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Chapter 1998 Hu Lai and Li Qingqing’s Football Museum

 In the camera, a tall girl’s back is jumping up and down in front of her.

Her waterfall-like black hair swayed back and forth with her movements, making it very elegant.

"Everyone looks over here. On the left hand side just after entering the main entrance of the museum, there is a special outdoor area. This area is a 'secret base' completely reproduced on a 1:1 scale! Yes, this is the original Hu Lai football team.

The 'secret training base' where the road started! It's the 'micro-mo' that started from the micro-mo!"

The girl's excited voice was recorded through the wireless Bluetooth microphone on her collar and then transmitted to the photographer's headphones.

The girl in the camera is introducing the area she is pointing to, with a bright and charming profile.

The photographer pushed up the camera lens and took a close-up shot of the girl's face from a telephoto angle.

In the close-up shot, the girl seemed to be aware of it. She turned to look at the camera. She was stunned for a moment, and then frowned: "Old Li! Why are you taking pictures of me? Take pictures of where I pointed!"

"Ah? Ah... I'm sorry, I want to take some photos of you, for fan welfare..." Li Qingliang defended.

"Welfare is stupid! What everyone wants to see is not me, but the museum of Hu Lai and Li Qingqing!" Han Shuyu said angrily, "Waste of my expression and saliva! Let's do it again!"

Li Qingliang said: "There is no need to start over, just continue what you just said, and I will help you fight it later."

But Han Shuyu insisted: "It won't work, my emotions are no longer coherent..."

"Oh well……"

Li Qingliang restarted filming and gave Han Shuyu an OK gesture.

"Everyone, look this way!"

Han Shuyu pointed to the left.

This time the camera lens turned around obediently.

A courtyard surrounded by three blue stone and red brick walls appears in the shot.

On the blue-striped stone wall facing the camera, there is a crooked white line, framing a "goal" on the blue-black stone wall.

Three walls and the thick grass at the corner surrounded a dirt open space.

"This is a 1:1 replica of Hu Lai's 'secret training base'. Hu Lai started his football journey in this place that looked extremely simple and run-down. According to his own story, he was there alone.

He is playing football against the 'goal' on the wall. The uneven wall always makes the rebound direction of the football he kicks unpredictable, and also increases the difficulty for him to catch the ball... I think Hu Laishen

Maybe your top-notch running without the ball was developed here day after day?"

Han Shuyu continued to introduce.

"This replica of the secret base actually has some little easter eggs. For example, the entire secret base site was actually newly built later. But the museum still found some real bluestones from the real secret base site that was being demolished.

They are used on the wall with the goal. The specific locations where they are placed are also very particular, corresponding to the shooting areas where Hulay scored the most goals.

"Not only that, this 'secret base' is not just a decoration, it can also be used to interact with visitors. At certain fixed times every day, the place will be cleared, and then you only need to scan the QR code and pay ten yuan.

I got the opportunity to shoot ten times and experience firsthand how Hu Lai trained here... Is it very immersive?"

In the training base in the footage, someone is challenging the shot.

There were many people watching the battle around.

If the challenger scores a goal, they cheer, and if he doesn't score, they boo.

Whether it was the challenger or the onlookers, everyone was very happy, and the "secret base" was filled with laughter and laughter.

"But I won't go experience shooting now. Time is tight and the tasks are heavy. I also have to take everyone to visit the museum..."

With these words, the camera moved back to Han Shuyu, and then moved to the side, and a group of rolling and well-proportioned buildings appeared in the camera.

The appearance of the building complex has a strong sense of design. The reinforced concrete buildings are hidden among bamboo forests and pools. They do not appear out of place, but blend harmoniously with the surrounding environment.

It doesn't look like a "wonder" building standing abruptly on the ground, but more like a park.

If you just looked at it from a distance, it would be difficult to know that there is a football museum hidden inside.

Except for the relatively inexpensive tickets required to enter the interior of the building, the entire periphery of the museum is open to the public.

Everyone can treat this place as a park and drive here to visit and play. Residents living nearby can also take a walk here after dinner.

This is not a place where you don’t need to come if you don’t know football. The door is always open to everyone.

When designing the museum, we adhere to this concept and want the museum to integrate into the local market, rather than showing that it is incompatible with the surrounding environment and using abrupt architectural wonders to show its awesomeness.

Therefore, there are no buildings with more than three floors in the entire museum, and most of them are hidden in cypress and bamboo forests, small bridges and flowing water.

It looks very un-football.

But this is what the museum needs.

When the museum design plan was first put out for public bidding, the studio of a famous architect from Strait Province submitted a plan, which was a very abrupt football-shaped building, with multiple spherical buildings of different sizes located in a white square.


This well-known designer from Strait Province, who is particularly good at quasi-objective architecture and is regularly ranked among the top ten ugliest buildings in China every year, euphemistically calls his design "big beads and small beads falling on a jade plate."

As soon as this plan appeared on the Internet, it became the target of everyone's complaints.

Naturally, the plan that was so ugly was not selected.

The final selection was the plan of a young designer from Jincheng.

The young designer organically integrated the unique "Linpan" concept of Andong Province into the design of the museum.

The so-called "linpan" is a common residential unit in the rural areas of the Jincheng Plain in Andong. A small forest pan has only a few households or a dozen households, while a large forest pan can have hundreds of households.

The forest is generally composed of fields, houses and surrounding cultivated land. The entire house is hidden among tall nan, cypress and other trees and low bamboo forests. Most of the forest is surrounded by water canals or passes through it, forming a fertile field surrounded by dense forests.

, a pastoral picture of small bridges and flowing water. (Note 1)

If viewed from the air with a drone, the "Hu Lai and Li Qingqing Football Museum" looks like the rural pastoral scenery that can be seen everywhere on the Jincheng Plain.

The main building of the museum is hidden in the dense woods, surrounded by winding artificial streams and large green lawns, like immature rice fields. In autumn and winter, these divided lawns will wither and turn yellow, and under the aerial lens,

At first glance, it looks somewhat similar to a rice field with a good harvest.


After passing two ginkgo trees, the main entrance to the indoor part of the museum appeared in front of Han Shuyu and the camera.

“Hu Lai and Li Qingqing’s football museum!”

Han Shuyu pointed to the plaque above the door and read out the name word by word.

"It's so simple and crude. From the gate, we feed dog food to all single visitors and tell them that this is Chinese football... no, it is the career achievement exhibition hall of the most famous football couple in the world!"

Then Han Shuyu waved to the camera: "Come, follow me, I will take you through time and space and witness their football journey again!"


"These are the honors and video records that Hu Lai won in middle school. For example, this photo is when he won the Anton Cup high school championship with the Dongchuan Middle School football team for the first time. That was Hu Lai playing football

The first championship I won in my career..."

While Han Shuyu was introducing, he motioned to Li Qingliang to come up and fully focus the camera on the photo instead of taking pictures of himself.

"There is another interesting fact about this photo... Hu Lai's father did not support him playing football at that time, so whether he was participating in the school team or going out to play games, he kept it secret from his father. This final was due to the

He left Dongchuan for Jincheng and would be very late when he came back. So he found an excuse, saying it was his friend Song Jiajia's birthday... Does this name sound familiar? Yes, he is the founder and owner of the current Champion Legend Sports Agency.

The friendship between the two of them has lasted from high school to the present, which is really not easy and very enviable!"

"This is Hu Lai's second Anton Cup championship gold medal, as well as the Anton Cup top scorer trophy... The most eye-catching thing is of course the honor Hu Lai won in the national competition, a national competition championship trophy -

—Of course, this trophy is a replica, and the original one is in the honor room of the Dongchuan Middle School football team..."

"Okay, we have finished visiting Hu Lai's high school days. This room is not big. After all, Hu Lai only played football in high school for two years. He was not even satisfied with two years and left the campus... Next

It’s Hu Lai’s experience in the Poseidon Youth Team. But before going to the next room, I want to show you this place specifically.”

Han Shuyu walked to a wall with the camera. There was only one sentence on that wall and nothing else.

【If you can't put in ten times the effort of others, then your talent is just a worthless stone.】

Han Shuyu pointed to the sentence on the wall and introduced: "This sentence was given to Hu Lai by Li Ziqiang, the head coach of his Dongchuan Middle School football team, when he was planning to leave campus and join professional football. It is both encouragement and warning."

And Hu Lai also followed the coach’s earnest teachings and used practical actions to realize his talent! This is really a master-disciple story! I believe Hu Lai chose to engrave this sentence on the wall to thank his mentor for his teachings..."

"Okay, let's walk into a corridor next. This corridor is not long. It is actually an exhibition hall, showing Hu Lai's experience in the Poseidon Youth Team. This corridor is a bit dark, be careful where you step... In the middle of this corridor

There is also a passage engraved on the wall..."

Li Qingliang came up with the camera, adjusted the exposure, and recorded this sentence into the camera's memory card:

[Modern football’s requirements for centers are getting higher and higher, and they are becoming more and more comprehensive. What’s the use if you can only shoot? A player like you does not meet the requirements and definition of modern football... To be honest, Hu Lai, I think it doesn’t matter

Whether you are in Poseidon or going to another team, you have no future. Rather than wasting time like this, it is better to find another way out...]

"You didn't expect it, didn't you? It turned out to be a paragraph criticizing Hu Lai. Of course, this paragraph is now famous, and everyone knows the story behind it. Now it seems that it can't be said that Sun He was talking nonsense. He said

At the time of these words, the popular trend in world football was to weaken the scoring ability of forwards... But who calls Hu Lai the most special one? He completely broke the traditional prejudices and concepts in football...

"I can only say that this example reminds countless youth training coaches not to look at every young player with their inherent experience and prejudice. Maybe you can deny the next Hu Lai with just one sentence? Right? There is such a thing

Is it possible? While football youth training trains a large number of qualified players, it should also leave enough room for the birth of geniuses. I think this is the most important thing... I don’t know what you think, gentlemen in the audience?"

The tour of this part of the Poseidon Youth Team went very quickly. It was originally a transitional stage connecting Hu Lai’s high school career and professional career. It was arranged in a corridor, which was just right.

Because Hu Lai really didn't have any outstanding performance in the Poseidon Youth Team, so that there are not many photos and videos left, and there are even less physical objects - not even a jersey that Hu Lai wore in the Poseidon Youth Team.


The core and most important part of the exhibition in this exhibition hall is actually the sentence about not being optimistic about Hu Lai.

Although it is not marked who said this sentence, fans all over China know who the blind idiot is.

The years in the Poseidon Youth Team were actually relatively gloomy times for Hu Lai.

This can also be seen from the lighting effects in the exhibition hall.

The lights in the Poseidon Youth Team's corridor exhibition hall are very dim, with only a few photos showing light. The brightest spot in the entire corridor is Sun He's words, because the area is large enough and there are more lights.

When you look at this passage and then look away, the dark environment will even make your eyes unable to see for a short time. It will take a second or two to gradually adapt and see the surroundings clearly.

The road under your feet.

The height of the corridor is not very high. Compared with a normal exhibition hall, it will even make people over 1.9 meters tall bend down and lower their heads involuntarily - but in fact, even if they stand up straight, they can't touch their heads. It's just that the design gives people

Create that illusion.

This kind of design makes people feel depressed as soon as they enter, and they are not even willing to stay in such a dark environment for longer, and want to leave as soon as possible.

Perhaps it coincided with Hu Lai's situation and feelings in the Poseidon youth team at that time.

From this detail, you can see the care and attention of the design team.

In sharp contrast to the corridor of the Poseidon Youth Team is the Anton Flashing Star Exhibition Hall next.

Walking through the dim corridor of the Poseidon Youth Team, everyone's eyes will suddenly open up.

This sense of cheerfulness is not only a psychological feeling, but also reflected in the specific layout of the exhibition hall - the design team designed a patio in the place where you first came in. There is a huge skylight above the patio, and the sunlight shines through the glass skylight on the third floor.

The pouring water not only increases the lighting, but also removes the oppressive and restrictive feeling of the two-story floor.

Comparing it with the oppressive and dark corridor before, everyone's mood will instantly improve.

This design also reflects Hu Lai’s experience after joining Anton Flash Star.

The exhibition hall of Anton Shining Star is very large, and it is not just a single room. It is composed of multiple rooms. From the outside, it looks like an entire independent building.

There are different exhibition rooms upstairs and downstairs, displaying various things.

There are not only photos and videos, such image materials, but also jerseys, sneakers, footballs, and related items of some important games.

Here are the game balls used for Hulay's first career goal and the game balls used for his first career hat trick.

"Isn't it weird, everyone? We were promised a 'Football Museum for Hu Lai and Li Qingqing', but we've been here for a long time and there's still only Hu Lai and Li Qingqing? Hey, don't worry, please come with me..."

Han Shuyu said while leading the way.

At regular intervals on the ground, a set of numbers will appear:


This tells visitors that the content displayed where they are is in 2022.

When Han Shuyu took Li Qingliang through 2022 and arrived in 2023, she pointed at an oncoming wall: "Clang, clang, clang, clang!"

There is a huge picture hanging on the wall.

In the photo, Hu Lai and Li Qingqing are wearing the official uniforms of their respective national teams and holding trophies in their hands.

This is the first official photo of Hu Lai and Li Qingqing in public information.

"In the 2023 East Asian Cup, Hu Lai put on the Chinese team's jersey for the first time. It was also the first time he played side by side with Li Qingqing. It was the first official intersection in their careers." Han Shuyu introduced.

"Look, everyone, there is another door here. If you walk through this door, you can see Li Qingqing's football experience... So this museum actually has two main entrances. We came in from Hu Lai.

Yes, if it were Li Qingqing's side, then everyone would appreciate Li Qingqing's football experience from childhood to adulthood, and it would intersect with Hu Lai's career experience here.

"What a wonderful design and concept! Through the design of the moving lines that guide visitors, everyone seems to have experienced the lives of two people, experiencing their intersection and separation, parallel and then intersection, and finally convergence... It's really great!"

Han Shuyu said and put his arms in front of the camera: "I got goosebumps! Although I had seen a lot of visiting videos and guides on the Internet before coming here... But when I walked through it in person, and then stood in Hu

I couldn't help but be excited at the intersection between Lai Qingqing and Li Qingqing! What a long journey each of them took to finally stand side by side in front of everyone... Ah! It's so sweet, so sweet! I

Now we know why this design plan was finally favored by Hu Lai’s mother! Ha!”

It is no longer a secret that Hu Lai's mother likes Li Qingqing, her daughter-in-law.

Speaking of which, how many mothers-in-law don’t like a daughter-in-law like Li Qingqing?


"Since Hu Lai's transfer to Madrid Pirates, his and Li Qingqing's exhibition halls have been officially merged together, and they no longer use the previous design of crossing and then separating... This was also the time when the two of them officially announced their relationship, and they will no longer be separated from each other.

...This design is really romantic! And their common memories are often put together for exhibition. Just like this...

"Two Olympic gold medals! One is for men's football, and the other is for women's football. The metal nameplate below reads: August 21, 2028, the 34th Los Angeles Summer Olympics, gold medal in football... Yes, that's it

On that day, the history of Chinese football was divided into two halves! Neither the men's nor women's football team had won an international championship before, but that day our men's and women's football teams won the Olympic championship at the same time!"

"Look! This ball! This ball was used in the match between China and England at the Spanish-Portuguese World Cup four years ago. You can see that the ball is also printed with the national flags of both sides of that match, as well as the specific date.

And the competition venue... Look here, July 2, 2030, Madrid, Corsair Park Stadium... This football is also full of signatures of Chinese team players! And Hu Lai's final jersey in that game...

I really miss it, four years have passed since that World Cup..."

"The European Ballon d'Or trophy! This is Hulay's second Ballon d'Or because of his near-perfect performance in the 2029-2030 season. That season he scored 110 goals in all competitions

, surpassing the single-season record of 108 goals he set a season ago... But unfortunately, the 2030 World Footballer does not belong to him, because there is a World Cup that year. He finally led the Brazilian team in the final

Kabangka, who defeated the Netherlands and won the championship, won the World Player of the Year award from FIFA... Many domestic fans were unhappy, but I think it's okay.

"That year was indeed very fierce. It is understandable that FIFA's World Footballer selection focused more on World Cup results... The most important thing is that the next year, Hu Lai once again won the double honor of 'Mr. Ballon d'Or'!

Hey! Because in the 2030-2031 season, Hulay and the Madrid Pirates achieved an unprecedented three consecutive championships after the Champions League reform! And he himself became the top scorer in the Champions League for four consecutive seasons and the best player in the Champions League for three consecutive seasons.

Such a performance certainly deserves a Ballon d'Or and World Footballer of the Year!

"Three Ballon d'Or trophies are placed in a row. It looks really impressive! Among players of their generation, Hu Lai is also the only one to have three Ballon d'Or trophies, Melli has two, and Kabangka has only one... Oops,

It’s incredible, look at the honors Hu Lai has won... I can’t believe that our Chinese players can also suppress the superstars of developed football countries..."

Han Shuyu talked excitedly about the three Ballon d'Or trophies and the two World Footballer trophies in front of him.

There is a huge screen on the wall not far away, which is playing a video of Hu Lai being interviewed by media reporters from all over the world after winning the double honor of "Mr. Golden Globe" for the second time.

It was a winter afternoon, and the warm sun of the Iberian Peninsula fell on Hulay's body, and his whole body seemed to be emitting a bright halo.

He was sitting on the lawn, with two trophies placed on the table covered with white tablecloth in front of him, namely the European Golden Globe Award and the World Footballer trophy.

The former was obtained half a season ago, and this time it is just displayed again, mainly to match the newly won World Footballer.

After all, as "Mr. Ballon d'Or", you have to win these two highest personal honors within one season to be considered "Mr. Ballon d'Or".

Two trophies with different shapes shine in the sun.

A reporter asked Hu Lai, who seemed to be exuding "holy light" all over his body:

"Mr. Hu Lai, now that the era of pure shooters is far behind you, you can still achieve such dazzling achievements. What is the secret of your success?"

Hu Lai, who heard this question, did not answer immediately, but was slightly distracted.

Of course, he didn't wander too far, his eyes refocused, he looked at the reporters in front of him, and smiled slightly:

"Because I know the goal is right there."

"Asian Cup! Of course, this trophy is not the real Asian Cup, nor is it the replica in the honor room of the Chinese Football Association, but a replica of the replica. In the Asian Cup to be held in our own homeland in 2031, Hu Lai helped the ball

The team won the championship, and the Chinese men's football team finally became the Asian champions for the first time... So excited, beating the little Japanese in the final! Hey! I avenged the Asian Cup stolen by them 27 years ago!

It’s cool! Hu Lai scored a hat trick in the final of this game, he’s so cool!”

"Next... this is the latest exhibit! The final jersey of the Madrid Pirates against Real Huelva! This jersey has a lot of history! It is the jersey that Jules set a historical record - on January 22 this year,

In the twentieth round of the league, he scored twice while wearing this jersey, tying and surpassing Selius Caesar in one game and becoming the player with the most goals in the history of world football! Seven hundred and sixty-one goals!

There is no one before, only Hu Lai himself! Now Hu Lai has refreshed this record to 769 goals, which is simply terrible! I don’t know what the final number will be when he retires... But now Hu Lai

The forest is getting denser and denser, and it has also joined the Green Forest, forming a large area..."


A museum can be neither big nor small.

Speaking of large, the area that has been built is actually not large. After all, this is only the first phase of the project.

Nearby, the second phase of the project is about to enter the construction stage, and the third phase of the project has entered the design and evaluation stage.

So this football museum is actually in an unfinished state.

To be fair, it took Han Shuyu and Li Qingliang three hours to visit this museum and almost reach the exit. This was without looking very carefully, otherwise they would probably be able to spend some time here.

one day.

Who said that Hu Laiga and Li Qingqing had received too many honors?

When they saw a wall covered with different words, they knew they were about to leave the museum.

The words in various countries on this wall express the same meaning. The most eye-catching Chinese characters in the middle of the wall say:

"The legend continues"

Yes, the careers of Hu Lai and Li Qingqing are not over yet, and their legends are still going on.

Near the exit is the last exhibition hall. It's not big, but it's definitely not small either.

The spacious exhibition hall has no other unnecessary decorations and designs and looks very empty.

In the open space, the only thing on display will stand out, naturally attracting everyone's attention.

Two glass display cabinets under spotlights are located in the center of the exhibition hall.

One of the cabinets quietly displays the Women's World Cup trophy.

The metal nameplate next to the trophy is engraved with information about the trophy:

"2031 Brazilian Women's World Cup Champion"

Next to this Women's World Cup cabinet, there is another cabinet.

An empty cupboard.

The electronic clock on the wall next to it is counting down:

There are still 100 days, 2 hours, 38 minutes and 41 seconds left until the opening of the 2034 World Cup in China.


Note 1: These two paragraphs about Linpan are copied from the introduction materials of "Linpan in Western Sichuan" on the encyclopedia.

PS, although today is the first update, the volume of this update is greater than the volume of the two updates.

There will be one update tomorrow, and two updates the day after tomorrow!

This chapter has been completed!
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