Chapter 7 When the new king ascends the throne

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 The game was finally set at 32 minutes, ending with Zhuge Liang’s rats killing four in a wave.

The output damage of the rat explosion, combined with the SHIELD system, made the five of us deeply feel despair.

The crystal exploded, and the five people did not recover for a long time.

They lost, they actually lost to a grass-roots team, and they suffered a disastrous defeat!

"Do you know where you lost the game just now?" Zhuge Liang took off the headphones of the five people one by one and asked in a deep voice.

"Cense burner!" Lingdan's expression was quite complicated. As a professional assistant, he didn't realize that this piece of equipment was so outrageous.

At first glance, the game just now was Zhuge Liang’s super-powerful performance of the mouse, and the other four people only had their own skills.

But now that I think about it carefully, the assistance provided by the incense burner is the indispensable behind-the-scenes hero.

"Hey, if you choose to focus on Lulu at the first time, you might still have a few chances!" Kandi scratched his hair and said in annoyance.

"My support was too slow. If I had followed Karma earlier, the mouse would never have grown so comfortably!" Xiye sighed and reflected deeply.

"I didn't play well either. After several TP circles, I didn't choose a good position. Instead, my formation was pulled apart." 957 raised his hand.

After all, they are all top players. They may have been beaten for a while, but after calming down, it is not difficult to detect the root of the problem.

"Perhaps you think that you lost the game just now, and you can definitely win it back if you start another game, but the fact is that you have already lost! In e-sports, the winner and the loser, the uncrowned king, and being honored even if you lose are all excuses!"

Zhuge Liang said solemnly.

73 wins overall runner-up, popping the champagne at halftime, the champion skin choice is vn or Kai'Sa, 18 consecutive wins overall runner-up, a strong man with a strong head, and a dog tag on the high ground...

There are too many cases like this, and there are many cases in the history of the WE team alone. These all confirm the truth: the one who laughs at the end is the real winner!

Master Yi once said that a true master always has the heart of a disciple!

If you make a mistake, you must admit it, and if you are beaten, you must stand at attention!

The most ridiculous thing is not knowing it!

"You have lost enough before, right? Don't you feel unwilling to miss the finals again and again? If you are still a little angry, then join me and let this team keep winning!" Zhuge Liang laid the groundwork for a long time, and finally

He ended his performance with some impassioned words.


"We want to win the championship!"

"Go, go, go!"

"Brothers, come on!"

We, the young brothers, were manipulated and plotted by Zhuge Liang, so they drank the Wolong brand chicken soup in large gulps, and became full of enthusiasm, fighting spirit, and a completely new outlook on life.

Of course, there is the bonus effect of the verbal battle skill pack, but the key lies in Zhuge Liang's chicken soup being boiled well.

Zhuge Liang's words just now spoke to their hearts. They had already lost enough.

We will win all the games we lost in the past next season!


The offseason is about to end, and there are endless transfer news about various teams.

The most important thing is the new season lineup of rng and edg.

rng lost top laner looper and support mata, the pair of champion top assistants, and promoted letme from its second team, and then introduced ming from the ym team, raising the banner of the all-China class.

The public is not very optimistic about this operation. Letme has rarely performed well in the previous games and is regarded by many viewers as a gangster top laner, which is far different from looper, a nearly all-round top laner.

As for the lpl rookie Ming, he is even less well-known. Perhaps the most mentioned ones are YM's repeated scandals and the stories of fishing for pigs in the Huangpu River.

You must know that rng's adc is the eternal drop god and is notoriously picky about his supports. Can this newcomer meet his requirements?

Some stupid fans are so anxious that they are jumping to the point of scolding them. With rng’s crooked lineup in the new season, how can they get the world’s number one adc to target S7?

Coincidentally, Guangda Starch burst into tears and howled.

Edg's eldest father Pawn and Father Deft announced their departure from the team, and were replaced by junior boys Scout and Emperor Zet.

After all, my younger brother is a substitute mid laner in SKT. He has made many outstanding performances as a substitute for Fat General in the past, which makes Starch look forward to the future.

But this zet was previously Rox's substitute mid laner, and now he is suddenly signed to transform into AD, which can be called an act of human confusion.

The club's troublesome moves don't stop there. The team's top laner, Tong Wudi, who shocked the world with his Tathagata Palm, was exposed for raising his price and was hidden by the club. Next season, there is a high probability that he will be good at Big Tree, Maokai and Twisted Dryad.


Finally, the soul of edg had just played 4396 on the S6 finals stage, a famous scene that will be passed down through the ages. The director, who was ridiculed by the entire network, changed his ID to clearlove7 and started over as a "newcomer" substitute jungler.
As the jungler of the team in the new season, the eldest prince Ai Luoli will join the army in place of his father.

Suddenly, the former newcomer Meiko became the anchor that supported EDG in the eyes of fans.

Uh, okay, you can trust Lian Nan for now.

Judging from the paper strength alone, rng and edg have obviously declined in the new season, and seem to have lost their strong dominance in the past few seasons.

In the midst of the storm, the S7 Spring Split may be the time when the new king ascends the throne!


When all the teams are holding their breath, WE Club is the first to announce the new season's roster and withdraw from this lpl transfer period holding their breath contest.

Supervision, head coach: Wolong

Assistant coach:hoon



Mid laner:xiye




There is not much change from last season’s lineup. The only eye-catching thing is the airborne head coach and team supervisor!

Fans were asking everywhere about who this person was, and then they were completely blown away.

"The brain-dead club, who would you like to invite? This Han Xiaozi?"

"Haha, from now on I will turn from pink to black!"

"I survived the last losing streak before. Now I finally see some hope. Why do I have to seek death?"

"Management nmsl, you really need to find a capable coach! Why is this hermaphrodite who only knows how to talk and pick hoon's peaches?"

"Bye bye, as long as this Hanza is here for a day, I will squirt for a day!"

"Keep licking your dick, Daddy. There is no room for a giant Buddha like you in a rubbish league like LPL!"

"Wow, that's amazing! We actually invited the famous Zhuge Wolong to come out. I'm afraid the small team will be able to take off and win the championship next season!"

"More than that, I am a master who can guide the world. He punches rox and kicks skt!"

"Old s2 fans are so angry. It seems Guo Kangliangba is right, 60ecsysm!"

Before the fans finished their comments, a group of passerby players who heard about it announced to join the battlefield.

We Club's post bar and Weibo have been occupied by Zaun players in a trend that is visible to the naked eye. The stench that you can see is somewhat similar to the internal smell of the rice circle.

In response to this, Club WE chose to sit back and let the ridicule go, pretending to be dead and that's it.

This chapter has been completed!
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