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Chapter 1999 Tens of Millions of Screws

 "Ouch, good shot!"

"Good shot, good shot!"


As the football rushed into the goal, there was a burst of cheers on the five-a-side pitch surrounded by barbed wire.

Several people who were sitting on the sidelines got up and walked onto the court, while the team that lost the ball on the court walked off one after another.

Both sides switch places.

Yan Yan sat down on the artificial turf on the sidelines and said to Chu Yifan, who was also sitting down: "Have you read the latest document issued by the Chu team, the Football Association, the General Administration and other departments to promote the communityization of football?"

"I saw it. What, do you have any ideas?" Chu Yifan asked.

"Well, I think... our team has been established for several years, right? More and more people are joining, training twice a week, regularly participating in various competitions and so on... I just want it, or we can just set it up

A club? Anyway, we are essentially no different from a simplified version of a small club. Every time we train and compete, we have to worry about a lot of things, logistics, transportation, expenses and so on..." Yan Yan obviously thought carefully.

Start talking.

Chu Yifan listened attentively and nodded from time to time.

In fact, this is not the first time Yan Yan has had this idea.

Yan Yan had previously suggested that the "Jincheng Branch of the Dongchuan Middle School Football Team" should be formalized.

He also took the time to take the coaching certificate exam, first taking the D-level exam, and after getting the D-level certificate, he took the C-level exam.

Because if you want to coach an amateur football team, you must have a C-level certificate. A D-level coaching certificate can only engage in youth football training.

It is actually not difficult to establish an amateur football club. The conditions for establishment are also written on the official website of the Chinese Football Association. If you are interested, you will know what conditions need to be met by searching.

The reason why it has never been established is because Chu Yifan felt that it was really unnecessary to establish an amateur football club if it was just to facilitate everyone to play games.

What to do after establishment?

Since it is a football club, it must develop, right?

If you play football for fun, the current football team format can actually meet the needs of everyone to play football together and connect with each other.

After all, after establishing a club, you have to continue to invest money in order to maintain the normal operation of the club.

None of us are rich, so there is no need to throw money into it just to make a sound.

To set up a club, you need money and you have to find sponsors. Sponsor’s money does not come from strong winds. Since you are an amateur football club, you have to participate in various amateur events to increase the sponsor’s exposure. Otherwise, why should others

Sponsor you with real money?

Just so you and your friends can have free mineral water while kicking around?

Chu Yifan asked such a simple question: "What should I do after it is established?"

Yan Yan couldn't answer, so the matter went nowhere.

But now listening to Yan Yan's long speech, Chu Yifan knew that he had already thought of how to answer his question.

So after he finished speaking, Chu Yifan asked again: "What will happen after it is established?"

Sure enough, this time Yan Yan immediately gave the answer:

"Take root in the community and slowly become a football club that can represent the community where it is located. As stated in this community football development document, football is a sport that belongs to the community. Football should be returned to the community and the masses. Regain the grassroots nature of football.

.As long as we can gain a foothold in the community, we don’t have to worry about the survival of the team. After all, we are just an amateur club. The scale does not need to be too large, and the expenses will not be too large. The biggest expense may be the venue fee..."

Yan Yan answered very seriously, just like he was doing his graduation defense back then.

"In the past, you asked me what to do after it was established, and I couldn't answer. But now the Football Association really wants to promote the communityization of football. I think we can make a difference if we set up a club. After all, in the future, amateur club competitions will

There has been a huge increase. National competitions are too far away from us, so we don’t need to think about it. But Jincheng will definitely increase various amateur competitions. Isn’t it mentioned in the news? Not only city-wide competitions, but also various competitions at the district level.

It is a kind of competition, and it is a formal graded competition, and there is a promotion and relegation mechanism... With enough competitions, the club has the meaning of existence."

Like a venture capitalist, Chu Yifan did not immediately agree with the future described by Yan Yan, but asked his own questions to test Yan Yan:

"The problem is how to take root in the community. We are all alumni of Dongchuan Middle School. We are basically Dongchuan people living in Jincheng. In fact, we are considered outsiders. We have no influence in the local community and no connections. How can we stay in Jinchen?

Can the city’s communities stand firm?”

Hearing Chu Yifan's question, Yan Yan grinned: "It's simple. We carry out children's football training activities in the community where the club is located. As long as we teach well, won't we have influence? And then supplement it with the support of our team in the community.

Achievements in amateur competitions have opened up publicity... Those parents who were initially willing to send their children to our training must live nearby, and they are our first supporters. This is why we must first establish football

The reason is the club. Because only by establishing a club first can we have the qualifications to carry out youth football training."

Yan Yan's thought made Chu Yifan's eyes light up, but he quickly frowned again:

"Who will teach? Hire a coach from outside?"

"Of course it's me." Yan Yan pointed at himself. "Isn't it me who is the current coach of our team? And I have a D-level coaching certificate and am also qualified to provide children's football training."

"You don't go to work?"

"If it can be done, I will stop working and work exclusively as a coach." Yan Yan nodded.

Chu Yifan asked a very crucial question: "Xiao Jiang supports you?"

"I talked with her and she supported me in doing what I wanted to do."

Chu Yifan's expression became serious and he looked at Yan Yan: "You are really brave."

Yan Yan laughed: "I still like to do things related to football. Our country is now vigorously promoting national football and community football. I think this is also an opportunity for me. What if it is successful?"

"What? You still want to build a century-old wealthy family?" Chu Yifan teased.

"Ha, that's not the case." Yan Yan waved his hands repeatedly, "Professional football is too difficult, I don't have that ambition. I just hope that we can make a name for ourselves in amateur football. When the time comes, we will have our own training ground and our own

The echelon cultivated can export several professional players... and continue to exist stably as an amateur football club for a long time. I think what Chinese football needs most is not a century-old giant, but countless 'screws'. Can be a qualified '

Screw', this amateur club is considered a success."

Chu Yifan was actually shocked by what Yan Yan said, but he quickly calmed down, returned to the role of "investor", and continued to ask: "When a club is established, there are some mandatory obligations for those who join.

, this may be different from our original goal of just getting together to play football..."

Yan Yan replied simply:

"So we can't just recruit alumni from Dongchuan Middle School - it doesn't matter. Anyway, we now have friends brought by everyone in our team, and not all of them are alumni... And I am talking to you about this right now.

He said that if we really want to do it, we must discuss it with everyone and vote on it.

"If the final decision is made, then the principle of voluntariness must be followed. Those who are willing to stay are welcome. Those who are unwilling to join the club, there is no need to let them go. They can continue to stay in the team as peripheral members and train together when they are free.

To play football, you can come whenever you want. If you come, just pay your share of the money. It’s actually no different from now..."

As Yan Yan was talking, he suddenly stopped.

Because with his head lowered, he found that there were many more feet in his field of vision wearing various sneakers.

He raised his head again and realized that everyone had gathered around him at some point.

Five-on-five competitions have long been discontinued.

The football was lying alone on the court, and everyone gathered on the sidelines, looking at Yan Yan and Chu Yifan.

Meng Xi grinned and said to him: "I said you and Captain Chu were hiding in the corner and muttering about what they were talking about...it turns out they were discussing setting up a club!"

"I haven't even written the horoscope yet." Chu Yifan waved his hand, "Yan Yan just told me first."

Yan Yan nodded: "Yes, it is my personal idea for the time being. In the end, we will have to seek the opinions of all of us. I plan to make a report on my ideas first and then post them in the group so that everyone can read them.

Let’s decide later.”

"I think what you said, Captain Yan, is right. Chinese football needs thousands of screws. Without screws, where would a century-old giant come from? In the past, Chinese football always focused on the giant teams in Europe, always thinking about becoming bigger.

The strongest, but they have ignored the foundation. The professional leagues have become like castles in the air, with an unstable foundation. There are no century-old giants, but there are many bankrupt clubs... So I personally support us in being a screw." Mao, standing next to Meng Xi.

Xiao said.

Zhong Shihao said: "I also support it."

"I may not be able to guarantee attendance, but I also support the transformation into a club." Chen Rui said.

"I agree to the club."

"I can also resign and participate. Anyway, my current job is not interesting..."

"Football must be grassroots. If our country has countless football clubs and mature and complete graded competitions... it will not only create opportunities for those children, but also give us football lovers more opportunities, then

Why are you still worried that there is no soil for Chinese football?"

"If we want to do it, we have to hurry up. The documents and guidance have just come out, and many people may not have reacted yet. By the time they come to their senses, they may not be able to find the venue!"

"Yes, yes, the venue is very important. The venue will definitely be very popular then..."

"The venue is actually quite good. The football park project in Hu Lai has started construction of two new parks this year, and there will be more new venues in the future. In our large area of ​​​​Ximen, there are two of them, and one has been built.

There is a stadium under construction. We can also talk about the lease of the stadium where we play now."

"What is the main color of the jersey?"

"Yellow, right? Keep it consistent with the color of our school team..."

"Where's the team logo?"

"I can try to design the design..."

"What's the name of the club?"

Everyone stopped playing football and just gathered around the sidelines to brainstorm and make plans.

And this scene not only appeared on the football field at Jincheng West Gate, but also appeared in similar places across the country, and even on the Internet.

Those who truly love football are discussing the future of Chinese football enthusiastically.


"... Good evening, viewers, welcome to today's evening sports news. Today is Tuesday, March 21, 2034, and there are 88 days left until the opening of the World Cup in China... This morning, by the State Sports General Administration,

Six departments including the Chinese Football Association jointly launched the "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Development of National Football and Community Football" in the capital and announced the launch of a new amateur football system.

"In order to promote and popularize amateur football competitions for all, ten cities have been selected as the first batch of pilot cities to implement amateur football for all. They are: Capital, Shanhai, Haihe, Dashun, Tangdu, Jincheng, Lingnan, Linji,

Meiling, Nanjia.

"These ten cities will also be the first to launch a unified and complete amateur football competition system, including leagues with promotion and relegation systems, as well as various cups. Intercity leagues will also be held to bring the best amateur teams in each city to

Come together and compete for the championship.

"Their successful experience will gradually be promoted nationwide, and various regions will also accelerate the construction of their own amateur football competition systems, enrich the amateur life of our people, and greatly promote the popularization and development of national fitness sports...

"... Taking advantage of the World Cup craze, it is of great significance to promote the development of amateur football for all. Following the reform of professional football and campus football, the reform and development of Chinese football has entered a deeper work of popularizing football for all. This will have

It is conducive to building our country into a real football country and a football power..."


Attachment: "Implementation Opinions of the General Administration of Sports, the Chinese Football Association and other 6 departments on accelerating the development of football for all and communityization of football"

Please see the following single chapter for the full text.

In addition, this implementation draft was modified by me based on the implementation draft on accelerating youth campus football. This kind of official document is beyond my imagination and I cannot write it...

PS, important notice, the next free chapter became a paid VIP chapter because I set it wrong, so I covered it with the content of a chapter that should be updated tomorrow, and the word count has increased.

As for tomorrow, there will be two updates.

It means there are two updates today, which can be regarded as making up for everyone.

If you have subscribed to the next chapter, you can refresh it and you will see the new content.

I'm really sorry!

This chapter has been completed!
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