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Chapter 435: Tear down and rebuild?

 To be fair, as a professional player, Faker is indeed impeccable.

In order to win the game, he will try to change his playing style, and even be willing to be a tool man.

In this game, Faker's card is to support roaming and provide team play with point control at the beginning of the group.

Cards like push sticks and artillery are almost overdrawn in the later stage, and all bets are placed on tool players in the early and mid-term.

Many players who didn't watch the game were shocked. It was weird enough that the cards were pushing sticks, but what the hell was the artillery?

It’s no wonder that players are confused. Rapid-fire artillery is generally the core equipment of crit-style AD.

Because artillery has attack speed, movement speed and critical hit bonuses, many people think that the card's artillery is of little significance.

In fact, the attack speed provided by the artillery allows the card to trigger the e-skill [Card Deception] more frequently. The additional magic damage for every four basic attacks, and the movement speed bonus gives the card a wider space to move.<


With the dual blessing of artillery attack speed and movement speed, the card can perform walking and cutting transition skills smoothly and smoothly, just like sprinting.

However, the essence of the artillery style card lies in the attack that increases the extra attack distance after filling.

The yellow card of the card has many advantages such as fast CD, high damage, and sufficient stun. It can be said to be the most cost-effective single-target point control skill in LOL.

However, in actual combat, cards can easily absorb enemy skills when throwing yellow cards, so they rely heavily on flash or golden body.

But the artillery solves this problem perfectly. After charging, the attack distance is increased, which makes up for the disadvantages of short hands and no displacement of the card.

In this way, cards can be controlled by yellow cards from a very long distance, greatly improving flexibility and mobility.

In addition, the extra magic damage of the artillery can be increased by other equipment, and can also be used on defense towers, which invisibly makes up for the card's line ability.

In fact, as early as this year's MSI, a wild card team brought artillery cards into the competition and achieved certain results.

Since this style of play requires team coordination and does not fundamentally solve the problem of card laning, it did not become popular at the time.

Now after several version changes, the artillery has been slightly strengthened, and Faker has secretly practiced it.

In order to obtain lane rights earlier and provide roaming support, Faker introduced the personal understanding of pushing sticks on this basis, which not only compensates for the ability to clear lanes, but also further strengthens the ability to start a team.

In the middle of the game, the cards roamed to support again and again, and yellow cards were thrown out one after another, like a dull knife cutting flesh, dismembering RNG's slightly bulky lineup.

"The little cannon was watched so hard that every time he jumped in, he got a yellow card and couldn't output at all."

"This card is too slippery. I can't open it and I can't open it. I ignore it and get yellow cards from time to time. It's disgusting!"

"One thing to say is that BP was completely destroyed and I chose a fast-pushing small artillery in the bottom lane, but Victor gave me a huge blow. In the mid-term team battle, Victor used W and R, and it was too difficult for the small artillery to harvest."

"If you don't understand, just ask, why does Tahm Kench fly all over the map when I see SKT's cards, but RNG is a nightmare, and Thain either turns off the light to protect his teammates, or uses his ultimate to run away?"

"I poured a lot of resources into the bottom lane, but as a result I had no advantage in the lane, and couldn't do any damage in team battles. How can I play this?"

"With Faker's willingness to be a tool, some giant babies who love to play big will never learn this in their lifetime!"

"Isn't it the China Railway Five? Do you believe it or not, the two teams exchanged the bot lane duo, the dog master can beat the shit out of the pilot!"

"Oh, could it be that Shangzhong held down your master's hands to prevent him from using his double moves? Knowing that the opponent's card control is strong, why didn't you release mercury earlier?"


In the second game of BO5, RNG changed to a more proactive lineup.

Top laner Shen, jungler Xin Zhao, mid laner Lissandra, bottom lane Lucian and Luo.

In this lineup, both the top and middle players can provide support to the bottom lane, and Lucian's strength is also guaranteed.

Moreover, Lissandra's suppression ability in the middle is far greater than that of Thane in the previous game. If Faker continues to take cards, the lane will probably be overwhelmed.

SKT still has the same tactical idea, with Varus and Tahm Kench in the bottom lane, and just play in the mud by yourself.

Akali Ueno, Nakano, wine barrel and sword girl, the intensity is instantly increased.

This game really showed the gap in hard power. RNG was firmly suppressed by SKT in the top half, and had no resources to support the bottom lane.

Lucian was eager to expand his results, and in his anxiety, he gave SKT a chance.

At the beginning of thirty minutes, SKT ended the game after a group wipeout, already holding match point.

After the game, looking at the expressions of everyone in RNG, it is not difficult to find that there is a mental problem.

In the third game, SKT gained a considerable advantage in the early stage.

Just when the audience thought RNG was about to be swept out of the game, Mr. Dai and Big Quail suddenly fell ill and sent two waves in a row.

SKT not only lost the Baron, but also allowed RNG to take the opportunity to accumulate Dragon Souls, and the situation was reversed.

In the end, among the ancient dragon team, the incense pot fell steadily, and RNG defeated SKT's lineup in one fell swoop, and moved back to the first city with difficulty.

Many fans were inspired by this, secretly looking forward to RNG performing a miracle that allowed two to chase three.

Then, in the fourth game, Faker selected Galio, who won five games in a row last year, once again awakening RNG's painful memory.

Uzi hesitated for a while, but in the end he still didn't dare to lock his natal vn, and took Xia, which he had not mastered last year.

Unfortunately, this year's Kasumi is not last year's Kasumi, and this year's SKT is not last year's SKT.

When Mr. Dai's Jhin used his ultimate move, Xiang Guo's Nightmare covered his teammates' retreat, but what they got in return was a bullet that no one could block.

The resurrection armor on Nightmare's body was knocked off, and it was also shattered into pieces, RNG's only hope of starting a team.

After all, RNG failed to overcome the inner nightmare and once again fell in front of SKT.

"Labour and management are really pissed off. It's been a whole year and they still haven't figured out how to beat Galio?"

"I did learn to practice Xia this year, but it's too late!"

"I don't understand how scary SKT is. Jhin uses his ultimate move and runs faster than the other. I feel sorry for Xiang Guo!"

"I'm very curious about how much effective damage this Ryze has done. If you're afraid of death, go out and play meat. You go and play the top lane!"

"The coaching staff is a bunch of imbeciles who were fooled around by kkoma. They only know how to make ends meet."

"I'm tired, I'll watch the game later."

"A friend squatted down to take a photo. After the game, Xiangguo left alone early. It seems that something is really wrong in the team."

"If you ask me to switch teams as soon as possible, in RNG, I have to play around Uzi, which completely obliterates Xiangguo's personal ability."

RNG lost to SKT, and the LPL audience was disappointed, but also a little numb.

Year after year, when will RNG win SKT in BO5?

It is no exaggeration to say that the current RNG team may have reached its limit. The lineup that has been working together for two years still cannot surpass SKT. Maybe tearing down and rebuilding is the way out?

This chapter has been completed!
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