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Chapter 4 He looks like a dog

The football just lay quietly in the grass, its surface still shining because of the dew on the grass.

Hu Lai carefully reached out and picked up the football, as if he were holding a fragile gem.

He also wants to confirm again whether this football is his football.

He turned the football over, and near the valve core, there was an English word written with a black oil-based pen: "who".

But here it does not mean "who", but it is homophonic with Hu Lai's own surname.

The pronunciation of "Hu" and "who" are similar.

Hu Lai used this euphemistic way to express that this is his own football.

Why not just write "hu"?

Because Hu Lai didn't think it was interesting enough, he thought of a joke in his mind:

“Who does this football belong to?”

"This football is stupid."

"Yeah, I'm just asking 'who' this football belongs to?"

"That's right, this football is stupid!"

It's actually a bit cold...but Hu Lai doesn't care.

Seeing this word, Hu Lai can now completely confirm that this football belongs to him, because others will not be as neurotic as him to come up with such a cold joke and then write it on the football.

There are hundreds of millions of footballs in the world, but the football that belongs to Hu Lai is the only one. There is only one and no semicolon.

Hu Lai stood there, looking down at the football in his hands.

There seems to be an answer to the question that has been confusing him today.

Is this still the world I know?

It seemed that many things related to football were different. The stars he was familiar with were gone, the clubs had disappeared, and were replaced by some names and people that were completely unfamiliar to him.

So is this world not the world he is familiar with?

But in school, his classmates were still the same people, with the same name and the same attitude towards him. Luo Kai never looked at him seriously. His younger brother and follower Li Zhiqun laughed at him. Although Fatty Song cheated him, he ended up giving up.

I gave myself ten yuan as compensation...

They look the same as they did yesterday, and they look the same as they did before. Although Fatty can be a bitch sometimes, he is his best friend. After all, in Fatty Song's mind, his deskmate is also a bitch...

Everything around him is familiar to him, including this deserted square where no one usually comes, including the football in his hand.

Those stars are different, and the professional football clubs are different, but they are so far away from me. Can they affect my life?

Hu Lai thought about it very seriously.


So this world is strange?


Since the people around you have not changed, and there is no difference to you, then why is the world different to you?

After Hu Lai figured out this question, whether he had traveled through time or the world had traveled across time, it lost its meaning to him.

He looked at the football in his hand and realized that the most important thing now was that he might only have half the time left to get home half an hour late.

His special training today hasn’t started yet!

He threw the football to the ground and kicked it towards the high platform directly opposite.

If you look carefully, you will find a thin white line on the blue-black stone wall, outlining a rectangular box the size of a goal.

That's his goal.

In this secret base of his own, he kicked the football toward the goal.

After a bang, the football hit the stone wall, but it did not bounce back, but bounced to a very strange angle.

Hu Lai chased after him hard, stretched out his foot and tried to stop the football, but the angle it bounced back this time was too weird, so even though Hu Lai was almost split, he still didn't touch the football, and almost suffered a strain.


But Hu Lai was not upset. He got up from the ground, caught up with the football that was blocked by the grass, rushed towards it and kicked it towards the "goal".

But this time, the football still didn't bounce back in the right direction.

Hu Lai could only run to the other side of the square to try to catch up with the football and stop it.

This time he was better than last time. At least he touched the football, although he just kicked the football towards the stone wall on the other side...




A slender leg stepped on the wooden staircase, making the stairs make a muffled sound.



Bang bang bang...

The girl holding a cardboard box in her arms quickly ran up the stairs. In the sound of her footsteps, the handrails of the stairs trembled, shaking up the dust that had accumulated for an unknown period of time.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone in from the window facing the stairs, and was divided into four pieces by the cross-shaped window frame. The dust was dancing in the four orange light pillars.

The girl passed through the light and dust, and her ponytail swaying from side to side stirred the dust behind her into vortexes.

None of these dust particles could touch the girl, as if they were not in the same world as the girl.

The girl banged the box on the table and was about to turn around and run down when she heard a muffled sound echoing outside the window.


She curiously walked to the window and saw the figure of a young man chasing a ball in the weedy wasteland downstairs of her house.

He caught up with the football with staggering steps, stopped the football, and kicked it towards the high stone wall on the opposite side.

After a bang, the football bounced in the completely opposite direction to the boy, so the boy turned around and chased the football again.

After catching up with the football, shoot the ball towards the stone wall again.

The football was bouncing back and forth on the irregular wall, and the boy was running around in the open space, trying to catch the football, but it seemed like he was just chasing after it.

Looking at the clumsy figure of this young man, the girl didn't know why, but she thought of a dog holding a Frisbee...

And once she thought about it, she couldn't suppress the thought, so in her eyes, the images of the boy chasing the football and the dog chasing the Frisbee actually overlapped.

Then the corners of the girl's mouth turned up. She was amused by her own thoughts.

But she immediately realized that thinking this way was disrespectful to the young football player below, so she quickly straightened her face and put away her smile.

The boy off the field was trying to stop a football that was flying out, but from the girl's point of view, this was very difficult and she was destined to be unable to stop.

But the boy didn't want to give up, and kept chasing the football tenaciously, like a dog whose attention was attracted by the Frisbee.

He struggled to reach for the football in the air.

He played football.

He kicked the football against the nearby wall.

Football hits the wall.

The football returned the same way and bounced straight back.

Football hits the boy right in the face!


The girl with a straight face finally couldn't hold it in anymore and burst out laughing.


Hu Lai squatted on the ground, rubbed his face with both hands, and let out a low whimper, so painful that tears came out.

He wiped away his tears and touched his nose. He found that there was no nosebleed, and he was relieved that his appearance was not disfigured!

Then he stood up slowly, frowning and looking around at the windows on the high platform.

Just as he gritted his teeth in pain and gasped for air, he faintly heard laughter.

He remembered that no one lived in the surrounding houses...

As usual, the windows were closed tightly and there was nothing inside.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew from the alley, blowing up the grass blades and dust in the open space, making Hu Lai feel a chill and couldn't help but shiver.

This reminded Hu Lai of something. It is said that the reason why no one comes to this wasteland is because of the legend of haunting. Some children saw the girl in red at the window. But these houses have indeed been unoccupied for a long time.

When Hu Lai came back to his senses and looked around, he realized that the sky was much darker.

He looked up and saw that the setting sun had disappeared without knowing when, and the sky was filled with dark clouds.


Li Ziqiang was carrying a huge mountaineering bag, then picked up two large boxes from the back of the van, turned around with difficulty, and shouted to the open door: "Qingqing, what are you doing? Why didn't you see anyone when you went up?"


"Come on, come on!" The girl jumped out from the door, her red sleeveless T-shirt swaying, vaguely revealing her navel underneath.

The low-waisted shorts set off her two long legs. If you look carefully, you will find that the girl's legs are different from other girls' long legs. They are not slender. On the contrary, the thighs are slightly thicker, and the muscles are lines when exerting force.

Obviously, he is not fair, but slightly dark, but his muscles paired with his wheat-colored skin make him appear toned and full of youthful vitality that cannot be hidden.

"Does it take so long to put something away?" Li Ziqiang complained, then shook his head towards the trunk of the van: "Move quickly, it looks like it's going to rain today."

The girl leaned into the van, pulled out a woven bag, and said to Li Ziqiang: "I was watching the sunset from up there just now. It was so beautiful."

"Sunset?" Li Ziqiang leaned back, raised his head reluctantly, looked at the sky covered with dark clouds, and asked.

"Just now, I said it was just now. The sun shined through the gaps in the clouds just now. It was like holy light. It was so beautiful!"

There was indeed sunshine just now, and Li Ziqiang smiled: "Then do you like this place?"

"I quite like it, Dad."

"As long as you like it, we may have to stay in this house for three years."


When the girl moved her belongings upstairs again, she went to the window and took a look. She happened to see the young man ducking into the grass with only his butt exposed.

Well, this time it finally doesn’t look like a dog holding a Frisbee, but becomes a dog crawling around in the grass...

The girl just stood by the window with her mouth raised and looked at it.

The boy worked in the grass for a while before exiting. After exiting, he carefully restored the grass to its original state, then pushed the bicycle next to him and left.

Seeing the sneaky figure disappear from sight, the girl withdrew her gaze and stared at the weeds where the young man was working just now and fell into deep thought.


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