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Chapter 3 Blood Orchid)

The Emperor Organization is an organization that specializes in collecting information about King Kong, Godzilla, and various giant beasts on the earth.

There are some people in this organization who believe that giant beasts are friends of mankind.

But there is also a larger part that thinks so.

Behemoths like King Kong and Godzilla.

It is a terrifying existence without any consciousness at all.

They must all be killed.

Once there is an imperial organization that spreads the news about Skull Island and King Kong.

The threat to Skull Island must be very great.

Because except for destructive weapons such as nuclear bombs.

There are also Transformers in this world.

There is even suspicion of Marvel.

Ding Zheng quickly stood up.

Searched around for a while.

No trace of outside humans was found.

But I don’t dare to delay for too long.

Wait until King Kong has rested.

The two brothers returned directly to Star Village.

Ding Zheng directly called Jack and Xingshi.

After asking.

Only then did I know that since it traveled through time.

A full 27 years have passed since Skull Island, reaching 1971.

That's two years less than in the mission world.

Ding Zheng felt a little more relieved.

Because according to the timeline in the movie.

The plot of Skull Island should take place two years later.

That is to say, it will not officially start until 1973.

Ding Zheng still has two years to prepare to deal with the upcoming American fighter jets.

and the Imperial Organization.

And now.

There is another, more important issue before Ding Zheng.

That is the chaotic Skull Island!

Ding Zheng is sitting on the throne specially built for him by the people of Xingcun.

Right in the center of the entire village.

Close to the city wall more than 20 meters high.

A huge stone chair.

Obviously, it has been carefully crafted.

Armrests and backrests are available.

A huge orangutan head is carved above the throne.

Close your eyes.

Like a sleeping devil.

Further up, there is an adjustable rain shield.

Now that the sun was shining brightly, there was no need for it, so he clung to the city wall.

Moreover, people in Star Village may have also considered King Kong's growth rate.

Therefore, this throne was made particularly majestic.

Even more than a stage.

Even when Ding Zheng sits on it, it feels a little empty.

Jack and Starstone knelt down under the throne.

Others from Hoshimura knelt in the back.

Everyone came out to worship.

Even the domesticated dire wolves were lying next to their masters, their heads lowered, not daring to look at Ding Zheng.

"Since you left, the Titan has been guarding the central lake almost all the time, preventing the invading pythons from causing too much damage to the ecology of Skull Island..."

Jack explained.

After King Kong left Ding Zheng, he stayed by the lake.

It can continuously absorb the characteristics of python meat and accelerate its own growth.

The effect is still very clear.

Now King Kong has reached an astonishing height of 35 meters.

And in the movie "Kong: Skull Island".

King Kong was just over 30 meters tall in 1973.

It is about 5 meters higher than the original work, or even higher.

And those pythons were also suppressed by King Kong.

Nothing was done at all.

Just lingering.

But King Kong didn't expect it.

It kills a giant python by the lake.

But the blood of those giant pythons gave birth to a strange flower.

Once an animal eats it, it can exceed its own growth limit.

Keep getting bigger!

When Ding Zheng heard this, he frowned instantly: "What kind of flower is it?"

Jack waved his hand, and immediately, a person from Xingcun carried a flower up.

On top of the emerald green leaves, there is a small, bright red flower that talks a lot.

The blood-red petals look like they were stained red by drops of blood.

Ding Zheng looked at the flower in the stone flowerpot, his forehead tightly wrinkled.

It has only one thought in its mind.

this flower.

It's seen!

It's in a movie called "Anaconda 2"!

Blood Orchid!


Ding Zheng let out a breath.

If it were originally, it would just be a little suspicious of the origin of those giant pythons.

By this time, I had completely figured it out.

Those giant pythons are from the Anaconda movie.

Those in Borneo have exceeded the limit of cell division because of the presence of blood orchids in the food chain.

The pythons finally grew to amazing sizes!

So although they are huge, they are not as strong as the ancient life forms of Skull Island.

The defense is also weaker.

Because they were originally just ordinary pythons.

Although blood orchid can allow them to break through the limit of growth.

But after all, it is impossible to achieve a leap in life levels!

"Keep talking." Ding Zheng said, staring at the blood orchid in front of him.

Jack then continued: "These flowers allowed many animals on Skull Island to grow up, and then were eaten by the skeleton lizards that occasionally came out to hunt. As a result, in recent years, skeleton lizards suddenly popped up from the ground crazily."

"It took the Titan a lot of time to kill those skeletal lizards, but the pythons also took the opportunity to develop, and several big ones appeared, which the Titan was also difficult to deal with."

"Some dinosaurs also ate this flower and increased in size again."

"The whole Skull Island is in chaos."

"Just some time ago, all the animals on Skull Island headed towards the central lake. I guess the flowers have reached maturity again, and they all went to snatch them."

"The giant god was going to suppress those animals, but on the way, a huge skeletal lizard was killed."

"Then you come back."

Ding Zheng nodded after hearing this: "In other words, the entire Central Lake is now crowded with animals who want to snatch the blood orchids?"

"Yes, but there are still a small number of people by the lake after all. Not every animal has the qualifications and courage to go there," Jack said.

"But..." he added, "even those animals will definitely cause great trouble to Skull Island, and once those flowers are eaten, those animals will definitely become the meal of the skeleton lizards.

, so we’d better prevent those flowers from entering the mouth of the skeleton lizard in any way.”

"However, the flowers will bloom the day after tomorrow at the earliest, but the giant god is seriously injured now. God Ape, we may have to think of other ways!"

Cold sweat broke out on Jack's face.

He knew that this was almost saying that Ding Zheng was inferior to King Kong.

But still brave enough to make suggestions.

Ding Zheng nodded.

Not blamed.

It is a fact that King Kong is stronger than him, and there is nothing hard to admit.

And what Jack said makes perfect sense.

He also has a clear mind and is a good talent.

"Don't worry, I have a way." Ding Zheng said.

Jack felt relieved and backed away obediently.

Now that Ding Zheng has said this, if he insists on mentioning it again, he is really seeking death.

Ding Zheng sat on the throne and looked at the blood orchid.

At this time, the flower's buds have not yet fully opened.

And Jack was sure it would only open the day after tomorrow.

Then of course he doesn't have to worry.

"First it was Transformers, then it was Python, that is to say..."

Ding Zheng suddenly thought that he had just entered the third mission world.

Captain America comic stolen from American pilot Hank.

"Is Hank still alive?" Ding Zheng asked.

Jack was stunned for a moment, but he quickly replied: "He is still alive, but without your consent, the giant gods ignored us, so we did not impart the power of gods to it."

The power of God in Jack's words is naturally the cultivation techniques that Ding Zheng used.

Ding Zheng naturally didn't pay much attention to those exercises.

Because no matter how much these human beings practice, they cannot cause trouble to it and King Kong.

But Ding Zheng still approved of what Jack and others did.

"Then bring him here. From today on, we can teach him." Ding Zheng ordered.

"Yes!" Jack stepped back respectfully.

It didn't take long.

Hank followed Hoshimura, walked from the edge of the crowd to the middle, and knelt down.

Ding Zheng looked at him and asked the question that had troubled him for 29 years.

"Is Captain America in your comic book real?"

This chapter has been completed!
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