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Chapter 59 Self-cultivation of scumbags

 Hu Lai would take time to check into the system every day and look through the task log to see if the task of helping Zhang Qinghuan's prodigal son turn around was completed.

But there was no movement in the system at all, and the task was still lying quietly in the task log.

Three days have passed, and Zhang Qinghuan continues to lie in the hospital ward.

So did his plan succeed or fail?

Hu Lai felt very unsure.

On the way to the training base in the morning, he used his mobile phone to read the news and came across an article related to Zhang Qinghuan.

"... Anton Star Club officially announced today that Zhang Qinghuan, who was injured in the game, has been diagnosed with a sprained ankle, but it is not serious and no ligaments were damaged. It is expected that he will be able to return to the court in ten to fifteen days... This

This is good news for Anton Shining Stars, who have recently suffered from organizational weakness... Zhang Qinghuan was injured in the 1:0 home game of Shining Stars defeating Wuzhou Dongshan in the 29th round of the league.

In that game, he came on as a substitute and assisted Hu Lai to score the team's only goal...

"...After the injury, Anton Shining Star has not announced the specific condition of Zhang Qinghuan's injury, which once aroused a lot of speculation from the outside world. Some people swore that Zhang Qinghuan was seriously injured and would be retired for the season, while others said that Zhang Qinghuan might face early retirement... Although as a professional

Once a talented genius, he is no longer as good as Wang Xiaoer every year, but he still has high popularity among fans, especially female fans. For such a player who once had high hopes,

It was still shocking enough to hear the news that he was retiring early...

"Fortunately, after repeated and detailed inspections, the Flash Star Club finally confirmed that Zhang Qinghuan's sprain was not serious, did not damage the ligaments, and would not bring any hidden dangers to his future career... Many people were relieved.

.With five rounds left in the league, if he can return to the team in time and show his performance in the game against Wuzhou Dongshan, then the situation of Shining Star's relegation must be relatively optimistic..."

Hu Lai took it seriously and read the news report carefully.

Trying to find some clues to deduce whether your plan is successful.

But he failed to get what he wanted.

This is actually a decent media report. For ordinary fans, it may be considered rich in information. But for someone like him who knows the inside story, what this article says is tantamount to not saying anything, and there is no useful information.


After all, it is impossible to deceive Zhang Qinghuan all the time, so you always have to tell him the truth. This news can only mean that Zhang Qinghuan must have known that this was a scam, but how did he react to it?

Has he really changed his ways, or has he continued to give up on himself?

There is no way for Hu Lai to know these things from this news report.

Although the system did not prompt that the task was completed, it also did not prompt that the task failed...

Hu Lai has never failed a mission before, so he doesn't know whether the system will prompt if the mission fails.

Hu Lai, who had something on his mind, just walked into the training base and found assistant coach Chen Mo waiting for him at the south gate.

"Hu Lai, the head coach is looking for you."

Wang Guangwei glanced at Hu Lai, said nothing, and went to the locker room alone.

Hu Lai followed Chen Mo to Zhao Kangming's office.

As soon as he opened the door and entered, he saw Zhao Kangming sitting behind the desk with a serious look on his face.

This gave him a bad premonition: Look at Lao Zhao's expression, couldn't he have failed?

Then my mission rewards really flew away...

And in addition to regretting that he could no longer obtain mission rewards, Hu Lai also felt a little bit sorry for Zhang Qinghuan this time...

After all, in the game against Wuzhou Dongshan, he was deeply impressed by Zhang Qinghuan's passing, and that natural way of playing made him very comfortable.

"Um, Director Zhao..." Hu Lai asked cautiously, "Why did you call me here?"

"I'm here to inform you." Zhao Kangming continued to say with a straight face, "After all, this was your idea, and I think it is necessary to let you know the result."

"Oh, that……"

Zhao Kangming said seriously: "You kid is wrong. Zhang Qinghuan was so frightened by you that he really woke up."

Hu Lai stared at Zhao Kangming and blinked. Director Zhao's serious expression and what he said made him completely unresponsive. Looking at Director Zhao's expression, he said it seemed that it was not a good result; but after listening to what Director Zhao said, he couldn't react at all.

Obviously his plan was successful...

"Then why are you so sad, Director Zhao?" Hu Lai finally came to his senses.

Only then did Zhao Kangming show a happy smile: "Nonsense, you confused all of us with one idea, and I even ran to act in front of Zhang Qinghuan... I have to make up for it here.


Seeing Director Zhao say this, Hu Lai also laughed.

Zhao Kangming then told Hu Lai the story of Zhang Qinghuan's transformation in detail.

"... He took the initiative to express repentance at that time, instead of saying those words under our constant temptation. So Manager Dong, Mr. Yong and I all felt that he would really turn back this time." Zhao Kangming finally said.


Hu Lai nodded and wanted to express his agreement, but he suddenly thought of the quiet tasks in the system, but frowned: "No..."

"What are you trying to do again?" Chen Mo glared.

Hu Lai quickly explained: "Director Chen... I just want to say that you can't just look at what Zhang Qinghuan said, but what he did. After all, he has lied countless times before. Who knows if he is here this time?"

Lying. Maybe even if he didn't lie, he really wanted to repent sincerely at the moment, but what if the excitement caused by the atmosphere dissipated in a few days and he regretted it again? After all, it's not like he has never done this kind of thing...


Zhao Kangming looked at Hu Lai with a playful smile: "We have also taken your concerns into consideration, including Zhang Qinghuan himself who said so. So I didn't say that Zhang Qinghuan was really the prodigal son who turned back, I just said that we think that

The chance of this is very high. But we also told him that it still depends on his specific performance."

"Then since you have all considered it, Director Zhao, it must be absolutely foolproof..." Hu Lai quickly flattered Zhao Kangming.

"Okay, I'll just inform you of the results. You go back and change your clothes and get ready for training." Zhao Kangming didn't take his advice and waved to Hu Lai.

Hu Lai quickly turned around to leave, but when he walked to the door, he suddenly remembered and turned around and asked: "Director Zhao, if Wang Guangwei asks about this matter, can I tell him?"

"I can only tell him alone." Director Zhao replied seriously. "We have to consider that after too many people know about this, the discussions behind their backs may hurt Zhang Qinghuan's self-esteem, and may also make Zhang Qinghuan's self-esteem worse.

He returned to the mood of breaking the pot. After all, it was not a glorious thing. He didn't even talk about his father's death, which shows that he is still very sensitive to this kind of thing."

"Understood!" Hu Lai saluted, opened the door and ran out.

"This kid..." Chen Mo shook his head helplessly.

When he turned around, he saw Zhao Kangming looking at him with a smile.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" He was a little strange.

"Old Chen, we were all wrong. We said at the beginning that Zhang Qinghuan's matter was neither his responsibility nor his responsibility. What happened?" Zhao Kangming spread his hands and said, "I just said, give this kid more expectations.

Who knows what surprises he can bring us?"

In the face of the iron-clad facts, Chen Mo couldn't say anything else. He was silent for a moment and then laughed: "That child, although he is a little wilted and bad, he is really a good boy...


Zhao Kangming smiled very proudly.


Zhang Qinghuan did not stay in the VIP ward until he recovered from his injury.

Since it was not a serious injury, it was natural to put on protective gear and be discharged from the hospital.

Sun Juan at the nurse's station saw Zhang Qinghuan slowly walking out of the ward on crutches, accompanied by the agent, and passed in front of her.

At this moment, she did have a little fantasy, fantasizing that Zhang Qinghuan could say a few words to her when he left. After all, she had been responsible for him these past few days.

But the plot of an idol drama did not happen in reality. Accompanied by her manager, Zhang Qinghuan didn't even look at her when she passed by, let alone say a few words to her.

This made Sun Juan feel a little depressed.

She thought to herself, even if she didn't speak, it would be fine to just smile at her...

After the two people walked away, the head nurse next to her noticed something was wrong with Sun Juan, and also knew why the little trainee nurse was so depressed.

She patted Sun Juan on the shoulder: "Juan'er, I have told you before that he is a scumbag. Why are you little girls so interested in scumbags..."

Sun Juan felt even more aggrieved when the head nurse said this, but she bit her lower lip tightly and did not speak. She just lowered her head and repeated the work of sorting out the information.

On the other hand, the other nurses in the nursing station all stood up for Sun Juan's injustice: "Anyway, that Zhang Qinghuan didn't even say a word of thanks and just left like that. It's too cold and heartless!"

"That's right, Juan'er has been taking care of him so hard these days..."

"Oh, how else can I say he is a scumbag? Once he turns his back and refuses to recognize others, then he can really 'disown others' in a literal sense!"


In the closed elevator, Yong Jun said to Zhang Qinghuan: "Qinghuan, that little nurse has been looking at you just now, why are you ignoring her?"

Zhang Qinghuan in the elevator changed from his previous indifference and said with a smile: "Uncle Yong, could you please go find her WeChat ID for me later?"

"What kind of WeChat ID can I ask for for you? Are you serious?" Yong Jun glared at him.

"Uncle Yong, please help me go up there again later and say thank you to her." Zhang Qinghuan said, leaning against the wall of the elevator car.

"Why don't you say it yourself?"

"I don't want others to misunderstand." Zhang Qinghuan shook his head.

Yong Jun was stunned for a moment and then figured out the reason.

With Zhang Qinghuan's reputation, even a simple "thank you" would be misunderstood in the eyes of onlookers.

He definitely didn't want to implicate this little girl.


"But your cold expression just now will only deepen the prejudice of those nurses against you, which is not good for reshaping your personal image..."

Hearing what Uncle Yong said, Zhang Qinghuan waved his hands nonchalantly: "It's a disadvantage if it's not good. I just want to play football well now. Uncle Yong really doesn't have the time or energy to reshape his personal image."

Yong Jun felt a little heartbroken when he heard what Zhang Qinghuan said, but he still agreed to Zhang Qinghuan's request: "Okay, you can wait for me in the car later and I will make another trip."


Sun Juan finally stabilized her mood and was working when she unexpectedly discovered that Zhang Qinghuan's agent was back and came to the nurse station to find her. She also said to her very solemnly under the surprised eyes of other nurses: "Thank you, girl."

You have taken great care of Zhang Qinghuan in the past few days. During this period, he was emotionally unstable due to injury. It has been hard for you and I have wronged you. If there is anything that offends me, I hope you will not take it to heart."

Sun Juan was deeply surprised by this. When a middle-aged man who was old enough to be her father thanked and apologized to him in a serious manner, she even panicked.

So she waved her hands quickly: "You're welcome, you're welcome... This is my job, what I should do..."

After Yong Jun expressed his gratitude, he was about to leave, but he was stopped by Sun Juan: "Sir, are you really his agent?"

Yong Jun was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Yes."

Sun Juan's next words surprised him even more: "Then can you take good care of him? Don't let him continue like this..."

Yong Jun took a deep look at the little nurse who was panicking again, and then nodded: "Okay, I promise you, I won't let him do what he did before. Thank you, and I would like to express my gratitude to you on behalf of Zhang Qinghuan.


This time he turned around and left, and the little nurse didn't stop him again.


Zhang Qinghuan, who was sitting in the car, waited until Yong Jun came back.

"Have you thanked her?"

Yong Jun sat in the driver's seat, fastening his seat belt, and replied: "Well, thank you. You are right, Qing Huan, such a good girl, I don't want to have anything to do with you."

Zhang Qinghuan rolled his eyes and then smiled again.

Yong Jun drove the car out of the underground parking lot, turned onto the ring road next to the hospital, and then merged into the rolling traffic.

Beside a window on the fifth floor of the hospital, there was a pair of eyes watching the traffic on the First Ring Road, but she didn't know which figure in the car was the person in her heart...


PS, it’s August, please ask for a guaranteed monthly pass...

This chapter has been completed!
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