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Chapter 58 My game is not over yet

 Zhang Qinghuan had many dreams. For a while, he felt like he was falling in the darkness. The feeling of weightlessness made him feel particularly comfortable, and he even had an idea:

Fall, fall.

After glowing and heating up, it was burned to pieces and then blown away in the air, which would be a good destination.

But then he escaped from the dark environment of falling and returned to his childhood. He sat on the back seat of his father's 28-year-old bicycle, huddled his thin body behind him, and the cold wind and rain in front of him were all gone.

Blocked by his father's broad body, he pressed against his father's back and could still feel the warmth emanating from that body and hear his father's breathless voice: "Is it cold, Huanhuan? We're almost home.

We are almost home..."

Just when he felt at ease, he suddenly returned to that day. After the game, he received a call from his agent, Uncle Yong. On the phone, Uncle Yong told him in a low and hoarse voice that his father was coming from the capital.

On the way to watch his game away from home, he passed away due to a sudden illness.

He still remembered his reaction at that time. He had just completed a hat-trick of assists in the game and was selected as the man of the match. He received the call with a triumphant smile on his face. His mind was still a little bit confused and he was laughing.

I asked Uncle Yong if he was kidding me...

Of course he found out later that it was no joke.

He dreamed again that he was drunk in a bar and allowed the woman next to him who knew his identity to press her hot body tightly against him.

I dreamed that he was sweating profusely on a woman and panting.

I also dreamed that he was sweating profusely and panting on the football field.

I dreamed that my father was very dissatisfied and yelled at him: "What did you kick just now? Why didn't you hit the ball in? Are you afraid of him? If you are afraid of him, you are finished! Zhang Qinghuan!"

I also dreamed that my father touched my little head and smiled happily: "You played well today. Dad will take you to eat dumplings!"

He also dreamed that after he was notified of being selected for the national team for the first time, he excitedly called his father, but his father apologized to him on the phone: "Son, do you hate dad? Dad has always forced you to practice...


"Dad, what are you talking about? Why should I hate you?"

"Because dad has placed his unachievable dreams on you, even at the cost of changing your life...I read on the Internet that parents shouldn't ask their children to do things that parents can't do, let alone themselves.

A life forced on children...I think they are right..."

"Dad, in which WeChat group did you read Chicken Soup?"

"It's not chicken soup. I really think so... Your father has no football talent, but he dreams all day long that our Chinese team will participate in the World Cup... So I thought why not train my son to become a national football team? Let his son realize it.

Isn't dad's dream over? Now that you have finally become a national team player, dad is happy but also a little worried. You know how much pressure it is to play for the national team, and you have the expectations of 1.4 billion people...


"Dad, are you beating around the bush because you're afraid that if I get selected for the national team, I'll be disappointed? Don't worry. Dad, I'll help you realize your dream! Isn't it the World Cup? Let's go together!"

"Haha, I feel relieved with your words! By the way, join the national team and help your dad get an autograph from Qin Lin. I'll give it as a gift..."

"Dad, you can also give your son's signature as a gift!"

"You can wait until you actually take over Qin Lin's class to sign your kid's signature!"

"...In other words, your left foot...has basically lost its function of kicking..."

"Football is very honest. What you usually give is how much you gain in the game. If you don't pay in normal times and keep overdrafting, you will have to pay it back in the end! How many three years can your career last in three years?

You worked hard for three years, and the price is your entire future career! Do you still want to play football? You have no ball to play with Zhang Qinghuan!!"

Later, Zhang Qinghuan finally jumped out of various dreams, but he was once again in the darkness without light and sound, and kept falling downwards.

He knew he was dreaming, and now he desperately hoped that it was all just a nightmare.

After waking up, he was lying on the bed in the bedroom at home. His mother went to work and his father was busy in the kitchen making breakfast for him. Then Uncle Yong called him and told him that he was negotiating a new contract with the club and this time it must be a big one.

The contract allows their family to afford a house within the Fourth Ring Road.

The early morning sunshine shone in the small bedroom. After hanging up Uncle Yong's phone and hearing his father calling him to get up from outside, he felt extremely relieved.

There is no spinal arteriovenous malformation, no three-year indulgence, and no early retirement.

He can also run with the ball on the court, break through, and spin his opponents around.

If time could turn the clock back……

If this were all a nightmare...

If this is all just a prank...


Suddenly, Zhang Qinghuan felt his feet come into contact with something, and then the feeling of weightlessness disappeared, making him feel a little uncomfortable. The endless fall finally... ended.

He opened his eyes, and the early morning sunlight poured in from the two windows, accompanied by a cool breeze that gently blew the curtains.

He is still lying in the VIP ward of the Affiliated Hospital of Jincheng Sports University.

This is not a nightmare.


In Yang Hua's office, team coach Zhao Kangming, club general manager Dong Wen, chief physician Yang Hua, and Yong Jun were all looking at the other person in the room.

Zhao Kangming was saying to him: "Reporter Chen, when you talk to him about retirement later, change the topic to reflection. Let's listen to what Zhang Qinghuan thinks about the ridiculous things he did in the past."

Chen Jianyu said: "I understand. If he reflects on what he has done in the past and feels that he cannot look back, then it means that he can still be saved. If he has an indifferent attitude, then it means that he is completely finished."

Zhao Kangming and Dong Wen both nodded, while Yong Jun remained silent.

"Shall we go then?" Yang Hua stood up and asked.


Sun Juan was on duty at the nurse station when she saw several people filing out of Director Yang's office, then passed by her and walked straight to the ward where Zhang Qinghuan was.

Their footsteps sounded densely in the corridor, and for some reason, Sun Juan was reminded of scenes from those Japanese workplace dramas she had watched.

All of them were wearing suits and ties, with serious expressions, as if they were going to judge someone.

She was really curious about what they would say to Zhang Qinghuan, but she couldn't follow them, not even to eavesdrop.

She was just a trainee nurse. What if she was caught and kicked out before her internship period was over? How embarrassing would it be to tell her?

So she could only try to suppress her inner curiosity, planning to wait until they left to take a peek again, just like she did yesterday afternoon.


Zhang Qinghuan was sitting sideways on the bed and looked at the five people standing in front of him.

The club's general manager, the team's head coach, the chief physician, the team reporter, and Uncle Yong.

This battle...

He remembered what Uncle Yong said to him yesterday.

This should be the time for the club to announce its retirement, right?

What was supposed to come came.

"Zhang Qinghuan, since you were injured, the fans and the media have been very concerned about your injury, so we invited reporter Chen to do a simple interview for you, which can be regarded as a response to the current rumors and to reassure those who care about you.

." Dong Wen, general manager of the club, said.

Chen Jianyu smiled and nodded to Zhang Qinghuan: "Don't be nervous, this interview is published in written form, there is no video. I ask casually, you just need to express your true thoughts."

Yong Jun had been watching from the side, and he found that Zhang Qinghuan just nodded to express his cooperation, and did not suddenly get excited to protest or refuse to cooperate...

It seems like you have accepted your fate?

He sighed slightly in his heart.

"Then let's get started..." Chen Jianyu sat on the chair next to Zhang Qinghuan's bed, crossed his legs, and placed the open notebook on his lap. He held the notebook in one hand and a pen in the other. "This injury led to retirement. Before you

Have you ever thought about this outcome?"

He went straight to the point and went straight to the topic, not talking around in circles with Zhang Qinghuan at all. He used even somewhat aggressive questions to directly attack Zhang Qinghuan's heart, leaving him no time to think or pretend under such an aggressive offensive, and to show his true inner thoughts to the greatest extent.

As an experienced reporter, he certainly knows what to do to complete the tasks assigned to him by the club.

But what he didn't expect was that Zhang Qinghuan didn't fall into his rhythm.

"Who said I'm going to retire?" he suddenly asked.

Not only was Chen Jianyu stunned for a moment, the pen in his hand stopped in place, but everyone else present also looked at Zhang Qinghuan with surprised eyes.

In this astonishment, Zhang Qinghuan turned his back on the guest and stared at Yang Hua: "Dr. Yang, did you say before that it's not that I must not play football, but that if I want to play, I will bear huge risks?"

"Uh, yes..."

"That means I can actually still play football now, but the chance of getting injured is higher than others?" he asked again.

Yang Hua reacted and quickly explained: "It's not ordinary high, it's very high. That is to say... you may play in the game and don't need to fight against the opponent. You can just take the ball and change its direction, which may cause

If the old injury relapses, then it will be really hard to save..."

"Then let's wait until it relapses again." Zhang Qinghuan waved his hand.

"Ah?" Yang Hua was stunned.

Zhang Qinghuan sat up from the bed, straightened his back, looked at everyone present, including Uncle Yong, and said: "I don't plan to retire just now, I still want to play football. I don't want to just admit defeat, because my game has not yet finished."

It's over, unless I hear the final whistle. If my old injury really relapses, it's my fate, and I admit it. But as long as that moment hasn't come, I will keep playing."

Hearing what he said, everyone in the room looked at each other, especially Chen Jianyu. He never expected that Zhang Qinghuan would take the lead in his interview and become the guest!

He turned around in confusion and glanced at the comrades standing nearby. This was different from the script!

Yong Jun looked at Zhang Qinghuan blankly, but he didn't expect that after just one night, the Zhang Qinghuan he saw again would be different from yesterday.

However, Zhao Kangming laughed: "Isn't this great? Originally we just wanted to know the answer. But now he has said the answer himself, saving us the need to deduce from his answer."

After saying that, he took a step forward and walked to Zhang Qinghuan. Looking at him who was a little confused because of his words, he asked: "Stop saying nice things. To be honest, with the way you treated football before,

I think you should stop playing football as soon as possible. You will torture yourself and everyone else. If you get injured again, you may have to be in a wheelchair for the rest of your life. But if you retire in time now, you can still walk out of the ward on your own, and you won't be able to.

It will affect your normal life in the future. You should seriously consider retiring, huh?"

Zhang Qinghuan, who was sitting on the bed, looked up at his head coach, the coach who had great expectations for him and named him on loan from Tamron.

He still remembered that when he first joined Flash Star, the kind coach put his arm around his shoulders, squeezed hard, and said to himself: "As long as you play well, Qing Huan, I guarantee that I can bring you back to the top!"

At that time he was confident in himself.

As a result, now he keeps trying to persuade himself to retire and stop struggling.

He really broke the heart of a coach who was known for his tolerance and affability.

But even if the head coach is completely disappointed with him, Zhang Qinghuan is not ready to give up yet.

Because at this time, the whole world has already given up on him, but if he really gives up, it will be really over...

He is the only one who can never give up on himself.

So he shook his head and said firmly: "Director Zhao, I know I made you very sad, and I also know that you definitely don't believe what I'm saying now... I can't prove to you every word I said. But I

I won't retire unless my body really doesn't allow me to play anymore."

Zhao Kangming looked at him and slowly shook his head: "Why bother? When you were in good health, you didn't work hard or cherish opportunities. Now that you are disabled and lying on the hospital bed, you can't walk, but you have to persist and never give up.

...Why bother? Are you really willing to sit in a wheelchair?"

Zhang Qinghuan raised his head to meet the head coach's gaze, nodded and said: "Yes, unless I sit in a wheelchair."

"Why?" Zhang Kangming asked expressionlessly.

"I still have a promise to... someone else that has not been fulfilled. I don't want to disappoint him and think that I am a person who doesn't keep his word. So, Director Zhao, unless I sit in a wheelchair as you said, I won't

I will retire now. I am afraid that when I see him then, I will feel ashamed because I did not try my best to fulfill my promise to him."

When Zhang Qinghuan and Zhao Kangming were one-on-one, Yong Jun stood aside and said nothing. His eyes were always on Zhang Qinghuan's face.

When Zhao Kangming was about to say something again, he stood up and said: "Okay, Director Zhao, that's it. Haven't you got the answer you want yet?"

Zhang Qinghuan turned to look at his Uncle Yong strangely, puzzled by what he said.

Zhao Kangming, who was still very serious at first, also laughed when he heard this: "I think I got it."

Zhang Qinghuan turned to look at him again, with a confused look on his face.

"Zhang Qinghuan, let me ask you one last time, are you sure you won't retire or give up, and you still want to return to the football field?"

Zhang Qinghuan nodded: "I think so!"

"You still play a few games as well as before, and then you start to relapse and go to nightclubs to drink and have fun?"

Zhang Qinghuan shook his head: "No!"

Zhao Kangming nodded: "You're right, I really won't believe a single word you say anymore. I only look at your performance, Zhang Qinghuan. It's less than two months before the end of the season, and I'm waiting for you to improve."

It's such an injury. I'm afraid it will only last for a month. The club will examine your performance in training and games during this month, and then decide whether to buy you out. It doesn't matter if you say nice things now, anyway, if your performance cannot be achieved by then

If you satisfy us, then you can go back to where you came from, and what happens to you in the future has nothing to do with us."

When he said these words, Dong Wen, as the representative of the club, nodded behind him. Every time Zhao Kangming said a word, he nodded once, indicating to Zhang Qinghuan that this was exactly what the club meant.

Zhang Qinghuan said: "This is what it should be. I am really not qualified to ask you to believe my words now..."

"Very good." Zhao Kangming nodded, then turned to Yang Hua and said, "Doctor Yang, please..."

Yang Hua protested: "What is it about me again?"

"There is no way, Dr. Yang, you are the authority in this field. We are afraid that this kid won't believe us when we say..." Zhao Kangming pointed at Zhang Qinghuan.

Zhang Qinghuan, who was pointed at, looked at Yang Hua again with confused eyes.

I don't understand more and more what they are talking about.

It's obviously in Chinese and he knows what every word means, but why can't he understand the combination?

Yang Hua sighed: "Count the ball..."

He looked at Zhang Qinghuan: "Well, Zhang Qinghuan, before I explain the situation to you, I hope you can stay calm and patient, and don't forget what you just said..."

The expression on Zhang Qinghuan's face became solemn: "Does it mean that I am not even qualified to return to the court?"

Yang Hua shook his head: "No..."


"Juan'er, Juan'er!"

Sun Juan was shouted at several times by the head nurse before she came back to her senses: "Ah? Head nurse..."

"That's not okay, Juan'er. If Director Yang sees you being so confused, you will be scolded!" the slightly fat head nurse lectured with her hands on her hips.

Sun Juan lowered her head: "I'm sorry, head nurse, I didn't mean it..."

"Are you worried?" the head nurse asked.

"Well, I see that Director Yang took several people to Zhang Qinghuan's ward and they haven't come out for a long time..."

"You were really lured away by that Zhang Qinghuan!" The head nurse sighed after hearing this, "They didn't come out after they went in. What does it have to do with you?"

"No, I'm just curious and curious about what they said in it. I can feel that Zhang Qinghuan's mood has changed a lot in the past two days. It's the kind of abnormal change..."

"Zhang Qinghuan has nothing to do with you!" the head nurse said seriously. "He will stay in our hospital for a few days, and then he will recover and be discharged. What will happen? He is a star, drives a sports car, and lives in a mansion. You

Who is he? Do you think you can get to know him because you took care of him when he was in the hospital? Watch less idol dramas, your mind will be full of messy things all day long..."

"Oh..." Sun Juan lowered her head in grievance. She didn't want to have anything to do with Zhang Qinghuan, but she was really curious and wanted to know what happened to him. Moreover, she guessed the identity of the people who came to visit Zhang Qinghuan these days.

, I always feel that Zhang Qinghuan may not have been injured simply. Otherwise, would the club's senior management have nothing to do all day long? They keep running here...

But she didn't tell the head nurse her guess again, for fear that the other party would say that she had watched too many idol dramas.


Zhang Qinghuan stared at everyone in the room dumbfounded. He had maintained this expression for almost a minute.

Everyone in the room was a little scared.

Especially Zhao Kangming, because Zhang Qinghuan was looking at him most of the time.

He felt that he should really bring this kid Hu Lai, because then he could let Hu Lai attract firepower...

Yong Jun was also a little worried when he saw Zhang Qinghuan's reaction after knowing the truth.

After all, after experiencing the ups and downs of life, I will lie to you if I tell you about the ups and downs. In fact, you are fine at all. You can return to the court vigorously after ten days and a half of rest... It would be uncomfortable for anyone else, so in my heart

What will happen, who knows?

What if it explodes?

What if you find out it’s a scam and regret it?

What if someone deceives me with my excuse and I give up on myself again?

In fact, this is the most critical time.

After all, the "feelings" Zhang Qinghuan confided were all based on the fact that he knew that his career would most likely not be continued. As the saying goes, "a man's words are good even when he is about to die."

But what if you know you can’t actually die?

Will he still recognize what he said?

So Yong Jun asked: "Qing Huan, are you okay?"

Then he saw Zhang Qinghuan suddenly twitching the corner of his mouth and smiling.

Then he grinned and laughed.

And he laughed louder and louder, laughing as if no one else was around. In the end, he leaned back on the bed and his whole body was shaking.

Seeing him like this, everyone who was already panic-stricken became even more panicked. They looked at each other, a little at a loss.

In the end, Yong Jun stepped forward to hold Zhang Qinghuan down, but before his hand touched him, he saw that he had stopped laughing maniacally, but still had a fierce smile on his face, shaking his head and saying: "Uncle Yong,

Do you know? I don’t know how many times I thought about it in the past two days, hoping that this was a nightmare... But every time I opened my eyes, I found that I was still lying in this ward... So how many times did I have at that time?

Disappointed, how happy I am now..."

Having said this, he looked at Zhao Kangming again: "Director Zhao, I won't say more. You can just watch my performance when the time comes."

After hearing what he said, Zhao Kangming breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone else also breathed a sigh of relief, and their expressions softened significantly.

It is true that no one can predict what will happen in the future, but looking at it now, Zhang Qinghuan did not become angry because he found out that he had been cheated...

That's a good thing.

At least as of now, Hu Lai's plan should be considered a success.

Thinking of Hu Lai, Zhao Kangming was really emotional.

Sure enough, this child can always bring surprises...

"Speaking of which, when you return to the team, there is actually one person you should thank the most." Zhao Kangming said with a smile.

"Who?" Zhang Qinghuan was surprised. What does it have to do with his teammates on the team? None of them like him very much...

"Hu Lai." Zhao Kangming simply told Zhang Qinghuan the whole story. "...To be honest, I really wanted to give up on you, but Hu Lai convinced me. He told me that since our team is a whole, then we will not give up on you."

You should give up on anyone, so after he heard that you were injured, he came up with this method to make you wake up..."

When Zhang Qinghuan heard this name, he was not surprised, and even felt like "it really is him."

Because just before he was injured, he had repeatedly blocked himself at the training base for this reason.

It was just that at the time, he thought Hu Lai was out of his mind and was just entertaining himself.

Now that I think about it, I misunderstood him.

Zhang Qinghuan suppressed his smile and fell into deep thought.


PS, it’s the last day of July. If you still have monthly votes that you haven’t voted for, you might as well vote for this book. Thank you everyone!

I bow to you!


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