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Chapter 3 This world is a little different

When the brisk music sounded, cheers rang out in the classroom: "School is over!"

Some people raised their arms in their seats and stretched out, some people couldn't wait to grab their schoolbags and ran to the door of the classroom. Others were still sitting in their seats, writing furiously, as if they didn't want to end their study.

Hu Lai sat in his seat and did not move.

However, Fatty Song next to him had already pulled out his schoolbag and held it in his arms. When he stood up, he glanced at Hu Lai next to him strangely and saw that he was still there in a daze.

His deskmate had been in a daze for the entire self-study class.

In other words, his deskmate has been distracted all day long.

During class, I was called on by the teacher to answer a question because I was distracted. Of course I couldn't answer it, so I stood on the edge of the podium under the gaze of the whole class, and once again became the object of everyone's jokes...

However, Fatty Song found that even when he was called to stand at the edge of the podium, Hu Lai didn't seem to take this kind of punishment to heart at all. He still looked lost and didn't care about the joking looks of others.

So he sat down again after he had already stood up. He seemed to be having a fierce struggle in his heart. It could be seen from the changing expressions on his face that this struggle must be very fierce.


Hu Lai spent a day secretly observing, and then discovered a fact that he had to admit, that is, this world is probably not the world he is familiar with, or it is a little different from the world he is familiar with...

The history is the same, the geography is the same, the politics are the same... everything is the same, only football is different.

For example, the head of state of the United Kingdom is still the Queen, and the capital of the United Kingdom is still London, but London's wealthy clubs are no longer called Arsenal or Chelsea, and not only have they changed their names, but everything else is the same.


At first, Hu Lai used things from the football world that he was familiar with, but found that he couldn't. It was not as simple as Chelsea and Arsenal changing their names, but a completely different club's history, club's strength, and club's heritage.

, the current situation of the club...everything is different.

The clubs are different, and the players are naturally different.

That's why Luo Kai, Fatty Song and others have no idea who Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo are, because in this world, Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo do not exist at all.

Just like the club, it's not as simple as changing the name. If you look for Messi's life history and technical characteristics, you won't find anyone in the world who is the same as the Messi Hu Lai knows.

At first, Hu Lai thought that the "Caesar" Luo Kai and the others were talking about was Cristiano Ronaldo, but after making some insinuations and asking someone about Caesar, Hu Lai discovered that he was not the "Cristiano Ronaldo" either.

Caesar's habit of standing up his collar is very similar to that of Eric Cantona, the former Manchester United legend whom Hulay knew, but Caesar is not Cantona by another name. In addition to this habit of standing up his collar,

There is no similarity whatsoever between the two.

So there is no Messi in this world, no Cristiano Ronaldo, no Maradona, no Pele... This makes Hulay feel very strange.

But some aspects are very familiar to Hu Lai. For example, the World Cup is still called the World Cup. It is the top national team football event in the world. It has an extremely huge influence. As a single sports event, it can be on an equal footing with the Olympic Games; managing global football.

The governing body is still called FIFA, and the English abbreviation is FIFA; in addition, the strength of Chinese football in the world is still very weak...

Because of this familiar and unfamiliar feeling, Hu Lai always felt torn and unreal. He didn't know if he was dreaming and hadn't woken up yet. During this period, he secretly pinched himself several times, some mildly and some severely.

But no matter how painful it was, he was not awakened by the pain. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was still lying on the bed, with a layer of cold sweat on his back...

Then he fell into another kind of confusion: Did he travel through time, or did the clubs and players travel through time?

If it's the latter, can those players accept it? Aren't they completely crazy?

If it's the former, then are you crazy?


After a long and fierce struggle, Fatty Song seemed to have finally made up his mind. He took out ten dollars from his school uniform pocket and slapped it on the desk in front of Hu Lai.

Hu Lai looked down at the ten dollars and said nothing. He still hadn't turned his head around and didn't understand what was happening.

"Isn't it just fifty yuan? As for that? You feel like you have lost your soul all day long... Take it and I'll count on my brother to sponsor you!"

Hu Lai turned to look at Fatty Song: "Really?"

"Do you think I am you? I only give out one yuan when giving out red envelopes..."

Before Fatty Song finished speaking, he saw Hu Lai holding ten yuan in his hand and putting it into his pocket.

Then he reached out and patted Fatty Song on the shoulder, and said with a serious expression: "Classmate Song Jiajia, I knew you were my true friend. Although you betrayed me this morning, I have already forgiven you!"

Fatty Song, Hu Lai's deskmate who only had a name after appearing on the stage, was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "What? Do you still remember what happened in the morning? Why are you so petty! Give me the money back, I'm blind

I pity you!"

He reached out to catch Hu Lai, but Hu Lai had already jumped up from his seat with his schoolbag before he could catch him, and then rushed towards the classroom door.

How could Song Jiajia, who is as fat as a ball, catch up with Hu Lai, who is as skinny as a monkey?

He put his head in his hands and lay on the table, wailing: "My pocket money! Bastard Hu Lai! If I don't pity you anymore, I'll be a dog!"


Hu Lai was pedaling hard on his bicycle, which was so broken that no one even stole it when it was left on the roadside, weaving in and out of the traffic.

The wind blew in his face and poured in through his open school uniform. The clothes puffed up backwards, as if they were sails filled with wind.

His schoolbag was placed in the basket on the front of the car. The strap of his schoolbag hung down from the basket and fluttered backwards when it was hit by the wheels. It really made people worry that the strap would be stirred into the wheels.

However, Hu Lai didn't care at all. He braked suddenly at a hidden intersection ahead, almost throwing himself out, and then turned into a small alley on the right.

This is an alley with high walls on both sides. It is very narrow and can only pass people, not traffic. After riding along this alley for more than ten meters, Hu Lai's eyes suddenly opened up.

A large square appeared in front of him.

It is said to be a square, but it is actually a wasteland. A corner of the wasteland is filled with a lot of discarded fitness equipment, which is the kind of free construction equipment for community fitness plazas. Now they are all piled up in a mess and covered with rust.

Weeds grew out of every crack, almost drowning the junk.

There is also a circle of dense weeds growing on the edge of the open space, and only the earthen ground can be seen in the middle circle.

Except for the entrance, this open space is surrounded by high platforms made of green strips of stone on three sides. There are several old-style brick and tile houses sitting on the high platforms. The blue-gray brick walls have exposed red bricks in some places, and the tiled eaves are not neat. It can be seen that

These houses are quite old.

Hu Lai knew that no one was living in these houses, because he had been playing football here for a month. The football hit the walls, making a bang-bang echo, but no one poked his head out of the closed windows.

Come and yell at him for disturbing them.

Hu Lai discovered this place accidentally a month ago. When he discovered it, the entire open space was almost covered with weeds, and there was no place to stay.

He spent half an hour after school twice to pull out some of the weeds in the open space and clear a field where he could play football.

This became the place where he conducted secret training.

Three days a week, his father works the evening shift. He goes to work very early in the afternoon and doesn't come home until late at night. Even if he comes home half an hour late, he won't worry about his father catching him playing football.

. And although his mother knew what he was doing, she didn't care about him.

So he came here for special training, and then imagined that one day he could change his classmates' old impressions of him and surprise them all on the football field.

He felt so happy when he thought that when that day really came, he would proudly accept the admiring looks from his classmates, shock people like Li Zhiqun to the point where they could not speak, and have Luo Kai bow to him.

When the time comes, he will calmly tell them the classic line: "Thirty years to the east of Hedong, thirty years to the west of Hexi, don't bully young people into poverty!"

Hu Lai threw his bicycle into the weeds next to him and ran towards his destination. Because his father did not allow anything related to football to appear in the house, he couldn't take the football he secretly bought with his pocket money back.

He can hide the football in the grass after every special training session.

For fear of being stolen, Hu Lai hides the football in a different place every time.

Now he headed straight to the place where he last hid the football.

He wanted to confirm one thing: whether this world was strange or familiar to him.

Just like whether the top in the movie "Inception" will keep spinning or stop spinning, will the football he hid last time appear in its original place?

Hu Lai ran towards a dense bush on the right side of the clearing.

From the outside, it looks no different from the surrounding grass.

He ran up and dug away the grass on both sides, as if he had discovered a hidden bird's nest in the grass. A round thing lay quietly in the grass.

That was the football he hid after the last special training session.


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