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Chapter 303 Kaunik, when did you come? I, you, you, you



As soon as he entered the main interface of the game, XTT felt something was wrong and groaned.

After closing seven pages including "Daily Tasks", "First Deposit Benefits", "Server Launch Event", "Gathering Gifts" and "Pride Flag Collection", the genius boy fell into deep thought.

"What the hell..."

XTT was quite hesitant and even doubted whether he had entered the wrong game:

"What I'm driving is the 75-dollar pre-ordered "High-Power Pioneer", right? Isn't it the free "FireWire"?"

Opening lightning strike!

I can’t stand the barrage at once!

‘It’s broken! Zhongyue read it! You’ve already used the Yunwei somatosensory cabin, why are you still getting the FireWire Shuttle pop-up window?’

‘Hahahahahahahaha, that’s so right, brother, is Yunwei letting the little polar bear take over the body?’

‘Don’t be embarrassed, there aren’t so many pop-up windows for FireWire Shuttle now, and Fire Kirin is given away for free’

‘Ah? I’ll check it out later. I’ll go get the fire unicorn first…’

'I was so amused by the opening scene. I even saw the lucky draw wheel in a trance just now?'

'You're not in a trance, there really is a big turntable for drawing weapons...'


'This...75 dollars?'

'That's bad! You've turned into a fucking imbecile!'

‘It’s hard to imagine that this is the interface of a buyout game, I can’t fucking hold it in anymore, hahahahaha…’


This was also designed by you???

Under the lightning strike at the opening, not to mention the many experienced players.

Even Shen Miaomiao, a person who doesn't play many games, was shocked by the dazzling pop-up window to cheat on Krypton's money!

This thing...should only exist in free games...and not all free games are like this...

After all, she seemed to have only seen this battle in a few games from Xunteng Games Guangyao Studio.

Even in several free games like Tianlang, the scam pop-ups are not so scary.

"Oh, this is Lao Lu's suggestion,"

Gu Sheng smiled and nodded:

"Lao Lu thinks Xunteng's pop-up window at the beginning is really disgusting. Every time you start the game, you have to spend half a minute to close the pop-up window. It's really annoying, so I added it."


Gu Sheng took a sip of Coke, shrugged and muttered to himself: "They really haven't changed anything..."

Shen Miao felt numb.

Looking at the live broadcast window a little desperately.

Yunwei is really dumbfounded, and he will really step on the trap if there is one.

this is not……

"Are you deliberately disgusting? I'm from CNM!"

Before Shen Miaomiao could finish muttering, XTT in the live broadcast room was the first to lose his temper. After closing the page, he looked at the densely packed [Events] [Pass] [Lucky Wheel] [Collection·Destiny] [Superhero] [Limited Time Gift Pack]

] and a series of red dots on the label, the whole person is like a volcano on the verge of erupting:

"I, CNM, are you here to play a fucking PC browser game? I paid for it, right? No? I have to check my fucking consumption records later. I remember I didn't receive a refund. This game

Didn’t Nima become free after its release?”

As soon as this statement came out!

There was even more laughter in the live broadcast room, and the audience almost burst out laughing——

'I knew it!'

‘Hahahahahaha it’s too abstract’

'Did Yunwei cheat on her, or did the polar bear cheat on her?'

‘I’m going to die laughing at this page’

'Taoist priests and fifteen dogs are walking sideways in the whole area!'

'Hello everyone, I am Zha Zhahui, a new version of Miracle Ship that you have never seen before. At eight o'clock tonight, if you are a brother, come and kill me.'

'This page is so fucking funny'

‘A genius boy turned into an imbecile child overnight! Is it the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality? Please pay attention tonight at 8 o’clock - "The Road of No Return"

‘It’s so damn live broadcasting that it belongs to the immortal’

'No wonder there are no player voices, they are all busy laughing, right?'



"Uh...this is Ojiang's suggestion,"

Gu Sheng saw little Nezha looking at him dumbfounded again and shrugged:

"Ojiang felt that this thing was even more disgusting than the pop-up window, so he added it. Who would have thought that they would also follow it... I guess it's the stupid foreigner who has never seen this battle..."

This is so off the mark, brother!

Shen Miaomiao's whole body felt bad.

While being astonished, a theory suddenly occurred to me——

The reason why the top people in the industry can be at the top of the industry is not only because they know how to achieve success, but more importantly, they know where the big thunders in this industry are.

But the problem is!

This kind of ultimate cerebral palsy is clearly a disgusting player setting, and even a layman like her can see it.

Why can’t Yunwei, the designer in charge of this project, see it?

It stands to reason that even if the designer responsible for this project is an imbecile:

"He shouldn't be imbecile, right?"

Shen Miaomiao really didn't understand.

After hearing this, Gu Sheng laughed without surprise:

"The designer in charge of this project is indeed not a moron. He was even one of the three companies of Camera Royal. He once worked on two major 3S-level projects - "Silent Hill" and "Yakuza Rush". He is...


Fate is wonderful beyond words.

Shen Miaomiao looked complicated and closed her despairing eyes for Yunwei.

Tsuna Yamamoto.

This unlucky guy actually got into trouble with Lao Gu again.

This makes sense.

There is no doubt that the tragic failure caused Yamamoto Tsuna to suffer from severe "Gu Sheng PTSD".

For Lao Gu, this unlucky guy must be so afraid and hateful that after 'stealing' a project that was 'personally supervised' by Lao Gu, he blindly trusted this supernova designer who is now famous all over Asia and even the world.


If Lao Gu draws a pit, he will jump into it.


It is very likely that he himself has seen the big iron nail under the pit, and under the pressure of the words "Gu Sheng's authority", he will lie to himself that it is a chocolate teething stick, and then jump down without hesitation.


Shen Miaomiao sighed with approval, took a sip of the brown sugar water that Lao Gu specially prepared for her, then turned slightly sideways and leaned lightly next to Gu Sheng, finding a comfortable position and resting her head on his on the shoulders.

So be it.

Marry a chicken, follow a chicken, marry a dog, follow a dog. Who made me blind when I chose such a manager from among thousands of troops who seemed to be smart, but was actually really smart?

Adjust your mentality.

Just have fun, I still do.

after all……

If we put aside the external factors of whether there is a rebate or not, look at it.

This game is really fun to the point of being crazy——

"Oops - NM doesn't know how to play D (output), can you please stop grabbing it! What you are playing is NM and JB!!!"

In the live broadcast room, XTT's voice was full of anger!

I barely accepted these disgusting-looking opening pages. XTT was like an unlucky guy who just fell and got up from the ground. Before he could stand still, he was hit by the setting truck called "Fixed 222". !

To know!

As long as you are a player who plays FPS, everyone has a desire to output.

However, in the fixed formation of 2T2N2D, so much output is definitely not enough to match the match.

Ever since, an extremely embarrassing situation has arisen——

If you play T or N, then the matching time is only 5-10 seconds at best, and you can start immediately.

But if you play D, the matching time displayed is a full two minutes!

That's it, it still shows the time.

XTT chose the hero "Cross Hammer" and entered the game after five minutes of matching but still couldn't start the game.

The team competition in this game is divided into two categories -

Dog tag acquisition and flag grabbing.

Needless to say, dog tags, kill people to pick up dog tags, and the party with the most in the end wins.

In fact, theoretically speaking, if you want to win in this mode, you have to kill people with D, pick up cards with T, and milk T with N.

But the two D’s from XTT are pure mad dogs!

If you can't kill a person alone, you will send dog tags to the opponent like crazy.

"Oh, I really am... oh... can you please stop giving me shit... give me a fucking slap!!!"


Seeing that his teammates were hopeless, XTT was extremely talented after all. He charged with a sledgehammer and relied on his HP advantage to actually force the opponent's player with the highest dog tag into a blind corner.

Then the sledgehammer rotated, killing the opponent on the spot!


28 dog tags instantly appeared in front of XTT's eyes!

There was cheers in the live broadcast room!

Even Gu Sheng and Shen Miaomiao cheered for XTT, calling them awesome!

However, the next second——


A green figure, like a ghost, flashed past XTT in an instant, taking away the 28 dog tags he had finally won.

At this moment, the countdown to the game has reached the last ten seconds!


XTT let out a short scream and was stunned. He watched helplessly as his "Ninja Source" teammate reached out and grasped the long knife behind his back!

[The gilded gold is so cool——]

Bang bang!


Halfway through using his ultimate move, he was killed by two headshots from the opposite cowboy.

Last second!


28 dog tags were accurately picked up by the opponent's cowboy.




A long silence.

XTT was immediately silent.

He opened the scoreboard silently, then selected the Ninja Source's teammate ID, selected Report, and then selected "Malicious Disruption of the Game Environment."

The next second.

Pop-up window pops up——

[Sorry, Pioneer Girl has not detected any abnormalities in the player’s data. Please make good use of the game reporting function to create a better gaming environment. Thank you~]


The explosive roar resounded throughout the live broadcast room in an instant, even causing the microphone to make a tearing sound!

The XTT volcano finally erupted!

Like a huge wave, even more like a raging flame!

"I***! Do you understand? I***!"

"If your teammates die, you will die! My *** game environment is like this. You tell me to make good use of the reporting function?"

"I'll report you for your ****, I'll report it! My **** game!"

"Only your **** game sells **** for 75 dollars! Are you anxious to buy a coffin for your *stinky* thing, you **** thing!"

"I *bleed* you, Cornick!"

"I'm going to fuck you up, my ****!!!"


XTT’s ultimate defense breaking, the audience’s hilarious carnival——


'Warning warning! Warning warning!'

'Red temperature! The ultimate red temperature!'

‘My blood pressure suddenly went up, hahahaha’

‘My heart rate is as high as 135, hahahahaha, I never experienced such an explosion when I was on Hunting 1 vs. 3’

'Ouch, I laughed until my stomach hurt. This game is so much fun.'

‘What kind of SB game is this, hahahahahaha’

‘"Learning from Everyone's Strong Points"'

‘God damn learns from everyone’s strengths’

‘Hey, I suddenly had a bold idea, could this thing be a smoke bomb deliberately set off by the old thief, and then stolen by Yunwei?’

'Hiss - although this speculation is no longer popular and even a bit evil, but if you think about it carefully... it seems to make some sense...'

‘Yes, this opening page and a bunch of red dots of activities, who can’t see it and say it’s too strong...’

‘And it sounds like a job that this old thief can do’

'Don't say it! Don't say it!'

‘Hahahahaha that’s too outrageous’

‘It’s so funny, how many SBs do you have to be fooled by such a big B? This game is just a piece of shit that you bought for 75 dollars’

'Hey! Hey! Go and watch the live broadcasts of other anchors in the shooting game area! I would like to call it the Spring Festival Gala in the public toilet!'

'Ah? Really? Hahahaha...'



The popularity of "High Energy Pioneer" is so hot!

From the United States to America, to Europe and then across the ocean, it swept the world.

During the period when "Overwatch" has not yet been released, or even announced its release date, there is no doubt that "High-powered Pioneer", which dominates the list of masterpieces and has the most announcements, has become the only FPS masterpiece released in the first half of the year.

And various anchors have also added the game to pre-orders early, just waiting to play it today!

Can bear fruit!

There are doubts about whether the anchors are having a good time or not.

But there is no doubt that everyone is obviously disgusted by this evil game!

Bibles from all walks of life appeared one after another.

Some people complained about the second-generation FPS settings——

"Why does Captain Orangutan's stun gun still need to be aimed? I don't know. Anyway, I'm sick. By the time the gun was raised, D on the other side was already a hundred thousand meters away. I've died ten thousand times, and the corpses are all gone."

Stiff, maybe human beings have emigrated outside the solar system. By the time your gun is pointed at nothing, you are still aiming at it. I don’t understand where you are aiming at a gun that has two branches.

As for your mother, do you have to take a look at it to show off? Is the virtual crosshair digging into your family grave? Are you taking a look at your ****..."

Some people complained about the game’s krypton gold system——

"Let's not talk about the 75 dollars and more than 500 dollars in this game. Just look at the lottery settings of this destiny. There is a guarantee of 500 and a draw of 2 dollars. I believe friends who have played the game know what the guarantee means. This is

This means that in addition to spending more than 500 yuan to enter the game, you also need more than 1,000 to 7,000 yuan to fully obtain the complete game experience of a hero. There is also the ultimate price of 200 yuan that can only be purchased with krypton gold.

The Feitian Big Groove Iron Fist and your mother have a round of hard, controlled and output Brigitte. I just want to ask if Yunwei is going bankrupt recently, or does Vivendi want your mother to lay water pipes for the Milky Way...


Some people complain that these games are full of correct images and dubbing——

"Holy shit, I was playing DWA, and suddenly he said, 'My balls are itchy.' I, CNMGCB, if you are sick, go get it treated immediately! NMGB has to be disgusting, right? I have to mention that this character is a

Help her, right? Is CNM fun? Either he is a black angel, or he is a male in his heart. He wants to post the pride flag all over the map. NMLGB is so proud, why don't you, Kaunike, post that B-face on your face every day?

Are you going out with a pride flag? I am CNMD! The hype is so popular. Which group of magicians have you seen come to play the game in the end? Oh, it’s disgusting for players who play games under the guise of being correct under the guise of a special group..."

Some people even knelt down because of their madness, ran away on the spot, and their blood pressure exploded, shouting ELO angrily——

"Either you are all stupid opponents, killing people like chickens, 20-0-0 directly! Or you are the one who gives me teammates with cerebral palsy and equips the opponent with self-aiming AI! You are the ***

If you like control so much, why don't you go home and control your dog's crazy ***! What's the point of making this *** game of yours! Technology is useless, I have to burn incense and worship Buddha, right? It's really better to practice shooting than burning incense!

Damn you, you like to use **** AI to control the winning rate so much and sell your **** games! You might as well learn to be a steel ball fairy from Comella and do it..."

Players around the world are excited.

Just like what the player said.


"High Energy Pioneer" has set off a circle-breaking craze all over the world because of the right banner!

But the problem is!

In the end, it is ordinary players who buy and play games, not those magician "leaders".

Ever since!

A huge game holy war begins here!

Players from all walks of life shouted, "Konik, when are you going to do this! I, you, you, you, you, I, ***!" Raised their troops!

An unprecedented public relations disaster, like a building that is about to collapse, and a storm of waves overturning, towards Cornick and his power——

Come rolling in!!!


PS: Asking for a monthly ticket

This chapter has been completed!
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