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Chapter 6 Incense Burner Version

 When Lulu took out the equipment of the scorching incense burner, the balance of victory and defeat in this training match was completely tilted.

S7 is a rather deformed version, the most famous of which is the appearance of the Incense Burner Monster.

The low price, smooth synthesis curve, and good attribute effects make the Blazing Incense Burner a very suitable piece of equipment for soft support.

In addition, this piece of equipment also has passive blessings that can be called bugs.

The high attack speed bonus and life recovery effect provided by casting shield and treatment to the target can allow ADC to gain the ability to join the team in advance, and have a more comfortable output environment in team battles, and the fault tolerance rate is greatly improved.

After the Blazing Incense Burner was developed, everything could use the Incense Burner monster for a while. Even the middle lane often had a Censer Monster to act as a dog for the bottom lane. The whole team revolved around a big AD core to fight.

In fact, as early as the 6.22 version update, the Blazing Incense Burner received an epic enhancement.

At that time, professional players only paid attention to the fact that this piece of equipment weakened the shield and healing effect, and the attack speed bonus and additional magic damage attached to the passive effect were also slightly reduced. Therefore, they believed that the reduced price of the incense burner was still not cost-effective, and it was often used in the competition.

More inclined to salvation.

However, they ignored the incense burner's new passive: the magic damage hit will also heal the attacker's health by 20.

What does this mean?

This means that the passive of Runaan's Hurricane can also trigger the life recovery effect. Combined with Guinsoo's Furious Blade, ADC can still steal a lot of life even without a vampire outfit!

The reason why Zhuge Liang is confident that he can compete with the WE lineup with a makeshift team is precisely because he has mastered the bugs in this version.

As long as your teammates don't collapse in lane and your bottom lane develops normally, you can stay ahead of the opponent in the middle of the game and catch them off guard.

"Get ready to gather for a group fight. I can win this wave if you protect me!" With the storm sword, attack speed boots, and Luana's hurricane in hand, Zhuge Liang's rat already has certain harvesting capabilities.

Without personally experiencing the metamorphosis of the Incense Burner version, the five of us obviously could not predict the trend of this wave of team battles.

Putting on the acceleration and shield given by Lulu, Zhuge Liang's rat broke out of stealth and activated his ultimate move decisively. As the ghost beast moved and slashed, the arrows filled with miserable green venom shot down the opponent's five heroes in seconds.

Threaded into a sieve.

This scene is extremely visually shocking. The rat is seen leading the way, with full firepower, and the health of the five people on the opposite side is plummeting.

"Fight back! Kill the mice! Kill the mice!" Xiye controlled the plane to hand over the special express delivery and swooped down to kill the mice.

Zhuge Liang has made it clear that he has a lineup with four guarantees and one. As long as the rats are killed, the next team battle will be easy to handle.

Kandi and others quickly followed up, throwing various skills at the mouse as if they were free.

The five of us tried their best to kill the mouse, while Zhuge Liang's teammates used their own magic to protect ad.

Fan Zi Ma and Shen were given shields at the same time, and the mouse's health tank, which had been mostly empty, suddenly appeared with a thick white shield value.

Purification instantly untied the big tree, Zhuge Liang quickly flashed to distance himself, moved to avoid various non-directional skills, and skillfully interspersed with the ghostly walking slash.

Kandi's Blind Monk finally found the right angle, and used Shen as a springboard to touch his eyes and come to the mouse. Just as he was about to dodge and kick the mouse back, Lulu aimed at the mouse and released her r skill madly.

Wild and long.

The mouse's body grew several times in an instant, and the blind monk who was trying to get on top of him was heavily ejected.

The next second, Zhuge Liang pressed the e skill.

Toxic outbreak!

The blind monk, who was passive and full of death venom, evaporated on the spot, and the screen turned gray along with the crispy Zyra behind.

Seeing that this wave of team battles was about to collapse, the brother-in-law resolutely pressed flash to follow up the output, trying to fight with the plane and the tree to kill the mouse with damage.

As long as the mouse can be replaced, we can at least stop the loss as much as possible without losing the entire dragon tower.

Furthermore, Zhuge Liang's protection skills are already very good, so with the remaining health of the mouse, he can probably kill him!


A few seconds later, a system prompt sounded in Summoner's Rift.


We team was beaten zero for five, and the team was destroyed!

They were completely confused and could not understand how this rat could possess such exaggerated combat power at this stage.

Especially at the end of the team battle, 957's big tree hit Zhuge Liang's mouse, which felt like a scratch.

The mouse's blood volume didn't drop, but it kept beating more and more. It was like a ghost!

"What the hell kind of damage is this? Chen Shengjun, is this version of the mouse so OP?" Xiye clicked on the death panel and was shocked to see the damage data on it.

The brother-in-law said nothing. As a professional AD player, he is the most confused right now.

"I made a mistake just now and didn't kick the mouse back. We'll still have a chance if we play more steadily next time." Kandi put away his contempt and tried to encourage his teammates.

I’m not being slanderous, but Kandi’s professional attitude is certainly problematic, but he is definitely the sharpest arrow in this we2.0!

Judging from the performance of the S7 Spring Split alone, Kandi can almost be said to be the only jungler in the LPL. He definitely contributed the most to the fact that we were able to win the Spring Split.

With a fierce fighting style, a keen sense of smell, both operation and awareness, and a magical skill of grabbing dragons, the title of Son of the Dragon is well deserved.

Judging from Zhuge Liang's prophetic vision, Kandi in the S7 Spring Split already has the flavor of the wild core play style of the future.

Unfortunately, in the summer season, due to version changes, the carnivorous junglers that Kandi is good at such as male spears, spiders, and poodles have been weakened in turn, and have been replaced by more functional map-control junglers such as Pig Girl, Wine Barrel, and Prince.

Not adapting to the version, and having an inflated mentality. During the finals, he went out to buy a chicken worth just 10,000 yuan. How could he not be sanctioned by the cunning and cunning Boss An?

The tactical system of we2.0 is biased towards ensuring the development of the brother-in-law, and winning through teamwork and operations in the later stage, but the early rhythm is heavily dependent on the performance of the midfielder.

Xiye's style is actually more inclined to play lane. Only when he chooses functional heroes will he increase the frequency of lane roaming. This invisibly increases the difficulty and cost of decision-making for Kangdi in the early stage.

Once Kandi loses his rhythm, it will be difficult for us to open up the situation, or we will simply fall into a headwind disadvantage. We can only delay the late stage to fight in a team battle.

Obviously, this is not a healthy strategy that is popular all over the world.

Looking at the dominant historical teams, they often have several mature tactical systems.

When the status of a player who serves as the core of the tactics fluctuates, they can change to another system and replace another player with excellent status as the core to play, thus greatly avoiding risks and mistakes.

This is the foundation of a strong team, and it is also what we lack now.

This chapter has been completed!
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