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Chapter 194 One is ebbing and the other is ebbing! Collision in advance!

"Next...next Sunday! We...must win a few more games!"

"One...must...come! Brother!"

"Brother... you... don't worry! I always... keep my word!"


"Then I'll... hiccup... and leave first..."

"Go back...be careful! When drinking and driving...don't drive, and when driving, don't...drink in the car!"

"Okay, okay, okay, you two can do it!"

Shen Miaomiao put Gu Sheng's arm on her shoulder and called to the nanny:

"Aunt Song, please take care of my dad. Let's leave first! You've lost your dignity after drinking. If you had known I wouldn't come..."

Shen Miao Miao was very tired.

What a meal!

The banquet started at 12 noon, and the two of them drank until 2:30!

Halfway through the drink, Lao Shen even brought out all the old Maotai he had stored in his cellar.

The names between the two of them also changed from 'Uncle Shen, Xiao Gu' to 'Old Brother, Old Brother'.

Really impressed.

It felt like this trip home was just for the two of them, and I was just the matchmaker.

After pulling and pulling Gu Sheng into the elevator, Shen Miaomiao breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the drunken Gu Sheng, and murmured in a low voice:

"How come this game succubus can even enchant people outside the gaming circle..."


The words have not yet been spoken!

I heard Gu Sheng beside me say: "Because I'm handsome."


Shen Miaomiao was so excited!

Turn around and look!

Facing Gu Sheng's shining eyes, although his eyes were blurred, it could be seen that he was still awake!

"You... didn't drink too much?"

Shen Miaomiao was stunned!

Gu Sheng smiled, took back the arm on Shen Miaomiao's shoulder, and breathed out a breath of alcohol: "The man is 70 percent drunk, and he will act until you cry."

Shen Miaomiao was shocked: "Are you pretending to be drunk?"

"Because I need to pretend to be drunk,"

Gu Sheng said:

"I know your dad needs me to pretend to be drunk, your dad also knows that I'm pretending to be drunk, and I also know that your dad knows that I'm pretending to be drunk, so I have to be drunk."

"I'm going to be drunk," Shen Miaomiao felt dizzy when she heard this: "So are you drunk or not?"

Gu Sheng smiled slightly: "It's like being drunk."

After laughing, he rubbed little Nezha's head: "You are much cuter than your dad."

Lao Gu must be drunk.

Although he was not unconscious, he was emboldened by alcohol and actually made such an intimate gesture.

Shen Miaomiao went to drive with a blushing face, mumbling.

Gu Sheng, on the other hand, staggered out of the elevator door and went outside the garage to light a cigarette.

Shen Wanlin is so awesome.

Although it seems that the chat between the two just now was just a matter of family feud, and they looked like they were bragging and complimenting each other in business.

But during the conversation, Shen Wanlin's few words of advice, especially his opinions on the future diversified development concept of Golden Wind, were every word.


If that's the case, Shen Wanlin can only be regarded as a powerful senior.

What made Gu Sheng feel the most horrified, even horrified, was that Shen Wanlin didn't understand games.

Before he stepped into the Shen family's door, Shen Wanlin's understanding of the game industry was not even as good as Shen Miaomiao's in the early days!

Shen Wanlin has never even tried to defend a carrot!


Just through a few simple introductions by myself and the information revealed between the lines.

He can accurately grasp the key points and provide guidance and suggestions, and every suggestion is taken into consideration!

A person who has never been exposed to a certain industry uses the experience he has accumulated over decades to make analogies. After absorbing and understanding the basic knowledge of this industry in a short period of time, he gives advice to professionals in this industry, and in a sentence The idea is so inspiring!

This is like a player who has been playing Landlords for decades, accidentally came into contact with LOL, and after watching a few videos, he backhanded the first district king!

This is not fucking outrageous anymore!


With this kind of top-notch learning ability and logical analysis ability, coupled with decades of experience accumulation, Lao Shen is simply a self-propelled person!

Even Gu Sheng suspected that he also had a system plug-in!

It seems that I will really run towards Uncle Shen more often in the future.

Even playing two games of chess is a huge improvement for him.

Just thinking about it!

Just listen to the sound of Didi’s horn.

Little Nezha had already driven the car over, and Gu Sheng opened the door and got into the car.

As soon as I put on my seat belt, I heard little Nezha ask: "Hey? Did you just scold me?"

"Ah?" Gu Sheng was confused: "When did I scold you?"

"You said I'm cuter than my dad," Shen Miaomiao frowned and stared at Gu Sheng suspiciously: "Are you saying I'm stupid?"


Gu Sheng waved his hand:

"How could it be possible? It's so unfair for you to say that to me! Fortunately, I just said nice things to you and praised you so loudly in front of your father!"

Oh yes! Yelling too!

Shen Miaomiao felt a little guilty and said sarcastically: "Then...I'm sorry, my villain's heart has judged the heart of a gentleman."


Gu Sheng turned his head towards the window:

"It's too late to apologize. I will file a complaint with your father next week, saying that you are not doing your job in the company, grabbing snacks every day, occupying the conference room to watch movies and binge-watching TV shows. Your crimes are heinous, and employees are complaining!"


Shen Miaomiao hurriedly pulled Gu Sheng's sleeve and shook it left and right:

"Just forgive me~ Please~ Don't remember the villain's fault~ I will bake you a small cake when I go home~"

"Then did I scold you?"


"Aren't you cute then?"


"Then please drive cutely. I'm dizzy and want to go back and take a nap."

"Okay! Beep! The car is moving - huh? Lao Gu, your car doesn't listen to me! It won't go!"

"You didn't put it in gear... didn't you drink? Why did you faint?"

"I'm stunned by how cute I am! Hee hee!"


at the same time.

"Master, please eat some tea fruit."

According to the eldest lady's instructions, the aunt brought the cut fruit plate, made a pot of tea, and added some candied fruits.

"Xiao Song, what do you think of Xiao Gu?"

Aunt Song has been working as a nanny in Shen Wanlin's family for many years.

He is quick and diligent, talks less but is more discerning. He has been working conscientiously over the years.

Shen Wanlin holds a high position and has very few people he trusts.

If Li Heng is his right arm who keeps nothing secret in business and work, then Aunt Song is his most trustworthy right arm in life.

She was one of the few people he trusted. Whether entertaining guests or discussing anything at home, Shen Wanlin never avoided her.

"I think this guy is pretty good,"

Aunt Song is quick at work, but her words are gentle and gentle. She is a gentle person:

"Be polite, capable, and most importantly, win the heart of your employer."

Hear the words.

Shen Wanlin glanced at Aunt Song and smiled:

"How do you know he can win my heart?"

"I'm too talkative,"

Aunt Song smiled and said:

"There are many juniors who have been to our house before, and there are many talented people among them,"

"But you have never been so happy as today, playing chess and drinking,"

"Of course, I'm just talking nonsense...you can have some tea."

Aunt Song never talks too much, she only talks about what she sees, and she usually stops talking.

Shen Wanlin smiled, ate a candied fruit, took another sip of tea, then picked up the phone and dialed a number.

After a while, the call came through: "Hello? Boss?"

"Well," Shen Wanlin responded: "Ahu, please clean up and return the apartment in Binjiang Yaju."

"Oh, okay, I'll make arrangements for the following brothers,"

Ahu replied:

"Then after we...?"

"That's it. It looks like he's only half a year old now. This kid is a measured person,"

Shen Wanlin leaned on the sofa and rubbed his dizzy head:

"In addition, the girls have grown up, and they can handle some things by themselves."

Say it.

Shen Wanlin thought of something again and asked: "Please clean up after you check out. Don't leave anything behind, especially eye-catching things."

"Hey," Ahu agreed, "Don't worry, boss."

"Then, then! What else did Old Shen say?"

The next day!

Golden Wind, in Gu Sheng's office.

Lu Bian and Dajiang were sitting on the sofa opposite each other like primary school students listening to a lecture, their backs straight, as if they were listening attentively.

Two eyes were staring straight at Gu Sheng opposite, their eyes filled with the burning fire of gossip!

"Why are you two more gossipy than the old lady at the entrance of the village?"

Gu Sheng was a little speechless, peeling off the tea egg while whitening the two of them:

"It's just a normal business family dinner, there's not much more to it,"

"Then I played a few games of chess with Comrade Shen, drank tea, chatted about work, and then had a meal, and that was it."

"That's it?"

Lu Bian was noncommittal and skeptical.

"Otherwise?" Gu Sheng shrugged: "What else can there be?"

"It takes two years to hold two,"

The river is still silent, and the words are astonishing:

"You are fully committed to the gaming industry, and Mr. Ou is no longer in charge of the business. Naturally, Shen Capital will have to be passed on to your grandson."

Gu Sheng shivered and stuffed the freshly peeled tea eggs into Da Jiang's mouth: "If you don't speak, no one will think you are mute."

"Hey, I'm so hungry, I'm so good... (But, I don't talk much anymore...)"

Dajiang blinked his eyes, looking a little innocent.

"Hey, let's be practical,"

Lu Bian asked:

"You two have always been flirting with each other like this. You have been living together for half a year. When are you going to officially... huh?"

Raising his eyebrows at Gu Sheng, Lu Bian made an expression that you understand.

"This...is there a suitable opportunity..."

Despite Gu Sheng's usual calm and calm manner, in this matter, he is really a bit of an ostrich:

"What will happen will happen...what will happen..."

"When water comes, a hammer comes, water comes,"

Lu Bian curled his lips in disgust:

"Just go to the moon and the last post-credits scene. Isn't that natural enough?"

"That's right," Dajiang finally finished dealing with the tea eggs in his mouth: "If it were my brother, I would be talking to someone under the covers right now..."

The words have not yet been spoken!

Lu Bian stuffed the remaining half-cut fried dough sticks into his mouth: "Hurry up and have breakfast."

Looking at Da Jiang whose mouth was filled again, Gu Sheng couldn't help laughing.

He took out a tissue and wiped his hands: "Okay, let's talk about something really important."

Hearing this, Lu Bian and Da Jiang couldn't help but look serious.

After all, daily life is just a break for the three of them to chat and make jokes.

When will Lao Gu and Xiao Nezha make up their minds and express their feelings?

The Lu Bian brothers didn't know, and even Gu Sheng couldn't tell for sure.

Maybe it will be tomorrow, maybe next year, maybe it will be the next time Miia Shen has a whim to cooperate with SamGu again.

The fate has already been secretly determined.

The suppression at this time may be for the purpose of blooming more brilliantly.

The relationship that goes along with the trend can wait until it comes naturally, but in the competition on the project, we must strive to gain the upper hand without delay.

"When we were chatting yesterday, I briefly told Mr. Shen about the recent developments in Comella,"

Gu Sheng said:

"Now Comella seems to be still testing, testing the market response through small-scale announcements,"

"According to our speculation, Comela's large-scale centralized publicity and promotion should start at the beginning of next month,"

"But according to Mr. Shen, their announcement should be ahead of schedule, and this is very likely."

As soon as this statement came out!

Lubian and Dajiang were both stunned!

"Ahead of time?" Lu Bian smacked his lips: "Wouldn't this seem a little hasty?"

Now, it has been about two weeks since Comella started its small-scale promotion. Judging from the current situation, word-of-mouth is gradually improving.

Although players' criticism of Comella still exists, Fvk KOMINA's voice has become much quieter due to Comella's public relations intervention.

According to Guo Sheng's calculations, as long as this boiling-frog-like publicity method is maintained for another half month, until the end of this month, players' dissatisfaction will reach a controllable threshold.

By then, Comella can focus on explosive publicity.

In order to snipe Comella, the announcement time of the "Escape" project was also set at the beginning of the month.

But now!

Lao Gu's prospective father-in-law, Comrade Lao Shen, speculated that the centralized announcement of Comella is very likely to be advanced?

And they will also collide with Comella in advance?

"Isn't Comella worth it? It will cost a lot of money, right?"

Dajiang also frowned and said:

"Starting large-scale publicity half a month in advance will cause the backlash of negative voices to be even greater, and they will have to spend more money on public relations,"

"Besides, they don't know the existence of our "Escape" project, so there is no reason to do this,"

"Why is an old money geek like Joeshi Keimasa suddenly so anxious that he would rather spend more money than announce it early?"

For a while.

Lu Bian and Dajiang have no clue. I don't know what Lao Shen always bases his judgment on.

"That's why I say Shen Wanlin is great,"

Seeing this, Gu Sheng smiled:

"Indeed, we have been keeping a tight lid on the news about "Escape". Camera does not know our actions, let alone our collision plan,"


"We went to the moon."

Hear the words!

Lu Bian and Dajiang were stunned at first, and then suddenly realized!


Go to the moon!

Due to the unexpected explosion of this project, coupled with Mr. Ou’s generosity towards charity!

Nowadays, the golden style is unparalleled in the country, with full public welfare attributes and constant praise from players from all walks of life.


With its excellent work quality and public welfare attributes, "To the Moon" has also set off a considerable wave of discussion abroad!

And the so-called one goes down and the other goes up!

The establishment of Golden Wind's majestic and upright image has undoubtedly brought a lot of pressure from public opinion to Comella——

This chapter has been completed!
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