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Chapter 434 Classic Re-Engraving

 In the third game, G2 exposed his identity as a devout believer in Wolong.

Do you know what hero Wolong won in his first game as a professional player?

Blood Harbor Ghost, Pike!

G2 classic re-engraved, Wunder suddenly selected top laner Pike.

In the early stages of the game, Pike endured the humiliation and was subjected to military training by IG in the middle and jungle, and his development was seriously lagging behind.

However, Pike moved around spiritually and connected with his ultimate move in the middle to score a double kill, sweeping away the previous decline.

Subsequently, people from both sides made money one after another, and the economy was once very tight.

In the Baron team that determines the winner, IG's team decision is to deal with Pike first, not giving Pike a chance to enter the field to harvest.

As a result, Pike attracted a lot of firepower, giving G2's Sword Girl and Varus room to perform, thereby dominating the battlefield.

G2 won the Baron, and the situation was reversed.

Using the Baron buff to operate, G2 gained nearly 4,000 yuan in economy, and almost every point received equipment updates.

In the final Dragon Soul Group, IG had a fatal disagreement.

The jungler wants to grab the dragon, the top laner wants to start a team, and the formation is directly out of touch.

Pike started slashing, and G2 struggled to regain the victory.

Perhaps a dominant game was overturned, and IG's mentality fluctuated slightly.

Not long after the start of the fourth game, IG's top and jungle doubles flashed to catch Dao Girl on the road, but she was manipulated by Dao Girl.

Dao Mei fought one against two and killed King Ning's green steel shadow, and then escaped to the limit.

A few minutes later, IG was eager to capture again, but Ah P's golden body delayed the support time.

Dao Mei entered the field and cooperated with the small cannon coming from the bottom lane to complete the harvest.

After gaining the advantage, G2 stabilized its operations and continued to squeeze IG's activity space.

When the vision was lost, King Ning, who was obsessed with the dragon, was squatted in the wild area. G2 drove straight in and wiped out all the IG people who came to support.

In a desperate situation, G2 chased two games in a row, and was only one step away from letting the second team chase the third!

The pressure is back on IG again.

The audience in the live broadcast room broke through their defenses one after another, and couldn't help but spit out the fragrance in anger.

"Damn it, I'm going to vomit my labor, it's a crime to fight in the jungle!"

"V5 is really IG's designated biological father. G2 pirated something from V5, but ended up sitting on IG's head and shitting and peeing."

"Be steady, why are you playing in such a hurry?"

"There is no one in this team who is smart at critical moments. When it is time to sell, they show loyalty to their brothers. In the end, Calabash Boy saves grandpa."

"Give Xiaobao a Luo, why don't you get Broons?"

"The coach suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, and all the players lost their minds. If G2 were to beat them two to three, then IG would really have set a new record."

"No more watching, no more watching, I still want to live a few more years."


The two sides fought to the fifth game of life and death.

On IG's side, Rookie's enchantress forgot to buy equipment when she went out. The key is that no one among the other four people on IG noticed this.

Fortunately, Rookie has excellent laning skills, and after seizing the lane rights, he took the opportunity to return to the city to replenish his equipment.

King Ning did not shrink from the failure of the gank in the previous game, and took the initiative again to help the demon queen get first blood.

Soon, good news came from the bottom lane. Sapphire's Bullhead squatted to the opposite side of Braum, and Ah Shui's Xia kept up with the output and took the kill.

The game has entered the middle stage, and IG has gradually regained its touch, and the more it plays, the more confident it becomes.

On the contrary, G2 lacked the boldness of being barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes in the first two games. They played very coquettishly and only wanted to delay the later stages.

At the beginning of thirty minutes, IG took the initiative to start a team in the middle.

Ah Shui gambled on the flash of his career and killed four in a wave, completely killing the game.

IG refused to let two chase three, defeated G2 without any danger, and advanced to the semi-finals.

"Imperial doctor, please take the quick-acting Jiuxin Pill!"

"When I saw that Broiler forgot to buy equipment, I almost thought this game was going to be bad!"

"Those who criticized King Ning earlier should quickly line up and come over to apologize."

"Ah Shui is so brave, that wave just now was a bit Uzi-like."

"This little treasure is worthless, the sacred cow that protects the country!"

"Well, congratulations to V5 for advancing to the finals ahead of schedule."

"Thank you IG. You have a quarter of the credit for the championship. I hope RNG can also contribute half of the credit tomorrow."

"Although the civil war is a bit of a pity, at least we are guaranteed to enter the finals, so it's not bad!"

"I got so excited that I actually started to imagine the LPL civil war in the finals, with Incheon missing Han."

"A pure stranger, I originally supported V5, but the summer split introduced two Korean players, which really disgusted me. Now I only support RNG, the real all-Chinese team, waiting for a golden rain."


The next day, the second half of the quarterfinals begins.

What comes up is a classic within a classic, SKT versus RNG.

Judging from the historical record, SKT has an absolute advantage.

In terms of recent status, SKT is also more stable than RNG.

However, RNG may not have no chance of winning.

The performance of Deft and Mata in this world championship can only be said to be okay, and the decline from their peak period is quite obvious.

In contrast to Bang and Wolf, who have rejuvenated after coming to the LPL, SKT's replacement of the bottom lane duo this year is a weakening to some extent.

However, KKoma found the instruction manual of Little Peanut, plus a Smeb who is countless Untara better than Huni. This is the key to SKT's recovery.

In other words, beating this SKT team is difficult or easy.

Either break through the bottom lane, bully Mr. Dai and Big Quail, who are too old and weak, and then catch the bottom lane and hammer them hard.

Either they go head-on to the middle and jungle, and they go toe-to-toe with each other. As long as SKT goes to the middle and jungle and there is no sound, SKT will lose the game very quickly.

In the first round of BO5, RNG chose the first idea.

Use RNG's strongest bottom lane as a key point to break through SKT's bully bottom lane.

It's a pity that RNG's strategic intention was too obvious, and kkoma calculated it in reverse, completely leading it into a ditch.

SKT gave Deft a Victor, and then paired Mata with a safe Tahm.

This makes RNG's bottom lane lock of small cannons and bull heads quite embarrassing.

It was originally intended to be a quick push to suppress, but with Victor's laser sweep, the efficiency of clearing troops was not much worse.

The key point is that it is not easy for Niutou to drive Viktor. Viktor has the W skill to block the road, and Tahm Kench is escorting him. Once he is flawed, he will be easily counterattacked.

The most essential part of SKT's game was the card chosen by Faker in the middle.

The card version is weak, and it is difficult to gain lane rights in the lane, let alone roaming support.

However, that is usually the case.

RNG gave Xiaohu another Sion this time, and the threat the card can bring to the line is quite limited.

Wherever the cards in the middle stop, the invisible deterrent to the sidelines cannot be ignored.

The reason why RNG failed to gain enough advantage in the bottom lane was due to Victor's fast lane clearing speed, and also due to the fear of card support.

In addition, this card selection card can also effectively target the Nightmare of Incense Pot.

Based on the above, the card that originally did not fit the version has become a bit of a coup.

Push the bottom lane to resist the pressure, as long as you don't get overturned.

As the starting point of rhythm, the middle lane is responsible for roaming support and containment, and is equivalent to Galio's substitute.

Then Ueno got the powerful combination of Sword Girl and Olaf, and the purpose is self-evident.

After SKT had an insight into RNG's tactical intentions, they immediately changed their minds and proactively changed their thinking, which shows that they were well prepared before the game.

This chapter has been completed!
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