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Chapter 4 One without a monthly pass)

Hank frowned at first.

Obviously didn't understand.

Then it dawned on me.

I remember 27 years ago.

The comic book signed by Captain America that Ding Zheng snatched from his hand.

Hank immediately nodded: "It's true! That comic was used to promote Captain America. He gave a speech at our base, and there is his autograph on it, called Steve Rogers."

Admit it directly, without any hesitation.

After saying that, he opened his mouth.

Showing white teeth.

Hoshimura has learned to brush his teeth a long time ago.

Hank stayed on Skull Island for 27 years.

The only thing I try to remember is one thing I will never forget.

Just in front of Ding Zheng.

Never lie!


Ding Zheng looked at Hank who was so honest.

His face looks a little ugly.

This answer is too straightforward.

Its psychological preparation seemed a little inadequate at this time.


Ding Zheng gritted his teeth in frustration.

Put your arms on the armrests and close your eyes tightly.

If not to maintain image.

I'm afraid I've already cursed loudly.

Ding Zheng is really not afraid of Captain America and Iron Man.

Is it possible that Captain America can even compete with it?

What about King Kong?

But if these people exist.

Thanos and various villains in the universe are naturally very likely to exist.

Don't say anything else.

Light is Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet.

It's a big problem.

Who knows whether that kind of mass random destruction weapon will wipe out it and King Kong.

"Some are busy."

Ding Zheng sighed.

It can almost be concluded that the days to come will never be leisurely.

There will be more and more things that can threaten the lives of Skull Island and the two brothers.

It raised its eyes and looked at the people of Xingcun below.

I couldn't help but think of the Marvel movie, where there is a small black country that lives in seclusion outside of other countries.


"If you can get the vibranium in your hands and get a pair of armor for me and Hanhan..."

Ding Zheng couldn't help but his eyes lit up.

However, it didn't think about it carefully.

This kind of thing is still difficult after all.

The expressiveness of superheroes in these American movies always fluctuates.

Ding Zheng was not sure that he had an absolute advantage.

Moreover, in the setting, Wakanda is the most technologically advanced country on earth.

The performance in the movie is probably just the tip of the iceberg.

Ding Zheng put away his thoughts and glanced at Xingshi: "Is everyone here?"

When Xingshi saw that Ding Zheng finally paid attention to him, he immediately stood up with a happy face.

"Yes, God! Everyone is here, including the dire wolves."

Xingshi's father, the former clan leader Jushan, unfortunately died in the chaos that broke out among the Skeleton Lizards a few years ago.

Xingcun also suffered heavy losses and numerous casualties.

At this time, there were only more than 5,000 people left.

Nearly one fifth are children who have been well protected.

After Jushan died, Xingshi became the leader of the clan.

This guy is Ding Zheng's fanboy. He has outstanding martial arts talent but lacks management experience.

In my heart, I just want to practice hard and follow Ding Zheng all my life.

He even wanted to give the position of patriarch to Jack.

But Jack knew that he was an outsider and would inevitably be unable to convince the public, so he still insisted on becoming a soldier.

Although Xingshi didn't take care of things much, giving Jack a lot of power, he never had any intention of rebelling.

He is a smart man.

You know the power in Star Village is bullshit.

If you want to live a better life on Skull Island, the only thing you have to do is not to make Ding Zheng angry.

"very good."

Ding Zheng nodded and then stood up from the throne.

Looking down at these Xingcun people, an idea came to my mind.

Blood-red light suddenly emerged from its body like hair!

Soon, Ding Zheng was completely wrapped in the red light of the ape soul armor.

But this time, the majestic red light did not hold Ding Zheng up.

Instead, it is like a series of bloody ribbons.

With Ding Zheng as the center, it exploded and surged to all sides!

"Close your eyes, don't resist, accept my inheritance!"

Ding Zheng's voice resounded in the ears of everyone in Xingcun.

The people in Xingcun looked at the red light surging from Ding Zheng's body.

Each one of them closed their eyes devoutly and completely gave up any resistance, without even using any strength in their whole bodies.

To them, this is a gift from God.

Supreme glory.

The same goes for Jack and Bruce.

They were not as pious as the people of Xingcun, but they also knew that Ding Zheng had no need to deceive them.

There was absolutely no thought of resistance.

Only Hank, the old pilot, was a little scared.

Look at the vein-like things coming out of Ding Zheng's body.

Linked to the heads of everyone around.

Its first thought was to escape.

But in the end there was no way to escape.

He was directly hit on the head by the ape soul.

Immediately, he felt a huge thought rush into his consciousness.

It's like an evil dragon is about to devour itself.

However, he was immediately frightened and fainted.

The link to the Ape Soul didn't last long.

Soon, the red light disappeared, and everyone in Star Village opened their eyes and woke up.

Their eyes were emitting red light, and they could clearly feel a turbulent energy that was different from their internal strength remaining in their heads.

Moreover, there is a vague connection with Ding Zheng standing in front of the throne.

Ding Zheng glanced at Hank and told Jack: "Carry him back and he will wake up later."

Fortunately, this person passed out immediately, otherwise he would probably become an idiot if he resisted.

Dragon Soul's resentment and violence were only suppressed by Ding Zheng, rather than eliminated.

"It's called the Ape Soul Armor. Get familiar with it. Tomorrow, those who are capable of fighting will follow me to Central Lake."

"is God!"

Wait until Ding Zheng leaves.

The people of Star Village, including Jack, just started to try to feel the changes in their bodies.

Soon, the star stone was the first to activate the ape soul armor.

A blood-red light instantly enveloped its entire body, forming a thin shadow of the orangutan.

It's exactly what Ding Zheng looks like.

And on the left side of the chest on the phantom of the orangutan, there is a ferocious dragon circling!

"This is the power of God!"

Xingshi immediately said excitedly.

It looked at Jack next to it: "Uncle Jack, give me a knife!"

Jack also squinted his eyes and looked at the shadow carefully, and then pulled out the skull lizard bone knife used to deal with prey.

Cut it down hard with the back of the knife!


A soft sound.

The bone knife is blocked.

"Use the blade and add internal strength!"

Xingshi said again, his eyes full of light.

Jack nodded.

Keep trying.

Although the ape soul armor had no effect in Ding Zheng's battle with the skeleton lizard.

But the huge force that can support the entire Ding Zheng from the ground cannot be used in the face of the people of Xingcun and ordinary beasts.

Still has quite a strong defense.

It doesn't take up any space and can be activated at any time.

It can also impact the enemy's soul consciousness while attacking.

It is of great help to the strength and safety of the people in Xingcun.

more importantly.

This armor can also swallow the souls of killed beings.

It was passed on to the main soul of Ding Zheng.

Ding Zheng can also control the life of the person invaded by the ape soul, once the other party makes any bad move.

Just let go of the suppression of that group of divided souls.

Unless your will is extremely determined, you may be turned into an idiot by the overwhelming resentment.

People who have second thoughts about Ding Zheng may not survive the inheritance at the beginning.

For Ding Zheng.

It can be said to be an extremely powerful and worry-free ability.

the next day.

Ding Zheng comforted King Kong and let him recover from his injuries.

Then, he took a total of 2,000 soldiers from Xingcun to Central Lake.

Just from a distance, Ding Zheng could see that the Central Lake had been surrounded by water.

Leopard, wild boar, dire wolf, terror bird, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Velociraptor...

All kinds of amazing animals are around the lake.

There are also pterosaurs and birds hovering over the center of the lake.

But no fighting took place.

They are all waiting for the blood orchids to bloom.

Once the flowers bloom, the real bloody battle will occur.

Those who survived to the end should have eaten enough blood orchids.

You will naturally get more benefits.

But as Jack said, these animals will eventually become the skeleton lizard's meal.

Make a wedding dress for those brainless reptiles.

Although the blood orchid has amazing effects, it still cannot change the life essence of these animals.

No matter how huge they become.

They are no match for beings whose life levels are higher than theirs.

Ding Zheng's eyes moved towards the lake.

Pythons are hugging each other.

Tangled together across the entire lake.

The lake is very deep.

Occasionally, a few thick snake bodies will emerge.

And those snake bodies with exposed heads are almost thicker than Ding Zheng's entire body.

Ding Zheng made a hasty calculation.

In that lake.

There are probably a few that even reach 70 meters in length, real giant pythons!

Ding Zheng remembers it very clearly, from the movie "Anaconda 2".

These pythons are also in bloom when blood orchids bloom.

They will mate and give birth as they do now.

In the lake, by the lake.

There are huge beasts everywhere.

The number is probably over a hundred, close to two hundred.

The entire area around the lake was like a bomb counting down.

Once the countdown ends, the bomb will explode.

And this place.

It will definitely become a Shura field filled with mountains of corpses and seas of blood!

Although the blood orchids are not mature yet.

But they are all the lucky ones who have been affected by the blood orchid.

Even if only one tenth of these animals escape.

Then it is eaten by a skeleton lizard.

It will also cause great trouble to Ding Zheng and King Kong.

The more people escape, the more trouble they cause.

So, the best solution.

Just get rid of all these animals before the blood orchid matures.

Either trap or kill.

Then, control the entire central lake.

Keep all blood orchids firmly in your hands.

In this way, the stability of Skull Island can be maintained to the greatest extent.

This allows Ding Zheng to spend the next two years on welcoming the upcoming US military and imperial organizations.

This is also the reason why Ding Zheng chose to come here on the eve of the flowers blooming.

Only in this way can all the animals on Skull Island that have eaten blood orchids be gathered here as much as possible.

"Spread out, don't let any one escape."


Ding Zheng gave the order.

Xingshi, Jack and others immediately rode dire wolves towards the central lake.

Ding Zheng, on the other hand, rushed directly towards those animals.

Blood-red light rises from the body!

This chapter has been completed!
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