimate move [Corruption Chain] towards ez.

Under the double slowdown of the prince's W skill and Varus's E skill, ez felt like his legs were stuck in a quagmire, unable to move around to avoid Varus' ultimate move.

In desperation, ez surrendered the flash to save his life.

However, Kangdi did not choose to flash to the lower dragon pit, but to the left side of the dragon pit.

The last true eye on his body was inserted into the dragon pit, and the remaining health of the dragon was 1200.

A very sensitive blood line!

The EDG team communicated urgently, and the prince flashed back to the dragon pit, preparing to kill the baron in seconds before ez detoured to the front of the dragon pit.

Kangdi threw a q-shot into the dragon pit, and the dragon's remaining health was 900.

Without warning, a golden arcane light rose from ez's feet, and his body instantly jumped into the dragon pit.

Everyone in EDG didn't expect that ez's e-skill would cool down so quickly.

In the chaos, only a special effect of punishment was seen falling, and the wail of the dragon echoed through the Summoner's Rift.

The next second, Syndra's ultimate move hit ez, killing the flea-like little yellow hair.

The corner of Kangdi's mouth raised a slight arc, fortunately he did not disgrace his life!

Although ez died, he still managed to grab food from under the tiger's mouth.

Emperor Kang, he grabbed the dragon again!

Wawa: "Kandi! Son of the Dragon of LPL!"

Miller: "EDG set up layers of defenses to prevent Kandi from punishing the dragon. However, Kandi still miraculously went to the dragon pit and grabbed the dragon under the eyes of the five EDG people!"

Su Xiaoyan: "Maybe, this is Murphy's law!"


"Nice, Xiang Ergou!"

"Fuck, that's awesome!"

"Mr. Kang, 666!"

"Yes, Emperor Kang is worthy of being the best in my world!"

Everyone in WE who was immersed in pushing down the tower suddenly discovered that there was a purple buff on their bodies. They were also shocked and turned into ruthless calling machines.

What everyone originally thought was that Emperor Kang's harassment in the past could at least slow down EDG's ability to defeat the baron, so that the larger force could gain time to demolish the tower.

But he never expected that Emperor Kang would snatch Dalong away single-handedly!

"Hey, good luck! I haven't seen ez junglers on the opposite side, so I missed the CD of my e skill!" Kandi raised his eyebrows and smiled proudly.

Indeed, there are not many junglers like ez, and EDG suffers from inexperience.

The red jungle knife enchanted warrior, coupled with the three-phase power, CD shoes and the cooldown reduction provided by the blue buff, the cooldown time of ez's full-level E skill is not long.

In addition, ez's q can reduce the skill CD time after hitting it, making ez's e cool down much faster than expected.

Furthermore, Emperor Kang also carefully designed the process of grabbing the dragon, rather than relying purely on luck.

He immediately used e to pull away Kennen's ultimate move, and then held on to his flash to create an illusion, making EDG mistakenly think that if ez's flash was taken away, he would be unable to move.

The result was as seen in the replay footage. ez's E skill cooled down at the critical moment, helping ez jump into the dragon pit and grab this dragon that may become the turning point of the game.


EDG lost the baron, and was pushed back by WE to lose the first tower and the second tower. It was a blood loss that spiraled into the sky.

The economic gap that was still a bit ahead was suddenly wiped out, and WE overtook it by nearly 2,000.

What to do next?

EDG's morale has hit rock bottom, and even the factory director has lost confidence in this game.

The big dragon just now was their best chance.

It's a pity that they didn't seize the opportunity, but instead let WE turn around and sing.

Wawa: "WE used the Baron buff to add another wave of growth, and now the positive dough is completely worthy of EDG."

Miller: "I'm afraid that WE won't even give them a chance to play as a team and will use Jax's single belt to torture EDG to death."

Su Xiaoyan: "Kenan's development is relatively average. He can't defend the weapon alone. Even if he is backed by a defense tower, he is still in danger of being killed by himself. If EDG sends multiple people to grab the weapon, WE will work together as a team."
All in all, now EDG only has one way to go in Huashan, which is to take advantage of the last strong period of the lineup to form a team.

On the other hand, WE has the initiative and has more options to win the game.

This chapter has been completed!
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